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Is upgrade from 750ti to 1050ti worth it?

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Posté(e) (modifié)

Hey Guys,


I’m currently running:

W10 pro

i5 2500k

8gb ram

Evga 750ti


i have a chance to get an EVGA 1050ti for $70. I was wondering, in terms of emulation performance, if it is worth the upgrade from the 750ti to the 1050ti, or if I should hold off for now and wait awhile for the 1060 to come down a bit.


Any advice is truly appreciated.


Modifié par buck116
  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)

750 ti vs 1050 ti :

750 ti ti vs 1060 :


1050 ti vs 1060 in 16 games :


Final words :

going from a 750 ti to a 1050 ti is a good improvement but going from a 750 ti to a 1060 is even better...
There is a performance gap between the 750 ti and the 1050 ti, and it's the same for the 1050 ti and the 1060...
Then you have to take the price into account! you are right, $70 for a 1050 ti is very cheap !
I don't know if you experience slowdowns with your 750 ti in the emulation for slightly more recent games, but you do, of course you go on a 1050 ti...
For example The house of the dead scarlet Dawn has a 1070 to play on 1080p, a 1050 ti may on the other hand be a bit tight to play it correctly, unless you lower the resolution...
After that for $70 you're not taking too much of a risk but you may still encounter problems. framerate drops on recent games in emulation but 95% of the emulation will run at full throttle.

1050 Ti HOTD Scarlet Dawn: don't expect to have more than 30 fps with your Cpu even with a 1060 you can't reach constant 60 fps :


Modifié par WildWolf
Invité R.R.Z.
Posté(e) (modifié)
5 hours ago, buck116 said:

it is worth the upgrade from the 750ti to the 1050ti, or if I should hold off for now and wait awhile for the 1060 to come down a bit.


imo think about waiting for 1070 

today and 2-3 years from now it should 

suffice for most arcade emulation 

Modifié par R.R.Z.
  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)
il y a une heure, R.R.Z. a dit :


imo think about waiting for 1070 

today and 2-3 years from now it should 

suffice for most arcade emulation 

If I had to make a new cab today for emulation, it would be an i5 12xxx gen with at least a 1070-1080 to be comfortable everywhere, especially with RCPS3 for the non arcade emulation.
On the other hand, beware, there will be an increase of 20-30% on all computer components because of the Chinese factories which are closed and the shortage of semiconductors...
I have the impression that we will not know never again the normal prices of the computer market 5 years ago... affording a new config will be a privilege in the years to come...
Modifié par WildWolf
Posté(e) (modifié)
1 hour ago, buck116 said:

I recently made the jump from gt1030 to 1050ti, because I seen a deal, I feel prices aren't going to go down to much, I play at 1080p and was very satisfied with my decision,1030 could handle most, but the odd games on a few systems increased in fps,and overall smoothness, pcsx2, TP, switch,are ones that improved I wasn't looking for PS3,and believe I would still need a better cpu to use at its fulleest, also depends on what your after,price,res, what will fit 8n your case, for me without cutting 1050ti was as big as would fit, scarlet dawn is the only game so far that has had to have tweaks to get good performance,I have a i7 3770 3.4 upto 3.9 turbo 8gigs ram with the 1050ti,plays everything good, also there is the odd games if GPU to good gives issues atleast for TP,so I believe I have a good balance of not to weak,or to strong, also didn't over buy,so not wasting, I also don't play PC games,so that may be another factor,all comes down to what you want out of it and are going to play, I went cheaper PC and components so I could purchase more accessories, but 70 dollars is a hell of a deal atleast from were I live,hell I might have bought 2 at that price lol, you might end up waiting on 1060 or better and they may never come down, time to buy is when you see good deal

Modifié par joe555
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hey Guys,

Another question I didn’t consider until now is, I have an old Sandy Bridge Gen 2 cpu (i2500k), if I get the 1050ti, do you think I will experience significant CPU bottlenecking that would render the card upgrade from the 750ti useless in terms of emulation performance, or should it not be that bad? Anyone out there with experience with older gen cpus and more modern GPUs?


Down the line I will update my whole rig, but for now I’m just trying to get the most out of the current one. Any further advice is appreciated.


Modifié par buck116

short answer is probably.

i found 2 SLi 1080's not enough for big games in 4k , so i upgraded to 1 ROG Strix GeForce RTX 3090 OC and it does anything well and in 4k HDR too.

but i would say from that i know that 1  1080 would be enough for most games in 1080p res

Posté(e) (modifié)

For $70 it is a no brainer. Risk free purchase if you know that it is working okay, and to upgrade your CPU, easy a used Intel Core i7-3770K from Ebay for $40 or $50 at most.

Modifié par GingerJazz
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