BLADESCATER PostĂ©(e) le 27 octobre 2022 PostĂ©(e) le 27 octobre 2022 please i need help i isolated the UP command in the Karisframework in the file KarisFramework/Script/main.singe I have already isolated part of the code the overlay displays the animation I have the text message in case of failed movements but I don't have the part with the sound for the movement succeeds and the part with the sound for the miss movement I can't isolate it Karis is missing again I can't ask for his help, can someone help me please here is the isolate part of the code ------------  part 1 elseif (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then         fontPrint(getMiddle("UP"), OVLH/2, "UP") --------------- part 2 else       fontSelect(fontBig)       if (move[currentMove][correctMove] == UP) then         fontPrint(getMiddle("YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP"), OVLH/2, "YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE UP") ----------------- part 3 elseif thisMove == UP then         goTimer(0.1)         if heartbeat then           if posyUARROW > endyUARROW then posyUARROW = posyUARROW-LINEH end           spriteDraw(posxUDARROWS,posyUARROW,sprArrow[UP])         end ------------------ part 4 sprArrow[UPBAD]     = spriteLoad(MYDIR..MIDIRES.."arrowup.png") (modifiĂ©) Â
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