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[Arcade PC] Beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (BEMANI)

Go to solution Solved by Omar2,

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Because the DLL patch website can't patch CastHour DLL yet,and I want 120Hz mode,so I patch the casthour DLL by myself.

My method is using HexEditor to compare original BISTROVER DLL and 120Hz patched DLL,find what value is changed.Then search the value in CastHour DLL and change.

It works.You can also turn on other feature by this method.

Here is my patched DLL.Only turn on 120Hz mode,other feature is default.

bm2dx.dllRecherche des informations…


I found that some song results could not be saved into Asphyxia.  A clue is that the result screen shows "Failed to obtain Shop Ranking".  So far I found that The Chase DPH and Samurai Scramble DPH have this problem.  Any idea?  Thank you.

The Chase_DPH.jpg

Posté(e) (modifié)

EDIT: Actually fixed this myself! Posting this here since I haven't seen this issue anywhere else on this page. The issue is due to a bad ea3-config file: make sure the right version number and the right localhost url are in that file anywhere it appears (in /dev and /prop.) My install looks like someone had a typo in it. I don't think I can host that file directly but this should fix the problem if you've tried everything I have. Also, DO NOT DO FACTORY SETTINGS in the operator mode; it will break your file URLs completely.


Hi all!

While 28 never gave me any issues, I am having the WORST time getting 29 to load with Asphyxia. Wondering if I can run this by you for what I've tried and see if anyone's had the same issues. It simply won't get out of eA maintenance mode on the title screen, and if I force it off then I just get a card error and 'cannot find' errors in the Asphyxia cmd window. Here's what I've got.


Things I've tried (all combinations of the below)

  • Run with the provided version of Core (1.20f) and the newest available version (1.40d)
  • Run with three different types of Asphyxia plugins from this post
  • Run with a fresh reinstall copy multiple times (28 -> patched to 29 "1300" and "1301", game runs perfectly outside of connecting to card)
  • Defaulted and changed Shop Name to multiple things in service menu
  • Full reset of service menu settings
  • Used multiple .bat files (with and without -card0, with all kinds of arguments) and tried just putting the settings directly into spicecfg too
  • Made a brand new card for trying each of these
  • Tried the following for Bind in Asphyxia: localhost,,
  • Tried the following for Port in Asphyxia: 8083, 8082 (and turned off SSL), 8080, 8088
  • Tried the following for Ping IP in Asphyxia 1.40d: localhost,
  • Tried -eamaint 0 (lets me enter card and errors out then), tried with every combo of that, -smartea, and -ea
  • Tried all different configurations of the bm2dx.dll file (confirmed properly patched)

As far as my log file, I'll send what it looks like in here when I have -eamaint 0, because otherwise you can't really see anything since I can't even TRY a card, but it's just failing to grab the server-side link it seems when I turn maint off and try one. There are really no other big/orange warnings at all, except for a bootstrap.txt one that seems to affect nothing (and that's the same as my 28 install anyway.) And again, the game works 110% perfectly from what I can see outside of that if I just do no card.


The only weird thing I run into is, the first time I run 29 every time I do a fresh install, it gives me a weird coin warning/500 yen warning message. This warning doesn't go away until I go into the service menu and then do a service menu setting reset, but it still lets me continue into a coin game with the warning/still works both with and without the warning. I am absolutely out of ideas as far as where to go now. Attached a bunch of stuff regarding the error; any thoughts? Thanks so much for reading!






log - saved.txtRecherche des informations…

Modifié par LennaLeFay
Posted the solution!

[2022/04/18 01:21:29] W:graphics::d3d9: failed to acquire sub swap chain, hr=0x8876086c
[2022/04/18 01:21:30] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:30] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Reset
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Reset
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:imgui_impl_spice: shutdown
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:signal: printing callstack
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 0000000000776C28 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 0000000000680600 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000000064EB8B (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000000051282F (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018054B70B (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018055F32B (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018038A6CB (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018055FE9A (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 0000000000448A28 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 00000000004013B4 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000000040150B (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 00007FFB73A87034 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 00007FFB73E22651 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] F:signal: end
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:logger: stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:32] I:rawinput: disposing devices


Someone help, I have no clue on what to do

  Le 17/04/2022 à 17:30, Yona a dit :

[2022/04/18 01:21:29] W:graphics::d3d9: failed to acquire sub swap chain, hr=0x8876086c
[2022/04/18 01:21:30] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:30] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Reset
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Reset
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:imgui_impl_spice: shutdown
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:signal: printing callstack
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 0000000000776C28 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 0000000000680600 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000000064EB8B (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000000051282F (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018054B70B (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018055F32B (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018038A6CB (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000018055FE9A (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 0000000000448A28 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 00000000004013B4 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 000000000040150B (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 00007FFB73A87034 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:stackwalker: 00007FFB73E22651 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] F:signal: end
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] I:logger: stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:31] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop
[2022/04/18 01:21:32] I:rawinput: disposing devices


Someone help, I have no clue on what to do


send the log file it self


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 17/04/2022 à 17:51, Yona a dit :

are you using .bat file 

  1. [2022/04/18 01:06:07] I:launcher: arguments: "👉-exec bm2dx.dll👈" -url http://localhost:8083 -card0 ***** -eamaint 0 -iidxdisablecams




go through the topic you will understand what you have done wrong 

so you have better understanding for the upcoming topics 

Modifié par Omar2
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/03/2022 à 17:32, Omar2 a dit :




  • copy into contents start  asphyxia-core-win-x64.exe 
  • then (apply) the webpage
  • then (start) the RunMe.bat

good luck👍



@ryuzo7980  @Lesteph25   😇 little help here please i cant do this alone am working on my arcade🙏guys




when you read you'll understand 👍

Modifié par Omar2
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 17/04/2022 à 18:08, Yona a dit :

Still doesn't work😢

log.txt 24.2 kB · 0 downloads


click on spicecfg.exe and clear ( delete) 

  1. -exec bm2dx.dll




[2022/04/18 01:06:07] I:launcher: arguments: -exec bm2dx.dll -url http://localhost:8083 -card0 ***** -eamaint 0 -iidxdisablecams


run the game with Runme.bat file its not a virus 


you can check by right click on the mouse then edit👍 


i believe if you read all the pages on this topic you will have conclusion of what to do 




Modifié par Omar2
  Le 19/04/2022 à 11:27, Jen a dit :

When I play IIDX, the resolution is 720p. Is there a way to make it 1080p?





  • go into test menu in game setting there is SD mode and HD mode *in all BM iidx i couldn't played HD mode  only SD*




  • in spicecfg.exe  in Button row  go down until you see screen resize


  • Dgvoodoo i never used it on IIDX so i don't know 

Good luck👍


I am a beginner.  I can't save the data because I don't know how to use asphyxia-core.  can you tell me?  I'm sorry I can't speak English fluently😥

  Le 19/04/2022 à 11:27, Jen a dit :

When I play IIDX, the resolution is 720p. Is there a way to make it 1080p?


the resolution is 720p,

logically, you should not change the resolution, but !!
Since I have a 4K screen, I feel like enabling scaling is better.
maybe because 720 is a multiple of 2160

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/04/2022 à 07:38, bobo0213 a dit :

Please help me......

Who can reseed the LDJ-2021101300 for me? I downloaded it and stopped at 96.1%.



straight download     every thing is here look

Modifié par Omar2
  Le 28/04/2022 à 03:47, johnymarker a dit :

I'm having 5-2000-2000 error even though I tried every possible solution I could find. I'd be grateful if anyone can help me w this. Thanks in advance

I attached my log file

My setting:

Card generated

Game ver: LDJ-2021042600



image.png.23a34dea0dc15de6ff27d0e1662ce5f1.png log.txt 25.97 kB · 0 downloads


Disable E-amusement emulation and smart E-amusement, put generated card id into player 1 or player 2 card, launch Asphyxia core then spice.exe.

  Le 07/05/2022 à 09:50, paiseniidx a dit :

Trying to get my webcam to work but kept getting the camera error. The log shows it detected it but not showing up at the test menu. Any ideas?


i DK if you can use a cam or not 


but send your log 


Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello everyone, can someone please help me I'm really close to being able to play. I'm getting ingame trying to set up my eamusent pass and after I input my dj name it asks for a location but always gives me an error no matter what area I pick. This takes me back to main menu. How to fix this? Thanks.

Modifié par MourningStar
  Le 07/05/2022 à 15:15, ra2yuri a dit :

can someone tell me how to apply omnimix patch to iidx?

i got my files from here


thank you


Just paste the omnimix files on your bistrover data, and launch the omni.bat (use bemanitools)

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 07/05/2022 à 11:12, paiseniidx a dit :

I may not have considered that cams don't work but i had hope. 😭

log.txt 33 kB · 2 descargas


Cams will not work

TIP: If you want the result backgrounds to change, because I don't like the normal background you get when you get an A. You can paste the result_get_aa.ifs file from data/graphic/0 folder over the result_get_a.ifs in the data/graphic/1 folder. 


you can use this to see the ifs graphics and modify them. 


You can also do this with the data/sound/system folder. The "0" folder is the previous bemani entry and the "1" folder is current. 



asphyxia preview options can be found here:

Modifié par maxaxis
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 07/05/2022 à 11:12, paiseniidx a dit :

I may not have considered that cams don't work but i had hope. 😭

log.txt 33.77 kB · 3 downloads


-io -io        You Enabled io Twice that a mistake


you Have 8 Speakers 


its like you are imitating the actual arcade  !!!!!


and your camera been replaced by another usb device 


but why remapping to keyboard 


long story short too much usb devices 


*when you patch .dll file remember not to disable cam*



1  M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1CCF&PID_8048&MI_02#8&9fde7e0&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device desc: HID Keyboard Device
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x190ae9
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device type: KEYBOARD
2  M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1CCF&PID_8048&MI_00#8&215c99d&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device desc: HID-compliant mouse
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x110249
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device type: MOUSE
3  M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1CCF&PID_8048&MI_01#8&21c17425&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device desc: PowerA Controller INF&BMS
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x1970a95
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device type: HID


4 M:rawinput: device usage: Joystick
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device button caps count: 1
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Button 1 to Button 16 (1-16)
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device button output caps count: 0
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device value caps count: 2
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: Y (0 to 127, 8-bit)
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device value caps detected: X (1 to 127, 8-bit)
5 M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1B1C&PID_0C10#7&3280ae0a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-00111100003

6   M:rawinput: device value caps detected: Unknown (0084:ff00) (0 to 0, 128-bit)
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device value output caps count: 1
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device value output caps detected: Input (0 to 0, 8-bit)
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1532&PID_007B&MI_01&Col05#a&21ada63&0&0004#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device desc: Razer Viper Ultimate Dongle


7 M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10058
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device type: HID
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device preparsed size: 268
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device usage: Unknown (0001:0000)
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device button caps count: 1
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device button caps detected: Unknown (0001:0003) to Unknown (0001:0003) (3-3)

8  M:rawinput: device button output caps count: 0
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device name: \\?\HID#VID_1532&PID_007B&MI_00&Col03#b&1810d695&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device desc: 
[2022/05/07 03:00:26] M:rawinput: device handle: 0x10056


& more & More & More more more 






cam been replaced by other usb 



M:iidx::cam: obtained 
M:iidx::cam: replaced 
[2022/05/07 03:00:28] I:iidx::cam: found video capture device: \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_0825&mi_00#9&47d4115&0&0000#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global
[2022/05/07 03:00:28] M:iidx::cam: obtained \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_0825&mi_00#9&47d4115&0&0000#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global
[2022/05/07 03:00:28] M:iidx::cam: replaced \\?\usb#vid_288c&pid_0002&mi_00#9&47d4115&0&0000#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global


Modifié par Omar2
  Le 07/05/2022 à 18:26, maxaxis a dit :

Cams will not work

TIP: If you want the result backgrounds to change, because I don't like the normal background you get when you get an A. You can paste the result_get_aa.ifs file from data/graphic/0 folder over the result_get_a.ifs in the data/graphic/1 folder. 


you can use this to see the ifs graphics and modify them. 


You can also do this with the data/sound/system folder. The "0" folder is the previous bemani entry and the "1" folder is current. 



asphyxia preview options can be found here:


nice will add that to main page later on

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