konradg Posté(e) le 15 février 2022 Posté(e) le 15 février 2022 (modifié) Hello!  Have you used "eaLocalServer.exe" before?  Have you been frustrated with the "network is busy" error and with the face that you can not save your scores using most of the eAmu servers?  Well, here it is - this server is made by the user DragonMinded (big thanks!!!) and this server is a part of the bemaniutils package (here it is: https://github.com/DragonMinded/bemaniutils).  The version I am sharing does not require Python installed, as it is packed into a single file that you can run from the command prompt.  After downloading the file from https://konradgolinski.pl/eamuserver.zip, open a command prompt window and a notepad window.  - In the command prompt window, type "ipconfig" (without quotes) and scroll down to your Wi-Fi or Ethernet network adapter. Look at the "IPv4 Address"; this is your local IP address. - Open the file "services.yaml" with Notepad (hint: if you don't see it, change the drop down list next to the file name textbox from Text Documents to All Files). - In the file, change the "server:address" and "server:keepalive" values to the local IP address you just got (don't remove the quotes). You can further customize the file if you want - it is pretty self-explanatory. - Then, go to the website https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html. Download and install XAMPP. After installation, run XAMPP and make sure both "Apache" and "MySQL" are running. - Open a browser window and go to "" and click the Databases tab. In the Database Name field, type bemani and click Create. - Click on the bemani database on the panel on the right side (again, ignoring all errors). - Download the file: https://konradgolinski.pl/bemani.sql. Make sure the bemani database is selected. Click on the Import tab, and select the downloaded file. Click "Go".  - If you see any errors, click Ignore All on the bottom of the page and in the popup window. - You can now run the file "run.bat" from where you extracted the server. - In Notepad, open the file prop/ea3-config.xml of your game and change <services __type="str">[there should be something here]</services> to <services __type="str">http://[your local IP]:1337/</services> You can now run the game.  Supported Games : - Bishi Bashi - Metal Gear Arcade - DanceDanceRevolution - Beatmania IIDX - Jubeat - Museca - Pop'n Music - Reflec Beat - Sound Voltex   Modifié le 16 février 2022 par 7zxkv Fix non-working 5
scooby Posté(e) le 15 février 2022 Posté(e) le 15 février 2022 Thank you very much for the information. Did you try this with Road Fighter 3D ? I'm looking for a saving method for a long time !  TIA
konradg Posté(e) le 15 février 2022 Auteur Posté(e) le 15 février 2022 2 hours ago, scooby said: Thank you very much for the information. Did you try this with Road Fighter 3D ? I'm looking for a saving method for a long time !  TIA Currently, it does not support Road Fighter 3D. Maybe in the future.
rgbmew Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 Out of curiosity, why this, and not Asphyxia? Is this just quicker and easier to set up for when you need a quick connection, like eaLocalServer? Does it support legacy games that Asphyxia Core can't?
Team 7zxkv Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 Team Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 added here. ps: thank you for warning me on this kind of subject, I prefer to group together than to do dedicated subjects. One suggestion: come up with a name for your program  No answer need.
konradg PostĂ©(e) le 16 fĂ©vrier 2022 Auteur PostĂ©(e) le 16 fĂ©vrier 2022 (modifiĂ©) 3 hours ago, rgbmew said: Out of curiosity, why this, and not Asphyxia? Is this just quicker and easier to set up for when you need a quick connection, like eaLocalServer? Does it support legacy games that Asphyxia Core can't? Yes, it supports legacy games and IIDX, which Asphyxia doesn't. Also, it allows for score saving, which eaLocalServer doesn't. It works on: Beatmania IIDX 20/21/22/23/24/25 The BishiBashi Museca Museca 1+1/2 Pop'n Music TUNE STREET, fantasia, Sunny Park, ă©ăăčăăȘăą, eclale, ăăăăšç«ăšć°ćčŽăźć€ą, peace REFLEC BEAT, limelight, colette, groovin'!!, VOLZZA, VOLZZA 2 SOUND VOLTEX I/II/III/IV ModifiĂ© le 16 fĂ©vrier 2022 par konradg 1
Max Panda Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 Has anyone tried this with DDR A20 Plus to see if it works?  also OT , can someone provide me a link to the latest release of Butterfly?   Thanks in advance.
konradg Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 Auteur Posté(e) le 16 février 2022 29 minutes ago, Max Panda said: Has anyone tried this with DDR A20 Plus to see if it works?  also OT , can someone provide me a link to the latest release of Butterfly?   Thanks in advance. It is available in this post (search for "butterfly"): http://www.emuline.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13994
Max Panda Posté(e) le 17 février 2022 Posté(e) le 17 février 2022 (modifié) Thanks - was searching for it in the forum but had a hard time because of that one post that's repeated several times for some reason.  I downloaded the version of butterfly and set it up but can't get DDR A20 Plus to work with it.  Do you know if this version of butterfly supports DDR A20 Plus? Modifié le 17 février 2022 par Max Panda more info
Akshuls Posté(e) le 1 mars 2022 Posté(e) le 1 mars 2022 On 2/17/2022 at 1:14 AM, Max Panda said: Thanks - was searching for it in the forum but had a hard time because of that one post that's repeated several times for some reason.  I downloaded the version of butterfly and set it up but can't get DDR A20 Plus to work with it.  Do you know if this version of butterfly supports DDR A20 Plus? none.
Kyomii Posté(e) le 7 mars 2022 Posté(e) le 7 mars 2022 (modifié) Hope iidx 29 and sdvx 5 support would be released soon, thank you!!!! m(_ _)m Modifié le 7 mars 2022 par Kyomii
jppgamer321 Posté(e) le 20 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 20 mai 2022 (modifié) Is there any way to make this work with pre-tricoro IIDX games? (IIDX 9-19), i tried on my Empress HDD but it says network warning on the down left corner of the screen Modifié le 21 mai 2022 par jppgamer321
taz_fr_51 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2022 Bonjour à tous,  Je cherche à faire fonctionner une borne steel chronicle avec son system d'origine en offline... si certains ont une expérience sur la configuration d'un serveur eamusement offline...
xtremebuga Posté(e) le 22 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2022 I managed to do this method but it affects the game Initial D Arcade Stage Zero V2. It will no longer be possible to save the progress because it does not connect to All.Net. That's what happened here on my PC, I hope you're not typing nonsense, I just wanted to warn everyone here. I uninstalled it and it went back to normal.  Before installation.  After installation.
piotr25691 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2022 7 hours ago, xtremebuga said: I managed to do this method but it affects the game Initial D Arcade Stage Zero V2. It will no longer be possible to save the progress because it does not connect to All.Net. That's what happened here on my PC, I hope you're not typing nonsense, I just wanted to warn everyone here. I uninstalled it and it went back to normal.  Before installation.  After installation. i don't think you are posting this in the correct thread man
xtremebuga Posté(e) le 22 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2022 I followed the tutorial from the main post of this topic e-AMUSEMENT server, and I got it. As a result, this tutorial affected the game where I posted the screenshots, if I posted it in the wrong place, I'm sorry. I apologize.
goets PostĂ©(e) le 25 mai 2022 PostĂ©(e) le 25 mai 2022 On 2022/2/16 at ćć12æ5ć, konradg said: ăăă«ăĄăŻïŒ  仄ćă«ăeaLocalServer.exeăăäœżçšăăăăšăăăăŸăăïŒ Â ăăăăăŻăŒăŻăăăžăŒă§ăăăšăăăšă©ăŒăăă»ăšăă©ăźeAmuă”ăŒăăŒăäœżçšăăŠăčăłăąăäżćă§ăăȘăăšăăéĄă«äžæșăæăăăăšăŻăăăŸăăăă  ăăŠăăăă«ăăăŸă-ăăźă”ăŒăăŒăŻăŠăŒă¶ăŒDragonMindedă«ăăŁăŠäœæăăïŒć€§æèŹ!!!ïŒăăăźă”ăŒăăŒăŻbemaniutilsăăă±ăŒăžăźäžéšă§ăïŒăăă§ăŻhttps://github.com/DragonMinded/bemaniutilsïŒă  ç§ăć ±æăăŠăăăăŒăžă§ăłăŻăăłăăłăăăăłăăăăćźèĄă§ăăćäžăźăăĄă€ă«ă«ăăăŻăăăŠăăăăăPythonăă€ăłăčăăŒă«ăăćż èŠăŻăăăŸăăă  https://konradgolinski.pl/eamuserver.zip ăăăăĄă€ă«ăăăŠăłăăŒăăăćŸăăłăăłăăăăłăăăŠăŁăłăăŠăšăĄăąćžłăŠăŁăłăăŠăéăăŸăă  -ăłăăłăăăăłăăăŠăŁăłăăŠă§ăăipconfigăïŒćŒçšçŹŠăȘăïŒăšć „ćăăWi-FiăŸăăŻă€ăŒă”ăăăăăăăŻăŒăŻăąăăăżăŒăŸă§äžă«ăčăŻăăŒă«ăăŸăăăIPv4ăąăăŹăčăăèŠăŠăă ăăăăăăŻăăŒă«ă«IPăąăăŹăčă§ăă -ăăĄă€ă«ăservices.yamlăăăĄăąćžłă§éăăŸăïŒăăłăïŒèĄšç€șăăăȘăć ŽćăŻăăăĄă€ă«ćăăăčăăăăŻăčăźæšȘă«ăăăăăăăăŠăłăȘăčăă[ăăăčăăăă„ăĄăłă]ăă[ăăčăŠăźăăĄă€ă«]ă«ć€æŽăăŸăïŒă -ăăĄă€ă«ă§ăăserverïŒaddressăăšăserverïŒkeepaliveăăźć€ăććŸăăăăŒă«ă«IPăąăăŹăčă«ć€æŽăăŸăïŒćŒçšçŹŠăŻćé€ăăȘăă§ăă ăăïŒăćż èŠă«ćżăăŠăăăĄă€ă«ăăăă«ă«ăčăżăă€ășă§ăăŸăăăăăŻäžçźçç¶ă§ăă -æŹĄă«ăWebă”ă€ăhttps://www.apachefriends.org/index.htmlă«ăąăŻă»ăčăăŸăăXAMPPăăăŠăłăăŒăăăŠă€ăłăčăăŒă«ăăŸăă ă€ăłăčăăŒă«ćŸăXAMPPăćźèĄăăăApacheăăšăMySQLăăźäžĄæčăćźèĄăăăŠăăăăšăçąșèȘăăŸăă -ăă©ăŠă¶ăŠăŁăłăăŠăéăăăhttp://ăă«ç§»ćăăŠă[ăăŒăżăăŒăč]ăżăăăŻăȘăăŻăăŸăăăăăŒăżăăŒăčćăăăŁăŒă«ăă«ăbemaniăăšć „ćăăăäœæăăăŻăȘăăŻăăŸăă -ćłćŽăźăăă«ă§bemaniăăŒăżăăŒăčăăŻăȘăăŻăăŸăïŒăăă§ăăăăčăŠăźăšă©ăŒăçĄèŠăăŸăïŒă -ăăĄă€ă«ăăăŠăłăăŒăăăŸăïŒÂ https ïŒ//konradgolinski.pl/bemani.sql ăbemaniăăŒăżăăŒăčăéžæăăăŠăăăăšăçąșèȘăăŠăă ăăă[ă€ăłăăŒă]ăżăăăŻăȘăăŻăăŠăăăŠăłăăŒăăăăăĄă€ă«ăéžæăăŸăăăćźèĄăăăŻăȘăăŻăăŸăă  -ăšă©ăŒăèĄšç€șăăăć ŽćăŻăăăŒăžăźäžéšăšăăăăąăăăŠăŁăłăăŠă§[ăăčăŠçĄèŠ]ăăŻăȘăăŻăăŸăă -ăăă§ăă”ăŒăăŒăæœćșăăć ŽæăăăăĄă€ă«ărun.batăăćźèĄă§ăăŸăă -ăĄăąćžłă§ăăČăŒă ăźăăĄă€ă«prop / ea3-config.xmlăéăă<services __type ="str">[ăăă«äœăăăăăŻăă§ă]</services>ă<services__type= "str"> httpïŒ/ă«ć€æŽăăŸăă / [ăăŒă«ă«IP]ïŒ1337 / </ services> ăăă§ăČăŒă ăćźèĄă§ăăŸăă  ă”ăăŒăăăăŠăăăČăŒă ïŒ-Bishi Bashi -ăĄăżă«ăźăąăąăŒă±ăŒă -DanceDanceRevolution -Beatmania IIDX -Jubeat -ă ă»ă« -ăăăăłăă„ăŒăžă㯠-Reflec Beat -ă”ăŠăłăăă«ăăăŻăč   I've set everything up and played the game, but my score isn't saved. Why?
xtremebuga Posté(e) le 25 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 25 mai 2022 11 hours ago, goets said: I've set everything up and played the game, but my score isn't saved. Why? Which game are you talking about? Could you show us a screenshot of your game? Tell   just what your game didn't save, it's complicated.
xtremebuga Posté(e) le 26 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 26 mai 2022 Here I can insert the card, but then this error appears. I'll try more and any news I'll let you know here.  1
johnjorell Posté(e) le 30 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 30 juin 2022 I can't download both eamuseserver.zip and bemani.sql files. The website seems to be down as of this writing. Anyone still have alternative links?
BlackRockShooter109 Posté(e) le 1 juillet 2022 Posté(e) le 1 juillet 2022 hace 20 horas, johnjorell dijo: I can't download both eamuseserver.zip and bemani.sql files. The website seems to be down as of this writing. Anyone still have alternative links? https://www.mediafire.com/file/toggsd6qgsouao7/eamuserver.zip/file
G KENNON PostĂ©(e) le 2 juillet 2022 PostĂ©(e) le 2 juillet 2022 Why does the server keep breaking sometimes he refuses to connect or it will give me a server is busyÂ
johnjorell Posté(e) le 5 juillet 2022 Posté(e) le 5 juillet 2022 On 7/1/2022 at 1:27 PM, BlackRockShooter109 said: https://www.mediafire.com/file/toggsd6qgsouao7/eamuserver.zip/file Thank you so much.
mikaelr Posté(e) le 9 août 2022 Posté(e) le 9 août 2022 On 7/6/2022 at 11:45 PM, rateiosu said: network busy error. What are you trying to play actually? If it's not in the list, it's probably not supported.
QuinnITG Posté(e) le 3 septembre 2022 Posté(e) le 3 septembre 2022 i get this when trying to boot any DDR game (I tried X2-2014)
QuinnITG PostĂ©(e) le 17 septembre 2022 PostĂ©(e) le 17 septembre 2022 On 9/3/2022 at 3:50 PM, QuinnITG said: i get this when trying to boot any DDR game (I tried X2-2014) I have a feeling this is because of a bad SQL file. can anyone upload a working SQL file? the one i tried before was this one  On 7/1/2022 at 1:27 AM, BlackRockShooter109 said: https://www.mediafire.com/file/toggsd6qgsouao7/eamuserver.zip/file Â
mikaelr Posté(e) le 8 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 8 mars 2023 I know this is kinda dead but how do you pack the butils into this small executable?
Darkfeline Posté(e) le 15 avril 2023 Posté(e) le 15 avril 2023 (modifié) Help please. I'm currently stuck. i uploaded the bemani.sql in the website. I think i imported the bemani.sql properly. i can see the data such as "profile" and "arcade_settings" but what do i do after that?  - You can now run the file "run.bat" from where you extracted the server. The cmd window for "run.bat" closes right away.  - In Notepad, open the file prop/ea3-config.xml of your game and change <services __type="str">[there should be something here]</services> to <services __type="str">http://[your local IP]:1337/</services> You can now run the game. the network when i start up DDR X2 is indicated as "bad" after following this.  also, i want to point out that it says "services.yaml" in the instructions. it's "server.yaml" in the .zip file but i did rename it to services. but i can't access eamuse for DDR X2 either way.  i'm using spicetools BTW. launcher.exe, gamestart-12.bat doesnt work. i also tried "gamestart-spice.bat" but while network is now "OK," there's also a note in japanese indicating there's no eamuse even if it's "on" in the "network options." pressing teh + button doesnt work and editing the network in config.bat didn't fix it eitheer  Never mind. I figured it out. Modifié le 20 mai 2023 par Darkfeline
eladrus Posté(e) le 24 août 2023 Posté(e) le 24 août 2023  Hi, I follow all the steps it works but it doesn't save the scores I'm using dance dance revolution x3
QuinnITG PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2023 PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2023 I also am having an issue where the scores will not save to my profile. After a 3-song set is over, and I log back in to do my next 3 songs, the scores i just had do not show up. I have tried from X2-2014 and it won't save at all. I see 2 other people with an identical issue so idk why there is no solution yet. The only thing that may be the issue is that in the log where you can see the server running, it will say it can't find a file for the song you just played. Other than this idk why it won't save the scores.Â
Darkfeline Posté(e) le 12 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 12 septembre 2023 I have another question. Why is there only one eamusement card slot for DDR X2 and X3? Because 2013, A and A20 have two slots, one for each player. I can tell bt pressing F5 and F6 with spicetools where the numpads pop out.
mikaelr Posté(e) le 12 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 12 octobre 2023 still waiting for his reply, is he still around? i have access to some private bemaniutils repo and would like to pack them into something similar as they support newer versions of games like pop'n unilab, sdvx exceed gear, iidx resident, ddr a3. 1
BEMANIGUY Posté(e) le 21 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 21 novembre 2023 On 10/12/2023 at 10:02 AM, mikaelr said: still waiting for his reply, is he still around? i have access to some private bemaniutils repo and would like to pack them into something similar as they support newer versions of games like pop'n unilab, sdvx exceed gear, iidx resident, ddr a3. It doesn't seem like the OP is around any more, even the links in the post are dead, whatever you've got cooking feel free to share if possible. 1
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