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[Arcade PC] Go Go Drummer BABE (NongYang)


Messages recommandés

@lezzi87 @stuart2773

press ctrl alt del. 

click task manager --- you might have to do this a few times, or click around the screen. 

you will see a com error, close this error 

then click on the game in the task bar again. 


The only way to close the game that i have found is to go back to task manager and end task. alt f4 might do it too, but i was remoted in to my system so i couldn't test it. 

Modifié par mamefan1
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12 hours ago, mamefan1 said:

@lezzi87 @stuart2773

press ctrl alt del. 

click task manager --- you might have to do this a few times, or click around the screen. 

you will see a com error, close this error 

then click on the game in the task bar again. 


The only way to close the game that i have found is to go back to task manager and end task. alt f4 might do it too, but i was remoted in to my system so i couldn't test it. 

thanks that worked

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