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[ARCADE PC] Elevator Action Invasion (UNIS-TAITO)

Messages recommandés

17 minutes ago, soso92 said:

Carefully read the instructions of the readme first launch exe of the game and when game finish load launch exe input

My issue is when using arcabview with the bezels. The game plays fine for me without arcabview

8 hours ago, mjshl2 said:

My post ^ is the solution. You clicked landscape in arcadecabview setup. Click portrait. The third option. Not the middle landscape one.

I didn't click anything, I only followed your tutorial. Exactly where in ArcadeCabView do I have to click portrait mode? Attach a screenshot, please. I'm really new to this stuff. Sorry. 

Posté(e) (modifié)

Dante posted one already. For the cursor being stuck, that is probably the demulshooter tool. Launch it after arcadecab view, not before. That's why earlier I stated that ahk is kind of needed. You have to launch the inputs after you launch the game. Trying to navigate while the mouse is in portrait is difficult. Wish people would read a bit more. Some of you are very close to having this working. Your getting frustrated and not listening or reading.

Modifié par mjshl2
Posté(e) (modifié)
2 hours ago, arcade_power said:

I didn't click anything, I only followed your tutorial. Exactly where in ArcadeCabView do I have to click portrait mode? Attach a screenshot, please. I'm really new to this stuff. Sorry. 

So delete all your arcade cabview from your folder, and start again and you will see that option, look up for screen shot , if you hit reset you won't see so delete , so wait until after you launch game than start input 

Modifié par joe555
Posté(e) (modifié)
2 hours ago, twocool4life86 said:

Could you upload your version as a downloadable repack to help others?

Would be super awesome! 

Edit: Ok, now it displays everything correct for some reason, even though I didn't (and couldn't) choose portrait mode (clicking Arcadecabview.exe did nothing). But yeah, cursor is stuck in upper left corner, and It's impossible to calibrate gun since there is no mouse cursor on screen.

Modifié par arcade_power
Posté(e) (modifié)


1 hour ago, arcade_power said:

Would be super awesome! 

This isn't that hard to get working. You said you never clicked the landscape option but you had to of. Delete all Arcadecabview files from your folder. Re-extract arcade cab view and start again. That option will pop up. Its part of the setup. If you don't use portrait, the screen flickers while its loading back and forth, and aim is always really off. EVERYONE WITH THE CURSOR ISSUE, LOAD  EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe (or demulshooter) AFTER YOU START THE GAME, NOT BEFORE. YOU DON'T NEED TO CALIBRATE. Its been stated on here quite a few times. I will attach my crappy AHK for people to use to load the programs in the right order. You need to edit it and put in your own paths to the game and inputs.


 #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
 SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  #SingleInstance Force
 run, I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView_Launcher.exe

 sleep, 15000
 run, "I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe"


Sendinput, !{f4}
Run,taskkill /im "ArcCabView_Launcher.exe" /F
Run,taskkill /im "EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe" /F


As I mentioned change the I: paths to your own. And I'm sure someone has a better script, I'm not great at making them. New to it.

Modifié par mjshl2
45 minutes ago, mjshl2 said:


This isn't that hard to get working. You said you never clicked the landscape option but you had to of. Delete all Arcadecabview files from your folder. Re-extract arcade cab view and start again. That option will pop up. Its part of the setup. If you don't use portrait, the screen flickers while its loading back and forth, and aim is always really off. EVERYONE WITH THE CURSOR ISSUE, LOAD  EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe (or demulshooter) AFTER YOU START THE GAME, NOT BEFORE. YOU DON'T NEED TO CALIBRATE. Its been stated on here quite a few times. I will attach my crappy AHK for people to use to load the programs in the right order. You need to edit it and put in your own paths to the game and inputs.


 #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
 SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  #SingleInstance Force
 run, I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView_Launcher.exe

 sleep, 15000
 run, "I:\Emulation\Arcade\Other Working Arcade Dumps\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe"


Sendinput, !{f4}
Run,taskkill /im "ArcCabView_Launcher.exe" /F
Run,taskkill /im "EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe" /F


As I mentioned change the I: paths to your own. And I'm sure someone has a better script, I'm not great at making them. New to it.

Got everything working now! Thanks for the help and all the pain you went through to help us all!


using DemulShooter 10.13.0 and running ahk




#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

run, Z:\RocketLauncher\Utilidades\DemulShooter\10.13\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=unis -rom=eai

Sleep, 2000

run, F:\Dumps-Arcade\Misc\Elevator Action Invasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ESGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

    Run,taskkill /im "DemulShooterX64" /F 
    Run,taskkill /im "ESGame-Win64-Shipping" /F   

Posté(e) (modifié)

Thanks for all who contributed and shared knowledge to get this working, another title checked off for the collection. There is an issue when starting argonlefou's inputs window after the game is loaded using AHK... it has window focus over the game. Here is what worked for me.. just a simple mouse click. The coordinates are based off a horizontal display with the desktop actually rotated. 


*edit The input.exe is not needed since demulshooter is working now



For the Sinden borders.... since this is already using reshade simply add the following to ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini





Should look like this 







Modifié par drewjbs
  • Team

I need info :


Someone can confirm me that DS works in Landscape mode and Portrait mode ?

  • Team
il y a 10 minutes, drewjbs a dit :

Only tested in portait mode, DS working for both players (lightguns)

ok so I have a local problem... DS hooked in green but my Aim is stucked in the top left corner...


What do you use as Sinden App, which version ?


from your screenshot I don't understand, Why do you use Input loader ? because you need only DS, do you use both lol ?

Posté(e) (modifié)
1 hour ago, drewjbs said:

Thanks for all who contributed and shared knowledge to get this working, another title checked off for the collection. There is an issue when starting argonlefou's inputs window after the game is loaded using AHK... it has window focus over the game. Here is what worked for me.. just a simple mouse click. The coordinates are based off a horizontal display with the desktop actually rotated. 



#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Process, Exist, Lightgun.exe
If (!ErrorLevel = 0) {
sleep, 1000
Run, D:\Gun Build\Tools\Sinden Lightgun V2.01 beta\Lightgun.exe 
sleep, 1000
Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Elevator Action Invasion\_DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=unis -rom=eai
sleep, 2000
Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Elevator Action Invasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView_Launcher.exe
sleep, 12000
Run, D:\Gun Build\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Elevator Action Invasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\EA_Invasion_Inputs.exe

sleep, 3000
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
x := 150
y := 50
Click %x% %Y%

    Run,taskkill /im "ArcCabView_Launcher.exe" /F
    sleep, 2000



Also for the Sinden borders.... since this is already using reshade simply add the following to ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ArcCabView\Presets\ArcCabView.ini





Should look like this 







If your using demulshooter, isnt the input.exe no longer needed?

Oops Wildwolf beat me to it.

Modifié par mjshl2
  • Team

Whatever lol, I'm tired I forgot to set up my gun into DS ....

@drewjbs can you tell me which version do you have about Sinden app ?

Posté(e) (modifié)
22 minutes ago, WildWolf said:

Whatever lol, I'm tired I forgot to set up my gun into DS ....

@drewjbs can you tell me which version do you have about Sinden app ?

Yes I forgot to set P1 and P2 as well lol, I use 2.04 beta

Oops.. thx for pointing out not needing the inputs.exe since DS is loaded, didn't get much sleep either lol

I did notice to move crosshair to the far left and right you need to move your gun alot farther relative to what you see onscreen

Modifié par drewjbs
  • Team
il y a 15 minutes, drewjbs a dit :

Yes I forgot to set P1 and P2 as well lol, I use 2.04 beta

Oops.. thx for pointing out not needing the inputs.exe since DS is loaded, didn't get much sleep either lol

I did notice to move crosshair to the far left and right you need to move your gun alot farther relative to what you see onscreen

it works for me, but for any reason I have the same version as you, and with any Portrait games My movements are interted with sinden... and I don't understand why I have this... even with the Gangsta mode OFF...

20 minutes ago, drewjbs said:

Yes I forgot to set P1 and P2 as well lol, I use 2.04 beta

Oops.. thx for pointing out not needing the inputs.exe since DS is loaded, didn't get much sleep either lol

I did notice to move crosshair to the far left and right you need to move your gun alot farther relative to what you see onscreen

I´m having the same proble with Sinden, the crosshair slows down when you get closer to the border of the game.


I upload a repack version that works well on my computer, you just have to change the path of z-Launcher.ahk with your hard drive letter, I ask wildwolf for authorization for this upload, but if it does not correspond, please delete the publication...




17 minutes ago, WildWolf said:

it works for me, but for any reason I have the same version as you, and with any Portrait games My movements are interted with sinden... and I don't understand why I have this... even with the Gangsta mode OFF...

I have had this happen to me in the past for some games, so I checked the sinden software in windows and my mouse cursor was all in opposite directions. I un-plugged and re-plugged guns and re-open software... might of even rebooted. I doubt this is the same case with yours but that is all I got. 

37 minutes ago, alexqar said:

I upload a repack version that works well on my computer, you just have to change the path of z-Launcher.ahk with your hard drive letter, I ask wildwolf for authorization for this upload, but if it does not correspond, please delete the publication...


Thanks you for this.  The game runs and the bezels are there but how do I fix the mouse stuck in the corner? Thanks again.

37 minutes ago, alexqar said:





il y a 24 minutes, twocool4life86 a dit :


Gracias por esto. El juego se ejecuta y los biseles están ahí, pero ¿cómo arreglo el mouse atascado en la esquina? Gracias de nuevo.


Try to run arccabview_reset.exe and for 2 times look for the executable, then press ok and let the game work until it starts and does the checks, then start with the script, the cursor should work normally in the game

15 minutes ago, twocool4life86 said:

I got the game running now perfect! The problem was I starting the input first then the game for the mouse.....but you have to start the game then the input! Then mouse will work. Thanks guys.

This is endless lol. Im thinking it should be pinned at the start.

21 minutes ago, mjshl2 said:

This is endless lol. Im thinking it should be pinned at the start.

Agreed... btw if you are using DemulShooter you do not need to run the inputs 🙂


Not sure if I hit submit or it was deleted...

Gun cursor moves slow when going far left or right edge, Using Arccabview for bezels and demulshooter with 2 gun4ir

Posté(e) (modifié)
2 hours ago, YoBoys said:

Not sure if I hit submit or it was deleted...

Gun cursor moves slow when going far left or right edge, Using Arccabview for bezels and demulshooter with 2 gun4ir

Yep... same with Sinden, still playable but you need to move gun quite a bit farther both ways to get near the edges

Modifié par drewjbs
Posté(e) (modifié)
59 minutes ago, YoBoys said:

Not sure if I hit submit or it was deleted...

Gun cursor moves slow when going far left or right edge, Using Arccabview for bezels and demulshooter with 2 gun4ir

I also noticed mouse and lightgun move slower when rotating with arccabview compared to playing 607x1080 windowed, causing my Sinden aim to be off. I only tested with the input exe, haven't tried demulshooter yet. I ended up just playing windowed 607x1080 and it works great.  I sent you a DM earlier today.

Modifié par cor094
5 minutes ago, cor094 said:

I also noticed mouse and lightgun move slower when rotating with arccabview compared to playing 607x1080 windowed, causing my Sinden aim to be off. I only tested with the input exe, haven't tried demulshooter yet. I ended up just playing windowed 607x1080 and it works great.  I sent you a DM earlier today.

Didn’t see the DM. Thanks I’ll give that a shot.

Il y a 3 heures, YoBoys a dit :

Not sure if I hit submit or it was deleted...

Gun cursor moves slow when going far left or right edge, Using Arccabview for bezels and demulshooter with 2 gun4ir

That can be caused by the fullscreen mode and the black bars


If you feell like the edge of the playable area is corresponding to the edge of the screen (to point with a lightgun), you have a setting in gun4ir to change the screen ratio.

I don't know the name as I usually use a command in DemulShooter for that, but I just realized I didn't put it in the X64 version 😓


Anyway, gun4ir users can try 9/16 ratio, should make thinks better.


I'll add the missing command in x64 asap

Posté(e) (modifié)
6 hours ago, Guisado88 said:

Does it work well for 2 players? When you shoot with player 2, shoot at the same time with player 1.

to 1 player if it works well

I see what you mean, your crosshair changes shape and size, and my player 1 gun still controls all of it! Very strange!


If you watch a video with someone actually playing the arcade machine, you get the elevator double doors open and shut in-between levels and elevator scenes. When playing on PC you just get a black screen, and several Windows warning sounds (probably a bunch of commands to open and shut the doors if it were the actual machine). Be nice if we had the elevator doors emulated like the Teknoparrot team did with the first game!

Modifié par Shin Endymion
il y a 22 minutes, Shin Endymion a dit :

If you watch a video with someone actually playing the arcade machine, you get the elevator double doors open and shut in-between levels and elevator scenes. When playing on PC you just get a black screen, and several Windows warning sounds (probably a bunch of commands to open and shut the doors if it were the actual machine). Be nice if we had the elevator doors emulated like the Teknoparrot team did with the first game!


If you hook the game with demulshooter you'll get both door commands sent by the game as output through MameHooker


I can also add a button to simulate doors switch detection....but what more would you want to have emulated ? (Real question, never used the first game with TP)


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