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Clients – Global VR – Nytric Ltd.

Here are several Vortek V3 arcade dumps that I managed to extract from an ISO file, some run with/without controls, and some crash.

This was a VR arcade system made by Global VR, and one of the first arcade games they ever made. Sadly you will not be able to play this with an actual headset (yet?)

Credit to Hunteazd2021 for the original Beach Head dumps

Some of these games are already on Emuline (the Beach Head games, but the ones on this page I fixed because some were broken) but I managed to find several more. Here are the available games and their status, as well as download links:


Beach Head 2000



STATUS: Working with Controls

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvTktVaFZJNUIjSkxxQk9CRmFSSkhzNUFvZzQyR3FvNlF4N3Vfa1Zja08zT19Ua3hKZjNfNA==

Run Beach16.exe


Beach Head 2002


STATUS: Working with Controls


Run BH2.exe in Orion/bh2002/


Beach Head 2003: Desert War


STATUS: Working with Controls

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvVkg5VERMeEEjY2h5MHBadWdaeWQzSkYxalQyYmpib0RLb2NCX05XRjk5MWhtTTNxOEFIVQ==

Run desertwar.exe



Incoming Download | GameFabrique

STATUS: Crashes on Boot

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvdFQxQmtCcUsjVVFrNGFaRkFvSHRybmExQjh0YXJVLWdCTmJJQUVVNmhsUUVTaTdpeXNwVQ==

Run incomrel.exe inside incoming folder



Desert Gunner

Desert Gunner


STATUS: Works with Controls

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZ1hWUkNDQksjTU1jQVBzYVJXajkxeDNuUndpdlVqaExCVVdtOWRzckxFMmItUWxOZ1lBTQ==

Run arcadeparams.bat NOT desertgunner.exe!


Heavy Gear II (credit to Hunteazd2021 for sending this to me)




STATUS: Works without Controls (Mouse somewhat works)

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQnZ0QlhZYUQjcUtOV19JSExzQVp3TmVQYnE5RkZEaGhSOWJPdTdjTnhnSTNXZ3ZXWjRudw==

Put Orion folder in the root of your C Drive and run hgx.exe



Invasion Earth

Invasion Earth

STATUS: Works without Controls, Can't Close Game (try using Task Manager or Command Prompt if you have a second monitor)

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvOGE4aXdBaEQjN1RwbmxnbXFTaklxVVFCa1RpRklIaE9jUmRKZnFXTnBnaEF6MmJ0R3RVdw==

Run Invasion.exe


Operation Blockade

Operation Blockade

STATUS: Works without Controls


Run StartGame.bat in opblock folder


Sky Bandits

Sky Bandits

STATUS: Works Without Controls


Run FOGViewer.exe


The links are encrypted with base64, use to decode the links.

Currently most of the games don't have controls and one doesn't boot at all. If anyone would like to make a fixed version of these with control support as well as fix Incoming so it boots I will update this page with the fixed version.

Beach Head 2000, Beach Head 2002, and Beach Head: Desert War were all posted to Emuline by Hunteazd2021, I just updated his versions by adding the missing Global VR DLLs which fixed Beach Head 2002 and Desert War not booting at all.

There are a bunch of other Vortek games, these are all the Vortek V3 ones. Currently, the only Vortek V1/V2 games we have are SiN, (which is available to play with TeknoParrot), and Heavy Gear Extreme (completely unplayable and does not boot)

Please mirror these as much as possible!






Beach Head serie's
Sky Bandits =
Desert Gunner =
Invasion Earth =
Operation Blockade =

Modifié par witherzombie222

@witherzombie222 - do you have the original Global VR Discs / ISOs? I have an original Vortek V3 machine and would love it if I could acquire these and see what assistance I can provide from real hardware.

  • 1 mois après...
On 7/13/2023 at 7:48 AM, mx5xm said:

@witherzombie222 - do you have the original Global VR Discs / ISOs? I have an original Vortek V3 machine and would love it if I could acquire these and see what assistance I can provide from real hardware.

They are available from Global VR

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 7/16/2023 at 4:16 AM, Guisado88 said:

Does anyone have the mouse fire button working? mouse move good but dont gun :S

controls are broken atm for some of the games

Sure, here you go (links are encrypted, use base64decode)


Incoming ISO:



Vortex Install Discs (3 of them, packed with all the games above):


Modifié par witherzombie222
  • 1 an après...

reupload please


witherzombie222 post has working links...I just tried them all work....4 posts up....

Posté(e) (modifié)


How do I interpret those links - they are guids... I tried pasting into mega and said invalid
NM - need to read better.. base64 encrypted

does anyone have working versions of the following games - given the links to each are down in mega

invasion earth
heavy gear II
desert gunner
beach head desert war
beach head 2000
beach head 2002

Modifié par JimmyZ
  • 2 mois après...
  • 4 semaines après...

Hi, I don't know if there'll be much interest... First of all, many thanks to witherzombie222 for the dumps he contributed. The sad thing is that, until someone fixes them, they have many bugs. In the case of Beach Head 2002, you can't die. Once you run out of energy, nothing happens. You also can't insert coins, etc. Since I wanted the game for my arcade cab, I took the PC version, which is practically identical, added a few things from the arcade version, and wrote some scripts in AHK: I added some basic intro screens, with the music from the PC version, a coin-insertion mechanism, a start button, etc. In no way will it be the same as the original arcade version (I've never seen it), but at least it's good enough for my purposes. As I said, if there's interest from more people, I can upload it. Let me know.


Ok. This one is specially for user "arcaders" that requested it. For this to work you need to have AHK versions 1.1 and 2.0 installed (Search in google).


Upon start You have a simple attract mode consisting in changing images from the Arcade and PC Game, Music (converted) from the PC Game.

If no credit's are inserted, you see the 'Insert Coin(s)' text. Once there's at least 1 credit, the text changes to 'Press start', and the credit counter on the lower counter adds 1.

You can even insert credits in mid game, it will be added to the counter. The counter resets when quitting game.


How to use:


1. Install AHK versions 1.1 and 2.0 if you don't have already (Most members of Emuline should already have it 🙂)

2. Unzip the archive Beach Head

3. Inside the folder "Beach Head 2002\BH2Game" install the "STENCIL.TTF" font, double clicking on it, if you don't already have it. Or copy the 2 archives "Insertcoins.exe" and "Pressstart.exe" to the main folder if you don't want to install the Font, but the game will display with the font "Arial Black".

4. Inside the folder "Beach Head 2002\BH2Game", start the archive "Loader.exe", that's it.

Alternatively use the "Loader.ahk" instead if you plan to modify it to your taste (Change resolution, mouse speed etc..

P.s: even if the script is set to hide the desktop and taskbar, there's a little gap in place of the taskbar when changing from attract to gameplay. It's only noticeable for one second. If you want to get rid of this, you have to set your taskbar to "autohide"


The controls (unless you change them) are:


5 and 6 : Insert coin(s)

1 : Start

G : to change to pistol

Space : Change between cannon and machine gun

Escape : Quit game

Mouse : Move crosshair and shoot


You still can use the PC Loader "BH2002 ( Click here ).exe" in the "Beach Head 2002" folder to change some settings (Main game resolution, controls etc.) if you want.


The relevant script files are: Loader.exe: The main loader

                                              hidecursor.exe: As it's name says...

                                              Insertcoins.exe: Insert coin message routine

                                              Pressstart.exe: Press start message routine

                                              Music.exe: Music play routine

                                              Sideshow.exe: Attract mode routine

                                             Textrender.ahk: Extra script to display text. Credits and thanks to: Edison Hua for this one (The autor).

                                              KillProcess.exe:  Well.... for killing processes 😅

                                             Qres.exe: Resolution changer


I added the uncompiled AHK archives, so you can see how things work and modify/use it for your own projects or if someone wants to improve my work, you have my blessings (Only request, if you use it for a public project, or modify the existing files, don't forget to credit me too, thanks).

I tried to explain as good as possible the functions inside the scripts. Read the text after ;



Keep in mind: It's not perfect! If there are any bugs just report them to me please. It's sort of an Arcade version but it's NOT The Arcade version (I never saw the original cabinet). The resolution is set to 640x480 and after closing it wil be set to 1920x1080 ! You want to change at least the last one to your desktop resolution inside the "Loader.ahk" script, i.e.: run, QRes.exe /x:1920 /y:1080 /r:60

Keep in mind that if you change the game's original resolution however (640x480), you have to change the text position too inside the scripts.




Btw: I don't know how long the link will last, so if you can put some more mirrors. Thanks

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