dgrace Posté(e) le 7 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 7 juin 2022 Has anyone had luck getting lan to work just via wifi? I really dont want to have to move my modem/router if I dont have to (because of how my wifi security cameras are set up), but I will if it's the best way to do it. Thanks
dgrace Posté(e) le 8 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 8 juin 2022 I'm not seeing a test menu button option in the TeknoparrotUI controller settings for Batman. Is there a default test menu button? Any assistance is much appreciated.
pppaul.s Posté(e) le 8 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 8 juin 2022 Has anyone successfully linked SWDC Sega World Drivers Championship via LAN? 1
Prof_gLX Posté(e) le 12 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 12 juin 2022 Le 08/06/2022 à 07:10, dgrace a dit : I'm not seeing a test menu button option in the TeknoparrotUI controller settings for Batman. Is there a default test menu button? Any assistance is much appreciated. Développer For Batman, the test menu key is the "HOME" key on your keyboard. Controls for the test menu are the keys in the same cluster. Took me a while to find.
dgrace Posté(e) le 18 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 18 juin 2022 Got Batman LAN to work but unfortunately you have to set things up in test menu every time. I got Hydrothunder and Dirty Driv'n to work but for some strange reason I lose the link right when I hit the start button (right before the race starts). I am using wifi so not sure if that's the problem. PC#1 is and PC#2 is Any tips are greatly appreciated.
LORD_RAIDEN_128 Posté(e) le 5 septembre 2022 Posté(e) le 5 septembre 2022 (modifié) Le 18/06/2022 à 06:56, dgrace a dit : Got Batman LAN to work but unfortunately you have to set things up in test menu every time. Développer Strange, Batman has always just worked for me. I've never even entered the test menu. Le 18/06/2022 à 06:56, dgrace a dit : I got Hydrothunder and Dirty Driv'n to work but for some strange reason I lose the link right when I hit the start button (right before the race starts). I am using wifi so not sure if that's the problem. PC#1 is and PC#2 is Any tips are greatly appreciated. Développer Although I can't speak on wifi (I run a switch with 3 pc's) Dirty Driv'n and H20verdrive(?) can be squirrelly if your settings aren't perfect. Any variance in settings (ip/firewall errors, duplicate machine#'s, difficulty settings, freeplay) can cause de-syncing issues. Modifié le 5 septembre 2022 par LORD_RAIDEN_128
piotr25691 Posté(e) le 13 septembre 2022 Posté(e) le 13 septembre 2022 Le 21/02/2021 à 16:13, lancelotedaninho a dit : I create this topic for people who want to play Racing Games on Teknoparrot on LAN without Internet. This are the games that I got working. I have both PCs connected in direct LAN, and Network Connection Details are below. Most of games I got working was with Service / Test in each game. Configuration of Teknoparrot in some games fails I dont know why, but my guess is because TP fails to find a online server or maybe my configuration is wrong. Batman LAN Yes Battle Gear 4 Tuned LAN Yes Cars LAN ? Chase H.Q. 2 LAN Yes Daytona Championship USA LAN Unknown Dirty Drivin' LAN Yes Gaelco Championship Tuning LAN Unknown GRID LAN ? GTI Club: Supermini Festa! LAN Yes H2Overdrive LAN Unknown Initial 😧 Arcade Stage 8 LAN Unknown Initial 😧 Arcade Stage Zero LAN Unknown K.O. Drive (Prototype) LAN Yes Mario Kart Arcade GP DX LAN Yes Nicktoons Nitro Racing LAN ? OutRun 2 SP SDX LAN Yes R-Tuned: Ultimate Street LAN (Broken) SEGA Race TV LAN (Broken) SEGA Racing Classic LAN ? SEGA Rally 3 LAN Yes Sonic & SEGA All-Stars LAN (Broken) Storm Racer G LAN Unknown Super Bikes 2 LAN Unknown The Fast AT Furious LAN Unknown The Fast AT Furious: Drift LAN Unknown The Fast AT Furious: SuperBikes LAN Unknown The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN Unknown Wacky Races LAN Yes Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 LAN Yes Winter X Games SnoCross LAN Yes COMPUTER 1 IPv4 Adress IPv4 Subnet Mask IPv4 Defaukt Gateway IPv4 DNS Servers Windows 7 Ultimate Pack 1 64bit, 500GB HDD Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300 2.60Ghz, MB ASUS P5QPL-VM EPU 8GB RAM AMD Radeon HD 5670 1GB Logitech G27 + original SR2 pedals, mini Keyboard COMPUTER 2 IPv4 Adress IPv4 Subnet Mask IPv4 Defaukt Gateway IPv4 DNS Servers Windows 7 Ultimate Pack 1 64bit. 500GB HDD Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700 3Ghz MB ASUS P5G41T-M LX 8GB RAM AMD Radeon HD 5670 1GB Logitech G27 + original SR2 pedals, mini Keyboard Développer From my experience the LAN connectivity for IDAS 8 and IDZ are as follows: IDAS8: Yes IDZ: Yes (if using SegaTools), No (if using TeknoParrot)
koytoyroy Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2022 Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2022 Hello.Maybe is a stupid question. The only way to play lan is when both pc are on the same network? Or there is a way for distanced pc's? thank you
Invité POPO69 Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2022 Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2022 Le 18/09/2022 à 15:24, koytoyroy a dit : Hello.Maybe is a stupid question. The only way to play lan is when both pc are on the same network? Or there is a way for distanced pc's? thank you Développer hello two is possible via vpn like hamachi for exemple hello any update list game?
dgrace Posté(e) le 3 décembre 2022 Posté(e) le 3 décembre 2022 (modifié) Is anyone having the issue with Dirty Drivn where when you link up multiple PCs, the cars start out already exploded? It's very hit or miss. Sometimes it works perfectly sometimes not. I tried - 1.4. I just wonder if it works better with a specific IP range. sToOz says he's had the same issue from time to time as well. I wonder if it's just an IP range issue, like how Daytona only works 1.2 - 1.7. Modifié le 3 décembre 2022 par dgrace
Prof_gLX Posté(e) le 26 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 26 janvier 2023 Le 03/12/2022 à 05:18, dgrace a dit : Is anyone having the issue with Dirty Drivn where when you link up multiple PCs, the cars start out already exploded? It's very hit or miss. Sometimes it works perfectly sometimes not. I tried - 1.4. I just wonder if it works better with a specific IP range. sToOz says he's had the same issue from time to time as well. I wonder if it's just an IP range issue, like how Daytona only works 1.2 - 1.7. Développer Never happened to me, my IP range is 1.3 1.4 1.5. I admit it's not the most played game around here.
LORD_RAIDEN_128 Posté(e) le 26 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 26 janvier 2023 Le 03/12/2022 à 05:18, dgrace a dit : Is anyone having the issue with Dirty Drivn where when you link up multiple PCs, the cars start out already exploded? It's very hit or miss. Sometimes it works perfectly sometimes not. I tried - 1.4. I just wonder if it works better with a specific IP range. sToOz says he's had the same issue from time to time as well. I wonder if it's just an IP range issue, like how Daytona only works 1.2 - 1.7. Développer Yes make sure your settings are a match on each PC but don't duplicate machine #'s 1,2,3 etc.
leleboy81 Posté(e) le 9 février 2023 Posté(e) le 9 février 2023 (modifié) Le 14/04/2022 à 02:08, JoNB3x a dit : I in storm racer only set the two ip (Static) as follows PC1: PC2: Just that and game run in LAN Mode Développer Sega rally3 run perfectly in lan mode.. Storm racer g Don’t run in lan mode (game run but there is no connection with the player2) i have the dumped version is this the problem? i use the same ip (static) that you posted for both the games(SR3 and SRG) but storm racer g isn’t linked.. there are other settings that i can set (in or out) the game? edit: from pictures you can see that pc1 is online while pc2 is offline so versus is not possible.. ideas? edit 2: it works! I had to set airplane mode on the second pc (laptop) 😊 Modifié le 11 février 2023 par leleboy81
Curru Posté(e) le 12 février 2023 Posté(e) le 12 février 2023 hi i found this video tutorial for this game. https://youtu.be/TW9yonnTxDQ 1
Moon69 Posté(e) le 13 février 2023 Posté(e) le 13 février 2023 Le 12/02/2023 à 20:01, Curru a dit : hi i found this video tutorial for this game. https://youtu.be/TW9yonnTxDQ Développer that is incredible
leleboy81 Posté(e) le 27 février 2023 Posté(e) le 27 février 2023 Le 23/02/2021 à 00:03, djd a dit : Teknoparrot Lan works 2021: GRID set your IP address in each game and also enter the test mode of each game and set the cabinets as link with correct ID Chase HQ 2 change the link ID on your second PC to '2' in the game's network test save it and the game will automatically link. pc1 Explicit ip ranges must be 192.168.0.x and pc2 as Don't worry much about test menu network connecting to each other but once you load game on both pcs at same time they will connect! ** network won't work unless you make it run as windows 7 or lower on compatibility! ** Make sure direct play is on in win 10 features! Click the plus next to 'Legacy Components' and put a tick in 'DirectPlay' There is also a hex edit you can do to change the ips, also a patch available on emuline. Dirty Drivin Go in service menu, set machine 1 to machine 1 in networking. Machine 2 to machine 2. Make sure all VPN's are off. Make sure that when game is loading, it shows IP address as one starting like this. 192.168.1.x. Run Game and enter the TEST Menu, Set a unique Cabinet ID for each machine. TEST menu will pop up a message claiming a restart is required. After the countdown finishes the game will freeze. Just Escape out of the game normally and your settings will be saved. Known Working IP/Subnets192.168.1.x/ Daytona Championship Usa use Splitcam with normal ip ranges , https://splitcam.com/ Ford Racing full blown need to change Cabinet # in one of the config files, inside the "data" folder GTI club set your IP address in each game and also enter the test mode of each game and set the cabinets as link with correct ID . ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 - Teknoparrot v1.42 Change seat numbers in test menus, Load games in time with each other. Mario Kart GP - confirm that it works with Teknoparrot 1.42 (WIN10) just setting one PC1 ID to 1 and PC2 ID to 2 (Use many cam virtual cam software) Outrun 2 spdx - Edit the Game Settings within TeknoParrotUI. Set the "Ip" network IP address to the "IPv4 Address" of the current cabinet (Run "cmd.exe /k ipconfig"). Set both "Gateway" and "Dns1" network IP address to your "Default Gateway" address. Run Game and enter the Test Menu. Enter Game Assignments. Set a unique Link ID. Set Total Machine to number of linked cabinets and save. Known Working IP/Subnets 192.168.0.x/ Sega Rally 3 - Go to the game folder, go to /Shelldata. Game.ini contains the parameters you can use in the Gamesettings.ini file. Shelldata.ini is the interesting one. Change the fourth line to Twin. [GameSettings] CabinetType=Twin (On both PC's) Down below in te Gamesettings.ini file use these settings. [Network] CabinetID=1 Enabled=1 CabinetID=1 is for the left cabin. CabinetID=2 is for the right cabin. WMMT5 - Only one side has terminal emu checked in tp. 4 player battle mode (Google for info) https://ceoyap.github.io/2020/01/wangan-midnight-maximum-tune-5-on-pc-with-teknoparrot/ Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 4 - Still linux only title, 2-4 players LAN works! SUPERBIKES - Fast and Furious Super Bikes managed to make it work just using -net (should reboot the 1st time) PC1: sdaemon.exe -net -mid 0 PC2: sdaemon.exe -net -mid 1 Fast and Furious Super Bikes 2: LAN works with standard procedure. WACKY RACES - Need to use JConfig (I used v1.5) and set the exe's compatibility mode to XP SP2. Then, the network setup in the test menu worked Sega Racing Classic currently only works with Teknoparrot v1.42 in 4 player LAN, but IMO is the best version of it since the network is less buggy. Requires Boom's NVIDIA fix and ffb Need For Speed GT (Global VR): LAN works with standard procedure. Outrun 2006 up to 8 player lan use the FXT plugin Road fighters 3d - Requires Boomslangz FFB plugin Battlegear 4 - Special Patched lan exe available on BG4 TUT on this site. Initial D Zero - *****Super Credits to the SegaTools team IDDISCORD and the MANY testers***** *Credit to bestekar for the tut on Emuline* You cant launch the game using Teknoparrot if you want LAN VS support. Though If you use segatools v4 and minime v13 to launch the game you can get LAN VS working. Use this page to patch the 3 exe files: https://idas-zero-patcher.netlify.app/ Set IP on PC 1 to Launch test mode go into game assignments and set to set number to A1. Set Seat Color to White (seat color setting might be optional) Set IP on PC 2 to Launch test mode go into game assignments and set to set number to A2. Set Seat Color to Yellow (seat color setting might be optional) On A1 [vfs] amfs= set to your amfs directory appdata= set to your segatools appdata directory [dns] default= [ds] region=4 serialNo=AAVE-01A13998871 [netenv] enable=1 addrSuffix=1 [keychip] subnet= id=AAVE-01A13998871 [gpio] dipsw1=0 On A2 [vfs] amfs= set to your amfs directory appdata= set to your appdata directory [dns] default= [ds] region=4 serialNo=AAVE-01A13998872 [netenv] enable=1 addrSuffix=2 [keychip] subnet= id=AAVE-01A13998872 [gpio] dipsw1=0 Now edit the segatools v4 start.bat files: On A1 edit: "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" to point to your minime directory @echo off start cmd /c "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" pushd %~dp0 .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\ServerBoxD8_Nu_x64.exe .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe .\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause On A2 edit: "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" to point to your minime directory @echo off start cmd /c "C:\Games\IDZ\minime\start.bat" pushd %~dp0 .\inject.exe -k .\idzhook.dll .\InitialD0_DX11_Nu.exe .\inject.exe -d -k .\idzhook.dll .\amdaemon.exe -c configDHCP_Final_Common.json configDHCP_Final_JP.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_JP_ST2.json configDHCP_Final_EX.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST1.json configDHCP_Final_EX_ST2.json echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause Launch the game on A1 and A2 with the edited start.bat from segatools v4. Now just wait for the blue system link icon to turn blue on both PCs. Make sure the serial numbers are different! Batman - Network/LAN is partially functional, but requires setup each run ValveLimitR - Lan Works BattleGear 4 Tuned - Lan works Cars - Lan Works Storm Racer G - Lan works (No dump as of yet!) WinterGamesSnowcross - Unknown, Untested Couterstrike NEO - https://csneo.net/download Other Games FastBeatLoopRacer - Use SSE Special Steam Emulator goldberg. Teknoparrot LAN DONT WORK 2021: h2overdrive ko-drive nfs-carbon nfs-underground sonic-sega-all-stars-racing tokyo-cop Sega RaceTV Nicktoons Nitro *Note: Use a wired connection through a router or straight crossover cat 6 wire Nic to Nic. Most these older games did not use wireless connections, it might work on certain games but get it to work on wired connection then test your wireless connection! Arcade controls is a goto resource for MANY things Awesome forum! http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=155907.0 Link play on San Francisco Rush & all vegas/seattle games http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,161667.msg1703641.html#msg1703641 List of Network multiplayer capable games for twin converted cabs etc: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,137697.msg1421189.html#msg1421189 PC games LAN https://langamelist.com/index.php?search=racing&p_min=&p_max=&p_samepc_min=&r_min=&r_max=&offline=yes&s1=&so1=DESC&s2=&so2=DESC&s3=&so3=DESC Linking two Crusin USA cabs (Talk about dedication) Very interesting video! https://youtu.be/5eCDY8vPID0 Développer Hi outrun 2 with an unique link id doesn’t work .. if i change id (id1 for pc) & (id2 for laptop) give me the error: Cabinet setting is not coherent
burny Posté(e) le 8 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 8 juin 2023 Having issues with Sega World Drivers Championship. I cant find a thread specifically for that so i thought this would be a good thread as it is all about racing. If someone knows where a specific one is please let me know. When i try to launch this game through Teknoparrot the AMDaemon.exe process gives me a "The procedure entry point DnsCancelQuery could not be located in the dynamic link library DNSAPI.dll" It then sits at Initializing and will not go any further. I am running Win 7 64 bit. I have every Visual Re-distributable installed. If i go "\Sega World Drivers Championship\App\Todoroki\StartApp.bat" The game starts launches and runs properly but i cant control anything because its not going through teknoparrot. Anyone have any idea how i can resolve this?
pcplayer12 Posté(e) le 12 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 12 juillet 2023 Le 09/02/2023 à 22:03, leleboy81 a dit : Sega rally3 run perfectly in lan mode.. Storm racer g Don’t run in lan mode (game run but there is no connection with the player2) i have the dumped version is this the problem? i use the same ip (static) that you posted for both the games(SR3 and SRG) but storm racer g isn’t linked.. there are other settings that i can set (in or out) the game? edit: from pictures you can see that pc1 is online while pc2 is offline so versus is not possible.. ideas? edit 2: it works! I had to set airplane mode on the second pc (laptop) 😊 Développer very nice! I needed that tip about airplane mode too, seems like WAN access kills the slave PC?
JoNB3x Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2023 Le 21/02/2021 à 16:13, Guest lancelotedaninho a dit : SEGA Racing Classic LAN ? SEGA Rally 3 LAN ? Sonic & SEGA All-Stars LAN ? Storm Racer G LAN ? Super Bikes 2 LAN ? The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN ? Développer Can you update your topic? already test this games and work perfect with LAN mode SEGA Racing Classic LAN Yes SEGA Rally 3 LAN Yes Sonic & SEGA All-Stars LAN Yes Storm Racer G LAN Yes Super Bikes 2 LAN Yes The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN Yes
siantic Posté(e) le 8 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 8 novembre 2023 Le 08/06/2023 à 03:56, burny a dit : Having issues with Sega World Drivers Championship. I cant find a thread specifically for that so i thought this would be a good thread as it is all about racing. If someone knows where a specific one is please let me know. When i try to launch this game through Teknoparrot the AMDaemon.exe process gives me a "The procedure entry point DnsCancelQuery could not be located in the dynamic link library DNSAPI.dll" It then sits at Initializing and will not go any further. I am running Win 7 64 bit. I have every Visual Re-distributable installed. If i go "\Sega World Drivers Championship\App\Todoroki\StartApp.bat" The game starts launches and runs properly but i cant control anything because its not going through teknoparrot. Anyone have any idea how i can resolve this? Développer Hi, I have the same problem 😞 Did you find a solution?
lords Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2023 (modifié) Le 08/11/2023 à 16:27, siantic a dit : Hi, I have the same problem 😞 Did you find a solution? Développer Did you install DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) https://teknogods.github.io/downloads.html if not i may be wrong but tp stopped win7 compatibility running the bat file uses the encode hardware buttons.....TP takes over the control of the buttons...I don't know if jconfig can be used... Modifié le 9 novembre 2023 par lords
HmmCheese Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 9 novembre 2023 Le 08/11/2023 à 16:27, siantic a dit : Hi, I have the same problem 😞 Did you find a solution? Développer SWDC original cabinet runs win8 and sega used windows apis that are only available on windows 8 and newer so it won't run on ancient win7. Upgrade to at least windows 8(.1) and it will work, not TP issue.
siantic Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 (modifié) Le 09/11/2023 à 03:39, lords a dit : Did you install DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) https://teknogods.github.io/downloads.html if not i may be wrong but tp stopped win7 compatibility running the bat file uses the encode hardware buttons.....TP takes over the control of the buttons...I don't know if jconfig can be used... Développer ok, I'll try to do it Le 09/11/2023 à 20:06, HmmCheese a dit : SWDC original cabinet runs win8 and sega used windows apis that are only available on windows 8 and newer so it won't run on ancient win7. Upgrade to at least windows 8(.1) and it will work, not TP issue. Développer Hi, if i go in "\Sega World Drivers Championship\App\Todoroki\" and i launch "StartApp.bat" the game starts well but without controls so i think that it works on Windows 7 Modifié le 10 novembre 2023 par siantic
Invité Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 The game itself runs on win7, but amdaemon.exe (sega's application for control, network, etc) does not.
siantic Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 (modifié) Le 10/11/2023 à 14:31, PockyWitch a dit : The game itself runs on win7, but amdaemon.exe (sega's application for control, network, etc) does not. Développer Hi, i have read on a discussion on "House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn" that amdaemon.exe to works on Windows 7 needs a fix: Cita To run on Windows 7, you need to copy three dll files from the folder "HOTDSD\Windows 7 fix" to the folder "HOTDSD\App\Hodzero\WindowsNoEditor\AMDaemon" and to the folder "HOTDSD\App\Hodzero\WindowsNoEditor\Hodzero\Binaries\Win64" Développer OK, i have find these files and now amdaemon works in WIndows 7😀 Windows 7 fix.7zRecherche des informations… Modifié le 13 novembre 2023 par siantic
Yuki88 Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 10 novembre 2023 (modifié) Le 10/11/2023 à 14:31, PockyWitch a dit : The game Développer saw the photos you and reaver posted on tp discord of chrono regalia fgo gundam kizuna 2 what’s missing for them to be fully supported? also generally more info of what’s planned next for tp would be nice Modifié le 10 novembre 2023 par Yuki88
cander19 Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2023 Le 19/07/2023 à 00:58, JoNB3x a dit : Can you update your topic? already test this games and work perfect with LAN mode SEGA Racing Classic LAN Yes SEGA Rally 3 LAN Yes Sonic & SEGA All-Stars LAN Yes Storm Racer G LAN Yes Super Bikes 2 LAN Yes The Fast AT Furious: SuperCars LAN Yes Développer For Super Bikes 2, how do you enable network. When I go into Test menu, I can scroll with volume button to highlight System Adjustments sub-menu but the Start/Test button does not select. I'm using TP and this method worked for SuperCars and FnF but not for SB, SB2 and Drift.
JoNB3x Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2023 Le 15/12/2023 à 13:52, cander19 a dit : For Super Bikes 2, how do you enable network. When I go into Test menu, I can scroll with volume button to highlight System Adjustments sub-menu but the Start/Test button does not select. I'm using TP and this method worked for SuperCars and FnF but not for SB, SB2 and Drift. Développer Set the ID on TP 1 for player 1 and 2 for player 2 them in test menu scroll to network option and set ID to each machine.. select with Test Menu and reboot the TP You must use Test menu instead of start
cander19 Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2023 Le 15/12/2023 à 17:09, JoNB3x a dit : Set the ID on TP 1 for player 1 and 2 for player 2 them in test menu scroll to network option and set ID to each machine.. select with Test Menu and reboot the TP You must use Test menu instead of start Développer Thanks but no matter what I map the Test button to, it won't select. Which is odd since the Test button gets me into the main screen but I cannot select any of the sub-menus to change things. I've remapped using keyboard and my wheel. Maybe a dump issue? I'll try a different one...
JoNB3x Posté(e) le 16 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 16 décembre 2023 (modifié) Le 15/12/2023 à 20:27, cander19 a dit : Thanks but no matter what I map the Test button to, it won't select. Which is odd since the Test button gets me into the main screen but I cannot select any of the sub-menus to change things. I've remapped using keyboard and my wheel. Maybe a dump issue? I'll try a different one... Développer Try using Jconfig first and get into the test menu set the parameter and them run it wit TP Edit: Also you can try with another keyboard.. cuz some of them have issue with SB2 Modifié le 16 décembre 2023 par JoNB3x
cander19 Posté(e) le 20 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 décembre 2023 Le 16/12/2023 à 14:32, JoNB3x a dit : Try using Jconfig first and get into the test menu set the parameter and them run it wit TP Edit: Also you can try with another keyboard.. cuz some of them have issue with SB2 Développer Man, after trying all sorts of stuff, it was as simple as just using the keyboard up/down arrows to highlight and 'Enter' key to select. Had nothing to do with mapping on wheel. So, Superbikes 2 is now LAN-capable!
cander19 Posté(e) le 22 décembre 2023 Posté(e) le 22 décembre 2023 Is there any trick to getting FnF Drift to link up? That's the only one of the series I can't get to connect. 1 and 2 are in the game settings, static ips are low numbers, link is enabled but they don't see each other. I'm using wifi if that matters but the others all connect via wifi. 1
Zeosstud Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2024 Hello, I have the same question as @cander19.. I have not tried to directly link the 2 machines with a cross-over network cable, as getting to one of them is a real pain.. I have also had no luck with networked play, and like @cander19 all the setting look good.. ip's for the machines are for ID1 and for ID2
POPO69200 Posté(e) le 21 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 21 janvier 2024 HEllo any news for Sega Race TV? Tks
POPO69200 Posté(e) le 21 janvier 2024 Posté(e) le 21 janvier 2024 hello other question, what is the config for Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 to play local network please?
POPO69200 Posté(e) le 4 février 2024 Posté(e) le 4 février 2024 Salut, pas de news pour les jeux en reseau? ultimate artic et autre?
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