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[Arcade PC] Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 / 6R / 6RR [Namco ES3B]


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8 minutes ago, Zen_B7 said:

From the secret headquarters, thousands of miles below the earths crust !

i see. also If i google it I can't find it. All I know is there is this link.

but when i go in I got banned. Is it possible for anyone to go into this link and help me get WMMT6rr and 6r will be great if that will work.

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6 minutes ago, zavierlim.exe said:

well now that i have mt6rr the link was able to use but now i have a problem. My teknoparrot can't run the file. neither i could get online for it. wondering if i could be unban from the server then i can try and get online for mt6rr.

Well, the problem is on your side, TP boots WMMT 6(R) fine.

Unban, and you ask that here ?
Emuline has nothing to do with HKG WMMT, you f'd it up there yourself.


How do you intend to boot RR, and what public server supports RR ?


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13 hours ago, Zen_B7 said:

Well, the problem is on your side, TP boots WMMT 6(R) fine.

Unban, and you ask that here ?
Emuline has nothing to do with HKG WMMT, you f'd it up there yourself.


How do you intend to boot RR, and what public server supports RR ?


Well I see on youtube someone was able to run wmmt6rr on pc but i have no clue what emulator they use and for reference. the video is this.

And I literately have no clue how this guy can run wmmt6rr on pc.

Also I try to run it show unsupported executable, New CRC: 87C240D4!

Modifié par zavierlim.exe
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21 minutes ago, Zen_B7 said:

RR ?

You better have a GOOD LOOK !!



There is NO PUBLIC LOADER for RR !!

well then why the game even though on the application is wmmt6r inside is wmmt6rr with vorg?

Because I guarantee that Wmmt6r doesn't have vorg (Vs Other region Ghost)

Modifié par zavierlim.exe
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On 9/20/2023 at 10:38 AM, zavierlim.exe said:

I think I really need a lot of help.

Professional help ?

Everything pre chewed ?
You won't find it here.





Not helping ? 🤨


On 9/19/2023 at 3:39 PM, Zen_B7 said:

Look at the first post of this thread, decode link with

Hopefully those links still work.




Modifié par Zen_B7
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  • 2 semaines après...

Hey all, haven't played Maximum Tune in a bit and although everyone is probably sick of hearing about this problem now I'm having an issue with getting save games to work with Maximum Tune 6R(got it working fine with MaximumTune 5 in the past). Game runs perfectly fine on my set up and everything works great but only if IC R/W is disabled.


Have gone through and set the game up with IC card R/W on and vendor off as said in previous posts and have a working internet connection and the game is also unblocked with Windows Firewall but still comes up with the e0551 error. Am also unable to access terminal mode for if it is enabled in TP it just crashes.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Modifié par Doivid
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On 9/29/2023 at 10:28 AM, Doivid said:

also unable to access terminal mode for if it is enabled in TP it just crashes.🤷


currently saving for 6 works with tp and 6R with jconfig both offline

as for online(for 6)try asking on discord tp channel 

Modifié par Frank1
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  • 4 semaines après...
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  • 2 semaines après...

J'ai écrit ce script .ahk pour me permette de quitter wmmt6rr avec le bouton select de ma manette.


Il faut évidemment remplacer le path avec celui de votre système. Aussi, le ahk doit être exécuté en Administrateur sinon il ne pourra pas fermer la fenêtre console.


I wrote a .ahk script so that I can exit wmmt6rr by pressing the select button on my controller.


You must update the path. Also, it must be executed as Administrator or it will not be allowed to close the game's console window.



Run, wmn6r.exe, C:\roms\arcade\System_ES3\W6W-05


WinClose, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass


Modifié par Newtonian
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  • 1 mois après...
On 12/8/2023 at 11:17 AM, Curru said:

Here is the link in case you want to become the server to play 6R....

I just tried it and it works perfectly....


How did you get the server to run successfully? I followed all the steps, but was met with an error in one of the dist/modules files.

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