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2 Player Wiimote Tutorial For TeknoParrot Gun Games

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It is possible to use 2 wiimotes (nunchuks required) with 1 Dolphin Bar for 2 player games in TeknoParrot


Here's how you do it.


First connect your nunchucks to your wiimotes then set Dolphin Bar to Mode 3 and connect your wiimotes to the dolphin bar.


1) Whatever game you want to use, you have to set the game settings to Direct Input.


Also make sure to untick General - Use Relative Input option.


2) You can set all the buttons in the controller settings to whichever button on the wiimote you feel comfortable with.

3) In order for the gun to move correctly in the game, you must set the Gun X and Gun Y properties as follows.
You can achieve this by moving the wiimote in front of the Dolphin Bar.



4) Do the same for player 2.


This works for single player games aswell.

It is possible to setup 4 wiimotes likes this but not sure if any game takes advantage of 4 players.
I have tried this in other emulators with varying degrees of success.

It does work in MAME. If you find any other ones it does work with then please let everyone know.


This hardware setup also works with DemulShooter.

X and Y Axis are linked to NunChuck Joysticks by default.

You simply have to choose 0x32 for X and 0x35 for Y in P1-P4 Config to be able to aim with Wiimotes.

Verify correct aiming using DSdiag. (thanks VGer)


thanks all and enjoy :) 

Modifié par EmuAl
more info added
1 hour ago, bucksoverfame said:

I'm running Hyperspin, So what about the other systems like  Sega Model 2 & 3, PS3 or PS2, Xbox and Xbox360. Using Retroarch for the others. Might try and buy to set up this weekend.


none of those systems worked this way, it would need some changes in programming input code to work on those I think.
Mostly these systems have been emulated to use the mouse for gun input and therefore i couldn't get it to work with those but normally emulating the mouse in mode 2 with 1 player setup works great.
so i guess you would use 2 dolphin bars for 2 players but i've never done this as i don't see the point in it.

  • 1 mois aprĂšs...

Thanks for the tutorial. For some reason I’m not able to set the x and y for player 2. I can set all other buttons except for that. Any suggestions?

  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...
On 9/11/2022 at 1:53 PM, Ghouse85 said:

Thanks for the tutorial. For some reason I’m not able to set the x and y for player 2. I can set all other buttons except for that. Any suggestions?

bit late but are you using the mayflash bar ?

  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...

Thanks for the tutorial.

For all : Be aware you need to connect Nunchucks to use this setup.

I hope 4-players Rabbits Hollywood will be possible with this...

On 9/29/2022 at 3:46 AM, EmuAl said:

bit late but are you using the mayflash bar ?

Yep, but as mentioned by VGer, I later realised that I needed to connect nunchucks for it to work 🙂

Posté(e) (modifié)
10 hours ago, Ghouse85 said:

Yep, but as mentioned by VGer, I later realised that I needed to connect nunchucks for it to work 🙂

sorry, i do have nunchucks and have never tried without so never knew it didn't work without them.
will add this info to the first post.

Modifié par EmuAl

This hardware setup also works with DemulShooter.

X and Y Axis are linked to NunChuck Joysticks by default.

You simply have to choose 0x32 for X and 0x35 for Y in P1-P4 Config to be able to aim with Wiimotes.

Verify correct aiming using DSdiag.

8 minutes ago, VGer said:

This hardware setup also works with DemulShooter.

X and Y Axis are linked to NunChuck Joysticks by default.

You simply have to choose 0x32 for X and 0x35 for Y in P1-P4 Config to be able to aim with Wiimotes.

Verify correct aiming using DSdiag.

yep, been meaning to add this info so will do it now :) thank you

  • 3 mois aprĂšs...

First of all, thank you for your instructions. I have managed to make the wiimotes work in several games muybie, I know the lag it has. Although we all know that it is enough to play for hours. heheh. Now I'm running Time crisis 5, but I can't get the pedals to work well with the nunchuck joy. In the end I just use R to do the L and R pedal actions. It doesn't work well though.

2 hours ago, Anubis said:

First of all, thank you for your instructions. I have managed to make the wiimotes work in several games muybie, I know the lag it has. Although we all know that it is enough to play for hours. heheh. Now I'm running Time crisis 5, but I can't get the pedals to work well with the nunchuck joy. In the end I just use R to do the L and R pedal actions. It doesn't work well though.

Pretty sure i set the pedals to left and right on nunchuk, it seemed ok for me at the time, was a long time ago now so could be mistaken.
I also know people have used real pedals for the pedal input.
Anyway glad you got it set up and working.


I think you need the ffb from Boomslangnz, TP Dev.
I have never tried but others say it works for pads and wheels and so i don't see why it wouldn't for wiimote
It's something i've been meaning to try but never got round to it, when i do i'll add it to the tuto.


2 hours ago, bucksoverfame said:

With the dolphin bar, I want to make guns. Do you have to connect the thumb controller also or only use the part for the gun?

the tutorial states you need wiimote and nunchuk for it to work properly 👍

  • 2 mois aprĂšs...
2 hours ago, darkhapposai said:

HI. It works fine to me. A question: What position I must set to dolphinbar in order to correct aiming, with out pointer shaking? Greetings from Chile!!

i have mine on top of my monitor and have tried various positions but you can't eliminate all the shaking,
i think it's super sensitive and has no deadzone as such but for me it is the best place, for you it maybe different.

  • 10 mois aprĂšs...
On 7/24/2022 at 8:27 PM, EmuAl said:

It is possible to use 2 wiimotes (nunchuks required) with 1 Dolphin Bar for 2 player games in TeknoParrot


Here's how you do it.


First connect your nunchucks to your wiimotes then set Dolphin Bar to Mode 3 and connect your wiimotes to the dolphin bar.


1) Whatever game you want to use, you have to set the game settings to Direct Input.


Also make sure to untick General - Use Relative Input option.


2) You can set all the buttons in the controller settings to whichever button on the wiimote you feel comfortable with.

3) In order for the gun to move correctly in the game, you must set the Gun X and Gun Y properties as follows.
You can achieve this by moving the wiimote in front of the Dolphin Bar.



4) Do the same for player 2.


This works for single player games aswell.

It is possible to setup 4 wiimotes likes this but not sure if any game takes advantage of 4 players.
I have tried this in other emulators with varying degrees of success.

It does work in MAME. If you find any other ones it does work with then please let everyone know.


This hardware setup also works with DemulShooter.

X and Y Axis are linked to NunChuck Joysticks by default.

You simply have to choose 0x32 for X and 0x35 for Y in P1-P4 Config to be able to aim with Wiimotes.

Verify correct aiming using DSdiag. (thanks VGer)


thanks all and enjoy :) 

Could you explain the raisins for mame as teknoparrot. In mame 2 wiimote 1 mayflash please đŸ™đŸ»



so for this to work in mame you need to set the guns the same way as teknoparrot, 

joystick mode 3, nunchuks required

in mame game settings, input devices, ensure wiimotes are positioned 1 to 4 in joystick column (you may need to create a ctrlr.cfg file for this)

pay attention to the 2 different types of gun input in mame, lightgun X or Y and AD STICK X or Y

this is where you set the axis like in the picture

joy 1 button 3 is trigger
joy 1 button 6 is large button on the nunchuk
joy 1 button 7 is small button on the nunchuk


your button might have a different number but just set it how you want

hope this makes sense




On 24/7/2022 at 20:27, EmuAl said:

Es posible utilizar 2 wiimotes (se requieren nunchuks) con 1 Dolphin Bar para juegos de 2 jugadores en TeknoParrot


AquĂ­ te explicamos cĂłmo hacerlo.


Primero conecta tus nunchakus a tus wiimotes, luego configura la Dolphin Bar en Modo 3 y conecta tus wiimotes a la dolphin bar.


1) Cualquiera que sea el juego que quieras utilizar, debes establecer la configuraciĂłn del juego en Entrada directa.

700510571_Entrada general.png.cc7004abf15429f46a1da0c82a0a592a.png

AsegĂșrese tambiĂ©n de desmarcar la opciĂłn General – Usar entrada relativa .


2) Puedes configurar todos los botones en la configuraciĂłn del controlador en cualquier botĂłn del Wiimote que te resulte cĂłmodo.

3) Para que el arma se mueva correctamente en el juego, debes configurar las propiedades Gun X y Gun Y de la siguiente manera.
Puedes lograr esto moviendo el Wiimote frente a la barra Dolphin.



4) Haz lo mismo para el jugador 2.


Esto también funciona para juegos de un solo jugador.

Es posible configurar 4 Wiimotes de esta manera, pero no estoy seguro de si algĂșn juego aprovecha la posibilidad de tener 4 jugadores.
He probado esto en otros emuladores con distintos grados de Ă©xito.

Funciona en MAME. Si encuentras otros con los que funcione, comunĂ­caselo a todo el mundo.


Esta configuración de hardware también funciona con DemulShooter.

Los ejes X e Y estĂĄn vinculados a los joysticks NunChuck de forma predeterminada.

Simplemente tienes que elegir 0x32 para X y 0x35 para Y en P1-P4 Config para poder apuntar con Wiimotes.

Verifique la orientaciĂłn correcta utilizando DSdiag. (gracias VGer)


Gracias a todos y disfruten:) 

Sorry but no matter how much I try I can't get it to work, could you give me your mame without roms just mame with your configuration please to see if it will work for me with your version

7 hours ago, susoarkangel said:

Sorry but no matter how much I try I can't get it to work, could you give me your mame without roms just mame with your configuration please to see if it will work for me with your version

my files won't help you, they are specific to my setup, you need to set it up for your setup
there are many reasons why this wont work
the biggest reason is not having the correct equipment
2 questions before we continue

do you have a mayflash bar ?
do you have 2 wiimotes with nunchuks connected to your mayflash bar in mode 3 (joystick mode) ?

This is the only way this tutorial will work for mame

  • 1 mois aprĂšs...
On 9/10/2024 at 11:41 PM, susoarkangel said:

If I have original Mayflash 

2 wiimote with original nunchuks and the bar at number 3

I can get Wiimote 1 to work but not Wiimote 2.

what is not working ?

is the blue light for player 2 lit on the 2nd wiimote ?
does it not allow to setup in mame or other emulator ?

you should get discord, talking on here with messages done weeks apart is not great way to get help 👍

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