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Microsoft Xbox - Xemu Emulator - Over 900+ Ready To Play xiso's

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Posté(e) (modifié)

I've put together a nice collection of XEMU ready files. This collection is already in the .xiso format and is ready to use with XEMU. I've tried to avoid region duplicates as well as any demo discs. I've also left out a few Japan titles so if you want those or anything else not present here; you will have to convert them yourself.

Notes: Obviously many names were truncated during conversion but I have restored all the title names; though they may look different from many in the collection as I left out all the language abbreviations from those.

Anyway I hope this helps anyone looking for sizable Xbox collection already ready to go with Xemu Emulator (over 900+ xiso's ). Links are on for painless downloading with the likes of JDownloader. 

Part#3 (Misc)

JDownloader Program:
Xemu Xbox Emulator:
Xemu Required System Files:

(Please check the Xemu site for game compatibility as not all titles will be supported yet)

Modifié par KNIGHTMARE077
Invité Bootleg
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 26/10/2022 Ă  07:09, lonely-wolf a dit :

Very nice of you !
Can we use real ISO , if we already have some with Xemu ?
I have few games on redump format .... The size of each ISO is bigger (6.5 Go !!).


i believe ud have to use a patch when u dump ur games with XDVDMulleter Beta 10.2, def worth it as this emulator is really made improvements!

Modifié par Bootleg

Hi NightMario77

I seam to be stuck at 99.9 percent on both downloads.

Have you any info on this happening.

Many thanks for any info.

  • 5 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

MechAssault 2 is only the bonus disc.


Mercenaries is the European version and does NOT come with an English option. It's only the text, but this is a bit of a text heavy game.

Modifié par scythemouse
Additional details.
Posté(e) (modifié)

Very kind of you, but the list is missing some EU versions of games that I was looking for, specifically Gauntlet Dark Legacy and ToeJam & Earl. I've found raw redumps of these, but I have had no luck converting them.

Modifié par JustJeff88
  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/12/2022 Ă  16:15, scythemouse a dit :

MechAssault 2 is only the bonus disc.


Mercenaries is the European version and does NOT come with an English option. It's only the text, but this is a bit of a text heavy game.


0.o  Ill fix least ill try ; that collection its based on seems to be in process of being removed?! many titles are no longer available. Not sure if its my end or archive removing them. 

Modifié par KNIGHTMARE077
Posté(e) (modifié)

a) Thank you so much for posting the EU version of Dark Legacy - that was one of two on my missing but dearly wanted list. A fine Hanukkah present. Since they don't have a copy, would you be opposed to me submitting that to Vimm's lair? If not, I understand, but I wanted to contribute to them. I won't do it without your permission.


b) I do have one more game that's even more dear to me than Dark Legacy - ToeJam & Earl 3: Mission to Earth's EU version. The English-only version runs very well and the EU one may not yet be fully compatible, but that's my favourite XBox game. I converted a raw redump of that using XDVD Mulleter and it worked partially, but not completely. I'm not sure if it's my fault or an incompatability that hasn't been addressed yet, but it seems odd that the NA version would run well but the EU version, which is the same but with multilanguage support, wouldn't. I have EU version of many other games that work just as well as their North American counterparts.


That said, if you know of another, better way to convert raw .iso files, I'm all ears. I couldn't get any XBox games to run on xemu for the longest time until I realised that it was a disc format issue, not an error on my part or that of the developers.


c) I found the 'World' version of Mechassault 2 elsewhere, but it crashes upon loading or soon thereafter. Again, probably a comptability issue. I will try the version that you just posted and report back.


I tested both 'World' versions of MechAssault 2 - the one you just posted and the one that I found on Vimm's. Both are the same size on disc and both always crash in the same spot on loading. I assume that Xemu simply isn't comptabile yet.

Modifié par JustJeff88
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/12/2022 Ă  18:43, JustJeff88 a dit :

a) Thank you so much for posting the EU version of Dark Legacy - that was one of two on my missing but dearly wanted list. A fine Hanukkah present. Since they don't have a copy, would you be opposed to me submitting that to Vimm's lair? If not, I understand, but I wanted to contribute to them. I won't do it without your permission.


b) I do have one more game that's even more dear to me than Dark Legacy - ToeJam & Earl 3: Mission to Earth's EU version. The English-only version runs very well and the EU one may not yet be fully compatible, but that's my favourite XBox game. I converted a raw redump of that using XDVD Mulleter and it worked partially, but not completely. I'm not sure if it's my fault or an incompatability that hasn't been addressed yet, but it seems odd that the NA version would run well but the EU version, which is the same but with multilanguage support, wouldn't. I have EU version of many other games that work just as well as their North American counterparts.


That said, if you know of another, better way to convert raw .iso files, I'm all ears. I couldn't get any XBox games to run on xemu for the longest time until I realised that it was a disc format issue, not an error on my part or that of the developers.


c) I found the 'World' version of Mechassault 2 elsewhere, but it crashes upon loading or soon thereafter. Again, probably a comptability issue. I will try the version that you just posted and report back.


I tested both 'World' versions of MechAssault 2 - the one you just posted and the one that I found on Vimm's. Both are the same size on disc and both always crash in the same spot on loading. I assume that Xemu simply isn't comptabile yet.


if you have that version you want converted just upload it somewhere and post the link. Ill download it, convert it and add it to the collection.
And no; MechAssult 2 is NOT fully compatible with XEMU yet (not playable). Bonus disc is fully compatible but not game. 

As far as Vimms site; I dont really care what you do with stuff you download lol ....upload away. 

Modifié par KNIGHTMARE077
  Le 25/12/2022 Ă  19:43, JustJeff88 a dit :

It's simply the redump at %26 Earl III - Mission to Earth (Europe) (En%2CFr%2CDe%2CEs%2CIt).zip


I've only had partial functionality converting it - it's probably just not yet compatible somehow (again, the NA version works well). If you can't do it, no-one can.


cool give me a few; ill get it fixed up.


I tried this out and it worked splendidly. I don't know what I was doing wrong with my conversion, but I'm grateful to you. I would ask you what you use for your conversions as they work so well and are so compact, but I imagine that it's a 'secret of the guild' thing.


Thank you again

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 26/12/2022 Ă  17:03, JustJeff88 a dit :

I tried this out and it worked splendidly. I don't know what I was doing wrong with my conversion, but I'm grateful to you. I would ask you what you use for your conversions as they work so well and are so compact, but I imagine that it's a 'secret of the guild' thing.


Thank you again


Nope its no secret ; in fact its freely available. 
Its called "extract-xiso"

Modifié par KNIGHTMARE077
  • 1 an après...

The current files don't seem to have everything anymore, just ~75GB of the first  few letters. Is there a T file with all the games so I can get the full set in one go? Thanks!

  • 2 mois après...
  Le 02/11/2024 Ă  01:55, valdan a dit :

The current files don't seem to have everything anymore, just ~75GB of the first  few letters. Is there a T file with all the games so I can get the full set in one go? Thanks!


There are 3 parts, the "torrent" option from any of the 3 links will likely be incomplete. Use JDownloader to get all. 
Other than that im not sure what else to say, they all appear to be there on my end.

  Le 05/11/2024 Ă  18:53, Not4x a dit :

Anyone knows why halo 2 dies on xemu, game runs good for a few minutes then gets all sorts of graphical errors


Thats an emulator issue. Not all the games provided for it will be supported. 

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