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[Arcade PC] Hypseus Singe - 2-Player Gun Games + More

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/11/2021 Ă  22:17, Moksi a dit :

But If i get these HD files should i notice a big difference on a crt with it in quality ?  



"should i notice a big difference on a crt"


I think you will be the first, and only you can answer that at this point, by giving it a try....



Modifié par xxOToTOxx

i will try it i read sometime ago that 4K wouldnt be necessary if youre on a crt , i havent really messed with ALG since Daphne & singe 1

i did d/l Maddog in HD time ago & on LCD the quality was huge improvement.  



  Le 09/11/2021 Ă  21:12, xxOToTOxx a dit :




Version 2 based off LUA events: 



-blank_searches -blank_skips -min_seek_delay 400



Version two is great, congrats on your efforts for recreating this effect in Hypseus :bravo:

200 is my favorite value for the -min_seek_delay argument, this is spot on ! ;)

Posté(e) (modifié)



Space Pirates HD.....


Comes with a couple of "zombies" especially for @DarkVoid666  <- Note: updated link


For those users with FFMPEG and want the Directory style files, standard singe format in the usual places.



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Posté(e) (modifié)

Request for feedback: Ninja Hayate


I had a request from a forum user to look at the Original Singe 1 Ninja Hayate game bytecode to fix the looping death scenes which you could only fix by quitting the game and starting again.


New version of 'hayate': v1.15....


This will allow you to continue when the bug is triggered, lives will decrease as per normal and a generic death/respawn scene will be used after the work-a-round is applied. The game is now completable.


If the bug work-a-round is triggered it will log: "Death loop bug triggered - death scenes will be disabled"


  • If you don't die, you will not hit the bug.
  • If you die (and hit the bug in specific scenes), then the fixed version will allow you to continue (without death scenes).
  • If the bug is not triggered, the game will play as per original v1.1
Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  Le 14/11/2021 Ă  22:44, xxOToTOxx a dit :

Request for feedback: Ninja Hayate


I had a request from a forum user to look at the Original Singe 1 Ninja Hayate game bytecode to fix the looping death scenes which you could only fix by quitting the game and starting again.


New version of 'hayate': v1.15....





Thank you for new hayate version. This has bugged me for long time.


Version work great.


Posté(e) (modifié)

For anyone who has attempted, or is looking to attempt, running Hypseus with a CRT there was some discussion here:


I have put a CRT Windows build (removing VSYNC) on the repo:


Would be interested in others experience with CRT's and hypseus.


Here is an interesting discussion about the SDL1 to SDL2 shift on a 15k CRT in the SCUMMVM forum:



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
SCUMMVM SDL2 CRT discussion

Hello, hoping someone can help.

Recently added Carbon and Asterix to my Daphne / singe pi4 and the audio seems bit faster than the video, 

is there a fix out for that at all?

also, we have updated both Daphne and Singe also re tried to parse the videos which didnt help

Always been a fan of Daphne\Singe 

also hope someone can explain how to slow mouse down for lightguns? thanks

i know 2 questions but its great when we can play !

and a big Thank You


  Le 14/12/2021 Ă  18:43, Mike n Britteny a dit :

Recently added Carbon and Asterix to my Daphne / singe pi4 and the audio seems bit faster than the video, 

is there a fix out for that at all?



This could be one of two things:


1) The pi isn't playing the video at full speed ?


You will need to lower the bitrate, or reduce the resolution of the video so the Pi can handle it (Both ffmpeg arguments).


2) The audio is out of sync due to the Singe audio bug work-a-round.


You can add a delay when you encode the audio out of the MP4, see details here:

Usually 00:00:00.330 (i.e. 9 frames [33ms] is enough), but you can adjust that value.


So for carbon an already encoded ogg , you can quickly correct with:

mv carbon.ogg carbon_delayed.ogg
ffmpeg -i carbon_delayed.ogg -ss 00:00:00.330 -c copy carbon.ogg

Or you can do the encode direct from the MP4 and do the same thing, see the above URL documentation.



  1 hour ago, Mike n Britteny said:

also hope someone can explain how to slow mouse down for lightguns? thanks



You need to provide more details on which games (HD versions or SD) and the arguments you are passing to them here.



  Le 14/12/2021 Ă  20:04, xxOToTOxx a dit :


This could be one of two things:


1) The pi isn't playing the video at full speed ?


You will need to lower the bitrate, or reduce the resolution of the video so the Pi can handle it (Both ffmpeg arguments).


2) The audio is out of sync due to the Singe audio bug work-a-round.


You can add a delay when you encode the audio out of the MP4, see details here:

Usually 00:00:00.330 (i.e. 9 frames [33ms] is enough), but you can adjust that value.


So for carbon an already encoded ogg , you can quickly correct with:

mv carbon.ogg carbon_delayed.ogg
ffmpeg -i carbon_delayed.ogg -ss 00:00:00.330 -c copy carbon.ogg

Or you can do the encode direct from the MP4 and do the same thing, see the above URL documentation.




You need to provide more details on which games (HD versions or SD) and the arguments you are passing to them here.


I'm going to try this, thank you so much for your help! I will report back on how it worked 



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 14/12/2021 Ă  18:43, Mike n Britteny a dit :

also hope someone can explain how to slow mouse down for lightguns? 



To answer this more generically, you probably need to add the following arguments to the game `.commands` file. Assuming this is RetroPie or similar.


Add `-manymouse -oversize_overlay` to the gun games .commands files.


i.e. /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/maddog.daphne/maddog.commands


Create the file if it doesn't exist.



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/12/2021 Ă  03:36, Mike n Britteny a dit :



ok not sure why the ogg. file gives me this error when trying to slow it down with what you gave me

here is what it looked like. 

Did i make an error? or would i be better off tracking down the wav version and going from there?

tho i'm sure i'm just a step off, what you think? and THANK YOU!


PS C:\Users\my2ja\Desktop\Software\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\bin> mv carbon.ogg carbon_delayed.ogg
PS C:\Users\my2ja\Desktop\Software\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\bin> ffmpeg -i carbon_delayed.ogg -ss 00:00:00.330 -c copy carbon.ogg
carbon_delayed.ogg: Unknown file format
PS C:\Users\my2ja\Desktop\Software\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\bin>

Modifié par Mike n Britteny
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/12/2021 Ă  15:33, Mike n Britteny a dit :

PS C:\Users\my2ja\Desktop\Software\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\bin> mv carbon.ogg carbon_delayed.ogg
PS C:\Users\my2ja\Desktop\Software\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\bin> ffmpeg -i carbon_delayed.ogg -ss 00:00:00.330 -c copy carbon.ogg
carbon_delayed.ogg: Unknown file format
PS C:\Users\my2ja\Desktop\Software\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\ffmpeg-2021-05-09-git-8649f5dca6-full_build\bin>



Sorry, I assumed you would do this on a Linux system not Windows as you used a Pi :)

mv carbon.ogg carbon_delayed.ogg

This just 'renames' (mv is move - not sure what PowerShell thinks it is) the file, so use Windows explorer to rename the file rather than the command line stuff.


This seems to be working ok though:

ffmpeg -i carbon_delayed.ogg -ss 00:00:00.330 -c copy carbon.ogg


"carbon_delayed.ogg: Unknown file format"


This just means ffmpeg can't find the file or it has been corrupted, because the rename failed.


If all else fails, just pull the ogg from the original MP4 again, with the delay:

ffmpeg -i ACR.mp4 -ss 00:00:00.330 -vn -c:a libvorbis -ar 44100 -map a -b:a 160k carbon.ogg




Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  Le 15/12/2021 Ă  16:46, xxOToTOxx a dit :


Sorry, I assumed you would do this on a Linux system not Windows as you used a Pi :)

mv carbon.ogg carbon_delayed.ogg

This just 'renames' (mv is move - not sure what PowerShell thinks it is) the file, so use Windows explorer to rename the file rather than the command line stuff.


This seems to be working ok though:

ffmpeg -i carbon_delayed.ogg -ss 00:00:00.330 -c copy carbon.ogg


"carbon_delayed.ogg: Unknown file format"


This just means ffmpeg can't find the file or it has been corrupted, because the rename failed.


If all else fails, just pull the ogg from the original MP4 again, with the delay:

ffmpeg -i ACR.mp4 -ss 00:00:00.330 -vn -c:a libvorbis -ar 44100 -map a -b:a 160k carbon.ogg

Thanks, we got it edited using command prompt

but when we got the bathroom stall spot on, the dialog went opposite way 

so, I'm going to try to do the mp4 version instead lol...

one question i been hoping i can suggest, with time traveler seems the 3D version shares same name folder so i cant have option of choosing if the 3D version had a folder name ending in 3D i can have both versions to play depending on mood but if i change name of the folder game won't work

ideas? is there a way to do that?


and thank you on the Carbon out of sync issue for me, i think once i encode from the wav ill have better success

  On 12/15/2021 at 11:46 AM, xxOToTOxx said:





Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 18/12/2021 Ă  01:07, Mike n Britteny a dit :

Thanks, we got it edited using command prompt

but when we got the bathroom stall spot on, the dialog went opposite way 

so, I'm going to try to do the mp4 version instead lol...



I would guess here that the Pi is not actually playing the video at normal speed, hence getting out of sync with the audio. You may end up having to resize the video to get the Pi to play correctly, you could try reducing the bitrate too.

ffmpeg -i ACR.mp4 -an -qscale:v 4 -b:v 6000k -vf scale=960:540 -codec:v mpeg2video carbon.m2v

Note: you will still need to address the delay in the audio sync as before, this is inherit in the MP4 due to a Singe 2 issue. Watch the MP4 in any video player to see.




one question i been hoping i can suggest, with time traveler seems the 3D version shares same name folder so i cant have option of choosing if the 3D version had a folder name ending in 3D i can have both versions to play depending on mood but if i change name of the folder game won't work

ideas? is there a way to do that?



On a Linux system, such as the Pi, you can use something called 'symlinking' - Kinda like a Windows Shortcut but far more flexible.


So, taking the RetroPie naming convention you will have an initial folder called 'timetraveler.daphne', within it will be the main singe files called 'timetraveler.singe'


From '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/' folder you can create a new link to this game using a different main singe file, taking your example it would be called 'timetraveler3D.singe' for instance.


So create a link to 'timetraveler.daphne' as 'timetraveler3D.daphne' like so (this needs to be done on the command line, via ssh):

cd /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/daphne/
ln -s timetraveler.daphne timetraveler3D.daphne

You should then see both game names in ES (you will need to reload ES or restart):





Note: There is a caveat on the above symlinking, it does rely on a Linux filesystem (the default in RetroPie). If you have a Windows FAT/NTFS ROMS folder, on a USB stick or similar, then it won't work. You will need to 'copy' and duplicate the folder, and all files within it, to create  'timetraveler3D.daphne'.


Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Posté(e) (modifié)

Chantze's / Triad Stone HD


Hypseus version of Chantze's Stone, requires version 2.6.21 of Hypseus for 'lfs' support in v3.3 game code: 


Hypseus 2.6.21 uses argument switch -novsync to disable VSYNC for CRT - no longer requires custom build.


Note: in-game SCANLINES menu option is disabled, use native Hypseus -scanlines argument on command line, or Alt-Backspace to toggle in-game


Windows Singe 2 folder format for Hypseus Singe (Just needs Karis' MP4 and FFMPEG):  (Updated to 3.31c with Scanlines .bat files)







Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Update to 3.31c
Posté(e) (modifié)

Ninja Hayate HD


And again hot on the heels of Karis' release, here is the Hypseus version.


This version follows the original overlay more closely, but with all the enhancements and updates.


Windows Singe 2 folder format for Hypseus Singe (Just needs Karis' MP4 and FFMPEG):  - (Added alternate .singe file path)








Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Added alternate path .singe files
Posté(e) (modifié)

Note: DLE21 and SAE


For those pinging me about the Dragon's Lair and Space Ace Singe 2 releases:


Hypseus already has support for these games, in Daphne, from the native ROM's available from:


If anyone has a compelling reason to port the Singe 2 game please let me know.


Crime Patrol HD


Having been bugged by the Sinden Discord channel, for some time, here we have the Hypseus release. 


Windows Singe 2 folder format for Hypseus Singe (Just needs Karis' MP4 and FFMPEG): - Updated with Alternate HUD Service Menu Option


All other releases are available here:







Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Alternate HUD
Posté(e) (modifié)

Drug Wars HD


And also the final release for Hypseus.


I have added an alternate HUD to this (and now Crime Patrol too) you can switch in the Service Menu in the latest release below.


Windows Singe 2 folder format for Hypseus Singe (Just needs Karis' MP4 and FFMPEG):


All other releases are available here:







Now "go buy the fat man a hotdog" and have fun.




Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Service Menu HUD switch
Posté(e) (modifié)

Dragon's Lair II Enhanced


As Karis pointed out: 


As a reminder, this is based on the enhanced Rom, which is, if i'm not wrong, not emulated directly by Daphne.



Details of DL2E can be found here:

We have an updated Hypseus port of this latest version for all those interested. 

As it's running Singe v3.31c code, version 2.6.21 of Hypseus Singe is required.




Windows Singe 2 folder format for Hypseus Singe (Just needs Karis' MP4 and FFMPEG):



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Added bat file
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/01/2022 Ă  14:43, Guisado88 a dit :

Any download for, i dont see in any site


MadDog II: Typing Edition



Unzip into the 'singe' sub-folder and run with:

hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\typing-md2\typing-md2.txt -script singe\typing-md2\typing-md2.singe -fullscreen -blend_sprites


Note: It uses the full keyboard, not standard controls. Start the game with 'Enter'.




Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp



Not sure if you're asking for this, but use standard Daphne ROM and video for lair2, from any of the downloads here:



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  Le 04/01/2022 Ă  16:15, xxOToTOxx a dit :


Unzip into the 'singe' sub-folder and run with:

hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\typing-md2\typing-md2.txt -script singe\typing-md2\typing-md2.singe -fullscreen -blend_sprites


Note: It uses the full keyboard, not standard controls. Start the game with 'Enter'.




Not sure if you're asking for this, but use standard Daphne ROM and video for lair2, from any of the downloads here:






By the way, exist any Torrent or any that have all this games for play? Thanks!

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/01/2022 Ă  20:56, Guisado88 a dit :

By the way, exist any Torrent or any that have all this games for play? Thanks!



All the Daphne games are in the maabus thread above.


There is also a torrent for content on the first post in this thread:  





Make sure that you update the Singe LUA files from the GitHub repo, as the LUA data in that torrent is old:



Modifié par xxOToTOxx

Thanks for all of your great work, much appreciated!


I have one question regarding Hayate_HD: In every singe2's script folder the singe files are plain text files and editable. Not here, it seems to be a kind of binary format.

The reason for asking is, that I want to change the usual MYDIR variable to move the main folder to a singe2 subfolder.




Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 05/01/2022 Ă  13:46, Scenix a dit :

Thanks for all of your great work, much appreciated!


I have one question regarding Hayate_HD: In every singe2's script folder the singe files are plain text files and editable. Not here, it seems to be a kind of binary format.

The reason for asking is, that I want to change the usual MYDIR variable to move the main folder to a singe2 subfolder.








Can you try these as replacement .singe files: - (Added alternate .singe file path)



Modifié par xxOToTOxx

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