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(Crisis Zone) Super System 23 Evolution 2 EMU

Mr. Tapz

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Good day, 

when i was a kid i always admired Time Crisis Series arcade shooter, but my number 1 favorite is Crisis Zone. I have a question,

can someone know how to emulate the Crisis Zone from Super System 23 Evolution 2?

I know that they have the ps2 version already but the arcade version from 1999 is so great for me. 
im trying and searching for emulators that can emulate the game but i fail.

i saw people trying to emulate using Mame but having an error.


I love the old sounds and the destructing environment from the game.



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same would love the real arcade version to be fully playable.

MAME should be near to getting that to a playable state but has been like this for inf. 

system 23 rom chips  are all red so won't boot .

screenshots checksum all levels and ram rom reads are ng red. 😕 

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  • The title was changed to (Crisis Zone) Super System 23 Evolution 2 EMU
  • 11 mois aprĂšs...

Moi aussi je suis trĂšs fan de ce jeux   A l Ă©poque je le trouvais extrĂȘmement impressionnant. Bonne ambiance et environnement destructible mieux fait que sur ps2

croisons les doigts pour qu il sois bientot emuler sous mame  

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Absolutely loved this game on PS2 with my Guncon 2. I never played it in the arcades (although I think there was one at a retro arcade I went to not long ago, but I just didn't get around to playing it). Is there much difference between the arcade and PS2 game? The graphics would probably be on a par on the home system with the arcade by this point?

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