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[Arcade PC] Chunithm NEW / + / Int. / Sun / ... (S3G@ ALLS)


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10 hours ago, Ryuu139 said:

My SegaTools look like this 


; Insert the path to the game AMFS directory here (contains ICF1 and ICF2)
amfs=C:\Games\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\bin\amfs
; Insert the path to the game Option directory here (contains Axxx directories)
option=C:\Games\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\bin\option
; Create an empty directory somewhere and insert the path here.
; This directory may be shared between multiple SEGA games.
; NOTE: This has nothing to do with Windows %APPDATA%.
appdata=C:\Games\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\bin\appdata

Try using "" in your routes 

Example: "C:\Games\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\CHUNITHM LUMINOUS 2.22\bin\amfs"

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29 minutes ago, azalora said:

May i get an invite to the discord? Much appreciated

Scroll up and LOOK ?!?!


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13 hours ago, Zen_B7 said:

Scroll up and LOOK ?!?!


they're not asking for an invite to the emuline discord 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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Error 4105 - Unexpected Error Occurred

Check your "AM Daemon" window for any "Runtime Error Exception message", such as

amsGfetcherThreadContextInit: Line1345 Error: load Icf failed. Runtime exception occurred. File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\libamw\src\amw_netdeliver_context.cpp Line: 91 Function: enum am::util::ModuleContext<3>::Status __cdecl am::netdeliver::Context::initialize(void) Message: amGfetcherInit(). ErrCode -1.

Could be an error with the AMFS directory, could be something wrong with amdeamon, many errors can cause error 4105.

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2 hours ago, Zen_B7 said:


Error 4105 - Unexpected Error Occurred

Check your "AM Daemon" window for any "Runtime Error Exception message", such as

amsGfetcherThreadContextInit: Line1345 Error: load Icf failed. Runtime exception occurred. File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\libamw\src\amw_netdeliver_context.cpp Line: 91 Function: enum am::util::ModuleContext<3>::Status __cdecl am::netdeliver::Context::initialize(void) Message: amGfetcherInit(). ErrCode -1.

Could be an error with the AMFS directory, could be something wrong with amdeamon, many errors can cause error 4105.

I got a Runtime Error Expectation message saying 

File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\libamw\src\amw_netdeliver_context.cpp
Line: 99
Function: enum am::util::ModuleContext<3>::Status __cdecl am::netdeliver::Context::initialize(void) 

Message: amGfetcherInit(). ErrCode -1.

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Have you given amdaemon.exe administrator privileges?

On 8/9/2024 at 9:39 PM, Ryuu139 said:

I got a error message but cant seem to figure out how to fix it. Has any one had the same problem?

Screenshot 2024-08-09 221107.png

Have you given amdaemon. exe administrator privileges?

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49 minutes ago, FARGMATISM said:

Have you given amdaemon.exe administrator privileges?

Have you given amdaemon. exe administrator privileges?

Yeah, I got the game to work but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to fit my laptop's screen? 

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I'd like to play Chunithm Luminous (current I have Sun but don't think I have all the songs)
does anyone has the files (&and guide) to get it setup?

Are there any discord server that I can join for help/troubleshooting?


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I'm currently setting up LUMINOUS, and even though all the checks are "GOOD", the game crashes afterwards.

Does anyone know how to solve this?
Environment: aqua-0.0.44-RELEASE → All good


Video when error occurs →

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14 hours ago, MAMA1397 said:

現在、LUMINOUS をセットアップ中ですが、すべてのチェックが「GOOD」 であるにもかかわらず、その後ゲームがクラッシュします。

環境: aqua-0.0.44-RELEASE → すべて正常
Aqua DX → マッチングサーバーのみ「不良」


エラー発生時の動画→ ?usp=sharing

I don't really understand what's going on, but it started up!!
However, there's one problem.
- I can't use AIME so my play data won't be saved.
-> I can't play MASTER.
Does anyone know how to solve this?

スクリーンショット 2024-08-16 003953.png

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Does any one have Chunithm Sun plus? Because all the other dump links for sun plus no longer work.

On 8/14/2024 at 12:28 PM, miserablejhay said:

is there any links for the tutorial how to set this up? i'm new to the chunithm thingy 
i'd like to set it up first before getting a controller 

The tutorial link is in the notepad file that says READ ME FIRST. 

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On 2024/8/16 at 午前2時52分, Ryuu139 said:

誰かChunithm Sun Plusを持っていますか? Sun Plusの他のダンプリンクはすべて機能しなくなったためです。

チュートリアル リンクは、「READ ME FIRST」と書かれたメモ帳ファイル内にあります。 

Do you mean this?


SUN segatools

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46 分前、Ryuu139 は次のように述べました:


Someone said:

"1. Download sunplus
2. Overwrite 2.16.00 with 2.15.00
3. Download SUN segatools and unzip
4. Overwrite SUN segatools with sunplus data except amfs folder, amdaemon.exe, chusanApp.exe
5. Download patched exe, overwrite sunplus data
6. Configure segatools.ini
7. Use artemis-portable if you have problems with the artemis-develop settings
8. Import sunplus data to artemis"

However, the SUNPLUS link is no longer working, so please use this link →



Modifié par MAMA1397
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