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MAME 0.270 & clones : Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator


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bonjour à tous,  je suis entrain de faire des essaies sur les shaders pour MAME, qu'elle est la meilleurs qualités , ceux qui se rapproche le plus de la version original de l'époque:

la version CRT-Geom_MOD_v3.2_Generic ou ArcCabView_MAME_BGFX_Chain_2.2.7 ?

merci d'avance.


Je me réponds, après des recherches, ArcCabView_MAME_BGFX_Chain est plus récent et de bien meilleur qualité, si ca peut aider.

Modifié par crapato
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On 12/24/2022 at 4:52 AM, sonic323 said:

Time Crisis 2 works for me (Namco system 23), I don't know why they removed this driver from the Arcade64 version. Maybe they made a mistake..
Even in Konami (Jurassic Park 3), about half a year ago, some games started to launch and every month I secretly hope that they will fix the controls for Jurassic Park 3. Even if it may be years of waiting (doesn't matter).
M.A.M.E. is great team and are working on other important arcade game.
I used Arcade64 for years, I had all romsets modified according to (Romcenter) Arcade64. Now I have modified romsets according to Mamearcade so that all Arcade roms are current.

So I wasnt crazy!  Jpark3 was booting just fine for me up until about .253? now all subsequent versions results in black screen no boot....still waiting on cruis'n exotica too...just a few texture glitches away from that being playable it seems...

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Hi! I update to mame 0.256 with the new romset but now I have a problem with this games (Chaos Heat and Go by RC) that crashes, is there any solution for that?

In my old version they work. Thanks

The problem is with all taitogn games, no matter romset merged, not merged or split with his chd

Modifié par MartiB
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