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KOF 2002 Unlimited Match NesicaXlive for Teknoparrot


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Après différents échecs d'installation de King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match avec le loader All RH (testé 3 rars/dumps différents)

Je l'ai porté sur Teknoparrot (sur les 3 rars, 1 marchait sous Teknoparrot)

De ce fait j'ai inclus un lien qui donne le jeu (valide) + les fichiers JSON,XML et PNG ainsi qu'un document texte avec les démarches à suivre

je remercie en passant l'originale upolader du jeu et le créateur de l'icone


Dernière chose j'aurai aimé rajouté un bezel (le bezel NesicaXlive fourni dans RH Loader) mais je ne savais pas comment faire sous teknoparrot

Si quelqu'un connait la réponse... :)



ou of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match for NesicaxLive.rar


Here is a mirror :


Provided by : @eathearty1


Merci  @Kleyon pour t’être penché sur le bezel et la nouvelle icône

Modifié par Drunkymaster
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  • 2 semaines après...

@Drunkymaster Merci pour l'archive, beau boulot! Je confirme il marche parfaitement bien dans TeknoParrot, en prime tu m'auras appris comment ajouter un jeu dans la liste de TeknoParrot! Juste une modification me concernant pour l'icône TeknoParrot j'utilise celle-ci (elle vient du forum) :





Ensuite, concernant le bezel, je me suis bien marré... alors je suis parti du patch Reshade+Fix+Hi-Res+CRT.rar pour King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match et j'ai tenté de l'adapter à la version 2002 (je dis bien tenté ^^). Il a fallut que je modifie des valeurs dans le fichier CRTGeomMOD.ini (offset_y, offset_x, overscan_y et overscan_x) car l'image n'était pas centrée du tout et était trop grande.


Voici le résultat obtenu avec le bezel de KOF98 {KOF98 patch on KOF2002}:



Puis j'ai trouvé une capture d'écran de KOF2002 en cherchant sur Google avec ce bezel, je l'ai donc adapté et voilà le résultat {KOF2002 bezel found on preview screenshot and adapted to KOF98 bezel}:




Extraire le contenu de l'archive dans le dossier de KOF2002 tout simplement (comme pour le patch KOF98). De fait il ya deux bezels dans le dossier reshade-shaders\Textures\. Par défaut j'ai nommé le nouveau Bezel.png pour qu'il soit pris en charge. Le second n'est autre que le bezel de KOF98 renommé en Bezel98.png, pour ceux qui préfèrent celui-ci, il suffit de renommer les fichiers.


Cependant, je me demande si les modifications que j'ai apportées pour recadrer l'image n'ont pas eu d'effet sur le filtre CRT (ça se voit bien au lancement du jeu lorsque l'écran est sur fond blanc avec les logos SNK..). Il faudrait que quelqu'un de plus compétent que moi se penche dessus peut-être. Cela ne fait pas longtemps que j'ai découvert les dumps arcade et je suis encore en train de mettre tout ça en place! Je ne peux faire mieux pour l'instant hélas.


PS: Un thème Hyperspin se trouve facilement sur le site officiel, par contre je n'ai pas trouvé de vidéo alors j'en ai fais une, je ne me suis pas cassé la tête, j'ai capturé l'intro:

KOF2002UM video


Et un petit aperçu du rendu final {Hyperspin preview}:



Modifié par Kleyon
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@eathearty1 Here is a mirror :


For information, as its name suggests, multiup is a multi-upload service so there is multiple links from different hosting websites. Just use JDownloader to copy multiup url and you'll have automatically all active links. So I was able to download it without any registration (except Emuline registration but I was already registered ^^). Mega links are cool but dies fast and have bandwidth limitation since chinese owned it... I miss the good old "DOT COM" (I mean Kim) Mega ^^


@Drunkymaster, n'hésite pas à ajouter le lien à ton premier message.

Modifié par Kleyon
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Has anyone been able to get this to run through a frontend i have tried by useing tecknoparrot as emulator and adding profile as game with commandline --profile=King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.xml, but it will not launch it will only launch from the Tecknoparrot gui, maybe Tecknoparrot can add this game that way we would be able to launch it from a frontend?  thanks in advance for any help.

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@eathearty1 :





Complete command line : TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=KingofFighters2002UnlimitedMatch.xml --startMinimized

RocketLauncher doesn't like spaces on profiles name, it stops considering your command at the first space in it. Even using double quotes (I don't remember if I tried using a batch file and double quotes). So I edited Drunkymaster files to match name without spaces (not when it's a description) and their filenames too (renaming gameprofile and userprofile xmls too).


Please, did you tried my Reshade+Fix+Hi-Res+CRT  KOF98 to KOF2002 edit? (link is under second screenshot on my comment, the one using the blue bezel).I am asking myself if settings I made are good for everyone.


PS : I think the right place for this topic is


Modifié par Kleyon
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@Kleyon No did not try the reshade fix as couldnt download it as not a member of multiup or dont use jdownloader.  But thanks once again to you game is now launching through frontend, it was as you stated above the spaces in game profile name that was causeing it not to load, once i renamed it to as you stated KingofFighters2002UnlimitedMatch.xml game now loads no problem.  Once again thank you for your help.

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@eathearty1 you're welcome, like you surely understood I had the very same issue ^^


I tried Multiup link for reshade and only 3 llinks are up, but I won't post two of them since it is recommended to use those links through JDownloader (uptobox and zippyshare...). Maybe you can download from 1fichier and let me know please? (Or I'll make a mirror on Mega)

Modifié par Kleyon
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1 hour ago, Kleyon said:

@ eathearty1 you're welcome, like you surely understood I had the very same issue ^^


I tried Multiup link for reshade and only 3 llinks are up, but I won't post two of them since it is recommended to use those links through JDownloader (uptobox and zippyshare ...). Maybe you can download from 1fichier and let me know please? (Or I'll make a mirror on Mega)

Mirror works perfect as well as reshade and fix Thank you @Kleyon

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Thanks for feedback on reshade @chelo2014 and @eathearty1! Issue for Win7 must surely be linked to included DLLs. Since my reshade patch is based on the one for KOF98... did KOF98 patch works on Win7?


To explain, I have just used KOF98 reshade on KOF2002, edited CRTGeomMOD.ini with most accurate values I can to center image on bezel then I have created new bezel using a screenshot found on Internet.


So basically, it is the same files as KOF98 patch. I don't know why it wouldn't works if KOF98 patch works on Win7.


Edit April 4th 2021:

J'ai finalement trouvé un patch Reshade existant pour KOF2002UM, bien meilleur que le mien, qui avait, comme je m'en doutais un mauvais effet sur le filtre CRT! Le Bezel est meilleur aussi puisque c'est l'original duquel j'ai créé le nouveau bezel... mais depuis une capture d'écran, j'ai donc supprimé de fait le lien du patch que j'ai posté, voici le lien vers le bon:

I finally found an already existing Reshade patch for KOF2002UM, much better than mine, that was, as I expected, having a bad effect on CRT filter! Bezel is better too as it is the original one I edit from a screenshot, I deleted link to patch I posted, here is link to the good one:


Ouais il était pas si loin! Il suffit  de cliquer sur l'imposant "DOWNLOAD" en haut de page et naviguer dans Game Configs.

Yeah it wasn't that far! Just click on the huge "DOWNLOAD" on top and navigate to Game Configs.

Modifié par Kleyon
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  • 4 mois après...
Le 2021. 3. 30. à 17:17, Kleyon a dit :

@드렁키마스터아카이브에 감사드립니다. 수고하셨습니다! TeknoParrot에서 완벽하게 작동함을 확인했습니다. 보너스로 TeknoParrot 목록에 게임을 추가하는 방법을 알려주셨을 것입니다! TeknoParrot 아이콘에 대한 수정 사항으로 이 아이콘을 사용합니다(포럼에서 가져옴).


더 나은 패치가 이미 존재하기 때문에 삭제되었습니다!

더 나은 패치가 이미 존재하므로 삭제되었습니다!


그러다가 베젤에 대해선 웃어넘겼는데... 그래서 King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match용 Reshade + Fix + Hi-Res + CRT.rar 패치에서 2002버전에 맞춰 보려고 했는데(내 말은) 시도^^). 이미지가 전혀 중앙에 있지 않고 너무 커서 CRTgeomMOD.ini 파일(offset_y, offset_x, overscan_y 및 overscan_x)의 값을 수정해야 했습니다.


다음은 KOF98 {KOF98 patch on KOF2002} 베젤로 얻은 결과입니다 .



그런 다음 Google에서 이 베젤로 검색하여 KOF2002의 스크린샷을 찾았으므로 수정했고 결과는 {KOF2002 bezel found on preview screenshot and 적응된 KOF98 bezel}입니다 .




KOF2002 폴더의 아카이브 내용을 아주 간단하게 추출합니다(KOF98 패치의 경우). 따라서 reshade-shaders \ Textures \ 폴더에 두 개의 베젤이 있습니다. 기본적으로 지원되는 새 Bezel.png의 이름을 지정했습니다. 두 번째는 KOF98 베젤의 이름을 Bezel98.png로 변경한 것입니다. 이 베젤을 선호하는 분들은 파일 이름만 바꾸시면 됩니다.


그러나 이미지를 자르기 위해 변경한 사항이 CRT 필터에 영향을 미치지 않았는지 궁금합니다. 나보다 지식이 많은 사람이 조사해야 할 수도 있습니다. 아케이드 덤프를 발견한지 오래되지 않았으며 여전히 모든 것을 정리하고 있습니다! 불행히도 현재로서는 더 잘할 수 없습니다.


추신: Hyperspin 테마는 공식 사이트에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있지만 비디오를 찾지 못해 하나 만들었습니다. 머리가 깨지지 않고 인트로를 캡처했습니다.

KOF2002UM 영상


그리고 최종 렌더링의 약간의 미리보기 {Hyperspin 미리보기} :




Le 2021. 3. 30. à 17:17, Kleyon a dit :

@드렁키마스터아카이브에 감사드립니다. 수고하셨습니다! TeknoParrot에서 완벽하게 작동함을 확인했습니다. 보너스로 TeknoParrot 목록에 게임을 추가하는 방법을 알려주셨을 것입니다! TeknoParrot 아이콘에 대한 수정 사항으로 이 아이콘을 사용합니다(포럼에서 가져옴).


더 나은 패치가 이미 존재하기 때문에 삭제되었습니다!

더 나은 패치가 이미 존재하므로 삭제되었습니다!


그러다가 베젤에 대해선 웃어넘겼는데... 그래서 King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match용 Reshade + Fix + Hi-Res + CRT.rar 패치에서 2002버전에 맞춰 보려고 했는데(내 말은) 시도^^). 이미지가 전혀 중앙에 있지 않고 너무 커서 CRTgeomMOD.ini 파일(offset_y, offset_x, overscan_y 및 overscan_x)의 값을 수정해야 했습니다.


다음은 KOF98 {KOF98 patch on KOF2002} 베젤로 얻은 결과입니다 .



그런 다음 Google에서 이 베젤로 검색하여 KOF2002의 스크린샷을 찾았으므로 수정했고 결과는 {KOF2002 bezel found on preview screenshot and 적응된 KOF98 bezel}입니다 .




KOF2002 폴더의 아카이브 내용을 아주 간단하게 추출합니다(KOF98 패치의 경우). 따라서 reshade-shaders \ Textures \ 폴더에 두 개의 베젤이 있습니다. 기본적으로 지원되는 새 Bezel.png의 이름을 지정했습니다. 두 번째는 KOF98 베젤의 이름을 Bezel98.png로 변경한 것입니다. 이 베젤을 선호하는 분들은 파일 이름만 바꾸시면 됩니다.


그러나 이미지를 자르기 위해 변경한 사항이 CRT 필터에 영향을 미치지 않았는지 궁금합니다. 나보다 지식이 많은 사람이 조사해야 할 수도 있습니다. 아케이드 덤프를 발견한지 오래되지 않았으며 여전히 모든 것을 정리하고 있습니다! 불행히도 현재로서는 더 잘할 수 없습니다.


추신: Hyperspin 테마는 공식 사이트에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있지만 비디오를 찾지 못해 하나 만들었습니다. 머리가 깨지지 않고 인트로를 캡처했습니다.

KOF2002UM 영상


그리고 최종 렌더링의 약간의 미리보기 {Hyperspin 미리보기} :










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  • 11 mois après...
31 minutes ago, DarkBimbo said:
Is there still a way to play KOF 2002 UM on Windows XP?

I have a multigame with Windows XP SP3 Embedded POSReady 2009 running KOF2002UM and KOF98UMFE using JConfig

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hace 8 horas, CiTrON dijo:

I have a multigame with Windows XP SP3 Embedded POSReady 2009 running KOF2002UM and KOF98UMFE using JConfig

Some time ago I managed to get NESYCA's KOF 2002 UM to work, but it had side borders, but it was playable. I recently wanted to play it again and I get an INIT DIRECT3D error, being the same system I had years ago. Which may be?
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  • 2 ans après...
  • 2 semaines après...

I know this question was asked in another forum but I need to know if anyone managed to access the test menu of kof 2002 UM through teknoparrot.


I understand that it was probably possible in Game loader but I wasn't sure about confirming it in that emulator, since I have more confidence in teknoparrot.

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10 hours ago, MFT_Man said:

I know this question was asked in another forum but I need to know if anyone managed to access the test menu of kof 2002 UM through teknoparrot.


I understand that it was probably possible in Game loader but I wasn't sure about confirming it in that emulator, since I have more confidence in teknoparrot.

Use the latest Jconfig, it has fix for test menu not saving, i know your problem is test not working but that works fine with jconfig, the previous issue was not saving test menu details. Works fine now.

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hace 1 hora, murray dijo:

Utilice el último Jconfig, tiene solución para el menú de prueba que no se guarda, sé que su problema es que la prueba no funciona, pero funciona bien con jconfig, el problema anterior no fue guardar los detalles del menú de prueba. Funciona bien ahora.

With jconfig?, which is curious since I also used it for a moment but when I accessed the test menu I got the same thing with teknoparrot, a black screen.


But I probably used an older version,I'll check it out later.

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