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Hi Guys

Is there anyone can teach me how to update this 2.11 to 2.30? im look for days but i cant seem to find any solutions and i found a lot of people that has 2.30 😞
 im using tekno parrot by the way

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Posté(e) (modifié)
6 hours ago, grangler said:

My standalone rom 2.30 it was a big pain.

Great video 
can you show 2.30 working with tp 2.11 xml+story progress saving with the latest minime?



Modifié par A FRIEND

I dont use teknoparrot as it never scales right on my 4k tv i only use it for house of the dead 4 and only the first version of teknoparrot if i update it in any way it throws out the scaling witch messes with the hit marker.

15 minutes ago, grangler said:

I dont use teknoparrot as it never scales right on my 4k tv i only use it for house of the dead 4 and only the first version of teknoparrot if i update it in any way it throws out the scaling witch messes with the hit marker.

With the patch idz 2.30 works with tp on a 2560x1440 res max on my 4k screen as for the story progress maybe I’ve missed something but for me it doesn’t work with the latest minime I’ve used 2.11 xml and overwrite the old minime inside tp


On 8/15/2022 at 2:21 AM, michaeltech said:

Hi Guys

Is there anyone can teach me how to update this 2.11 to 2.30? im look for days but i cant seem to find any solutions and i found a lot of people that has 2.30 😞
 im using tekno parrot by the way

No description available.

I do possess a 2.30 decrypted RAR archive, but I cannot really upload it anywhere without fighting the bandwidth of my internet connection. Maybe you should try joining the 1cc Discord server to find out the necessary files to get your 2.30 working.

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