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[request] Otomedius 2008


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  • 5 mois après...
On 6/4/2023 at 6:02 PM, vholf said:

Hello, I'm working with a dump of Otomedius 2008 that works with GLARH. All links here and elsewere are down.




Might be worth trying the public torrent sites as a last resort, great game but have not seen it in ages

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  • 3 mois après...
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depending on yours will be how you set controls,but both need a combo of pad ini in gameloader and, For Otomedius 2007  edit "GGG.o9tuff.config".

For Otomedius 2008

edit "key.config".

When using Game Loader, you can use keyboard emulation of Pad.ini.,

Modifié par joe555
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21 hours ago, nosoucy62 said:

the game must be on drive F ?

No, you can just connect a memory stick as F: drive and works


On 3/4/2024 at 4:52 PM, joe555 said:

depending on yours will be how you set controls,but both need a combo of pad ini in gameloader and, For Otomedius 2007  edit "GGG.o9tuff.config".

For Otomedius 2008

edit "key.config".

When using Game Loader, you can use keyboard emulation of Pad.ini.,

Thanks, I have read this before but I have tried many times but I don't understand the file itself

If you can share your config files, or make a short tutorial, would be helpful.

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No, you can just connect a memory stick as F: drive and works


ok....if i have 3HDD interne with letter C E AND F it's not possible to rename my USB memory stick in lettre F......

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2 hours ago, nanometrovovo2 said:

No, you can just connect a memory stick as F: drive and works


Thanks, I have read this before but I have tried many times but I don't understand the file itself

If you can share your config files, or make a short tutorial, would be helpful.

As you can see it's different depending on what version of the game your using, also mouse and controller are used, mouse at beginning for selection than controller for game play, it's been far to long since I've setup and got going to give a tutorial or remember how, and haven't played it in a long while, I also not for sure but want to say only works with d input if remember correctly 

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hi !

on my PC i have one hdd with letter F with full games.......

if a usb key is obligatory with the letter F then too bad I don't want to play with this game.
unless there is another solution
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