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[Emu] Hypseus Singe (SDL2) : 64bit 4k Daphne Emulator (Windows, Mac & Linux)

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e.png?v=2.6.18 - For those familiar with Daphne, this should be a direct drop-in replacement.


Contains many additional features and SDL2 enhancements:

  • Windows, MacOS X and Linux (Raspberry Pi)
  • 64bit version of Daphne for Windows
  • 4k M2V support
  • Many additional features in Daphne and Singe

Windows Client:


Main Site:


Emuline Thread: 










Modifié par xxOToTOxx
MacOS X release
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Please, is possible upload the all  batch files for run games (.bat) ?



Modifié par harris
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Note:  Up-to-date .bat file examples are now in the GitHub release repository 


Give these a try, drop them straight into the hypseus directory, with all the other files:


Note 1: They rely on the fact that the games are in the vldp_dl, vldp and singe sub-directories from the torrent download.

Note 2: This includes the flightkey.ini configuration file, which will be used, if present, and reverse up/down keys on the flight based games.


The file logs/hypseus.log should provide info in case of issues.


Edit: A few tweaks added to certain games.....


Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Added aspect ratio fix for 16:9
  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...
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Sinden Borders now implemented:


Version: 2.6.2

hypseus singe vldp -sinden 5 g -framefile ...


-sinden <1-10> <color>     [ Enable software border for lightguns          ]
                           [ Color: (w)hite, (r)ed, (g)reen, (b)lue or (x) ]



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...
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  Le 07/08/2021 Ă  15:42, mazinger4life a dit :

Wow wonderful job my friend ,what files i need to make it work and are they any tutorial since im not familiar with hypseus and i plan to run it on windows platform.




Hey, so quick Windows install:

  1. Download Hypseus Singe, and put the contents of the zip file into it's own directory. e.g. 'C:\Hypsesus Singe'
  2. Copy your existing Daphne ROM files (.zip) into the 'roms' sub-directory of Hypseus, exactly as you would in Daphne.
  3. Copy (or move) your video and framefiles into the sub-directory of Hypseus. This is up to you, but usually 'vldp' with a subdirectory of the game name:
C:\Hypseus Singe
+-- vldp
|    |
|    |-- roadblaster
|    |    |
|    |    |-- roadblaster.txt  (Frame file)
|    |    |-- rb.m2v
|    |    |-- rb.ogg
|    |    |-- rb.dat  (Don't copy .dat file from Daphne - it will be re-created)
+-- roms
     |-- (ROM file)


This will give you the ability to run Hypseus with the original ROM video.


  • Within C:\Hypseus Singe create a roadblaster.bat file with the following contents:
hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp/roadblaster/roadblaster.txt -nolinear_scale -fullscreen

  • Run the batch file and check it works. (You can move other games in exactly the same way. Copy .bat file arguments from Daphne to the Hypseus .bat file you create.)


If all is good, let's put the 4K video in place.

  1. Within C:\Hypsuse Singe\vldp\roadblaster - rename rb.m2v to rb-orig.m2v
  2. Grab the 4K version of rb.m2v from
  3. Place the 4K video as C:\Hypsuse Singe\vldp\roadblaste\rb.m2v replacing original file name and location.


You should not need to alter your bat file if running version 2.6.12, otherwise alter -x and -y  to:

hypseus.exe roadblaster vldp -framefile vldp/roadblaster/roadblaster.txt -nolinear_scale -x 2880 -y 2160 -fullscreen
  • And you are done. Run the bat file, you should see it recreate the .dat file and load 4K video.


Windows Template for Road Blaster excluding 4K video:


Footnote: There are other (optional) Hypseus arguments you can pass that did not exist in the original Daphne to add to the .bat file.

Check them out here:

Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Corrected Mega link
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hypseus-singe v2.6.14

This release adds absolute (EV_ABS) mouse input support to Singe.

This allows DolphinBar/WiiMote, and other lightguns, to observe resolutions correctly.


DolphinBar works out of the box in Mode 1 or 2


Sinden gun works out of the box, see button configuration discussion on GitHub


Enable in Singe arguments with -manymouse


New .bat files are provided in the repo zip file with ManyMouse activated.




Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...
  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...
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Mad Dog 2: Typing Edition

A Singe curio, which is a conversion of Mad Dog 2 to a typing game a la Typing of the Dead.





Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...
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Singe 2 Port with 2k enhanced video of: "Who Shot Johnny Rock?"




Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...
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64bit Windows Port of Daphne/Hypseus


The first 64bit version of Daphne for Windows (support for up to 16Tb M2V files)


The version released yesterday had a one line bug. Ensure you grab the latest version again from:


If you have the previous version, you only need to take 'hypseus.exe' from the zip file and overwrite.


If you have the 32-bit version, and are upgrading, you will need 'hypseus.exe' and ALL the .dll files from the 64bit zip and overwrite the 32bit versions.


The 64bit version, should work markedly better on all the upscaled Daphne M2V files in this thread, so replace the 64-bit version of files within any Windows Template packages that you have (as described above).


I will attempt to update the Windows Template packages when I get time, but for the moment they contain the 32bit version.


The Windows Templates have now all been updated to 64bit v2.6.17

Daphne enters the Windows 64-bit world.......



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Windows Templates updated
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hypseus-singe v2.6.18 

e.png?v=2.6.18 - This release enables:

  • ActionMax game hardware acceleration with Windows SDL 2.0.16 library: -nohwaccel is no longer required.
  • -blank_searches and -blank_skips laserdisc skip delay simulation added to Singe:




Triggered against LUA events:





Modifié par xxOToTOxx

Man wow i remember when you start the Hypseus project a couple month ago from scratch and Now a 64 bit version of daphne and 4k support game and upgrade etc ,congratulations for your continuous work to bring to the community,Awesome:very-good:.

  Le 10/12/2021 Ă  11:08, Moksi a dit :

A question Is it better to put the SInge 2 into the Hypseus Folder  or better to separate Singe 2 into its own folder ?



They are different applications, using different game data formats.


I see no reason to have them in the same folder(s).


Just tested the Esh 4K on my crt , game isnt running 100 percent speed ,the sound is out of sync 

How can i fix this.     

With Singe 1 older version it runs fine 

  Le 10/12/2021 Ă  23:55, Moksi a dit :

Just tested the Esh 4K on my crt , game isnt running 100 percent speed ,the sound is out of sync 

How can i fix this.     

With Singe 1 older version it runs fine 



My guess would be you don't have enough CPU grunt to decode these high bitrate 4K MPEG-2's


What is your CPU percentage doing when the game is running ?


  Le 11/12/2021 Ă  06:20, Moksi a dit :

i7 4790K ,


When i run Esh 4K on my LCD its fine , when i am using crt (emudriver with a vga scart) its runs laggy 



OK, then that seems to be pretty much pointing the finger to the CRT display rendering speed. They were never really designed to be pushed a 4k signal, so I guess it's no surprise.


I assume if you swap the esh.m2v out with the standard Daphne m2v it works full speed ?


I have no experience with running SDL2 renderers on CRT displays, there appears to be little documentation in Google except on 'emulating' CRT display artefacts on LCD (i.e. the reverse). 


So I guess you may have answered your own question from a little while ago, when I said you were the first......

Posté(e) (modifié)

well i just did a test with swapping the LQ Esh 800mb  replacing the 4k.

And the result is the same lagging heavily 

I hope theres a way to get it to run full speed , Because the Pic Quality is excellent 


WIth d/l of the 4K versions 4:3 is not fully stretched on the crt , so probably ignore aspect ratio should fix right ?

Modifié par Moksi
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  Le 11/12/2021 Ă  12:07, Moksi a dit :

well i just did a test with swapping the LQ Esh 800mb  replacing the 4k.

And the result is the same lagging heavily 

I hope theres a way to get it to run full speed , Because the Pic Quality is excellent 



What version of hypseus are you running?


Run in the command prompt with `hypseus -v` 


In version `2.6.20` there are a couple of new options to force the renderer to `-opengl` or `-vulkan` also new SDL libraries.


Just overwrite the .exe and .dll file from the zip at




WIth d/l of the 4K versions 4:3 is not fully stretched on the crt , so probably ignore aspect ratio should fix right ?



`-ignore_aspect_ratio` is deprecated.


But you can try the new argument: `-force_aspect_ratio` which will force 4:3


Also you can specify the resolution with `-x` and -y` as always.


Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Posté(e) (modifié)

There is also a new version of SDL2 for Windows (2.0.18):


You will need the "Runtime Binaries" zip for your Windows 32/64 version and again just overwrite the existing `SDL2.dll`


I haven't tested this version, but it may have improvements....... 2.0.16 had some major improvements over 2.0.14 in the Renderers.

Modifié par xxOToTOxx

Ok did a check hypseus version is v2.6.18 x64

SDL cc 2.0.14

SDL ld 2.0.16


I will replace those files you mentioned & try it 

Ok replaced the hypseus version to v2.6.20 x64  & SDL2 to 2.0.18  

I specified the x & y resolution that fixed the small screen 

The speed in the game is still lagging i tried -opengl & -vulkan in the command


Another problem with Singe 2.0 if i set x -1024  y - 480   i get unable to determine x resolution   


In Hypseus it works fine 

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/12/2021 Ă  13:37, Moksi a dit :

Ok did a check hypseus version is v2.6.18 x64

SDL cc 2.0.14

SDL ld 2.0.16


I will replace those files you mentioned & try it 

Ok replaced the hypseus version to v2.6.20 x64  & SDL2 to 2.0.18  

I specified the x & y resolution that fixed the small screen 

The speed in the game is still lagging i tried -opengl & -vulkan in the command



Ok, without access to a CRT I don't really know how to test this further... Windows SDL2 is still pretty new and has known issues, so this may improve as SDL2 matures.


Google shows nothing to help us here.


But just to be clear, if you connect the same rig to an LCD monitor it all works fine with standard and 4k resolution video ?



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  Le 11/12/2021 Ă  13:59, Moksi a dit :

Yes just did a test again with Esh runs fullspeed perfect



Ok, so SDL2 and CRT's, at this point, don't work well - interesting......


Would be interesting to know if this is Windows specific (I am guessing it isn't), but if anyone running Linux with a CRT has any updates.....


Singe 2.0 it runs all the games fullspeed on my crt ,  Timegal HD  , Space Pirates HD ran fullspeed 


but specifying x y resolution it doesnt recognize it  ( if i set x -1024  y - 480   i get unable to determine x resolution   )


That problem i dont have with Hypseus



I will compile a custom Windows binary that drops SDL `SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC` from the build - again unknown territory - but something to try.


Will paste MEGA link here when it's ready.


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