ZincTangent Posté(e) le 11 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 11 novembre 2022 Le 10/11/2022 à 16:22, A7785371 a dit : I've had some frame drops as well, but mostly on more dense charts like you're saying. Usually I'm streaming to Discord or otherwise using the GPU for other things at the same time. So I think it's just that since the game is designed to be the only thing running in a Windows install that has given it all of it's resources to it the game is less optimized. If you have anything else using system resources, GPU, or otherwise rendering you could see about closing it and if the frame drops are still there. As noted here on Sega NU MCSS has been setup to divert more resources to the game. So if you want to try turning it on while playing then turning it off after so you can actually use Windows that is an option. But as far as I can tell it's just good 'ol lag. Try removing the + from the folder name. Could be causing some parsing issues. If that doesn't work I'll take a closer look into the source of that error. Développer OK thx for the suggestion
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 11 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 11 novembre 2022 Le 10/11/2022 à 16:22, A7785371 a dit : I've had some frame drops as well, but mostly on more dense charts like you're saying. Usually I'm streaming to Discord or otherwise using the GPU for other things at the same time. So I think it's just that since the game is designed to be the only thing running in a Windows install that has given it all of it's resources to it the game is less optimized. If you have anything else using system resources, GPU, or otherwise rendering you could see about closing it and if the frame drops are still there. As noted here on Sega NU MCSS has been setup to divert more resources to the game. So if you want to try turning it on while playing then turning it off after so you can actually use Windows that is an option. But as far as I can tell it's just good 'ol lag. Try removing the + from the folder name. Could be causing some parsing issues. If that doesn't work I'll take a closer look into the source of that error. Développer Yup, tried using different folder name..still give the same error.
A7785371 Posté(e) le 11 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 11 novembre 2022 (modifié) Le 11/11/2022 à 14:28, Fr0stz998 a dit : Yup, tried using different folder name..still give the same error. Développer Looking farther into this now. Do you have an amdaemon.exe.log file in appdate\SDHD? If so could you provide that? Also a copy of the segatools.ini before setting up VHD would be appreciated. Testing I do see that out of range errors can appear in amdaemon.exe with malformed/misconfigured .json files. Could you remove or comment out the taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1 line in start.bat then provide the output of the amdaemon window? Modifié le 11 novembre 2022 par A7785371
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 11/11/2022 à 16:45, A7785371 a dit : Looking farther into this now. Do you have an amdaemon.exe.log file in appdate\SDHD? If so could you provide that? Also a copy of the segatools.ini before setting up VHD would be appreciated. Testing I do see that out of range errors can appear in amdaemon.exe with malformed/misconfigured .json files. Could you remove or comment out the taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1 line in start.bat then provide the output of the amdaemon window? Développer Here is the amdaemon.exe log file and the segatools.ini. Its the latest log text from log file on appdate\SDHD Thanks for your help segatools.iniRecherche des informations… assert_20221111_231936.txtRecherche des informations…
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 04:02, Fr0stz998 a dit : Here is the amdaemon.exe log file and the segatools.ini. Its the latest log text from log file on appdate\SDHD Thanks for your help segatools.ini 1.99 kB · 2 downloads assert_20221111_231936.txt 841 B · 0 downloads Développer While the selected IO DLLs are a bit strange that should still allow you to launch. That log file is for chusanapp.exe which we already know what error it's getting. If you could provide the bin folder I'll compare from there.
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 14:02, A7785371 a dit : While the selected IO DLLs are a bit strange that should still allow you to launch. That log file is for chusanapp.exe which we already know what error it's getting. If you could provide the bin folder I'll compare from there. Développer what are the specific file that you want to compare it with yours? apparently the max size that you can share here is around 29mb..thus i think cant share the whole bin folder.
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 14:16, Fr0stz998 a dit : what are the specific file that you want to compare it with yours? apparently the max size that you can share here is around 29mb..thus i think cant share the whole bin folder. Développer My bin is 18 MB zipped. I'm particularly looking for the .json files at this point but would be otherwise checking the others against known-goods.
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 15:04, A7785371 a dit : My bin is 18 MB zipped. I'm particularly looking for the .json files at this point but would be otherwise checking the others against known-goods. Développer right,,totally let this slip. bin rar is attached I recently change the dipsw on the .json file since I found that there is discussion on this on earlier page. bin.rarRecherche des informations…
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 15:20, Fr0stz998 a dit : right,,totally let this slip. bin rar is attached I recently change the dipsw on the .json file since I found that there is discussion on this on earlier page. bin.rar 12.44 MB · 2 downloads Développer Is all of your game data on your Windows installation drive? Errors 88 and 324 in amdaemon.exe are when pathed to other drives. Also your inject and chusan hooks aren't updated but that's a different error.
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 15:42, A7785371 a dit : Is all of your game data on your Windows installation drive? Errors 88 and 324 in amdaemon.exe are when pathed to other drives. Also your inject and chusan hooks aren't updated but that's a different error. Développer Yup, all the game data is on the right installation drive, Ive Set it to drive D.
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 15:50, Fr0stz998 a dit : Yup, all the game data is on the right installation drive, Ive Set it to drive D. Développer It's possible it's looking for C as it's drive no matter what. Have you tested with a storage medium or VHD set to C as the drive letter?
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 16:00, A7785371 a dit : It's possible it's looking for C as it's drive no matter what. Have you tested with a storage medium or VHD set to C as the drive letter? Développer I havent test with a storage medium. I have VHD with E as the drive letter. perhaps having all the files set on VHD Drive E instead having only the acfs and appdata on VHD might solve the problem?
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 16:11, Fr0stz998 a dit : I havent test with a storage medium. I have VHD with E as the drive letter. perhaps having all the files set on VHD Drive E instead having only the acfs and appdata on VHD might solve the problem? Développer Worth a shot, can always change the VHD drive letter to C and try that too.
Reyhanzo Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 09/11/2022 à 11:17, A7785371 a dit : Wanted to update the fresh setup guide to be a bit more complete. Thank you to @mmm7 for the original guide which was used as reference as well as all the lovely folk who added these details here and there. Controller specifics : If you're using a keyboard based controller, TASOLLER with OFW, brokenithm-kb, or slidershim follow steps marked A. If you're using a TASOLLER with CFW (firmware files included in the base game package) follow steps marked B, these include installing the CFW. If you ever want to revert to OFW you can at anytime via the normal USB, UART flashing is just for touch firmware. If you bought a TASOLLER past May 28, 2021 it will have the latest touch firmware. If you're using Brokenithm-Evolved on an Android device via the .APK follow steps marked C. Part I - Downloads and requirements 1. Download the base package for Chunithm NEW PLUS here. 2. Update Java to v11 or later for Aqua. 3. Download the latest Aqua from this thread, or compile it from source. 4. Download the latest ICF1 and ICF2 from page 1, ICFs for version 2.05.00 are attached to this post. 5. Download segatools-chusan.7z from page 1. A1. Download the keyboard air input converter here. B1. Download the latest version of chuniio_tasoller.dll and chuniio_tasoller_x64.dll here. B2. If you are using an AMD CPU download the revised USB host firmware here. C1. Download brokenew.7z from the releases. The following steps are optional and are not required to get the game to run : 6. Download Chunithm_NEW_English_Patch_v2.zip (or whichever the latest version is) on page 1 if you want to have much of the interface translated to English 7. Download additional option files for more songs and content. One set of them are listed as "Option: here" on page 1. You can download the A114 omni pack here, note this omni pack does have audio adjustments which does affect sound quality, you can simply remove the A114 option folder if you want to remove those songs due to the quality. Removed songs from Chunithm NEW to Chunithm NEW PLUS are here with an addendum here. If you want to have Hololive characters and maps there is a custom created mod here, no additional music is present in this option. 8. If you find the bass on the songs in NEW PLUS to be too aggressive you can download a new audio config here. Though I have not tested it myself so be sure to backup the original file before replacing it. Part II - Configuration and installation 1. Extract all archives .7z, .rar, etc. 2. Move ICF1 and ICF2 to the \chunithm new plus\amfs\ folder, overwriting existing files. 3. Move the inject_x64.exe and inject_x86.exe from \segatools-chusan\ to the \chunithm new plus\app\bin\ folder, overwriting existing files. 4. Move the chusanhook_x86.dll, and chusanhook_x64.dll from the \chunithm new plus\手台設定\chusanio\ folder to the \chunithm new plus\app\bin\ folder, overwriting existing files. B1. Move the chuniio_tasoller.dll and chuniio_tasoller_x64.dll to the \chunithm new plus\app\bin\ folder. C1. Move the chusanhook_x86.dll, and chusanhook_x64.dll from \brokenew\ to the \chunithm new plus\app\bin\ folder, overwriting existing files. 5. Move any downloaded A### option folders to the \chunithm new plus\option\ folder. 6. If you downloaded the English patch move the data and option folders from \Chunithm_NEW_English_Patch_v2\Translation\ to \chunithm new plus\app\data and \chunithm new plus\option respectively. Merging with existing folders, overwriting existing files 7. If you downloaded the chu.acf audio change move it to \chunithm new plus\app\data\sound\ folder, backup original if you wish to revert this quickly otherwise just overwrite it. 8. If you wish to move an updated Aqua to \chunithm new plus\ similar to the existing aqua-0.0.31-RELEASE folder you can, Aqua can go anywhere on your system. 9. Open NEW plus.html in \chunithm new plus\ChunithmNEW plus tools\. Drag \chunithm new plus\app\bin\chusanApp.exe onto the file prompt click to open the dialog. Select all options except for "Force 2 channel audio output". Select "Save Patched File" which will download a new chusanApp.exe, move it to \chunithm new plus\app\bin\ and overwrite. 10. Open \chunithm new plus\app\bin\DEVICE\aime.txt and enter any 20 numbers no spaces before during or after and save. This is your AIME card number which will be sent when signing in just like tapping a card. 11. Open application.properties in your Aqua folder. Set allnet.server.host= to your local ip address and save. You can obtain your local ip via ipconfig in cmd or via your network connection details control panel. 12. Open \chunithm new plus\app\bin\DEVICE\segatools.ini. Set the [vfs] keys amfs=, option=, and appdata= to their absolute path on your disk (i.e amfs=C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\chunithm new plus\amfs). Do not follow the comment for the appdata key, it must be set to the absolute path for the \chunithm new plus\appdate folder, not a new empty folder. 13. Set the [dns] key default= to your local ip address, this should be the same address used for Aqua in step 10. 14. Set the [gfx] keys per your use case. Due to the strict resolution needed for fullscreen, windowed=1 is recommended, setting framed=1 will cause a normal window heading to allow you to drag it if your resolution is greater than 1080p. 15. Set the [io3] keys to new keycodes to prevent conflicts, recommend test=0x70, service=0x71, and coin=0x72 for F1-F3. List of keycodes here if you want to change them to something else. 16. Set [fps120] enable=1 and [cvtmode] enable=1. A1. Delete or comment out the [newio86] and [newio64] keys. A2. Copy these keycodes for TASOLLER KB and slidershim set to TASOLLER layout, or these keycodes for brokenithm-kb. Append the new keys to the bottom of the file. B2. Replace the [newio86] and [newio64] keys and append the [chuniio] key as below. [newio86] path=chuniio_tasoller.dll [newio64] path=chuniio_tasoller_x64.dll [chuniio] path=chuniio_tasoller.dll path=chuniio_tasoller_x64.dll chusan=1 C1. Set [newio86] path=chusanhook_x86.dll and [newio64] path=chusanhook_x64.dll. 16. Save segatools.ini. B3. Unplug the data connector for the TASOLLER (ensure that it is connected directly to the motherboard USBs). Open \chunithm new plus\手台設定\Firmware\Update V1.1.exe. Hold down the left FN2 button and plug in data while holding it down, let go when the new device appears in Windows. B4. Click connect in Update V1.1.exe and open the 手台設定\Firmware\Host_V2.bin on Intel CPUs or the "TASOLLER_HOST_customize_FW_AMD_20210920.bin" downloaded earlier on AMD CPUs. Click update. Once it is done click disconnect and close Update V1.1.exe. B5. Unplug the data connector for the TASOLLER. Open \chunithm new plus\手台設定\Firmware\Update V1.1.exe. Hold down the right FN1 button and plug in data while holding it down, let go when the new device appears in Windows. B6. Click connect in Update V1.1.exe and open the 手台設定\Firmware\LED_V2.bin. Click update. Once it is done click disconnect and close Update V1.1.exe. B7. Unplug and reconnect the data connector for the TASOLLER, it should display a reactive rainbow on the ground slider and no longer type. Open 手台設定\zadig-2.7.exe and install on "I say NYA-O". Disconnect and reconnect the TASOLLER one last time once it is done. If you ever wish to revert back to keyboard output follow the same steps but with the original firmware from here. Part III - Running and small adjustments A1. Start Controller_AIR_convertor.exe. B1. Ensure both power and data are plugged in and data cable is connected to the motherboard. 1. Start Aqua's start.bat, once it shows "ALL.Net : OK" move to step 2. 2. Start \chunithm new plus\app\bin\start.bat Ideally it should take a just a little bit of time, then once it gets to the LED board error tap the portion of the ground slider for next and it should load to the main splash screen. You can then hold enter to have it read the AIME card (or hit the card button on Brokenithm-Evolved) and start playing. F1 and F2 should enter you into the service menu and insert a coin respectively and are also bound to FN1 and FN2 on a TASOLLER with CFW. You can insert 9 coins with the insert button before it no longer works for that session. You can create a new session by either restarting the program, or entering the service menu and exiting again. There is a way to set freeplay, as noted here doing so in the \chunithm new plus\app\bin\config_common.json file around line 105. I would recommend against setting freeplay and just lowering the game costs there to 1 and setting the max credit as you see fit, please note the maximum value of "max_credit" is 99. The reason why is you can spend 1 credit to buy the premium tickets for 6x map progression, ultima, worlds end, and character exp boost all in one. Last step once everything is working normally, if you want to play Class Certification you have to update your application.properties in your Aqua folder a bit more. On lines 30 and 33 for game.chusan.version= and game.chusan.rom-version= follow the directions in the comments for the numbers. Once done save the changes and relaunch Aqua then NEW PLUS as normal, Class Certification should be enabled. If it says data is out of date then the versions entered are wrong. If you want the option to continue after play it is toggleable in the service menu (F1/FN1). For reference here are some of the errors as I understand them, possibly very wrong only based on anecdotal experience 4105 | Filesystem error, unable to open a needed file. Either unable to resolve path (illegal characters in path name) or something else has that file open, like 7-zip or antivirus. 6401 | I/O error. The I/O DLL (so the chuniio_tasoller.dll or the custom chusanhook_x86.dll) didn't inialize and provide I/O data to the game. Make sure controllers are plugged in and relaunch. Also appears when set to exclusive fullscreen if resolution and refresh rate are not exact. Let me know if I missed anything or if you have any issues. ICF1 192 B · 17 downloads ICF2 192 B · 17 downloads Développer hi, where i can get the a114 omni pack ?, i can't click that link. Thanks
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 16:32, Reyhanzo a dit : hi, where i can get the a114 omni pack ?, i can't click that link. Thanks Développer Oh yeah that is just broken link huh, fixed it now. Direct link here
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 16:14, A7785371 a dit : Worth a shot, can always change the VHD drive letter to C and try that too. Développer Thanks for your help. Ive tried using VHD but there is an error with direct3D. Ive changed it Drive C and it totally works. I just change the segatools and aqua setting. There is some error with the newIO as i am unable to test it with the keyboard but after removing it, im able to test it using keyboard. I did not put any inject files and chusanhook from segatools-chusan and it works as is. At first there is an error with AIME Card as when I try to press enter on the keyboard it does not register anything, and when I check through the logs, turns out there is an AIME server error and AIME card error as it show N/A but after restarting aqua and the start bat, it completely works. Just wondering, in your guide, you provide the ICF for 2.05, does the aqua setting need to be change to the latest version and what does the ICF give to the game, does it mean new music file, list of events or anything that can be related to the option file. Once again thanks for your help.
A7785371 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 17:03, Fr0stz998 a dit : Thanks for your help. Ive tried using VHD but there is an error with direct3D. Ive changed it Drive C and it totally works. I just change the segatools and aqua setting. There is some error with the newIO as i am unable to test it with the keyboard but after removing it, im able to test it using keyboard. I did not put any inject files and chusanhook from segatools-chusan and it works as is. At first there is an error with AIME Card as when I try to press enter on the keyboard it does not register anything, and when I check through the logs, turns out there is an AIME server error and AIME card error as it show N/A but after restarting aqua and the start bat, it completely works. Just wondering, in your guide, you provide the ICF for 2.05, does the aqua setting need to be change to the latest version and what does the ICF give to the game, does it mean new music file, list of events or anything that can be related to the option file. Once again thanks for your help. Développer As far as I can tell all the ICF does is set the version of the game so on the main menu and in the ROM. Songs are all from option files. Aqua does need to be updated with the version numbers as detailed in it's applications.properties which will enable Class Certification but that's not required to play songs.
TotallyAnonymousHumanoid Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2022 Is online battle possible in some capacity, as in true matchmaking? Without both parties coordinating
ryuya Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2022 Le 12/11/2022 à 16:32, Reyhanzo a dit : Développer キーボード エア インプット コンバーターのリンクが壊れています。新しい URL をお知らせください。
riverw Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 14 novembre 2022 Le 18/10/2022 à 16:30, AlucardTheGamer a dit : https://www.filemail.com/d/anxxdffclguueek here is a re up of the fix that someone just uploaded for a092 then decided to delete. Cheers. Développer for the a092 can you share again?thank you。
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 15 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 15 novembre 2022 Just wondering if changing the latest ICF file 2.05.00, what are the changes that need to be made to the aqua setting? Is it under game.chusan.version or game.chusan.rom-version? checking the chusan rom version is probably under test menu is that right? In regards for the proper new+ options that can be found in the mirror link (SDGS_XXXX), is it encrypted or decrypted as when put to the option folder, it create a weird static sound. I believe that if it is encrypted, probably need to be decrypt in order to be playable
Mimicdess Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 15/11/2022 à 03:36, Fr0stz998 a dit : Just wondering if changing the latest ICF file 2.05.00, what are the changes that need to be made to the aqua setting? Is it under game.chusan.version or game.chusan.rom-version? checking the chusan rom version is probably under test menu is that right? In regards for the proper new+ options that can be found in the mirror link (SDGS_XXXX), is it encrypted or decrypted as when put to the option folder, it create a weird static sound. I believe that if it is encrypted, probably need to be decrypt in order to be playable Développer Hey Frost I was reading the past logs just now as I'm also running into "unitindex" issues after following that tutorial. Did you resolve it? What did you do?
sss989898 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 15/11/2022 à 03:36, Fr0stz998 a dit : Just wondering if changing the latest ICF file 2.05.00, what are the changes that need to be made to the aqua setting? Is it under game.chusan.version or game.chusan.rom-version? checking the chusan rom version is probably under test menu is that right? In regards for the proper new+ options that can be found in the mirror link (SDGS_XXXX), is it encrypted or decrypted as when put to the option folder, it create a weird static sound. I believe that if it is encrypted, probably need to be decrypt in order to be playable Développer Le 14/11/2022 à 14:41, riverw a dit : for the a092 can you share again?thank you。 Développer playable , form int. https://pixeldrain.com/l/b7QM5Fsc
riverw Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 10:56, sss989898 a dit : playable , form int. https://pixeldrain.com/l/b7QM5Fsc Développer thank you, brother. i seek this file is long time,,thanks.
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 10:48, Mimicdess a dit : Hey Frost I was reading the past logs just now as I'm also running into "unitindex" issues after following that tutorial. Did you resolve it? What did you do? Développer Yup, manage to resolve it. Put the whole chunithm folders and files from chunithm new plus that you download from the tutorial to a new drive..for me I put it on drive C. set everything according to the tutorial. If you encounter any problem, let me know. Le 16/11/2022 à 10:56, sss989898 a dit : playable , form int. https://pixeldrain.com/l/b7QM5Fsc Développer Thanks
Mimicdess Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 11:43, Fr0stz998 a dit : Yup, manage to resolve it. Put the whole chunithm folders and files from chunithm new plus that you download from the tutorial to a new drive..for me I put it on drive C. set everything according to the tutorial. If you encounter any problem, let me know. Thanks Développer Nope. Still unitindex . Files were on the C; Drive already too
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 11:59, Mimicdess a dit : Nope. Still unitindex . Files were on the C; Drive already too Développer Have you set acfs, option and appdata accordingly to drive C?
Mimicdess Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 12:02, Fr0stz998 a dit : Have you set acfs, option and appdata accordingly to drive C? Développer Im guessing you mean segatools? Yes. the segatools in app/bin folder
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 12:06, Mimicdess a dit : Im guessing you mean segatools? Yes. the segatools in app/bin folder Développer Is the Drive C the first original installation path or thats the 2nd option after the first path that show unitindex problem?
Mimicdess Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 It's in the C drive from the beginning. I've changed the location now to the C Root and changed segatools accordingly but still unitindex
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Le 16/11/2022 à 13:13, Mimicdess a dit : It's in the C drive from the beginning. I've changed the location now to the C Root and changed segatools accordingly but still unitindex Développer Have you tried to install it on other drive? in my case, the error is on drive D from the screenshot that I put on page 30, it depends on your case, is the unitindex error on drive C, changing the installation drive might solve the problem. You cant use VHD as the file need to be on a physical drive in order for it to run.
TotallyAnonymousHumanoid Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2022 Anyone know which options pack has Attack on Titan characters?
Mimicdess Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 (modifié) Le 16/11/2022 à 13:32, Fr0stz998 a dit : Have you tried to install it on other drive? in my case, the error is on drive D from the screenshot that I put on page 30, it depends on your case, is the unitindex error on drive C, changing the installation drive might solve the problem. You cant use VHD as the file need to be on a physical drive in order for it to run. Développer I only have one drive on this computer. The CMD says the same things as yours did from what you posted earlier but is already in C drive This is what CMD says: Logic exception occurred. File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\amdaemon\src\Aime.cpp Line: 85 Function: const class amdaemon::AimeUnit &__thiscall amdaemon::Aime::getUnit(unsigned int) const Message: unitIndex is out of range. Stack: [0x00000000004365eb] <unknown symbol> @ <unknown file>:C:\Chuni\app\bin\chusanApp.exe [0x0000000000f6f6e5] boost::serialization::singleton<std::set<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const ,boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster_compare,std::allocator<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const> > >::is_destroyed @ <unknown file>:C:\Chuni\app\bin\chusanApp.exe Modifié le 17 novembre 2022 par Mimicdess
Fr0stz998 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 Le 17/11/2022 à 06:02, Mimicdess a dit : I only have one drive on this computer. The CMD says the same things as yours did from what you posted earlier but is already in C drive This is what CMD says: Logic exception occurred. File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\amdaemon\src\Aime.cpp Line: 85 Function: const class amdaemon::AimeUnit &__thiscall amdaemon::Aime::getUnit(unsigned int) const Message: unitIndex is out of range. Stack: [0x00000000004365eb] <unknown symbol> @ <unknown file>:C:\Chuni\app\bin\chusanApp.exe [0x0000000000f6f6e5] boost::serialization::singleton<std::set<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const ,boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster_compare,std::allocator<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const> > >::is_destroyed @ <unknown file>:C:\Chuni\app\bin\chusanApp.exe Développer Yes thats the same error that I got when I first install it. In my case its error on drive D as I first install it on Drive D If you happen to have another storage medium such as removable hard drive or USB, perhaps you can try to install it there and check if it can run.
hlzjshy Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 I just connect my chunithm new to aqua online server,everything is fine but the project sekai area is missing can anyone tell me why?
A7785371 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2022 Le 17/11/2022 à 06:02, Mimicdess a dit : I only have one drive on this computer. The CMD says the same things as yours did from what you posted earlier but is already in C drive This is what CMD says: Logic exception occurred. File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\amdaemon\src\Aime.cpp Line: 85 Function: const class amdaemon::AimeUnit &__thiscall amdaemon::Aime::getUnit(unsigned int) const Message: unitIndex is out of range. Stack: [0x00000000004365eb] <unknown symbol> @ <unknown file>:C:\Chuni\app\bin\chusanApp.exe [0x0000000000f6f6e5] boost::serialization::singleton<std::set<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const ,boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster_compare,std::allocator<boost::serialization::void_cast_detail::void_caster const> > >::is_destroyed @ <unknown file>:C:\Chuni\app\bin\chusanApp.exe Développer Please provide the output of the other cmd window. The one you provided is the output for ChusanApp.exe. This error pertains to the Aime server in amdaemon.exe, which is output to a new window on spawn. If the window is closing on crash remove the taskkill in the start.bat. Copy provided below for convenience and accuracy of testing. start.batRecherche des informations…
Mimicdess Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2022 Le 17/11/2022 à 21:42, A7785371 a dit : Please provide the output of the other cmd window. The one you provided is the output for ChusanApp.exe. This error pertains to the Aime server in amdaemon.exe, which is output to a new window on spawn. If the window is closing on crash remove the taskkill in the start.bat. Copy provided below for convenience and accuracy of testing. start.bat 291 B · 0 downloads Développer Thanks! I did use your provided start. bat and it still crashed and closed the window with the same errors
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