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[Arcade PC] Beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (BEMANI)

Go to solution Solved by Omar2,

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Il y a 2 heures, Lesteph25 a dit :

asphyxia not working ?


Go to 1cc discord (you can find link somewhere hered) and search "iidx@asphyxia_0.2.0" ;)


Maybe i have a tips for transfert your save :

Old Profil :

 - Launch your asphyxia

 - Go to your profil / data and export your data with .json files can be read with block note/note pad)

New Profil :

 - Launch your new asphyxia plugin

 - Go to your profil / data and copy/paste all the data.

 - Close Asphyxia and reload it.

 - Try to see if that work ....


I don't have play a lot but that works for me !!

Modifié par The_Stunt3r
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2 hours ago, Lesteph25 said:

asphyxia not working ?

Someone said this plugin is very well maintained but I can only see Epolis support so far.

The plugin that is being used by most people at 1cc is this:

But i was told that you will need to start from scratch if you want to use the new plugin but I believe some analysis on the old and new save data will help with the score import to new data.


you just need to play a few new songs in pinky crush and then compare the score data to see what's the difference.


then you can rewrite a script to fetch the old scores to the new score format to bring them to pinky crush.

Modifié par mikaelr
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à l’instant, mikaelr a dit :

Someone said this plugin is very well maintained but I can only see Epolis support so far.

The plugin that is being used by most people at 1cc is this:

But i was told that you will need to start from scratch if you want to use the new pluginH but I believe some analysis on the old and new save data will help with the score import to new data.


you just need to play a few new songs in pinky crush and then compare the score data to see what's the difference.


then you can rewrite a script to fetch the old scores to the new score format to bring them to pinky crush.

THANK YOU ! its working

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2 hours ago, The_Stunt3r said:


Go to 1cc discord (you can find link somewhere hered) and search "iidx@asphyxia_0.2.0" ;)


Maybe i have a tips for transfert your save :

Old Profil :

 - Launch your asphyxia

 - Go to your profil / data and export your data with .json files can be read with block note/note pad)

New Profil :

 - Launch your new asphyxia plugin

 - Go to your profil / data and copy/paste all the data.

 - Close Asphyxia and reload it.

 - Try to see if that work ....


I don't have play a lot but that works for me !!

What would be the name of the .json files?, also i dont find a option on asphyxia to export the files 

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