nosoucy62 Posté(e) le 18 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 18 mai 2023 salut Angonlefou ! effectivement cela fonctionne maintenant que j'ai mis les 2 fichiers en mode administrateur merci!!! reste juste le probléme de l'image en doublons que je n'arrive pas à régler avec usbmidd...... il n'y a pas d'autres solutions que ce logiciel? merci pour tout ce que tu fais vraiment edit : bon alors c'est bizarre...... aprés différents tests dont avec le logiciel usbmmidd (que je n'utilise plus finalement) je n'ai plus de problème d'écran dédoublé.....MAIS.... le jeu plante aprés lancement et selection du player....... je reviens sur win et ton input ....... pourtant je ne vois pas ce que j'ai fais pour l'image car j'ai désinstallé usbmmidd..... pour info j'utilise dgvoodoo comme noté dans tes messages. tu es pas loin de le faire fonctionner ce jeu...ou alors c'est moi qui "bug" ?
nanometrovovo2 Posté(e) le 19 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 19 mai 2023 Le 17/05/2023 à 10:47, argonlefou a dit : Thanks for the script 🤙 Here's an updated version of the Input program, I added COIN button, and few other (see readme) There is still some aiming offset if the game is displayed 4/3 on a 16/9 screen. Behavior changes according to the computers I tested it on...sometimes I was able to upscale graphics with 4/3, sometimes it stays in fullscreen 16/9 I'll add the game to demulshooter with input/outputs in the upcomming days 1.16 MB · 101 downloads There is the same thing for Gundam SoZ on TTX, one exe has dual screen side by side on the same window. But can people be so impatient to know how to be able to play side-by-side cooperative mode when the game does barely start on it's own.... Développer Same thing here, sometimes starts in 4:3 and sometimes 16:9. When starts in 4:3 the intro video is in black in my case but the game works correclty. Perfectly playable, thanks a lot for the instructions and for your awesome work. Media for Hyperspin here:
Mike669 Posté(e) le 19 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 19 mai 2023 Le 19/05/2023 à 16:04, nanometrovovo2 a dit : in my case but the game works correclty. Développer Which game files you used only of partition one? thank you 1
nanometrovovo2 Posté(e) le 20 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 20 mai 2023 Le 19/05/2023 à 16:12, Mike669 a dit : Which game files you used only of partition one? thank you Développer Yes, I only used the first link, the first partition. 1
YoBoys Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 No matter what partition I use I am able to start the game but once I choose the level/partner and it starts to load I crash back to windows? Running patch and input tool as admin. Any idea?
RetrnArcGamer35 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 (modifié) Le 21/05/2023 à 13:55, YoBoys a dit : No matter what partition I use I am able to start the game but once I choose the level/partner and it starts to load I crash back to windows? Running patch and input tool as admin. Any idea? Développer are u using dual screen? i believe it requires it or emulation of the dual monitors i was able to play this about 4 times fully without issues other then having to tab to the main game each time but it should be working also some were able to use a software dgVoodoo it helps with the resolution and what not. Modifié le 21 mai 2023 par RetrnArcGamer35
YoBoys Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Le 21/05/2023 à 14:21, RetrnArcGamer35 a dit : are u using dual screen? i believe it requires it or emulation of the dual monitors i was able to play this about 4 times fully without issues other then having to tab to the main game each time but it should be working also some were able to use a software dgVoodoo it helps with the resolution and what not. Développer Thanks...will need to make adjustments
YoBoys Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Le 15/05/2023 à 15:23, argonlefou a dit : Alright so I managed to get the game in a playable state like this (using the already available patched binary) : 1) Create the virtual screen with usbmmidd 2) Using DgVoodoo (I copied both D3D8.dll and D3D9.dll from x86 folder) with this settings : "Disable Alt-Enter" check box must be checked on my computer, else I got a flickering P1+P2 display on the window 3) Run the input tool and the game_patched.exe 4) Alt-tab or Window key to loose game focus, than put it back on screen : I got a full screen 4/3 display with tha ability to shoot everywhere on screen. Reload is when mouse get to the right side of the screen Not good enough to be easily set as "Finished and working" lol, but enough for people to work on a solution, and for me to work on inputs Développer OK this works for me except when I put the game back on the screen it sits in the right upper corner. Any ideas?
RetrnArcGamer35 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 (modifié) Le 21/05/2023 à 17:20, YoBoys a dit : OK this works for me except when I put the game back on the screen it sits in the right upper corner. Any ideas? Développer dgvoodoo and 2nd monitor and changing the resolution to match ur windows. when testing i experience the same issue because its still wip it requires u to change the resolution that is compatible with the game. u might be able to use "dual monitor tools" to lock the cursor on a screen if it works with the program for the time being. my resolution was 1440x1080 Modifié le 21 mai 2023 par RetrnArcGamer35
YoBoys Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2023 Le 21/05/2023 à 20:33, RetrnArcGamer35 a dit : dgvoodoo and 2nd monitor and changing the resolution to match ur windows. when testing i experience the same issue because its still wip it requires u to change the resolution that is compatible with the game. u might be able to use "dual monitor tools" to lock the cursor on a screen if it works with the program for the time being. my resolution was 1440x1080 Développer Thanks I've tried on multiple PC's and the same result. I'll wait it out.
Gtguy Posté(e) le 6 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 6 juin 2023 Le 15/05/2023 à 15:23, argonlefou a dit : Alright so I managed to get the game in a playable state like this (using the already available patched binary) : "Disable Alt-Enter" check box must be checked on my computer, else I got a flickering P1+P2 display on the window 3) Run the input tool and the game_patched.exe 4) Alt-tab or Window key to loose game focus, than put it back on screen : I got a full screen 4/3 display with tha ability to shoot everywhere on screen. Reload is when mouse get to the right side of the screen Not good enough to be easily set as "Finished and working" lol, but enough for people to work on a solution, and for me to work on inputs Développer Thanks argonlefou for the best tips in getting this game to work! This game is old (2004) but really fast-paced and fun and first time I am playing it. Surprisingly, my Sinden Lightgun alignment is spot on without having to adjust in test menu, despite changing the game resolution to HD (1440x1080 for 4:3) with dgVoodoo2. Sound bugs out every once in a while.
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 6 juin 2023 Team Posté(e) le 6 juin 2023 Le 06/06/2023 à 16:20, Gtguy a dit : Thanks argonlefou for the best tips in getting this game to work! This game is old (2004) but really fast-paced and fun and first time I am playing it. Surprisingly, my Sinden Lightgun alignment is spot on without having to adjust in test menu, despite changing the game resolution to HD (1440x1080 for 4:3) with dgVoodoo2. Sound bugs out every once in a while. Développer There is no sound bugs anymore with Alchemy stuff 2
YoBoys Posté(e) le 6 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 6 juin 2023 Does 2 player work on 1 screen with Demulshooter?
argonlefou Posté(e) le 7 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 7 juin 2023 Le 06/06/2023 à 21:56, YoBoys a dit : Does 2 player work on 1 screen with Demulshooter? Développer As long as there is no patch to run the game with both player side by side ( like gundam ) : there is no way to have 2 players on 1 screen 1
twocool4life86 Posté(e) le 10 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 10 juin 2023 Could someone upload a repacked working version of this with all the fixes? 2
compnwl Posté(e) le 11 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 11 juin 2023 Don't work for me. if i run the game only with only game_patcher + dgvoodoo = boots fine, graphics loads fine and with high resolution, but controls don't work. if i run the game after Input Tool + game_patcher + dgvoodoo = boots fine, controls working, graphics get broken and the game crash after mission select.
zerosero04 Posté(e) le 11 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 11 juin 2023 Le 11/06/2023 à 21:19, compnwl a dit : Don't work for me. if i run the game only with only game_patcher + dgvoodoo = boots fine, graphics loads fine and with high resolution, but controls don't work. if i run the game after Input Tool + game_patcher + dgvoodoo = boots fine, controls working, graphics get broken and the game crash after mission select. Développer You converted the AHK file into EXE in the first option you made, then you have to place it as administrator for the controls to work for you
compnwl Posté(e) le 12 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 12 juin 2023 Le 11/06/2023 à 23:47, zerosero04 a dit : You converted the AHK file into EXE in the first option you made, then you have to place it as administrator for the controls to work for you Développer The files available in this topic has the files already converted, and yes i run then as admin too.
zerosero04 PostĂ©(e) le 12 juin 2023 PostĂ©(e) le 12 juin 2023 Le 12/06/2023 Ă 00:09, compnwl a dit : Los archivos disponibles en este tema ya tienen los archivos convertidos, y sĂ, tambiĂ©n los ejecuto como administrador. DĂ©velopper ;Cambiar a las rutas dĂłnde tengáis el Lethal Enforcers y el usbmmidd_V2 usbmmidd_path = G:\Emulation\ROMS\LightGun Arcade PC\Lethal Enforcers 3\usbmmidd_v2\ le3_path = G:\Emulation\ROMS\LightGun Arcade PC\Lethal Enforcers 3\ ;Cambiar segĂşn se use Demulshooter o LethalEnforcer3_Inputs ;run, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe Run, G:\Attract Mode\Utilities\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe -target=konami -rom=le3 SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path% run, deviceinstaller64.exe install usbmmidd.inf usbmmidd,,hide Sleep, 1000 run, deviceinstaller64.exe enableidd 1,,hide SetWorkingDir, %le3_path% Run, game_patched.exe winWait, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winMinimizeAll winMinimize, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winHide, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winHide, ahk_exe LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe Sleep, 1000 WinShow, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winMaximize, ahk_exe game_patched.exe WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winActivate, ahk_exe game_patched.exe Esc:: Process,Close,game_patched.exe Run,taskkill /im "game_patched.exe" /F ;Process,Close, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe ;Run,taskkill /im LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe /F SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path% run, deviceinstaller64.exe enableidd 0,,hide Sleep, 1000 run, deviceinstaller64.exe stop usbmmidd,, hide Sleep, 1000 run, deviceinstaller64.exe remove usbmmidd,, hide ExitApp Just change your routes 3
zerosero04 Posté(e) le 12 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 12 juin 2023 (modifié) Le 12/06/2023 à 00:22, zerosero04 a dit : ;Cambiar a las rutas dónde tengáis el Lethal Enforcers y el usbmmidd_V2 usbmmidd_path = G:\Emulation\ROMS\LightGun Arcade PC\Lethal Enforcers 3\usbmmidd_v2\ le3_path = G:\Emulation\ROMS\LightGun Arcade PC\Lethal Enforcers 3\ ;Cambiar según se use Demulshooter o LethalEnforcer3_Inputs ;run, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe Run, G:\Attract Mode\Utilities\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe -target=konami -rom=le3 SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path% run, deviceinstaller64.exe install usbmmidd.inf usbmmidd,,hide Sleep, 1000 run, deviceinstaller64.exe enableidd 1,,hide SetWorkingDir, %le3_path% Run, game_patched.exe winWait, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winMinimizeAll winMinimize, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winHide, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winHide, ahk_exe LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe Sleep, 1000 WinShow, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winMaximize, ahk_exe game_patched.exe WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_exe game_patched.exe winActivate, ahk_exe game_patched.exe Esc:: Process,Close,game_patched.exe Run,taskkill /im "game_patched.exe" /F ;Process,Close, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe ;Run,taskkill /im LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe /F SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path% run, deviceinstaller64.exe enableidd 0,,hide Sleep, 1000 run, deviceinstaller64.exe stop usbmmidd,, hide Sleep, 1000 run, deviceinstaller64.exe remove usbmmidd,, hide ExitApp Just change your routes Développer This modified AHK belongs to SatanicaInc. Modifié le 12 juin 2023 par zerosero04
Streetwise Posté(e) le 12 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 12 juin 2023 (modifié) Followed the entire post, but once I select a stage, the program crashes. what am I still missing. I’m running windows 11. Modifié le 12 juin 2023 par Streetwise
onslaughtieu Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Le 09/05/2023 à 01:00, Newbreed38 a dit : Teknoparrot ainda não suporta este jogo Développer this wek yes!!!!
onslaughtieu Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Le 14/06/2023 à 03:58, onslaughtieu a dit : this wek yes!!!! Développer sorry not wor inouts... as crc error in game.exe...
arcade_power Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 When enabling crosshair in TP, I get a prompt telling me I need "d3dx8.dll" in game folder. Where can I find this file? thanks in advance!
erdoboy43 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Le 14/06/2023 à 07:18, arcade_power a dit : When enabling crosshair in TP, I get a prompt telling me I need "d3dx8.dll" in game folder. Where can I find this file? thanks in advance! Développer I would also like to know this. Thank you for any help. 1
Mike669 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 (modifié) I got 2 issues when running it with tp the missing dll error message if tp crosshair option enabled and the reload button not working only off screen works any solution for both issues? thank you Modifié le 14 juin 2023 par Mike669
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Team Posté(e) le 14 juin 2023 Topic Locked, Go to the teknoparrot topic now 1
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