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MAME 0.275 & clones : Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator

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Posté(e) (modifié)

Yes mate that worked loaded up in English in the new arcade 64 1.92 posted :-)


Hopefully someone could post up the newer roms that work with this version too. Dodon Black label, kof98umh are 2 that dont seem to work for me.

Also guys is there a no nag version of Arcade 64 or am i missing an option. I usually download the nonag builds over on the hyperspin forum as there are several users that build their own versions and share.


Modifié par fire10
Posté(e) (modifié)

En fait il existe une version oversea de orl2 (très rare visiblement) et sa rom interne a été dumpée il y a quelques jours, la version jap devrait suivre.

Au final elle ne diffère de la version chinoise que par le bit de region (ça risque d'être pareil pour la version jap). La version oversea est devenue le set parent dans la nouvelle version de MAME et la seule considérée working car elle n'utilise pas de cartes du tout.

Pour kov2nl c'est un hack (j'ai juste changé le bit region de la rom chinoise), je n'ai jamais entendu parlé d'une version oversea, possible qu'elle n'existe pas en vrai donc...

Sinon les roms internes de kov3, kof98 et ddp n'ont pas encore été dumpées (ou encore non intégrées à MAME) et donc pour le moment ils ne peuvent pas marcher ;)



Modifié par Houb
Posté(e) (modifié)

Ah ok mate thanks for the info. Its strange as I have dodon pachi dai fukkatsu Black Label and it boots and plays great in a newish version of nonag mame that I have but not the new arcade 64 mame posted here.

Im guessing kov3 and kof98umh

Great work with all the info mate really appreciate it!

Modifié par fire10

Ah great thanks mate. Ddp doj looks good, had not heard about that. I keep trying to launch roms via arcade 64 through rocketlauncher but always get an error fatal error 081267ab:Gb undefined Thumb instruction:b2a4, works fine from the exe though is it something to do with how this version of arcade 64 is compiled? 


Thankyou mate but I still have a problem. I start the game and press tab then go to file manager. I then create a card for player 1 first and name it Player 1.pg2 but when I press enter to save it I get an internal error? I tried the same way for all players but still no joy. also is anyone able to load these version through rocketlauncher as I get an error when doing that also. Many thanks


Still no luck mate, I am using the arcade-PGM2-new-src version. I have all the cards in a folder called cards named Player 1.pg2 Player 2.pg2 Player 3.pg2 Player 4.pg2 but upon trying to load a card it just says Internal Error. would you be able to share just a copy of your mame minus the roms. Thankyou mate sorry to be a pain


Thanks for updating and compiling Arcade.

BTW the driver isn't fully updated because the game is set to "working" for nearly 2 days now and it's still set to "not working" on your Arcade build ;)

Posté(e) (modifié)

Sure it was the good version but I've found the problem :

It's a bug of the GUI, I've removed my GAMESTAT.ini file in GUI folter and it now appears as working :ptdr:

Thanks ;)

Modifié par Houb

Thanks but I'm not sure its a good idea to update more at this time because one of the last updates seems to have broken many things that have now to be fixed.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Qu'est-ce que la version Hero a de plus que la version standard sur neo geo ? j'imagine plus de personnages et de niveaux...


What's the difference between the standard Kof98 neogeo version and the Ultimate Hero version (PGM2) ? I guess more characters and levels...




Edit: je regarde ce video et ça me rend nostalgique... je me souviens d'y avoir joué sur mon pentium 200mhz en 98 ou 99 avec l'émulateur NeoRageX... car sur mame je crois que ce n'étais pas encore émulé ou c'étais super lent.

Modifié par kevenz

Thanks for the upload lo585983 its cool to have all the roms in the same version. Does this one support card making and loading as I still cannot get it to work :-(

Alos has anyone been anle to get this to work with rocketlauncher as none of these mame version seem to be compatible with its latest a mame module get an error every time

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