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I do not understand the next ....

I have both the 1.39 and 1.40 version from @meru_golang   


The last shows 1409 songs available. When I put the extra option files in the 1.39 version I also get 1409 songs.

However: when I get a 'clean' package from another source (which is nearly identical to 1.39 version from here), put the extra option files in, I 'only' get 1249 songs.

What did I miss?




to ontroller users;

While searching for a way to properly connect, I found the following link.


All you need to do is overwrite the mu3hook.dll file into your game folder, and switch your ontroller to WINUSB mode.

In my case, this wasn't connecting properly, so I ran the game with the ontroller unplugged, plugged it back in after the game was fully running, and it works perfectly fine. 
LED works perfectly as well, except for the side buttons (if you want to get the LED on the side buttons to work as well, see the link).

I hope this helps other ontroller users.

mu3hook.dllRecherche des informations…


Bonjours Ă  tous 

j ai une question    j ai la version 1.40 AD de ongeki bright memories et j ai 1016 songs  

comment avoir les 1400 et quelques song ?

merci d avance de vos reponses

  Le 23/01/2024 Ă  18:00, mike-T a dit :

Bonjours Ă  tous 

j ai une question    j ai la version 1.40 AD de ongeki bright memories et j ai 1016 songs  

comment avoir les 1400 et quelques song ?

merci d avance de vos reponses


Assembly-CSharp.dllRecherche des informations…


I run the 1.39AD with all these options (also unlocked all the songs) but with the assembly-csharp.dll from the 'standard' segatools package I 'only' get around 1200 songs.

Replacing it with an older Assembly-csharp.dll in the /mu3_data/managed folder I get around 1400 songs. 

This old dll will also create data_cache.bin and data_fumen_analysis_cache.bin which makes the game start faster after the first time (when it creates these files)

Hope this will help you...




Posté(e) (modifié)

Anyone know how to get more gacha cards if you're using ARTEMIS or the 3.40 fullpack? I know there's a Card Maker, but the teknoparrot link died and the main site doesn't have the download I see. And yes, I know someone posted on how to get it using Aqua, but with Artemis it's different.


EDIT: Also tried to do insert/update on the gacha card table and it broke the whole game...specifically, if I did an insert to aime.ongeki_user_card, game crashes when I try to get GP after swiping. 

Modifié par frosteeze
  Le 27/01/2024 Ă  20:42, frosteeze a dit :

Anyone know how to get more gacha cards if you're using ARTEMIS or the 3.40 fullpack? I know there's a Card Maker, but the teknoparrot link died and the main site doesn't have the download I see. And yes, I know someone posted on how to get it using Aqua, but with Artemis it's different.


EDIT: Also tried to do insert/update on the gacha card table and it broke the whole game...specifically, if I did an insert to aime.ongeki_user_card, game crashes when I try to get GP after swiping. 



you mean how to get gacha cards for yourself to use in the game? or get them so you can pull them in card maker?


to give yourself any card using artemis:

you just gotta connect to your db and update it, you were on the right track with updating ongeki_user_card, if you are crashing you probably inserted a value the game wasnt expecting, I would recommend just copy and paste an existing row you have, you should only need to change "cardId" and "skillId" per card, dont forget to save the updated db and close your connection to it before starting the game.


here is a row I have in my db that I manually added, works in game.



  Le 28/01/2024 Ă  00:18, mmm7 a dit :


you mean how to get gacha cards for yourself to use in the game? or get them so you can pull them in card maker?


to give yourself any card using artemis:

you just gotta connect to your db and update it, you were on the right track with updating ongeki_user_card, if you are crashing you probably inserted a value the game wasnt expecting, I would recommend just copy and paste an existing row you have, you should only need to change "cardId" and "skillId" per card, dont forget to save the updated db and close your connection to it before starting the game.


here is a row I have in my db that I manually added, works in game.





That worked, thanks! Gonna paste the code I used to get all the SSR chars from the Ongeki game itself, sans event characters:


insert into aime.ongeki_user_card 
(user, cardId, digitalStock, analogStock, level, maxLevel, exp, printCount, useCount, isNew, kaikaDate, choKaikaDate, skillId, isAcquired, created)
select 2, osc.cardId, 5, 0, 1, 70, 0, 1, 1, 0, '2024-01-27 16:03:48.7', '2024-01-27 16:03:48.7', osc.skillId, 1, NOW()
FROM aime.ongeki_static_cards osc where name like '%SSR%' and school = '奏坂学園';



Anyone know why certain events doesn't give points for the reward? Like priconne one as an example gives 0 points when you play a song. The event is still technically running. 


  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 25/01/2024 Ă  19:15, laflegge a dit :

Assembly-CSharp.dll 4.74 MB Â· 47 downloads


I run the 1.39AD with all these options (also unlocked all the songs) but with the assembly-csharp.dll from the 'standard' segatools package I 'only' get around 1200 songs.

Replacing it with an older Assembly-csharp.dll in the /mu3_data/managed folder I get around 1400 songs. 

This old dll will also create data_cache.bin and data_fumen_analysis_cache.bin which makes the game start faster after the first time (when it creates these files)

Hope this will help you...





I am at loss.... I am 100% absolutely sure I had around 1400 songs in ongeki 1.39 (with option files from supposed fake 1.40 version).. Today it is less then 1100 and I have not changed anything (as far as I know) 

  Le 03/02/2024 Ă  05:12, frosteeze a dit :

Anyone know why certain events doesn't give points for the reward? Like priconne one as an example gives 0 points when you play a song. The event is still technically running. 



These 0 pt events are expired events i believe, and some event are active events that gives points

  Le 11/02/2024 Ă  14:15, coaice a dit :

These 0 pt events are expired events i believe, and some event are active events that gives points


According to the DB they are within the start and end date. They are also the same event type as the Heaven Burns Red one, which does give out event point rewards.



This is weird.

  Le 25/01/2024 Ă  19:15, laflegge a dit :

Assembly-CSharp.dll 4.74 Mo Â· 56 tĂ©lĂ©chargements


I run the 1.39AD with all these options (also unlocked all the songs) but with the assembly-csharp.dll from the 'standard' segatools package I 'only' get around 1200 songs.

Replacing it with an older Assembly-csharp.dll in the /mu3_data/managed folder I get around 1400 songs. 

This old dll will also create data_cache.bin and data_fumen_analysis_cache.bin which makes the game start faster after the first time (when it creates these files)

Hope this will help you...







Can you please upload files A078 through A082?

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 22/02/2024 Ă  10:37, JohnTan a dit :

Casual dating at its finest – join the leading platform for relaxed and fun encounters!
Actual Women Prime Сasual Dating
Finest Сasual Dating


Why are you posting questionable links

this shit looks like malware

idk if there's a hacking spree around this fourm

Modifié par TheKitBoi

Because I can't go back to Japan yet. I repurposed my unused pc into a O.N.G.E.K.I machine and about to build the nageki controller with SVDX buttons. 

Got O.N.G.E.K.I Bright Memory running the first time

Got Aqua Running (with hiccups) but can access the aqua web UI

ALLNET Auth = BAD as always even when I booted Aqua first 

Checked if everything is good and working, yes they were.

Aime: Should I just use a random number or use my "existing" aime card (I have the white one)


OS: Windows 11 if that's an issue


Also How do I add more credits without Closing my game every time?

What did I do wrong here? can someone tell me if they have the same issue.



  Le 29/02/2024 Ă  05:44, Shigahara a dit :

Because I can't go back to Japan yet. I repurposed my unused pc into a O.N.G.E.K.I machine and about to build the nageki controller with SVDX buttons. 

Got O.N.G.E.K.I Bright Memory running the first time

Got Aqua Running (with hiccups) but can access the aqua web UI

ALLNET Auth = BAD as always even when I booted Aqua first 

Checked if everything is good and working, yes they were.

Aime: Should I just use a random number or use my "existing" aime card (I have the white one)


OS: Windows 11 if that's an issue


Also How do I add more credits without Closing my game every time?

What did I do wrong here? can someone tell me if they have the same issue.




I havent used Aqua in a long time for ONGEKI so cant help you much there, I would just say check all your IPs are correct in both ongeki and aqua. if all else fails switch to Artemis.

as for the AIME card number, it doesnt matter, just enter random 20 numbers. 

there are ways to have unlimited "points" in the game I think, but I just add more coins every time i run out, it should ask you if you want to continue when your points reach 0. if not, there might be a cab setting you need to change.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 29/02/2024 Ă  23:27, mmm7 a dit :


I haven't used Aqua in a long time for ONGEKI so can't help you much there, I would just say check all your IPs are correct in both ongeki and aqua. if all else fails switch to Artemis.

as for the AIME card number, it doesn't matter, just enter random 20 numbers. 

there are ways to have unlimited "points" in the game I think, but I just add more coins every time i run out, it should ask you if you want to continue when your points reach 0. if not, there might be a cab setting you need to change.


I do have issues with Artemis, can you please tell what Did i do wrong. I followed the readme and configured the IPs just like the segatools have. Thanks~


Edit 1: I also enabled freeplay now I technically have "Unlimited" credits and GP


Modifié par Shigahara
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 01/03/2024 Ă  03:10, Shigahara a dit :

I do have issues with Artemis, can you please tell what Did i do wrong. I followed the readme and configured the IPs just like the segatools have. Thanks~


Edit 1: I also enabled freeplay now I technically have "Unlimited" credits and GP



never used artemis-portable before, I have the regular version installed.

looking thru the docs on artemis-portable, did you build the project? the instructions at the bottom of the README

Modifié par mmm7
  Le 01/03/2024 Ă  17:47, mmm7 a dit :


never used artemis-portable before, I have the regular version installed.

looking thru the docs on artemis-portable, did you build the project? the instructions at the bottom of the README


Oh do I need to build it myself, I do apologize if i a asking a lot of question. How do I build it Exactly?

  Le 02/03/2024 Ă  02:49, Shigahara a dit :

Oh do I need to build it myself, I do apologize if i a asking a lot of question. How do I build it Exactly?



open a command prompt, change directory to artemis-portable folder, then run the command at the bottom of that readme on that site.

  Le 02/03/2024 Ă  02:49, Shigahara a dit :

Oh do I need to build it myself, I do apologize if i a asking a lot of question. How do I build it Exactly?



There is also an artemis.txt that you need to follow on a folder in a higher level than the one in your screenshot. 


im on 1.39 and running on aqua local server. how do i update without loosing my save? do i just replace the options folder?

found these files somewhere, do anyone know how to use these? or are these even useful?


Posté(e) (modifié)

I've tried three different installs and can't seem to get Ongeki to even start booting.

The 1.39 pack launches a CMD window and a game window, but the game window is black and the CMD window just has a flashing cursor.

The 1.40 pack doesn't even get a game window and just gives me the error "mu3hook.dll: DLL failed to load inside target process" before terminating in CMD.

I also combined the packages for 1.35-1.39 from the Pixeldrain archive and followed the SEGAguide, but that gave me the same error as the 1.40 pack.


Update: Using the mu3hook.dll for the ontroller allows it to get further, but breaks since I don't actually have an ontroller


Update 2:

After hours of troubleshooting, I've finally made progress.

Getting the game to start booting and get past the black screen required installing a vcredist AIO from

Getting past the game initializing prompt required installing DirectX End-User runtimes from

I now have some networking errors to work out, but the game did boot to the title screen.

Modifié par Us3rnam3
  • 4 mois après...

does anyone know how to get out of this black screen? I changed the line under the allnet_accounting to false in config_common.json, but it doesn't want to move out of the screen. Help plsss 

Screenshot 2024-08-01 011236.png

  • 2 semaines après...
  • 3 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hey, reaching out for some help if anyone can offer it.

I've not had a huge amount of luck with the 1.40 distro used here, mostly because it fails to connect to allnet, but that's not particularly important.

I have the 1.39 distro offered here working, but I have two issues, which I suspect may be related.

What I believe to be the song counter, the fraction midway down the left side of the screen, only reads 1000; 1002 after adding in the options folder of the 1.40 distro. So it appears I'm only getting 1000 songs showing up.

The second problem, which I suspect might be related, is the date. The date is displayed as being in 2098, well past the 2037 expiration date I think I saw in some files.


TL;DR: For the 1.39 distro, using aqua, how do I change the date? I suspect this will fix my issues, but I can't seem to find where to do this. Thank you in advance!

Modifié par chibikami

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