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I can't save data in Initial D Arcade Stage Zero 2.30 (help)

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This is the second time I write this topic, I really don't know why they deleted my previous topic

I have a problem with Initial D Arcade Stage Zero 2.30, I can't save the data, every time I replay the story mode

Please solve the problem even though I followed the guide step by step


Note: Through my research, I realized that there is another possible way to run the game without TeknoParrot. Please explain this method. I do not insist on using TeknoParrot, but I do not know anything else.



Sorry about my English I use Google Translate

  • 2 mois aprĂšs...
Posté(e) (modifié)

make sure you have all dependencies installed. as usual. after all that, you just need to replace the initialD file with the one I left there. I put the folder with everything just to make it easier. . but you can. do a normal install for tecknoparrot and just replace the file at the end. and remember that you need to edit your ip after replacing the file in thekoparrot. if you still have the same problem, just reinstall the minime. from the link delete the minime inside segatools  inside the tecknoparrot folder, copy the new one and run start.bat as administrator, just let it finish and try again. believe me it worked for me.



Modifié par eriako
hace 15 minutos, eriako dijo:

make sure you have all dependencies installed. as usual. after all that, you just need to replace the initialD file with the one I left there. I put the folder with everything just to make it easier. . but you can. do a normal install for tecknoparrot and just replace the file at the end. and remember that you need to edit your ip after replacing the file in thekoparrot. if you still have the same problem, just reinstall the minime. from the link delete the minime inside segatools  inside the tecknoparrot folder, copy the new one and run start.bat as administrator, just let it finish and try again. believe me it worked for me.



error 8114 now :S

hace 51 minutos, eriako dijo:

make sure you have all dependencies installed. as usual. after all that, you just need to replace the initialD file with the one I left there. I put the folder with everything just to make it easier. . but you can. do a normal install for tecknoparrot and just replace the file at the end. and remember that you need to edit your ip after replacing the file in thekoparrot. if you still have the same problem, just reinstall the minime. from the link delete the minime inside segatools  inside the tecknoparrot folder, copy the new one and run start.bat as administrator, just let it finish and try again. believe me it worked for me.



work now but cant save progress, i need make anything?

Posté(e) (modifié)

8114 - ALL.Net System Error(RTC) Please make sure miniME is opened or check IP in segatools

ok look do the install of initial d zero v2 with this method. with this one version v2 save do not work but game is gonna run.  after you do that you can copy your version 2.30  on the same folder you have the V2 then go to teknoparrot v2. game configuration and set the route for 2.30 folder. and set up your ip save the changes. probably you gonna get the same error 8008 or the one above. if so close the game and replace the initialD file one the 2.30 for the one you found on the mediafire link. go again to game settings on teknoparrot and change the ip again because you just replaced the initialD file it has other ip. and it should work if not close game and delete the minime from segatools and copy the one you find on the post minime 24. run the start.bat as admin let it finish until you see leasing.. close it and try to run the game again it should work. 




Modifié par eriako
hace 1 minuto, eriako dijo:

8114 - ALL.Net System Error(RTC) Please make sure miniME is opened or check IP in segatools

ok look do the install of initial d zero v2 with this method. with this one version v2 save do not work but game is gonna run.  after you do that you can copy your version 2.30  on the same folder you have the V2 then go to teknoparrot v2. game configuration and set the route for 2.30 folder. and set up your ip save the changes. probably you gonna get the same error 8008 or the one above. if so close the game and replace the initialD file one the 2.30 for the one you found on the mediafire link. go again to game settings on teknoparrot and change the ip again because you just replaced the initialD file it has other ip. and it should work if not close game and delete the minime from segatools and copy the one you find on the post minime 24. run the start.bat as admin let it finish until you see leasing.. close it and try to run the game again it should work. 





game work perfect but i cant save progress or how ?

Posté(e) (modifié)

no. what you need to do is play ahahaha that it for some reason this whole thing is broken. v2 does not save game . and the other the intialD file is missing some info i does not work. what I did was compare to initialD files add the info missing in the initialD file from 2.30  form the one on v2 done it works . and i test it currently on chapter 5. 


just let  the game going into game over and it will save the game 

Modifié par eriako
hace 5 minutos, eriako dijo:

no. what you need to do is play ahahaha that it for some reason this whole thing is broken. v2 does not save game . and the other the intialD file is missing some info i does not work. what I did was compare to initialD files add the info missing in the initialD file from 2.30  form the one on v2 done it works . and i test it currently on chapter 5. 


just let  the game going into game over and it will save the game 

how chapters i need make for save? beceasu when i enter in game put cant save data aim card

Posté(e) (modifié)

no. what you need to do is play ahahaha that it for some reason this whole thing is broken. v2 does not save game . and the others. the intialD file is missing some info it does not work. what I did was compare to initialD files add the missing ifo  on 2.30  form the one on v2 done it works . and i test it currently on chapter 5 



did you set up the aim card button on controller setting  need to do that then when you run the game hit  that button and  set up your profile following the steps. every time you run the game hit  that button  it will  load you aim card

Modifié par eriako
hace 18 minutos, eriako dijo:

no. what you need to do is play ahahaha that it for some reason this whole thing is broken. v2 does not save game . and the other the intialD file is missing some info i does not work. what I did was compare to initialD files add the info missing in the initialD file from 2.30  form the one on v2 done it works . and i test it currently on chapter 5 



did you set up the aim card button on controller setting  need to do that then when you run the game hit  that button and you set up you profile and follow the steps and every time you run the game hit  that button  to load you aim card


yeah! was the problem i dont put the buttonn of aime card


Very thanks mate, now i cann save progress :;9

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