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[Arcade PC] Chunithm NEW / + / Int. / Sun / ... (S3G@ ALLS)


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4 hours ago, BlueJam said:


Using brokenithm evolved from download page on the front page for ios or if you using android you can go to here

Android app:

Android server:

Remember to use chusanhook_86(64).dll instead of chunihook.dll(you can find it on release page)

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4 hours ago, 1nterland said:

Using brokenithm evolved from download page on the front page for ios or if you using android you can go to here

Android app:

Android server:

Remember to use chusanhook_86(64).dll instead of chunihook.dll(you can find it on release page)


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Hi! is there any place with the songs starting from after the first download of new plus? I have no clue where the option files are and how to add them in or unlock stuff, the previous versions are either corrupt or the links are down 😞

Modifié par lizzienya
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On 4/2/2022 at 11:12 AM, mmm7 said:

ok I finally got everything working, will attempt to write a guide here with steps to take starting from scratch, this is exactly what I did.


my setup:

75ghz 2k monitor + tasoller on stock 2.0 firmware (set to 32key, it functions like a keyboard)

note: I am aware there is other ways to set up the controls with tasoller, I chose to stick with the stock 2.0 firmware and not install a custom firmware, if you wish to use a custom firmware the instructions here will not work for you



1. download the entire pack found in this comment: 

2. update your Java to v11 or later, update directX and C++ package (you most likely dont need to do this step, but if you get errors try this first)

3. download aqua 0.0.31 (you can find the link on this forum somewhere)

3. in config/ in aqua, for `` (should be line 14), set that equal to your own IP, (type `ipconfig` in a cmd prompt to find it), leave everything else default

4. in the chunithm download bin folder, edit your segatools.ini, following the instructions in the file, make sure you properly set the following: amfs, option, appdata, dns (use the ip you used above)

set windows=1 and framed=0

for [io3] change them to something else so they dont conflict with your tasoller, I used:, they are F1 F2 and F3


enable fps120 and cvtmode, set them to 1, [aime] should be aimePath=DEVICE\aime.txt

now paste this in below 




and get rid of [newio86] [newio64]

5. in your DEVICE folder, create a new file called aime.txt, in the file type in 20 random numbers

6. in your chunithm folder, find the "ChunithmNEW plus tools" folder, open the webpage, find your chusanApp in your bin folder and drag it in, make sure all checkboxes are checked except "force 2 channel audio", save this file and overrwite the old one.

7. optionally add in additional data to your "option" folder, you can find a link somewhere in this topic.

8. the top post of this topic, download "chusanhook.7z", move the following files into your bin folder and overwrite(both chusanhook files, both inject files, dont move anything else)

9. make sure your monitor satisfies the following: 60hz, 1920x1080 res. (reduce them in display options if your monitor is higher refresh or res.)

10. download the converter this guy made: (otherwise the IR sensor, your hand hovering, will not work in the game)

11. run aqua (if not already), run the exe from above (yes its just a blank box), and then run your game with start.bat



(yes the LED will error, you can just skip it, hold ENTER on your keyboard to start your aime card)


4 hours ago, JasonXDDDD said:

I'm a newbie for install this game. Is there any fully tutorial or installation ? thanks

Here if you want

Also if you using phone i recommend using brokenithm evolved and a cable to connect to your pc since using wifi will have very high latency(except if you have a very strong wifi connection)

4 hours ago, JasonXDDDD said:

I'm a newbie for install this game. Is there any fully tutorial or installation ? thanks

Also some advice is this version of this game use a lot of cpu and gpu power to make it running nonstop and it can be laggy if you play long enough so you should re-enter the game again(old version will less laggy since its use sega nu 1.1 instead of sega all but the setup will be difference)

Modifié par 1nterland
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1 hour ago, 1nterland said:


Here if you want

Also if you using phone i recommend using brokenithm evolved and a cable to connect to your pc since using wifi will have very high latency(except if you have a very strong wifi connection)

Also some advice is this version of this game use a lot of cpu and gpu power to make it running nonstop and it can be laggy if you play long enough so you should re-enter the game again(old version will less laggy since its use sega nu 1.1 instead of sega all but the setup will be difference)


Thanks, finally it's work XD

however, its no any voice and music....

how can i setting it ?

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Le 12/04/2022 à 22:27, chunithm PC a dit :

Ok you try some massage for me  let me tall you

I think you need a little help

hi my new+ kept rage quitting at the LED test, configurations were done well I think.

and injector says error 3400 no warning log on another cmd window

can't figure out what the problem is xddd

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Le 15/04/2022 à 02:34, ttj a dit :

This is for people who are playing Chunithm NEW PLUS as posted on page 16


Between NEW and NEW PLUS, 7 songs and 15 world's end charts have been retired from the game (see images attached). This option file will restore these songs/charts into the game, as well as enable permanently the April Fool's World's End charts (designated by the 嘘 character).



1) Put the A114 folder into Chunithm NEW PLUS\option. This is assuming you only have A141, A201, and A202 there. If you already have an existing A114 folder, you can merge them and there shouldn't be any duplicate files. This is compatible with the omni pack a couple posts above.

2) Replace the event.xml file in Chunithm NEW PLUS\app\data\A000\event\event00011048. This event file contains the list of World's End songs. If you don't want to overwrite, then you may choose to copy over the additional strings in the file.


You should see +7 to POPS & ANIME, and +22 to WORLD'S END


Many thanks to various other users for the guidance I have been receiving so far.




if i overwrite the xml file will my post-existing songs be gone?

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On 3/26/2022 at 12:32 PM, oyjs.1212 said:

Tasoller's accuracy in NEW isn't pretty good.there are too many fast in game even if I set judgement -2.0.

This problem can be solved now?


i have the same problem 😞

Has anyone ever solved this problem?

Modifié par JasonXDDDD
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This question might seem a little bit out of the blue but has anyone found a way to run chunihtm new on linux with lutris? I've manged to get it to boot before but it crashes on aime 100. I am assuming this is due to it not being able to inject what it needs via a start.bat. Any help / advice would be appreciated.

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Le 18/04/2022 à 08:44, ttj a dit :


I realised that 2 other World's End charts from NEW are for some reason missing from the NEW PLUS download. These are [music8170 DETARAME ROCK&ROLL THEORY] and [music8173 玩具狂奏曲 -終焉-]. Please download this file for the charts. Same instructions as prev post.


2 World's End Songs.rar 93 Ko · 166 téléchargements

can u upload the prev one to onedrive? cant log on mega or googledrive in China sry

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Le 23/04/2022 à 04:38, kcplaneo a dit :

looks like I left blank in the aime.txt before, so now after I put my new 20-digit card, the gamecard does change along but problem remains, it still keep help me upgrade to new version every new game. 

I also notice my card seems doesn't upload to the Aqua net online server, because it said Card Not Found when I try to bind on the web. I'm using Aqua 0.0.33 now, and the AquaViewer works normally (could view play data)


Thanks for your help, much appreciated. 

when you open aqua client it means you are playing aqua local server, not online one bro.

you should be setting dns in segatools.ini as [default] as the subnet remains as your ip address and don't turn the aqua thing on.

and you are all set

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On 9/5/2022 at 1:14 AM, JasonXDDDD said:


i have the same problem 😞

Has anyone ever solved this problem?




I try to limit screen to 60hz (origin is 165hz),and judegement looks good ( JUSTICE is more than before and dont set offset to -2,0)

however, excluded playing chart, all of ui animation is become to slow.

I think it caused by my screen to limit 60hz in Windows setting, because I use another 60hz is good.

Do I need to buy a new 60hz screen for this game QQ

or somebody has solution for playing game in 120hz and no any judgement problem ?



oh yes, I'm Taiwanese. I can speak Chinese

我嘗試把螢幕固定 60hz (原先 165hz),看起來判定好多了 (JUSTICE 比以前變多了,也不需要調整 offset -2.0)

但是除了玩遊戲之外,所有的 UI 動畫都變得非常非常的慢

我想可能就是 Windows 設定 60hz 的問題,因為我拿其他 60hz 螢幕測試看起來一切正常,也不會有動畫慢的問題,

難道我就要買一台新的 60hz 螢幕專門玩這遊戲?

或是說有人有方法能夠用 120hz 玩這遊戲,而且沒有判定問題的?



I follow this guide to install this game. 


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En 6/9/2022 a las 20:06, JasonXDDDD dijo:




I try to limit screen to 60hz (origin is 165hz),and judegement looks good ( JUSTICE is more than before and dont set offset to -2,0)

however, excluded playing chart, all of ui animation is become to slow.

I think it caused by my screen to limit 60hz in Windows setting, because I use another 60hz is good.

Do I need to buy a new 60hz screen for this game QQ

or somebody has solution for playing game in 120hz and no any judgement problem ?



oh yes, I'm Taiwanese. I can speak Chinese

我嘗試把螢幕固定 60hz (原先 165hz),看起來判定好多了 (JUSTICE 比以前變多了,也不需要調整 offset -2.0)

但是除了玩遊戲之外,所有的 UI 動畫都變得非常非常的慢

我想可能就是 Windows 設定 60hz 的問題,因為我拿其他 60hz 螢幕測試看起來一切正常,也不會有動畫慢的問題,

難道我就要買一台新的 60hz 螢幕專門玩這遊戲?

或是說有人有方法能夠用 120hz 玩這遊戲,而且沒有判定問題的?



I follow this guide to install this game. 


You should be able to create a custom resolution with 120Hz from Nvidia Control Panel 

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10 hours ago, Nikolayio said:

You should be able to create a custom resolution with 120Hz from Nvidia Control Panel 


Hi Nikolayio, do you have the custom resolution setting config ?

I try to add new one with 1920 * 1080 120hz, but it tell me still exsist and can't save.


also I try to add 119hz custom resolution and set it in Windows Setting.

but I feel the same with before on playing game (also many fast judgement) 😞



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Le 10/07/2022 à 16:07, Nikolayio a dit :

Android 기기가 Brokenithm Server에 연결할 수 있도록 포트 TCP 52468을 역전하려면 ADB 도구가 필요합니다. Android 기기에서 USB 디버깅을 활성화해야 합니다. 또한 TCP에서 Brokenithm 서버를 사용하려면 C MD 를 여십시오. 폴더에 <<brokenith_server.exe -T>>를 입력하여 TCP 모드에서 사용합니다. 아, 그리고 마지막 팁은 Brokenithm 앱에서 주소를 사용하여 PC에 연결하는 것입니다.

I'm using brokenithm-volved. If I use UDP as a network mode, there is a delay, so I want to use TCP mode, so can you explain in detail how to do it? I don't understand your explanation 😞


Modifié par chan56
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On 9/10/2022 at 8:40 PM, Kwixzii said:

Has there been any updates or new content for NEW+? I have been using 2.00 with the two A114 packs on Page 19. Wondering if there is any benefits of upgrading to 2.05 or if there is any new content available i'm missing?

Sadly no there hasn't I wouldn't expect any new data until the end of chuni new+'s life span anyways. Also, as a general question does anyone have a unlimited ticket patch / fix for new+?

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Can anyone point me to a good TASOLLER setup for this right now?

What to use as .dll files and what to type into segatools.ini (and what to flash to controller too if that's necessary. i have the light custom firmware right now from Crystal days.)


I noticed someone in this thread say they managed to get it working, lights and all.

With some of the .dlls posted here i've gotten only lights to work but touch is broken (hand lift enters service menu and all of the touchbar only triggers the first lane of the strip)

Game launches fine but i can't play yet like this.



Modifié par Coffie
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On 9/10/2022 at 7:52 PM, chan56 said:

I'm using brokenithm-volved. If I use UDP as a network mode, there is a delay, so I want to use TCP mode. Is there anyone who can tell me how to do it? :)

Just add -t on the command promt

Also it will enable led mode so it will appear on your phone screen

But i recommend using it with a cable and adb to reverse port tcp

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On 4/13/2022 at 6:13 PM, esterTion said:

A114 omni option pack for 2.00 data




I do not want to participate in any N-0 data leak, so I will not release my version of omni pack for 2.05 until next version is released in Japan. Thanks for your understanding.


- deleted musics & world's end
  - music sound files are treated to reduce heavy bass from old chunithm game. they often blow my ears when I'm wearing headphones and my speaker always feels like exploding
- チュウニズムヂュエル(Chunithm Duel)
  - you can get map icons & system voices by scoring
- クエスト*(Character level-up quest)
  - you can get titles & name plates by leveling up certain characters
- deleted titles & name plates & characters


Old maps are not included as I don't feel like converting them to new format, also that might break the networking.


* About Character quests:
Quests are disabled by default, you can enable it by modifying event/event00000051/Event.xml to <alwaysOpen>true</alwaysOpen>.
Enabling hundreds of quests will introduce severe game lag when you login / select character / continue.

Hi, Newbie here... I managed to use the file from page 16 and followed the instructions to get the game work. However, adding this patch to the options file doesn't seem to add events to the game. Is there anything that I may be missing? Thanks so much!

This is the screenshot of my segatools, and the A114 is in the option directory along with 201, 202. I'm also using aqua 0.0.31 (which comes with the pack of files on page 16.)


Modifié par Ichido
Cutted out info that may be sensitive.
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Can anyone help me a little?

I am using tasoller and want to play chunithm new+.

After I set it up, it says “device not found”, but I can enter the game normally.

I don't know how I should set it up, I added aime.txt but it doesn't seem to work.

Should I continue setting it somewhere else?

Thanks for the help!



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On 9/14/2022 at 3:50 PM, seganmsl said:

Guys anyone know how to connect to online server? I put it after but it prompted this:


put in the segatools.ini "" not in the aqua (aqua is for local) and don't start it if u wanna play with online server (btw the servername is aqua XD)

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