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[Arcade PC] Beatmania IIDX 28 BISTROVER (BEMANI)

Go to solution Solved by Omar2,

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I just can't boot at 120Hz
Premium Free Timer Freeze etc. can used problems
I using a 240Hz monitor 
The version is 0830 and the patch also uses 0830

スクリーンショット (53).png

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 27/10/2021 à 11:48, Chihuahua a dit :

Thanks anyway. It is ver .0. 


I'm pretty sure the new version you're talking about is a sows exclusive. No one wants to get kicked from sows for sharing it. 

Modifié par redalchemy
  Le 31/10/2021 à 16:19, Gilgamesh89 a dit :

Hi guys, I need to buy a new notebook and I would ask to you if you know which is the requirement of the hardware that you need to run this game? 


I can run this on my 2011 iMac, the requirements is anything better than a toaster.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Just make sure that your shiny new laptop does have some dGPU instead of integrated Intel Graphics. Can't tell anything about Ryzen iGPU laptops, at least desktop Ryzen G running the game fine 


P.S. You know what fellas? Don't get me wrong. I just see here all the same questions again and again. Next time we need to write some big trobleshooting guide about how to run that damn piece of japanese software. :)

Modifié par ryuzo7980
  Le 01/11/2021 à 02:37, ryuzo7980 a dit :

Next time we need to write some big trobleshooting guide about how to run that damn piece of japanese software. :)


We could have a giant guide on how to run IIDX that accounts for every single edge case and has a solution to every single error that Spice could throw, and people would still ask the same questions over and over again, people just gotta learn how to read thread posts.


Hi, I am using spicecompanion (android app), successfully connected to spicetools on pc. But how to display sub-screen (using TDJ mode, but on app the server info show model are LDJ) on phone display? I didn't find any option.


Thanks if anyone could help.


I'm using a Dell S2417DG which is an 144 hz monitor. If I dont have "Force 120hz timing" enabled, the monitor check caps out at 71-72 fps. I've tried messing with max frame/refresh rate, G-Sync/V-Sync on/off, unplugging all my extra displays, changing resolutions, always ends with 72hz monitor check. I even tried launching the game on my LG CX and end up with the same result. If I force the timing it works but at some point the BGM and the keysounds of a song will start to drift. Is there anything I missed in my troubleshooting process? 


  Le 03/11/2021 à 02:26, hikisloth a dit :

I'm using a Dell S2417DG which is an 144 hz monitor. If I dont have "Force 120hz timing" enabled, the monitor check caps out at 71-72 fps. I've tried messing with max frame/refresh rate, G-Sync/V-Sync on/off, unplugging all my extra displays, changing resolutions, always ends with 72hz monitor check. I even tried launching the game on my LG CX and end up with the same result. If I force the timing it works but at some point the BGM and the keysounds of a song will start to drift. Is there anything I missed in my troubleshooting process? 

log.txtRecherche des informations…


g sync off

v sync on

don't lock frame rate


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/11/2021 à 22:45, SkATToXX a dit :

Excuse me asking this, but is there a way to fix the beatmania offset? I play and the truth is I do a lot of fast
thanks for the answer



Yeah offset gets rocky at the start but it does take a while. First, adjust your in-game offset setting (START button).

Second, switch to an in-game VEFX such as Compressed (Green)

Third, disable all computer sound effects such as Dell Audio or dtsX effects as they can distort audio quality

Forth, use a wired keyboard to minimize input latency

Fifth, use as high a display rate as possible, 120Hz if possible. You should aim for 60fps min.

Sixth, lower your green number via in-game setting and floating number adjust (I play at 300 atm)

Seventh, and above all, just git gud. Seriously, more you play, more you will match the timing. Soon enough the As and AAs will come your way.

Modifié par RingsOfRage
  Le 01/11/2021 à 12:44, kawaiidora a dit :

Hi, I am using spicecompanion (android app), successfully connected to spicetools on pc. But how to display sub-screen (using TDJ mode, but on app the server info show model are LDJ) on phone display? I didn't find any option.


Thanks if anyone could help.


in order to let screen feature of android app work, requires spicetool run iidx in fullscreen mode. this feature is useless because 'toggle subscreen' is enough to use


Pretty trivial question, but is there a version of Asphyxia that has all the frames? I really liked how the turntable in canonballers was on top of a rotor and brakepad





  Le 05/11/2021 à 22:45, hikisloth a dit :

Pretty trivial question, but is there a version of Asphyxia that has all the frames? I really liked how the turntable in canonballers was on top of a rotor and brakepad


that's not an asphyxia feature (to an extent, you can only toggle frames that have been included in the actual IIDX version), that's a feature of each individual IIDX version. IIDX 28 does not have the frame from IIDX 25 (or any other version for that matter, unlike IIDX 26), only the BPL ones are in IIDX 28.

  Le 08/11/2021 à 13:18, yakaru a dit :

that's not an asphyxia feature (to an extent, you can only toggle frames that have been included in the actual IIDX version), that's a feature of each individual IIDX version. IIDX 28 does not have the frame from IIDX 25 (or any other version for that matter, unlike IIDX 26), only the BPL ones are in IIDX 28.


you can just take the frame from cannon ballers and put just rename it to what its called in bistrover and use it.


also casthour when :timide:

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/11/2021 à 00:18, ilovebemanix3 a dit :

you can just take the frame from cannon ballers and put just rename it to what its called in bistrover and use it.


also casthour when :timide:


did you actually try it? when i tried it literally the same way you just described, it just flat out crashed and it is most likely because these IIDX versions have different frame parts and animations (which are hard-coded) for each individual IIDX version, however I managed to make it work somewhat when I unpacked the ifs and individually replaced each texture and then repacked it again, but then I had the problem that Cannon Ballers had much more frame parts than the frame in Bistrover had, so there were tons of leftover textures that just couldn't fit into Bistro's frame, and it looked kinda terrible lol

Modifié par yakaru
  Le 09/11/2021 à 11:44, yakaru a dit :

did you actually try it? when i tried it literally the same way you just described, it just flat out crashed and it is most likely because these IIDX versions have different frame parts and animations (which are hard-coded) for each individual IIDX version, however I managed to make it work somewhat when I unpacked the ifs and individually replaced each texture and then repacked it again, but then I had the problem that Cannon Ballers had much more frame parts than the frame in Bistrover had, so there were tons of leftover textures that just couldn't fit into Bistro's frame, and it looked kinda terrible lol


they probably broke it then lol, i remember using it in heroic verse

  Le 19/10/2021 à 13:22, ryuzo7980 a dit :

I think that preparation is coming to an end. Sad thing is that I am still missing, spada and some sinobuz files.

If someone have SPADA system sound folder (data/sound/system) it will be huge help for if you can send me an around 14 certain files from that folder.



It might be too late to reply for it, however if you are still looking for SINOBUZ file, i could help.

Do you need system sound folder (data/sound/system) for SINOBUZ as well as SPADA?

(SPADA file should be provided by "rgbmew" shoundn't it? if its not, I also have SPADA one as well.)


If you need those, tell me how to provide those to you.

looking for your mod anyway, Cheers:)


@guiltyinfinity thanks, but I already have it. I just need to prepare it correctly since there is 7 separate BGMs (oh well...) The modpack was actually almost done last month. I was hoping that the 29 would come out soon and I need to do some adjustments for it, so I put the modpack on hold right now.... maybe until next week or sooner. Just wanna spend the time to re-test the whole thing to finally make sure that everything just works :goutte-sueur:

  Le 16/11/2021 à 01:10, ryuzo7980 a dit :

@guiltyinfinity thanks, but I already have it. I just need to prepare it correctly since there is 7 separate BGMs (oh well...) The modpack was actually almost done last month. I was hoping that the 29 would come out soon and I need to do some adjustments for it, so I put the modpack on hold right now.... maybe until next week or sooner. Just wanna spend the time to re-test the whole thing to finally make sure that everything just works :goutte-sueur:



Good to hear you already have it and in final phase on your mod :)

looking forward to your release and 29 soon as well.


This might have been answered somewhere but I can't seem to find it.  I'm planning on running a second touch screen for Lightning mode, what resolution and hz does that second monitor have to be to work with the game?

Posté(e) (modifié)

i wonder if this game has 1080p,and how to run at a 1080p resolution thanks xd.

Modifié par Tsubakii
Posté(e) (modifié)

So as I promised here is my big modpack for IIDX 28 BISTROVER. It contains menu BGMs, playskins (frames), result screens from previous IIDX games also some bonus stuff. It also works with IIDX 26 and 27 if you need. I think I've tested everything and it should work fine. Well... enjoy I guess :goutte-sueur:

Download (540mb)


Here is the basic instructions:


"BGM" folder contains sound files from previous IIDX games also some other stuff xD


1. Go to the "data/sound/system" folder and create the backup of "0" folder.
2. Choose the theme that you need in "IIDXMODPACK/BGM" like 19 LINCLE for example.
3. Copy "0" folder and paste it to "iidx28/contents/data/sound/system" and accept the changes.

Those mods are not accurate it will not make you feel that you play old style due to the diffirences how the game approaches to handle with audio files.


"FOLDER VOICE MIX" will make choosing ingame folders in music select screen sound diffirently. English is my not native language so... to better understand just listen
that preview mp3 file inside the folder to understand what I meant. From HAPPY SKY to BISTROVER those voices are represents the those games, while IIDX RED and above is mixed out from diffirent games.


1. Make sure of course you have backup of a "0" folder.
2. Copy "0" folder from "IIDXMODPACK/FOLDER VOICE MIX" and paste it to "iidx28/contents/data/sound/system" and accept the changes.


"FRAME" folder contains the graphic files from previous IIDX games. It replaces default bistrover playskin. Works for SP and DP play modes.


1. Go to "iidx28/contents/data/graphic" and create backup of "gmframe28.ifs"
2. Choose the frame that you need in "IIDXMODPACK/FRAME" like 26 ROOTAGE for example.
3. Rename the .ifs file inside the folder to "gmframe28.ifs"
4. Copy and paste this file to "iidx28/contents/data/graphic" and accept the changes.

Known issues: Frames works mostly correct except it always will show you beginner lv12 difficulty plus exscore/moneyscore/maxcombo don't work outside the pacemaker graph. It
because of bistrover make things diffirent this time.


"RESULT" folder contains result screen background files from previous IIDX games and some extra. 

1. First thing first. You need to install ifs_layeredfs tool:
check the readme file for further instructions it's important.
2. Next, after you get the idea how this works, in "data_mods/my_awesomemod" folder
create this path "graphic/0"
3. Inside that "0" folder create a three new folders: 
"result_get_a_ifs, result_get_aa_ifs, result_get_aaa_ifs"
4. Place 6 of the png files you need, inside to these folders
5. Rename those png files as bg00.png, bg01.png, bg02.png, bg03.png, bg04.png, bg05.png
That how mafia works basically, phew....

Modifié par ryuzo7980
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello. I have 2 questions.

I want to play in 120fps so I changed monitor 75hz one for 144hz one. Game works fine, but BGM desync while playing(with some lagging). 

I searched all of this thread- force 120hz with bemanipatcher, V-sync on, G-Sync off, no frame limit... Is there something I miss?


And some reason I have to reinstall the game but I can't find my card (save) data. Where can I find it? Can I move the card data to another game folder?

Sorry for my poor English and thanks for the help.

Modifié par NaBuSi
Invité qdgfgfdgfdgf
Posté(e) (modifié)

after i have read all forum, i think there is no need to play casthour there's no any OME or arena/bpl global matching with my friends.

idk see you in April 2022.

Modifié par qdgfgfdgfdgf
The computer is too old and the response is too slow. I submit it every time I refresh
Invité qdgfgfdgfdgf
  Le 09/11/2021 à 00:18, ilovebemanix3 a dit :

you can just take the frame from cannon ballers and put just rename it to what its called in bistrover and use it.


also casthour when :timide:


2022 until the next version/next year.

  Le 25/11/2021 à 10:51, qdgfgfdgfdgf a dit :

2022 until the next version/next year.



  Le 25/11/2021 à 10:50, qdgfgfdgfdgf a dit :

after i have read all forum, i think there is no need to play casthour there's no any OME or arena/bpl global matching with my friends.

idk see you in April 2022.


give me casthour and i give you a server capable of supporting everything u said :)

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