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[Arcade PC] Gunslinger Stratos 3 (WIP)


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50 minutes ago, jcstahl1 said:

leave poor robert, takeshi, galaya, iceberg, fresh, suki88, or whatever name he's going by this week alone 🤣🤣🤣

he just keeps going and going and going like a freaking eveready ok robert, takeshi, galaya, iceberg, fresh, suki88 i am going to ask the devs...

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58 minutes ago, Takeshi said:

@jcstahl1 and @lords as i wrote, if you want to know when gunslinger 3 will be supported just ask the devs on discord tp channel i’m sure they’d happily help and give you an update of the progress as they usually do.

currently the game not playable without a loader.

I don't care enough about the game to ask anyone anything about it.  Seems like you do though since you're always telling people to ask for you in the TP discord.  Why don't you ask them yourself? 


oh wait.... nevermind.  you can't. 🤣

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1 hour ago, jcstahl1 said:

I don't care enough about the game to ask anyone anything about it.  Seems like you do though since you're always telling people to ask for you in the TP discord.  Why don't you ask them yourself? 


oh wait.... nevermind.  you can't. 🤣

See how he always avoids....wait until he gets a reset then see how he feels.....sure you don't stare at the sit and just wait to post you can fill up the whole forum with your worthless shit....

Modifié par lords
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1 hour ago, Takeshi said:

I'll make it short because you boring me, ofc i ask about any public game i want to play and not supported, the difference between me and you two is that i don't stare at the screen do nothing and wait for miracles.

no, that's not the difference between you and I at all. 


the real difference is that I have a life outside of a screen and don't really care what games come out or when.  if a dump becomes public and someone makes it playable, I'll enjoy it whenever it arrives.  I don't feel the need to constantly harass developers to make public dumps supported in their software or ask other users to bug the developers for me because I'm permanently banned from their discords.  like you're going to be here in this forum probably soon enough.  admins are well aware of all your profiles, and get informed every time you create another new one.  some of them are already blocked from posting, aren't they now Robert or RRZ... maybe Fresh? hard to keep up with all of them.  keep up your constant whining and crying up, and soon you'll be banned from everywhere, and it can't come soon enough.

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10 hours ago, lords said:

Aha your funny...not...good luck on it...

@SpockYoda don't do that... Takeshi  has been doing this with many people,to get them in trouble a the cost of his  b.s brain.......fair he's ban on the discord...

@Takeshi...why you being a troll...your commenting on almost every post and talking crap just to get your stats don't even add to this forum except for spam....


he's not troll just mentally handycapped and would seriously need some mental healthcare (no sane people would do what he does, he is another RRZ/robert alt account)

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