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[Arcade PC] Wasteland Racers 2071 (Triotech PC Based)

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Posté(e) (modifié)


I found this game on an old thread and I managed to get it to work, I just had to modify some of the files first.

Run Arcade.exe to start the game and press C to get past the intro video. If you want to edit the controls for a racing wheel or XInput controller just run ArcadeBinder.exe and edit controls from there.


To change screen resolution edit the D3DLocalConfigData.txt file.
Hopefully we get more of the Triotech games dumped and working. So far this is the only Triotech game dumped. 




Modifié par 7zxkv
Posté(e) (modifié)

thanks for arcade games


no sound in video intro ?? 




how insert coins for play ?



Modifié par totoff28
Posté(e) (modifié)

This game has been under the dumps section for long time, but use left mouse click or what you have boost button set to, to start game , and there is no sound fix for intro, if the game plays fast rivatuuner or Nvidia control panel won't work, but win 7 compatibility mode helps alot, also in the local config data.txt were you can change res, can put textures upto 10 and antilasing to 16, and alt f4 to quit 


Modifié par joe555
Posté(e) (modifié)

No inputs to shift gears, and throttle and brakes are full, even when inverting analogue inputs on joystick.

A bunch of keys are on the keyboard, but still a bunch are missing, gear shift for example.

Afaik Q is test menu, but no way to input or change, F3 is wireframe gfx


Modifié par petje

Is this upload any different than the previous one? I am not able to configure the co trols in the old upload the car always steers to the right.

9 hours ago, totoff28 said:

thanks for arcade games


no sound in video intro ?? 




how insert coins for play ?



To insert coins just press the accelerate button and it will automatically start.

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 12/11/2022 at 10:54 AM, adenin said:

Is this upload any different than the previous one? I am not able to configure the co trols in the old upload the car always steers to the right.

Try adjust deadzone center, start at around 20% , deadzone extents I have a 27% but deadzone center the more important one, also F2 to show fps, all buttons in xml,  Petje you can try my controls when you let off of gas not like other racers but gas axis does work so you can do 20,40 or full, back up yours first, so I have gas\brake on triggers, done on ps3 controller acting as a xbox 360 controller




Modifié par joe555
22 hours ago, holmes said:

When I unzip the file, the trojan Tiggre!rfn is detected and removed by Windows Defender...


False positive. Create an exception in Windows Defender.

16 hours ago, joe555 said:

Try adjust deadzone center, start at around 20% , deadzone extents I have a 27% but deadzone center the more important one, also F2 to show fps, all buttons in xml,  Petje you can try my controls when you let off of gas not like other racers but gas axis does work so you can do 20,40 or full, back up yours first, so I have gas\brake on triggers, done on ps3 controller acting as a xbox 360 controller



bindings.xml 9.58 kB · 13 downloads

I tried your bindings they work. But I am not able to set the arrows instead of wsad for the steering. Can you set the arrow keys?

2 hours ago, adenin said:

I tried your bindings they work. But I am not able to set the arrows instead of wsad for the steering. Can you set the arrow keys?

Hit remove Xbox controller in arcade binder and add the keyboard and set dead zone to the same as I have 

10 hours ago, joe555 said:

Hit remove Xbox controller in arcade binder and add the keyboard and set dead zone to the same as I have 

I dont have an option for a controller in the dropdown in Arcadebinder...

Posté(e) (modifié)

I spent some time with this game a while back. Changing the force feedback wheel required from 1 to 0 in the config of the original dump will get the game going, there's a bunch of junk in the previous upload.


A lot of the sounds are missing from the game, if you have a look in the sounds folder there's a lot more call outs when you are playing than you hear. I'm pretty sure that those callouts are coded to play on a speaker that's in the headrest of the chair. Possibly like BG4 where it has the surround system but if you don't have the right hardware/patch it won't play the sound out of the rear speakers properly. It's a very bland experience without the additional sounds. the game is a bit average anyways, but with the extra callouts it would at least be a bit less... bland. I've tried playing around with the rear channels and seeing if i can get any additional sound output but no luck. The original OS is XP, and the sound subsystems are very different between XP and Windows 10. If anyone has Windows XP installed somewhere, test the game out on XP and see if you can get some callouts going. There should be callouts in attract mode talking about putting credits in, there's a whole series of them, and also in game when you have the nitro it should call them out as well.


You could also image the original dump to a drive and make it boot to see if there's anything specific needed, most of the XP os install is in the original dump. I could be wrong, but there's definitely sounds in there that don't work. Checkout \data\sound\Attract\ just as an example, these should all play in attract mode.

Modifié par murray
Posté(e) (modifié)
9 hours ago, adenin said:

I dont have an option for a controller in the dropdown in Arcadebinder...

Try this I didn't know what you want  nitro or primary fire since I don't know what you want them set, at so you can change those


 Also I believe this is the original dump, he's just removed the files I posted that you could


Modifié par joe555
5 hours ago, joe555 said:

Try this I didn't know what you want  nitro or primary fire since I don't know what you want them set, at so you can change those


 Also I believe this is the original dump, he's just removed the files I posted that you could

bindings-keyboard.xml 9.12 kB · 6 downloads

Can you upload the Bindings only file?

Posté(e) (modifié)

Johnny Nero Action Hero and Special Forces: Elite Training will be playable on Teknoparrot like all other Play Mechanix games since MAME emulation of two is still not working due to the lack of 3D GFX emulation.

Modifié par reinsrus
Posté(e) (modifié)

Johnny Nero Action Hero will be playable and working on Teknoparrot unlike MAME. Johnny Nero Action Hero is a light gun game created by Play Mechanix and released by ICE in 2004, takes place inside a comic book and focus on adventures of Johnathan "Johnny" Nero, who going on three-different time periods with different enemies (alien and robots in Space Wars, Egyptian mummies and rock monsters in Curse of the Mummy King, and Indian zombies and wild west ghosts in Ghost Town). Like Special Forces: Elite Training, Johnny Nero Action Hero ran on VP101 arcade PCB with hard drive and had R5000 MIPS CPU. Johnny Nero Action Hero had 3D ploygonal graphics similar to other Play Mechanix titles like Big Buck Hunter and Special Forces: Elite Training. Johnny Nero Action Hero is a 2-player action light gun shooter where players take on the role of the titular character, shooting variety of enemies while avoiding slashing or damaging Nero via red circle indicator. A boss fight occurs that must shoot before the boss charging up the attacks. There is also sub-boss fight alongside the main boss fight. There are six-different mini-games between areas, like shooting asteroids or shooting cardboard cutouts of enemies, the mini-game will either succeed or failing a mini-game causing to lose half of the player life as a punishment. There are three-different comics to choose from (Space Wars, Curse of the Mummy King, and Ghost Town) and two modes (standard two-player mode or one player with both guns mode called Guns of Fury).

Modifié par reinsrus
17 minutes ago, reinsrus said:

Johnny Nero Action Hero will be playable and working on Teknoparrot unlike MAME. Johnny Nero Action Hero is a light gun game created by Play Mechanix and released by ICE in 2004, takes place inside a comic book and focus on adventures of Johnathan "Johnny" Nero, who going on three-different time periods with different enemies (alien and robots in Space Wars, Egyptian mummies and rock monsters in Curse of the Mummy King, and Indian zombies and wild west ghosts in Ghost Town). Like Special Forces: Elite Training, Johnny Nero Action Hero ran on VP101 arcade PCB with hard drive and had R5000 MIPS CPU. Johnny Nero Action Hero had 3D ploygonal graphics similar to other Play Mechanix titles like Big Buck Hunter and Special Forces: Elite Training. Johnny Nero Action Hero is a 2-player action light gun shooter where players take on the role of the titular character, shooting variety of enemies while avoiding slashing or damaging Nero via red circle indicator. A boss fight occurs that must shoot before the boss charging up the attacks. There is also sub-boss fight alongside the main boss fight. There are six-different mini-games between areas, like shooting asteroids or shooting cardboard cutouts of enemies, the mini-game will either succeed or failing a mini-game causing to lose half of the player life as a punishment. There are three-different comics to choose from (Space Wars, Curse of the Mummy King, and Ghost Town) and two modes (standard two-player mode or one player with both guns mode called Guns of Fury).

Why are you posting this?!

1 hour ago, HmmCheese said:

Its a bot that emuline admins can't ban even after a year or so...

And why this prick has even likes.....sorry wont spam this thread further with other stuff

4 hours ago, reinsrus said:

Johnny Nero Action Hero will be playable and working on Teknoparrot unlike MAME


can you be more specific?


Posté(e) (modifié)
9 hours ago, reinsrus said:

Johnny Nero Action Hero will be playable and working on Teknoparrot unlike MAME


do you know when arctic thunder will be supported by tp?


great detailed post btw👍

Modifié par D.S
7 minutes ago, hippopippo said:

dump is complete, the problem of missing sound in parts of the game is caused by the Fsound 3D inside fmod.dll library developed by this company .. there was a wrapper under development on github but I honestly don't remember the author so play it like this if you like


Thanks for the info! I figured it was something like that.


Interessting post ^_^

being a Triotech employee myself i know quite a lot on those machines.

This game originally had weapons a bit like twisted metal but they had to be remove so it can please bigger audience.

Hope you guys have fun with the game !!



2 hours ago, deathbringer666 said:




Cool to hear and thanks for the work, I was wondering about the weapons, what about manual transmission was that left in the game or not, I see it in there but tried turning it on but can't seem to, also seen the texture for high/ low,


  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...


el juego funciona bien, es rĂĄpido, es intuitivo de usar, el tema de los sonidos en los videos, no es otra cosa que los videos no tienen sonido, porque voy a la direcciĂłn \WasteLand Racers (READY2PLAY)\WasteLand\DNDArcade\Data\movies ejemplo: attractMode.avi y uso diferentes reproductores de videos y el video no tiene sonido de por si, para total seguridad use editores de video para ver si era un problema de codec de sonido y tampoco tiene sonido.
todo probado desde windows 7 64 


the game works well, it's fast, it's intuitive to use, the issue of the sounds in the videos, it's nothing other than the videos have no sound, because I go to the address \WasteLand Racers (READY2PLAY)\WasteLand\DNDArcade\Data \movies example: attractMode.avi and I use different video players and the video doesn't have sound per se, for total security I used video editors to see if it was a sound codec problem and it doesn't have sound either.
all tested from windows 7 64

  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...
On 12/17/2022 at 9:49 AM, hippopippo said:

dump is complete, the problem of missing sound in parts of the game is caused by the Fsound 3D inside fmod.dll library developed by this company .. there was a wrapper under development on github but I honestly don't remember the author so play it like this if you like


The plugin is on github by a guy named dariowouters under fmod but I don't see any mention of there being a wrapper for it.

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