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[Arcade PC] Beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (BEMANI)

Go to solution Solved by Omar2,

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  Le 14/12/2021 à 01:31, Lesteph25 a dit :


for turntable sensivity, change this in your "iidxhook-28.conf" :


# Turntable sensitivity multiplier (1.0 is default)



and for you désync : the monitor check must be like 119.9XXX (the 2 digit in red may be flucting, but the 119.9XXX ou 119.8XXX must be stable)

force 120fps is a bad idee. prefer force Vsync 120Hz with this method for exemple :

Prefered refresh rate = Application-controlled



the sync calculated at the start of the game is absolutely essential to this game, and even with a correct base.

it is so precise that I knew a time when we bought very specific hardware models (such as the graphics card by ex) to be as close as possible to the arcade sync.
this parameter is VERY important, it is the very foundations of the game. do not neglect it.



I now have bemanitools including the config file you talked about. However, I'm not sure if I can run this with Spice64 like I have been using. I'm assuming you now have to use the gamestart28 file in the bemanitools folder but that gives me errors because of missing avs2-core.dll and avs2ea3.dll


Anyone know how to fix this? Trying to make a profile on the game and when I finish I get an error. Don't know if I need to reinstall something or change a setting, thanks for any help!:very-good:

Screenshot 2021-12-21 164807.png

Posté(e) (modifié)

Even if SPICECFG.EXE is executed, it does not respond and does not turn on. When I look at the task manager, it turns on for a while and then turns off automatically. I tried turning off the antivirus or running it with administrator rights. Does anyone have a situation like me or know a solution? please help me Sorry for the translation.

Modifié par nanashiii
  Le 21/12/2021 à 02:09, NeoMegaX a dit :

I now have bemanitools including the config file you talked about. However, I'm not sure if I can run this with Spice64 like I have been using. I'm assuming you now have to use the gamestart28 file in the bemanitools folder but that gives me errors because of missing avs2-core.dll and avs2ea3.dll


yes launch with gamestart28.bat


avs2-core.dll and avs2ea3.dll

can they be in the "module" folder?
if so, copy all the files that are in the "module" folder and paste them in the "content" folder

  Le 22/12/2021 à 21:10, Lesteph25 a dit :

yes launch with gamestart28.bat


avs2-core.dll and avs2ea3.dll

can they be in the "module" folder?
if so, copy all the files that are in the "module" folder and paste them in the "content" folder


Yup, found them there, just as you said! when I run gamestart-28.bat, I get an avs-config.xml: Error opening config file.


Spi,64 does not start an error message like an image.Also, spi,cg does not start anything without errors.
I haven't been able to save log files, so I can't see the details.Does anyone know this alone? Help me


  Le 25/12/2021 à 12:27, Chloe a dit :

Spi,64 does not start an error message like an image.Also, spi,cg does not start anything without errors.
I haven't been able to save log files, so I can't see the details.Does anyone know this alone? Help me



Send the log.txt

  Le 30/12/2021 à 14:30, Chloe a dit :

Log crashes before creating, log.txt. Other PCs will start, but this PC cannot be activated.


first return spicecfg.exe to default settings. then 

start asphyxia.exe  it will open a site  in the site apply sittings ( press the blue button ) then start spice64.exe 



if that did not work then you are missing a runtime  downloads from here Downlod

  Le 30/12/2021 à 20:14, Omar2 a dit :

first return spicecfg.exe to default settings. then 

start asphyxia.exe  it will open a site  in the site apply sittings ( press the blue button ) then start spice64.exe 



if that did not work then you are missing a runtime  downloads from here Downlod


Spicecg. Exe does not start crashing. Asphiyxia. After launching exe,. Exe will crash even if you start exe. URL is not working.

  Le 31/12/2021 à 14:36, Chloe a dit :

Spicecg. Exe does not start crashing. Asphiyxia. After launching exe,. Exe will crash even if you start exe. URL is not working.




your sound must be 16 bit 44100Hz CD Quality 


right click on the sound icon ( bottom right on your windows screen) click sound . then right click on your sound device . click properties  then Advanced then choose  *16 bit,44100Hz (CD Quality)*


  Le 02/01/2022 à 03:12, Omar2 a dit :





サウンドアイコン(Windows画面の右下)を右クリックして、[サウンド]をクリックします。次に、サウンドデバイスを右クリックします。その後、選択した拡張[プロパティ]をクリックします* 16ビット、44100Hz(CD品質) *



After downloading and redownloading the folder, I tried it, but couldn't.

This is not the reason why the sound property is set from the original.:gene:

  Le 03/01/2022 à 12:37, Chloe a dit :

After downloading and redownloading the folder, I tried it, but couldn't.

This is not the reason why the sound property is set from the original.:gene:


then there's something wrong with your PC

Posté(e) (modifié)

I just got a new PC and 144 hz monitor for Christmas, and I'm also suffering from desync issues (Specifically, the sync drifts; it starts off normal, but around the midpoint, the backing music starts to desync). I've set the preferred refresh rate to application-controlled in the Nvidia control panel (both global and program-specific for spice64), but it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm not able to lower the refresh rate on my monitor, so is there any other way to run the program at 120Hz, so it will stay in sync? The game runs perfectly fine, aside from the desync.

Modifié par midnightclubx
  Le 05/01/2022 à 02:04, midnightclubx a dit :

I just got a new PC and 144 hz monitor for Christmas, and I'm also suffering from desync issues (Specifically, the sync drifts; it starts off normal, but around the midpoint, the backing music starts to desync). I've set the preferred refresh rate to application-controlled in the Nvidia control panel (both global and program-specific for spice64), but it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm not able to lower the refresh rate on my monitor, so is there any other way to run the program at 120Hz, so it will stay in sync? The game runs perfectly fine, aside from the desync.


You can reduce your screen refresh rate actually - I personally use Custom Resolution Utility ( Simply create a resolution with your preferred refresh rate (so if your screen is running at 1920x1080 144Hz, add another resolution option - same resolution, but different refresh rate).


This is mine for example



Just click add, then change the refresh rate to your preferred option (no need to change anything else)



Click OK, then restart your PC. You can then change it in Windows Settings


Posté(e) (modifié)

I found the cause of not finding other refresh rates: I had to switch perform scaling back to display instead of the GPU (I switched it to GPU because I was having flashing issues that I later found out were caused by having the HDR be on, so I switched that off).

Now the game is a lot more in sync... for the most part; I'll still have a bit of desync towards the end of some songs, now that the monitor is at 120hz, but it's still an improvement!


Update: I think I might've fixed it by turning off G-sync. >>

Modifié par midnightclubx
Posté(e) (modifié)

I've browsed through the forum and read there's a newer version of Omnimix, but I don't exactly know where to go for that (Apparently there were newer versions on a 4Chan thread, but the links expired in late October); I have the one from Nyaa installed, but a good chunk of the older songs seem to sync drift, so I'm wondering if the newer version might've fixed that problem (if anyone has it, anyway).

Modifié par midnightclubx
  Le 06/01/2022 à 11:08, midnightclubx a dit :

I've browsed through the forum and read there's a newer version of Omnimix, but I don't exactly know where to go for that (Apparently there were newer versions on a 4Chan thread, but the links expired in late October); I have the one from Nyaa installed, but a good chunk of the older songs seem to sync drift, so I'm wondering if the newer version might've fixed that problem (if anyone has it, anyway).


the sync drift is probably because the game stuttered for a short while making the song go out of sync


that then isnt an omnimix issue but something with your pc that makes those short stutters

  Le 06/01/2022 à 00:28, NeoMegaX a dit :

Any guides on starting the game with Bemanitools instead of Spice?


put the files from the archive in the content folder
configure your controller with config.bat
start the game with gamestart-28.bat
(modify if necessary the ea3-config.xml of the prop folder)

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/01/2022 à 15:36, piotr25691 a dit :

the sync drift is probably because the game stuttered for a short while making the song go out of sync


that then isnt an omnimix issue but something with your pc that makes those short stutters


That's the thing; the non-omnimix songs played fine, and the newer omnimix songs that were more recently removed from vanilla IIDX seemed to stay in sync.


I just played the program again, and now they play fine. Maybe the program needed to acclimate, or maybe I somehow had too many programs open, last night?

Modifié par midnightclubx
Posté(e) (modifié)

can anyone help me? I have 2 problems. my bistrover monitor definition became SD type suddenly after I put any buttons in keyboard. and i have network problem.


I launched asphyxia-core and spice64.exe but network is offline..


here is my log.txt and screenshot (Edit: my new log.txt uploaded. please solve this problem :(:)


(edit2): I upgraded from 0830 to 0915. but my network problem is same...





log.txtRecherche des informations…

Modifié par aslkjfdakdlsfj
Posté(e) (modifié)

hi, i'm trying to get the game setup for me and my friend, and both of our games crash and doesn't pass the first loading screen


for my friend, he can go thru the checking phase, everything passes except for network, after he tries test mode, the game instantly crashes, for me the game crashes after 2-5 seconds of waiting.


both of our folders are in read-only mode and we cannot make it not be in read-only mode


the game was working fine for me at the time but suddenly it decided to stop working


edit: found the solution, i had to upgrade to 0915

Modifié par limitlessinterger
  Le 14/01/2022 à 06:23, Max Panda a dit :

Had just a quick question regarding one of the options on the BemaniPatcher site for IIDX -


What does the option  "Cursor Lock" actually do in the game?  :





It means that after you finish the song you were on, the selection screen will still be at that song instead of the beginning of the style.  You should have it checked so you don't have to navigate too much for songs.


Nice to meet you, I have a question. The other day I got the iidx io board, the upper speaker part (with neon and spotlight) and various wiring, how can I make it usable with spicetool? Please tell me who knows.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Got TDJ and secondary monitor working but the game minimizes when I touch the screen.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thank you.



Just found a workaround by running the game in windowed mode with 1280*720 resolution.  But is there an elegant solution that works in fullscreen mode?  After all, the touchscreen works perfectly in SDVX EG.

Modifié par nearnoah_573
  Le 16/01/2022 à 14:15, a_maimai a dit :

Nice to meet you, I have a question. The other day I got the iidx io board, the upper speaker part (with neon and spotlight) and various wiring, how can I make it usable with spicetool? Please tell me who knows.



spicetools... i don't know
but with bemanitools, it should be possible


there is a line in the btools file iidxhook-28.conf that reads

"# Disable BIO2 emulation and enable usage of real BIO2 hardware


I don't know if this is enough

Posté(e) (modifié)

I don't have asphyxia-core iidx plugin v2.0.0 so do anyone know where to download it?


EDIT1: I could solve all problems except network error. I get asphyxia-core plugin v2.0.0 supported iidx 28 Bistrover.

when I check network option in system and I found E-amusement is on but network is offline.

can someone solve this problem? and can you recommend me other private server? have a nice day! :D




Modifié par aslkjfdakdlsfj
  Le 16/01/2022 à 16:23, nearnoah_573 a dit :

Got TDJ and secondary monitor working but the game minimizes when I touch the screen.  Any help would be much appreciated.  Thank you.



Just found a workaround by running the game in windowed mode with 1280*720 resolution.  But is there an elegant solution that works in fullscreen mode?  After all, the touchscreen works perfectly in SDVX EG.



try set the moniter 720p@120hz before

run the game.then you can touch the password 


Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello there, I'm running into a small problem where i'd start the game and it'll start up and it'll be a blackscreen for a second then closes/crashes itself 
anyway to fix this? It's also a problem i have with SDVX EG as well... hope there's a solution for this :triste:

Modifié par feeeelix

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