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[SINGE 2] Sucker Punch (complete game)

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Hello Everyone,


As promised here is my new release for Singe 2.

It is a huge fan game based on Zack Snyder's weird but wonderful movie. 





In this game you will help Baby Doll and her team to set free by collecting 5 powerfull artifacts. You'll fight Giant Samurais, Dragons, Steampunk Nazis, Robots! 


This will be my biggest release (more than 700 moves) with a crazy difficulty (but really rewarding when you master it). The game has 5 levels. 




If you don't have it, first you need to grab Singe 2 (in this directory you will also find the bat to launch the game)


Then you need to grab the SuckerPunch directory here, and put it in the Singe directory:


That's it! Just click on the Sucker Punch.bat and play.



Base video is 1920*1080 but the format is 2.35 (cinemascope) so they are black bars (which is fine) 

Alternative versions of the video (replace the original one with the one you need)


- 4/3 (with some crops, but if your monitor is 4/3, there's no other choice) :

- 16/9 without black bars (crops 33% of right and left, but if you don't like cinemascope it's not perfect but playable):

- 480p version (with overlay files):




1 (or Start on pad) - Start

5 (or Select) - Credit

9 (or Right Thumb) -  Options

Lctrl (or A) - Action

Arrows (or Pad) - Move


For more informations about the Control, hit action during the attract mode.




The game features many things like:


- Selectable level and scene (from the options menu)

- Quickload and quicksave (3 slots)

- Kid mode (play with just the Action for all moves)

- Trophies (a very basic trophy system)

- Percent mode (a new gaming mode and also a very good trainer if you want to master the game properly).

Many more...


Note that a new code has been created for the "Last move" Death rewind, allowing a smooth relaunch even when actions are really close to each other.

For this trailer, the death rewind is set to "LAST MOVE" but the real way to play IMHO is "SCENE". Believe me, if you pass Level 1 scenes 4 to 6 flawlessly, you'll have a blast!


New moves:


This new game features 2 new moves: HOLD and DOUBLE ACTION. These two moves are timed actions with precise rules.




HOLD: you need to HOLD the stick in the direction until the gauge is full (you need to react quite fast). Note that if you begin the HOLD action BEFORE it is asked, you will fail (it is by design).


DOUBLE ACTION: You simply need to press the action button twice quickly (it's like a mini MASH).


Special difficulty selection for this game:


- Easy has no special moves (for example MASH will be replaced by ACTION). 

- Normal is normal :) but will skip the most difficult scenes

- Hard has the same frame difficulty as normal but plays all the scenes (the best option). There are no skip in level 1, so it doesn't change anything for the trailer.

- Extreme is like Hard but with less frames for each move. Very very difficult.

Note: in this game, you choose difficulty at the start of the game. 


A few (important) notes:


First, big credits for Zak Snyder for this wonderful movie (underrated, which is a shame). I encourage you to buy it and watch it entirely cause it's deeper than people generally think. It deserves more love!

Sucker Punch is a huge release (735 moves!!!) and probably the most difficult FMV game ever released. It's not really my choice actually, since the onscreen action dictates the moves quite a lot (Zak, you're crazy)!

That said i don't put moves that i'm not able to pass in Extreme (and i'm not the best player on earth). Everything is tested. Well, this time it was very difficult :)

The death rewind is blocked to "Scene" in this game and it's on purpose. Some levels are really hectic and rewinding to the last (or next move) is a terrible mess. That's why i created the "Percent" mode. Use it!

Some levels (2/3/4) are difficult to master with the difficuly Hard (all the scenes played). But it's really satisfying when you pass them with no mistakes.

Favorite scene: Level 4/Scene 4. 37 moves of pure madness!


Ok, that's it. Have fun with the game. I will be glad to answer any question. Here is a link to the global thread of my releases for Singe 2.





Modifié par Karis
il y a 8 minutes, mazinger4life a dit :

I just try the game karis wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wonderful ,i cant wait to play the full game,the futur is good ,this is exclusif AAA Fmv games.


Honestly, even if the Samurai sequence motivated me to do this game, there are even better things later.

Level 2 (Steampunk WWII) has amazing sequences, The Dragon scene (level 3) is crazy and there is a 37 move sequence in level 4 which is my all time favorite (first time i passed it i was soooo happy). 


il y a 3 minutes, maabus a dit :

Thanks Karis, 


Because of you I've been watching more movies and thinking this would be a fun Singe game. 

That's the idea ;)

With the tutorial, anyone can create a game...

Il y a 11 heures, snupello a dit :

Waiting for 4/3 😓

Yeah. Will be released with the main game.

Il y a 6 heures, Safur a dit :

Singe can take other games like Space Ace?

Of course.

In fact Singe is not an "emulator" but an engine.

So it doesn't work with roms but with scripts. So, singe cannot run the rom of SA but anyone can recreate this rom with a script. I might do it someday. 

il y a une heure, Karis a dit :

Of course.

In fact Singe is not an "emulator" but an engine.

So it doesn't work with roms but with scripts. So, singe cannot run the rom of SA but anyone can recreate this rom with a script. I might do it someday. 

It would be great!! I like this game and with singe 2 I saw that we can change the seetings of the games thanks to the test mode. With Singe (or Daphne) it is impossible.

For me 2 great games are missing : "Space Ace" and "Road Avenger".


Voila ,Karis congratulation your so generous and kind to work hard and give free exlcusif stuff ,thks my man.Cant wait to try the full game ,the trailer give me hard time already,i cant imagine the major pain waiting for me lol.


Invité maxbartop

I downloaded all your stuff Karis. Played them in 4/3 without any issue. Thanks a lot, great QTE games!

il y a 57 minutes, mazinger4life a dit :

Voila ,Karis congratulation your so generous and kind to work hard and give free exlcusif stuff ,thks my man.Cant wait to try the full game ,the trailer give me hard time already,i cant imagine the major pain waiting for me lol.


No you can't ;)

il y a 40 minutes, maxbartop a dit :

I downloaded all your stuff Karis. Played them in 4/3 without any issue. Thanks a lot, great QTE games!

Thank you !


Hi Karis,


I'm having an issue with DL2E, at some point the game starts to play itself then I can see all the different ways for Dirk to die lol


Did you ever experience the same problem ?


Thanks !

Il y a 7 heures, Tremolux a dit :

Hi Karis,


I'm having an issue with DL2E, at some point the game starts to play itself then I can see all the different ways for Dirk to die lol


Did you ever experience the same problem ?


Thanks !

Strange. Reminds me something but it was on an old file.

Could you try to redownload ?

  • 1 an aprĂšs...
Posté(e) (modifié)



Je voudrais essayer Dle, mais ces deux liens sont down.


 If you don't have it, first you need to grab Singe 2 (in this directory you will also find the bat to launch the game)


Then you need to grab the SuckerPunch directory here, and put it in the Singe directory: 


Serait-il possible de les re upploader svp ?



EDIT : C'est bon, j'ai trouvé ce qu'il me faut ^_^

Modifié par bonky0013

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