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(Shmup) Dodonpachi Saidaioujou & Knuckles

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Posté(e) (modifié)

So I tried the bycicle85 one and it seems to work with all the chatting and picture in the upper right corner and correct colors/enemies. 1st stage without any errors as far as I can tell but it's been a while since I fired up my 360. version. I'm confused:rolleyes:

Modifié par Harrier
Posté(e) (modifié)

It looks like it’s almost time for me to update from mame229 to 240 

can’t wait for ds to be added👍
hope the next big achievement for mame will be to make tc2/3/4 fully playable🙂


Modifié par R.R.Z.
Posté(e) (modifié)

le courriel qui a été a la Mame team :


Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 09:20:54 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Cease & Desist Notice - Copyright Infringement

MAME Team,

We, exA-Arcadia, are the arcade licensees of Cave Interactive Co.,
Ltd.'s arcade titles including Akai Katana and Dodonpachi Saidaioujou
(hereinafter referred to as the "Product"). It has been determined
that you are currently using the Product which is copyrighted work
inaccordance with Title 17 of the U.S. Code without our
authorization. We have found the following instances of unauthorized
use of our Product:
1. Akai Katana
2. Dodonpachi Saidaioujou

Location and Description
MAME CV1000 Driver

Permission was neither asked nor granted to reproduce our Product and
your actions therefore constitute an infringement of our rights.
Accordingly, we demand that you immediately remove the material and
cease any further all of our Product, including any other
infringements, otherwise you could be liable for statutory damages as
high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2)(Remedies for
Infringement) therein.

A lawsuit will be commenced against you if you do not cease the use of
the aforementioned Product.

If we do not receive an affirmative response from you by January 1,
2022 indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements
we shall consider taking any and all legal remedies available to
rectify this situation.
Submitted via form from


Quand on sait que le president/directeur de ExaArcadia est Shoutime un maitre chanteur de la préservation de dump arcade via patreon, je conseil a tout le monde de boycotter tout jeux ExaArcadia.

d autant plus que si d autre jeux Cave ou d autres sociétés deviennent des licences Exa arcadia elle risque d etre supprimées de Mame ,Fbn facon (rétroactive) comme pour akai katana qui a ete ajouté dans Mame en 2017.


Pour les remercier j espère un hack public du système exa.


Modifié par 7zxkv
ajout lien du commit removed
Il y a 12 heures, emuPotatoGuy a dit :

At least we got it before it vanished. Happy New Years, and enjoy the waifus lol.

We still have the 4 versions.

Knuckles Edition

Patch Edition

U2 old CRC.

U2 new CRC.


they are soo selfish and egoistic :( AKAI KATANA is about 11 years old , and DO DON PACHI SAIDAJOU is about 10 years (almost)


i expect a 'leak' of some EXA ARCADIA games :D for the public

Posté(e) (modifié)
il y a 3 minutes, eljose a dit :

they are soo selfish and egoistic :( AKAI KATANA is about 11 years old , and DO DON PACHI SAIDAJOU is about 10 years (almost)


i expect a 'leak' of some EXA ARCADIA games :D for the public

The machine costs under 3000€ and they wanna to sale it so badly. It was shoutime idea to request this game. That's so. 

We need is one hack for Saya playable only and make it happen. 

Modifié par Hyperscorpio
Posté(e) (modifié)

the link posted by bycycle 85 is the one with the character portrait ? thank you 

Modifié par Zaco
Posté(e) (modifié)
Il y a 21 heures, eljose a dit :

CAVEDWELLERS authors of the hack promised a real version for  04/20/2022 

This is the real version anyways. 

They said a surprise, maybe they have Saya Version.

Now with cave problems, we need to wait 4 years? :what:


All files:

14 days only.


Modifié par 7zxkv
add mirror
Posté(e) (modifié)
Le 01/01/2022 à 09:39, bicycle85 a dit :

the email that went to the Mame team:


Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 09:20:54 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Cease & Desist Notice - Copyright Infringement

MAME Team,


Not sure they could do much considering mame doesn't distribute roms maybe I'm wrong


Modifié par 7zxkv
Il y a 12 heures, Hyperscorpio a dit :

This is the real version anyways. 

They said a surprise, maybe they have Saya Version.

Now with cave problems, we need to wait 4 years? :what:


All files:

14 days only.

sorry if its a stupid question but can you tell me what is the diferences with the bad and new crc and the original uncomplete version thanks 

Posté(e) (modifié)
Il y a 10 heures, Zaco a dit :

sorry if its a stupid question but can you tell me what is the diferences with the bad and new crc and the original uncomplete version thanks 

1st release - knuckles

2nd release - patched on knuckles, but a few textures are missing, the boss is not the same

3rd release - released on retroroms 31 December with Bad U2 CRC 7420302F

4th release - released on retroroms 31 December Later in 4 Hours with good U2 CRC 668E4CD6 - Was removed later - Original Game



Modifié par Hyperscorpio
  • Team

Oui c'est stupide, cave avait fait cette demande il y a des années et avait autorisé mame a remettre les jeux quand ils ont estimé que ces jeux n'étaient plus exploité en salle. La c'est ok (deja le hard c'est à eux et les jeux aussi). Mais exA, aucun hard, aucun travail, hors de prix, on utilisent le boulot de tout le monde et on fait rien, non mais acheter des licences c'est le pires fléau du monde, oui j'affirme que pour exA on continuera a produire gaver de build avec les jeux remove et bien davantage.

hace 1 hora, 7zxkv dijo:

Oui c'est stupide, cave avait fait cette demande il y a des années et avait autorisé mame a remettre les jeux quand ils ont estimé que ces jeux n'étaient plus exploité en salle. La c'est ok (deja le hard c'est à eux et les jeux aussi). Mais exA, aucun hard, aucun travail, hors de prix, on utilisent le boulot de tout le monde et on fait rien, non mais acheter des licences c'est le pires fléau du monde, oui j'affirme que pour exA on continuera a produire gaver de build avec les jeux remove et bien davantage.

and  this may be dangerous for TEKNO PARROT too , remember TP added Akai Katana , Arcana Hearts 3 max which are property now of EXA arcadia games

1 hour ago, Hyperscorpio said:

1st release - knuckles

2nd release - patched on knuckles, but a few textures are missing, the boss is not the same

3rd release - released on retroroms 31 December with Bad U2 CRC 7420302F

4th release - released on retroroms 1 January in 4 Hours with good U2 CRC 668E4CD6 - Was removed later - Original Game



Technically the ddpsdoj rom with the clean CRC(668e4cd6) was released on Retroroms on December 31 2021 at 10:53 am.

13 minutes ago, eljose said:

thanks buddy, did they (retroroms) deleted the AKAI KATANA rom ? i got it if someone interested

I checked and it's still there

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)

Quelqu'un me dit ce que c'est knuckles? ca existe en vrai ca ou c'est juste un hack (qui ajoute quoi)?

edit: arf je pensais pas que c'est knuckles de sonic, ok donc un hack.



 Mame arcade 32+64bits avec les 2 removes de 240 plus knuckles renommé ddpsdojk pour la cohérence

- Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.) = akatana
- DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou (2012/ 4/20)  = ddpsdoj
- DoDonPachi SaiDaiOujou & Knuckles (2021/12/01 Japan, hack) = ddpsdojk


Modifié par 7zxkv
Il y a 1 heure, 7zxkv a dit :


- DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label Knuckles (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL) = dfkblk


Real Name is.

- DoDonPachi SaiDaiOujou & Knuckles (2021/12/01 Japan, hack) = ddpsdojk


Happy new year!


The 04/20/22 fun birthday present was the "Anime version" of this game, but Mame released it first so now we do not have to do it!

This is good news. (Our rom is same if cleaned, so no need to release)


This means no present from us in April. Sorry!



- Everyone who enjoyed playing the release!

- Everyone dumping good games

- People working on Mame (cv 1000 emulation is impressive!)

- ExA for releasing cool games again

- Nice people who are not angry on the internet


People we don't like:

- People who beg for roms

- People being rude on the internet

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