3nigm4 Posté(e) le 26 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 26 décembre 2023 Pour les versions apres la 0.62 ca fonctionne oui je sais car il y'a une option dans l'emulateur pour indiquer l'emplacement du fichier arcaderom... vue que les dernieres versions de Play! ne font pas tourner la namco 2x6, ou alors j'ai pas suivi l'avencement et les demarches pour faire tourner correctement les jeux namco 2x6 sur la derniere version de Play!
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 26 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 26 décembre 2023 Someone Please Upload A Dump Of Animal Kaiser... NOW! 1
edy00116 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 is possible to quit emulator with ESC and not with ctrl+Q?
andymage Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 (modifié) How to solve this pop-up interface? Le 26/12/2023 à 10:10, ultrabub563 a dit : Someone Please Upload A Dump Of Animal Kaiser... NOW! Développer Some people are so stingy that it even becomes their capital to show off. As if he was the first person to dump Animal Kaiser. Modifié le 28 décembre 2023 par andymage 1
EmuAl Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Le 28/12/2023 à 04:18, andymage a dit : How to solve this pop-up interface? Développer you need to add a line in the arcadedef file, all the new ones have it because system 147 was added if you look in new ones you will see this line "driver": "sys246", so you need to add this line to yours if you don't use the arcadedefs that come with the emulator always in this position in the arcadedef "id": "acedriv3", "name": "Ace Driver 3: Final Turn", "driver": "sys246", 1
3nigm4 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 To exit the emulator with esc you must create an ahk with that in : esc:: send, {ctrl}{q} or esc:: send, {alt}{F4} something like that 1
3nigm4 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Le 28/12/2023 à 11:14, EmuAl a dit : you need to add a line in the arcadedef file, all the new ones have it because system 147 was added if you look in new ones you will see this line "driver": "sys246", so you need to add this line to yours if you don't use the arcadedefs that come with the emulator always in this position in the arcadedef "id": "acedriv3", "name": "Ace Driver 3: Final Turn", "driver": "sys246", Développer Thx for the tips with the line "sys246" I wasn't careful
3nigm4 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 I made an executable to launch in full screen and exit with esc. You have to make a "bat" file for each game. you have the one for “blody roar” as an example FullScreen.zipRecherche des informations… 3
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 décembre 2023 (modifié) Everyone! Go To This Link! The Animal Kaiser Has Dumped! kp-012-b-animal-kaiser-nand directory listing (archive.org) Note: If You Download KP012B_AnimalKaiserNAND.zip FIle, You Must Extract The FIle. First You Must Press L1 Button At Backup Initalize. After That, It It Will Gives A Ic Card Error. At This State, Hold L1 Button And Go To Game Settings. Turn Off The Card Dispenser Enable. Then Go To Coin Settings, And Turn On The Free Play. Modifié le 28 décembre 2023 par ultrabub563 7
andymage Posté(e) le 29 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 29 décembre 2023 (modifié) Le 28/12/2023 à 11:14, EmuAl a dit : you need to add a line in the arcadedef file, all the new ones have it because system 147 was added if you look in new ones you will see this line "driver": "sys246", so you need to add this line to yours if you don't use the arcadedefs that come with the emulator always in this position in the arcadedef "id": "acedriv3", "name": "Ace Driver 3: Final Turn", "driver": "sys246", Développer It's normal now, sys246 represents 246&256 Le 28/12/2023 à 20:02, ultrabub563 a dit : Everyone! Go To This Link! The Animal Kaiser Has Dumped! kp-012-b-animal-kaiser-nand directory listing (archive.org) Note: If You Download KP012B_AnimalKaiserNAND.zip FIle, You Must Extract The FIle. First You Must Press L1 Button At Backup Initalize. After That, It It Will Gives A Ic Card Error. At This State, Hold L1 Button And Go To Game Settings. Turn Off The Card Dispenser Enable. Then Go To Coin Settings, And Turn On The Free Play. Développer Modifié le 29 décembre 2023 par andymage
lezzi87 Posté(e) le 29 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 29 décembre 2023 What's the .arcadedef for Animal Kaiser?
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Le 29/12/2023 à 21:46, lezzi87 a dit : What's the .arcadedef for Animal Kaiser? Développer Use This One. akaiser.arcadedefRecherche des informations… 4
dante3732 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Le 25/12/2023 à 08:25, joe555 a dit : portable txt Développer LOL, thanks, i ask in discord and they say about PLAY! don't have portable mode.
bojo5150 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Le 30/12/2023 à 15:45, dante3732 a dit : LOL, thanks, i ask in discord and they say about PLAY! don't have portable mode. Développer https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/pull/1286#issuecomment-1703230202
dante3732 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 (modifié) Le 30/12/2023 à 18:43, bojo5150 a dit : https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/pull/1286#issuecomment-1703230202 Développer Of course, I asked a long time ago, there was no such update back then. When i unpacking the installation file with the 7Z, there are 2 files left, do you know where to put them? System.dll and NSISdl.dll. Modifié le 30 décembre 2023 par dante3732 1
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 30 décembre 2023 Someone Upload A Wangan Midnight Export .arcadedef?
atalec Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2024 Hi, I'm searching for a tutorial to setup sinden guns to play TC4 and others Lightgun games on this system Do you know this? Thx
atalec Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2024 Hi, I have an issue with SuperDBZ It doesn't appear in my game list I'm on the last build, I have no arcadedef file for this game in the folder and I can't find it on archive.org link below in this post Thx
nanometrovovo2 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2024 Animal Kaiser Hyperspin medias freshly baked: AHK code if you want to launch from your Rocketlauncher: Run, Play.exe --arcade akaiser Sleep, 5000 Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up} Esc:: Sendinput, !{f4} Process,Close,play.exe Run,taskkill /im "play.exe" /F ExitApp return 1
nanometrovovo2 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2024 Hyperspin medias for Ace Driver 3:
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 I downloaded Animal Kaiser from the link above, extracted the file, and made a new .zip with the name that matches the arcadedef and it says that it failed to find the file. I have it in the same folder as my other roms/chds for Play! Never mind. I had to put the file into a folder. not a zip. sorry
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 I'm having some trouble with The Idolm@ster. I downloaded the .img file as well as the dongles, converted the .img file to a .chd and I keep getting an error message that said "no directory header found in stream" system2x6 directory listing (archive.org) the link i used If anyone has a .chd file for The Idolm@ster that would be awesome
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 (modifié) Le 01/08/2023 à 15:04, andymage a dit : NAMCO SYSTEM 246 GAME LIST Alien Sniper missing chd and dongle files。 Alpine Racer 3 missing chd and dongle files。 Ace Driver 3 - Final Turn can run normally。 Battle Gear 3 The emulator does not yet support。 The IDOLM@STER can run normally。 Battle Gear 3 Tuned The emulator does not yet support。 Bloody Roar 3 can run normally。However, the dongle cannot be read or the machine debugging archive cannot be saved. Capcom Fighting All Stars missing chd and dongle files。 Capcom Fighting Jam can run normally。 Chokosoku Card Racer missing chd and dongle files。 Cobra : The Arcade can run normally。 Dragon Chronicle - Legendary Master Ark stop at card check。 Dragon Chronicle Online - Great Sky Battle The emulator does not yet support。 Fate : Unlimited Codes can run normally。 Gun Survivor 3 : Dino Crisis missing chd and dongle files。 Minnade Kitaeru Zennou Training stop at io error stage。 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED : Federation Vs. Z.A.F.T. can run normally。 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED : Federation Vs. Z.A.F.T. II can run normally。 Mobile Suit Gundam Z : AEUG Vs. Titans can run normally。 Mobile Suit Gundam Z : AEUG Vs. Titans DX can run normally。 Pride GP 2003 can run normally。 Professional Baseball 2002 stop at Checking system.... Quiz Mobile Suit Gundam: Tou. Senshi can run normally。 Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle can run normally。But the button doesn't work Rockman EXE: Battlechip Stadium missing chd and dongle files。 Samurai Surf X There are chd files, but missing dongle files。 Sengoku Basara X can run normally。 Smash Court Pro Tournament can run normally。 Soul Calibur II can run normally。But the archive file cannot be read, the archive file cannot be dumped currently or the relevant dump tool cannot be found. Soul Calibur III Arcade Edition can run normally。 Starblade : Operation Blue Planet missing chd and dongle files。 Taiko no Tatsujin 7 The emulator does not yet support。 Taiko no Tatsujin 8 can run normally。 Technic Beat The emulator does not yet support。 Tekken 4 can run normally。 Time Crisis 3 can run normally。 Vampire Night can run normally。 Wangan Midnight can run normally。 Wangan Midnight R can run normally。 Zoids Infinity The emulator does not yet support。 Zoids Infinity EX The emulator does not yet support。 NAMCO SYSTEM 256 GAME LIST Chou Dragonball Z / Super Dragonball Z The emulator does not yet support。 Druaga Online : The Story of Aon The emulator does not yet support。 Gundam Vs Gundam can run normally。 Gundam Vs Gundam Next can run normally。 Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix can run normally。 Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix 2 can run normally。 Taiko no Tatsujin 10 can run normally。 Taiko no Tatsujin 11 can run normally。 Taiko no Tatsujin 12 can run normally。 Taiko no Tatsujin 12 More Stop at SYSTEM ERROR. Taiko no Tatsujin 13 can run normally。 Taiko no Tatsujin 14 can run normally。 Taiko no Tatsujin 9 can run normally。 Tekken 5 can run normally。 Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection can run normally。 Tekken 5.1 can run normally。 The Battle of Yu Yu Hakusho: Shitou! Ankoku Bujutsukai! The emulator does not yet support。 Time Crisis 4 can run normally。 Now we need to discuss how to extract the chd file from the img file, if you have the missing chd file, please share. Développer Disregard the reply. Got Idolmaster to boot. Hopefully, it'll be playable someday Modifié le 8 janvier 2024 par Arcadeguy781 Figured out how to get the game to work
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 I think the progress for this emulator is pretty good considering Namco 2x6 support was added about one year & 4 months.
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2024 On the discord server, they said that 2X6 is still WIP. Once it's no longer WIP there will be a compatibility list, but it seems like the compatibility is already good, but some of the games still need to be optimized. A new version just came out today on the GitHub
andymage Posté(e) le 11 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 11 janvier 2024 Le 08/01/2024 à 18:11, Arcadeguy781 a dit : 在discord服务器上,他们说2X6仍然是WIP。一旦不再是WIP就会有一个兼容性列表,但是看起来兼容性已经很好了,但是有些游戏仍然需要优化。 今天刚刚在 GitHub 上发布了新版本 Développer 还有什么不懂的提出来,并截图
Universal Gaming Posté(e) le 12 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 12 janvier 2024 (modifié) Le 11/01/2024 à 15:02, andymage a dit : If there is anything else you don’t understand, please tell me and take a screenshot. Développer Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Le 08/01/2024 à 18:11, Arcadeguy781 a dit : On the discord server, they said that 2X6 is still WIP. Once it's no longer WIP there will be a compatibility list, but it seems like the compatibility is already good, but some of the games still need to be optimized. A new version just came out today on the GitHub Développer Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Modifié le 12 janvier 2024 par Universal Gaming
andymage Posté(e) le 12 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 12 janvier 2024 https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/actions/workflows/build-windows.yaml?query=
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 13 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 13 janvier 2024 (modifié) Le 12/01/2024 à 04:34, Universal Gaming a dit : Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Développer Nope. They are still working it. It’s being programmed by one person so it’s slow. I’ve been testing all of the 2x6 games on my AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX. Bloody Roar 3 (playable) (59 FPS) (tested on 1-11-24 Vulkan) Battle Gear 3 (doesn’t work) Battle Gear 3 Tuned (doesn't work) Cobra (playable) Dragon Chronicle (doesn't work) Capcom fighting Jam (playable) (60 FPS) Gundam Seed Rengou vs ZAFT Moto GP (works with analog controls) (56 FPS tested on 1-10-24) Pride GP 2003 (playable) Ridge Racer (doesn't work) Sengoku Basara (playable) (60 FPS) Soul Calibur 2 (playable, runs at 40-48 FPS) Soul Calibur 3 (playable 40 FPS) (tested on 1-13-24) Technic Beat (doesn't work) Time Crisis 3 (playable, but slow) Vampire Night (playable) Wangan Midnight & Wangan Midnight R (playable) Mobile Suit Z-Gundam AEUG vs Titans (playable) (roughly 60 fps) MSG Gundam vs Gundam MSG Gundam vs Gundam next MSG Seed Destiny Rengou vs ZAFT 2 MSG Z AEUG Vs Titans 2 TEKKEN 4 (playable, runs at 50-55 FPS) TEKKEN 5 (46-50 FPS) Tekken 5 Dark Legacy (46 FPS) (tested on 1-10-24) Kinnikuman (playable) Kinnikuman 2 (playable, but pitch is too high) Fate Unlimited Codes (playable) (58 FPS) (OpenGL) (tested on 1-12-24) Minna (doesn't work) Taiko No Tatsujin 7 (doesn’t work) Taiko 8 (works) Taiko 9 (works) Taiko 10 (works) Taiko 11 (works) Taiko 12 (works) Taiko 13 (works) Taiko 14 (crashes emulator) Zoids infinity (doesn't work) Zoids Infinity EX (doesn't work) Time Crisis 4 (playable, but very slow) Ace Driver 3 (works) (40-42 FPS vulkan) (tested on 1-13-24) Animal Kaiser (works) Smash course tennis (hangs after selecting player) The Idolm@ster (coin input and card doesn’t work. Hopefully a patch will be released to fix this) Super DBZ (doesn’t work) Druaga Online (no online support) Yu Yu Hakusho (doesn’t work) (way too slow) Animal Kaiser (works) The games with FPS next to it are the games that I tested. I can report back regarding other games Also, the emulator is open source so anyone on here can contribute if they want to Modifié le 14 janvier 2024 par Arcadeguy781 Found out that Play! Is open source 4
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 13 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 13 janvier 2024 This is the latest master build Le 12/01/2024 à 04:34, Universal Gaming a dit : Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Développer Yes, that’s the link
muizC Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 (modifié) Le 28/12/2023 à 20:02, ultrabub563 a dit : Everyone! Go To This Link! The Animal Kaiser Has Dumped! kp-012-b-animal-kaiser-nand directory listing (archive.org) Note: If You Download KP012B_AnimalKaiserNAND.zip FIle, You Must Extract The FIle. First You Must Press L1 Button At Backup Initalize. After That, It It Will Gives A Ic Card Error. At This State, Hold L1 Button And Go To Game Settings. Turn Off The Card Dispenser Enable. Then Go To Coin Settings, And Turn On The Free Play. Développer The Link tutorial to run the games are dead, anyone willing to create a new tutorial? Modifié le 14 janvier 2024 par muizC
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Le 14/01/2024 à 02:35, muizC a dit : newbie here, is there a tutorial pdf file on how to install Namco 246 emulator? Développer You have to go to this link https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/actions (you have to sign up to download), install to your program files folder on your C drive or whatever the installer defaults to. Your ROMs, IMG, ISO, and CHD files must be placed in the Play Data Files Arcade ROMs folder which is in the documents folder. The arcade def files are also going to be where you installed the emulator & the CHD file & rom must match the rom & CHD you have. Otherwise it won’t work. You also may need to convert the img or iso to CHD using CHDman (there’s a download link somewhere in this thread). CHD files must be placed in folders & for Animal Kaiser you need to extract that into a folder, and again the name of the Arcade def must match the rom name.
GingerJazz Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 @Arcadeguy781 how many fps were the original game hardware, were they locked @ 30 fps or 60fps and what gfx card were they tested on plz?
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Le 14/01/2024 à 09:39, GingerJazz a dit : @Arcadeguy781 how many fps were the original game hardware, were they locked @ 30 fps or 60fps and what gfx card were they tested on plz? Développer I don't know what the FPS was on the original hardware
Arcadeguy781 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 14 janvier 2024 Le 12/01/2024 à 04:34, Universal Gaming a dit : Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Thought this project was done for, where is the new release on Github? https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/releases This?! Développer It's open source if you want to contribute. I know I mentioned this already, but people are more likely to see this since it's a new post. They also have a discord server. (Play- PlayStation 2 is the name)
Universal Gaming Posté(e) le 15 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 15 janvier 2024 Le 14/01/2024 à 17:03, Arcadeguy781 a dit : It's open source if you want to contribute. I know I mentioned this already, but people are more likely to see this since it's a new post. They also have a discord server. (Play- PlayStation 2 is the name) Développer I'm in that server already. 1
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