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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/05/2023 à 10:42, murray a dit :


Connect 2 screens to your computer and run the game. This should get you past the crash, there's broken, but it should let you get past the crash.

Thanks for what you've done so far!



Thank you very much for pointing that out !

I can confirm that plugin a 2nd monitor remove the crash. So it's definitly a display issue


Although - and I just had a couple of minutes to check - I don't know how it is decided to diplay P1 or P2 side...or anything else

I sometimes got P2 side fullscreen, sometimes whte flickering.I managed to get a P1 windowed display with DgVoodoo that was sitting in the Top Left corner. Could shoot and reload by pointing out of screen


As I said earlier, I won't be able to do anything more before days. Anyway, I don't know anything about rendering and display mechanics so I won't be of any help, sadly

Modifié par argonlefou
Posté(e) (modifié)

In the 2 videos you can see the difference between the game with and without fixes :



Without the I/O fix the game starts and shows the intro with the intermediate stages, but of course it's not playable



With the I/O fix the game starts and you can play it with mouse


You have to connect 2 monitors to avoid crashes and the primary one appears totally white while the secondary one shows the game running.

It definitely needs to tweak the layer of how it takes advantage of multi-screens, but it's a great start, so huge thanks to Argon !

Modifié par hippopippo

j'ai essayé avec le patch input avant mais mon problème est le mê lance le game_patched.EXE

le jeu démarre en attract mode mais aucunes touches ne fonctionnent alors que je vois que le jeu fonctionne chez d'autres personnes.....

j'espere le trouver dans TP prochainement ainsi que CASTLEVANIA ARCADE.....

le jeu AFTER DARK NIGHT HUNTER fonctionne parfaitement avec les fichiers fournis AHK


  Le 10/05/2023 à 20:02, RetrnArcGamer35 a dit :


Display 1 | 1400x900

Display 2 | 1400x900 

these are my settings dont know if will work for everyone but it works.







Great 🤘


  Le 10/05/2023 à 20:15, mamefan1 a dit :

could select.exe have anything to do with multi screen? 

select.exe splits this screen on a single monitor. 





You can use select.exe if you put the game folder in D:\D22 and replace game.exe by the patched one

Seems like it's only end up running boot.exe, which is running game.exe with the same issue on my side

Posté(e) (modifié)

Dual Virtual Monitor works fine with dgVooDoo 2 (to avoid game-flickering set both @ 60hz)



Modifié par hippopippo
Posté(e) (modifié)

i’m a patreon but i do wish he’ll do it for all certainty a game everyone should enjoy because tp probably will put it as patreon only 

same goes for castelvania the arcade 

Modifié par Mike669

I've tried all sorts of different scenarios but haven't had any luck.


I'm using usbmmidd with 1 virtual screen enabled along with dgvoodoo. If I launch game_patched.exe (without the input app) The game boots fine and the attract mode & videos plays just fine but ofcourse no controls. I have game_patched set to run with Win 7 compatibility.


When I use the Input App and launch the game, the attract videos show only a black screen but I can hear the music/sounds. I can press start and use the mouse to select in the menu. Before starting a mission a video begins however its a black screen with only sound. Once its over and/or I press the gun trigger to skip the game immediately crashes.


So I think something with the Input app is causing this unique behavior but either way I can't progress into the gameplay at all. It sounds like several of you have had luck getting into the game and playing. If you could share any tips to get this working its much appreciated!

  Le 14/05/2023 à 00:03, LIVE2HUNT4BEARS a dit :

I have mine so screwed up, I don't even have a monitor showing up anymore, under display. Was 3 their at one time.

I run usbmmidd program, it goes to black screen, then I can't do anything at all.



it's still nonplayable..why worry yourself...)

  Le 14/05/2023 à 00:34, LIVE2HUNT4BEARS a dit :

Update, Got my screens back. Still not run right.

I thought people, did have it working.


argonlefou's input has not yet done. At least he did and patched.


Got 5 minutes to do a quick test with usbmmiddv2 : I got the game to run using DgVoodoo, but both player screen are layered on top of each other in the same window.

And shoot button seems not to fire consistently (sometimes yes, sometimes no, but I can't see much with both layers displayed 😄)

  Le 15/05/2023 à 13:30, argonlefou a dit :

Got 5 minutes to do a quick test with usbmmiddv2 : I got the game to run using DgVoodoo, but both player screen are layered on top of each other in the same window.

And shoot button seems not to fire consistently (sometimes yes, sometimes no, but I can't see much with both layers displayed 😄)



You can get it to work better by hex resolution patching the exe to a higher 4:3 res & using dgvoodoo with no resolution change, but just lettting it wrap the dx calls. You still have to do the "press windows key and then alt tab a few times to get it to show up correctly"

The only issue is, your controls wrapper is for some reason locked to 640x480 regardless of what res you patch it to. I know you said it wasn't, but that's what happens when you hex edit for resolution.
It's pretty easy to hex patch, the native res you are looking for is 640x480. If you want me to send you the res patch offsets, let me know, i can redo it tomorrow and cmake note of what they are.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/05/2023 à 13:30, argonlefou a dit :

Got 5 minutes to do a quick test with usbmmiddv2 : I got the game to run using DgVoodoo, but both player screen are layered on top of each other in the same window.

And shoot button seems not to fire consistently (sometimes yes, sometimes no, but I can't see much with both layers displayed 😄)


I just sent you a file to test with



Modifié par murray
Posté(e) (modifié)

Alright so I managed to get the game in a playable state like this (using the already available patched binary) :


1) Create the virtual screen with usbmmidd


2) Using DgVoodoo (I copied both D3D8.dll and D3D9.dll from x86 folder) with this settings :






"Disable Alt-Enter" check box must be checked on my computer, else I got a flickering P1+P2 display on the window


3) Run the input tool and the game_patched.exe


4) Alt-tab or Window key to loose game focus, than put it back on screen : I got a full screen 4/3 display with tha ability to shoot everywhere on screen. Reload is when mouse get to the right side of the screen


Not good enough to be easily set as "Finished and working" lol, but enough for people to work on a solution, and for me to work on inputs

Modifié par argonlefou

salut angonlefou


quand tu parles du fichier "game_patched" on le trouve où?

ou alors tu parles du fichier qui va se patcher avec voodoo?

merci pour l'info

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/05/2023 à 15:23, argonlefou a dit :

Alright so I managed to get the game in a playable state like this (using the already available patched binary) :


1) Create the virtual screen with usbmmidd


2) Using DgVoodoo (I copied both D3D8.dll and D3D9.dll from x86 folder) with this settings :






"Disable Alt-Enter" check box must be checked on my computer, else I got a flickering P1+P2 display on the window


3) Run the input tool and the game_patched.exe


4) Alt-tab or Window key to loose game focus, than put it back on screen : I got a full screen 4/3 display with tha ability to shoot everywhere on screen. Reload is when mouse get to the right side of the screen


Not good enough to be easily set as "Finished and working" lol, but enough for people to work on a solution, and for me to work on inputs


that is awesome! i managed that also its weird how u have to alt tab to get a proper resolution but would be cool to see a fix its like theres an overlaping issue of some sort as ive been testing. but the game is playable atleast once following these steps. another times i was able to get 1 screen to register but the 2nd screen appeared as white so i dont know what is wrong with it.

Modifié par RetrnArcGamer35

Hi, I automated Argon's steps in ahk.

Run it as admin.

For me it works with Argon's dgVoodooCpl options except General -> Windowed

usbmmidd_path =  H:\new\usbmmidd_v2
le3path = H:\new\Lethal Enforcers 3\Lethal Enforcers 3 Partition 1\D22
xRes := 640
yRes := 240 

SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path%
run, deviceinstaller64 install usbmmidd.inf usbmmidd
Sleep, 1000
run, deviceinstaller64 enableidd 1
;run, H:\new\multires\multires.exe /%resX%`,%resY%`,32 /exit ;change screen resolution with your prefered program
SetWorkingDir, %le3path% 
run, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe
run, game_patched.exe
winWait, ahk_exe LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe
winMove, ahk_exe LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe, , xRes, yRes, ;move out of screen 
winActivate, ahk_class Progman ;activate desktop
winWait, ahk_exe game_patched.exe
winMove, ahk_exe game_patched.exe, , 0, 0, xRes, yRes ;resize game window
winActivate, ahk_exe game_patched.exe

MouseMove, xRes, yRes, 0 ;reload with right button
RButton Up::
MouseMove, xRes/2, yRes/2, 0 ;without this I can't do fast reloading with crt guns

Process, Close, game_patched.exe
Process, Close, LethalEnforcer3_Inputs.exe
SetWorkingDir, %usbmmidd_path%
run, deviceinstaller64 enableidd 0
Sleep, 1000
run, deviceinstaller64 stop usbmmidd
Sleep, 1000
run, deviceinstaller64 remove usbmmidd
;run, H:\new\multires\multires.exe /restore /exit ;restore screen resolution with your prefered program


Thanks Argon!


For accuracy purposes the best way for this game to be preserved is to have both screens side by side. How r u even gonna play 2 player mode without the other screen? Not gonna get a 2nd screen just for this game. 

Posté(e) (modifié)

Thanks for the script 🤙


Here's an updated version of the Input program, I added COIN button, and few other (see readme)


There is still some aiming offset if the game is displayed 4/3 on a 16/9 screen.

Behavior changes according to the computers I tested it on...sometimes I was able to upscale graphics with 4/3, sometimes it stays in fullscreen 16/9


I'll add the game to demulshooter with input/outputs in the upcomming days






  Le 17/05/2023 à 10:27, powergyser a dit :

For accuracy purposes the best way for this game to be preserved is to have both screens side by side. How r u even gonna play 2 player mode without the other screen? Not gonna get a 2nd screen just for this game. 



There is the same thing for Gundam SoZ on TTX, one exe has dual screen side by side on the same window.

But can people be so impatient to know how to be able to play side-by-side cooperative mode when the game does barely start on it's own....


Modifié par argonlefou

hello angonlefou


sorry nothing work for this game

game = video+attract mode

dgvoodoo ok with your tuto but inputs don't work


  Le 17/05/2023 à 19:32, nosoucy62 a dit :

hello angonlefou


sorry nothing work for this game

game = video+attract mode

dgvoodoo ok with your tuto but inputs don't work




Inputs do work, nothing to be sorry of.

You just need to know how to make it right. Maybe running the tool as admin would help



@argonlefou when you use the method we discussed, and i'm not sure if it's really exclusive to that, you lose the left channel sound. If you play the first stage, you can hear it in there, sound cuts in and out at the start, it happens in most stages periodically. You can also go into test menu and goto sound test, it swaps left to right... left is dead. Game was released 2004, so it's probably XP based.


I tried many things in Win 10 OS to bring it back but nothing worked. I'd say something to do with that left and right being 2 different machines, and the fact that one whole channel of sound is missing, maybe the game had some sound wrapper software doing something tricky on the OS.

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