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[SINGE 2] New LD Engine + Games (3.32 update + DLIIe surprise)

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Like 10 years ago, I made an arcade like version of zorton brothers with flash cs6 I think, using the videos from the msdos version.

For the hitzones, with flash I could make transparent movies with the lenght of the video secuences, and contained moving hitboxes which supperposed to the film.

So when a new video secuence was loaded, the hitbox sequence with same name loaded automatically.

It had more "graphic work" as I had to adjust all hitboxes position size and movement manually, using interpolations.

  Le 18/12/2020 Ă  20:36, mazinger4life a dit :

Merci de l'explication en passant as tu des pack artworks des jeux de  daphne singe 2,je vais utiliser pour hyperspin.;)



Dans chaque répertoire de jeu, il y a un répertoire assets, qui contient les éléments nécessaires (logo, vidéo, boite 3D, etc...)

  Le 18/12/2020 Ă  23:32, phasermaniac a dit :

Like 10 years ago, I made an arcade like version of zorton brothers with flash cs6 I think, using the videos from the msdos version.

For the hitzones, with flash I could make transparent movies with the lenght of the video secuences, and contained moving hitboxes which supperposed to the film.

So when a new video secuence was loaded, the hitbox sequence with same name loaded automatically.

It had more "graphic work" as I had to adjust all hitboxes position size and movement manually, using interpolations.


Interesting, but moving hitboxes is beyond our capabilties with singe 2.

It would probably require another program cause it would be a nightmare to define them by hand. There are ideas like definig a shape, definig its center and then keyframes for the trajectory but that's a rabbit hole. I'm not ready for this ;)

The color solution is easier but requires well defined colors (better for a cartoon than for a movie).


Tu sais karis la nouvelle fonction HOLDBUT je me demandais si dans le futur il y aurait  cette fonction pour permettre simultanement une autre touche ex HOLDBUT qui permet de maintenir un moteur d'un vehicule en marche et une autre touche de direction pour controller ,regarde le clip pour avoir une idĂ©e .Ca nous rendrait plus present dans le jeu avec des scenes d'action comme ca :bravo:



Oh bien sûr que c'est faisable. Bon généralement je ne programme de telles fonctions que quand on en a besoin dans les faits (c'est le cas pour HOLDBUT dans Esh).

Mais oui, n'hésitez pas à me solliciter si vous avez des besoins précis pour un jeu.

  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 04/11/2020 Ă  16:52, maabus a dit :

Is your sound card a realtek? if it is you need to change the drivers of your sound card. I used generic windows hd sound drivers. 


la tua scheda audio è un realtek? se è necessario modificare i driver della scheda audio. Ho usato driver audio generici per Windows HD.



I'm having this same issue, but I don't see how to change it to something other than realtek.  If I disable the realtek driver in the device manager, it just tells me I have no sound device installed.  I don't see where to replace it with an alternate driver.  Can anyone help please?  (running Windows 7)


Hi guys,


New to the forum. I've just started messing around with singe, I've added JoyToKey into the bat file, same way as I did with my other emulators but sometimes it doesn't work maybe 8 time out of 10 does anyone know of anything better to use?




I'm having a strange issue. When I launch a game with the .bat file in Rocket Launcher or Hyperspin, using joytokey for controls the games work fine for a while. After a few minutes the game minimizes and joytokey is closed. Any ideas

  • 4 semaines après...

I'm on a Mac.  I have unzipped Cliff Hanger into the /Cliff folder and when I run ./ it's recognized and it shows the attract mode video.  When I tap 1 to start the game, the app exits and this is printed to the terminal:

284:soundLoad:  Unrecognized audio format

In Singe2/Cliff/Sounds there are 7 .wav files and I cannot play any of them in VLC, but I can play other .wav files on my computer.

Anyone else run into this problem?  Thanks for your help... I'm fired up to play Cliff Hanger after all of these years!


I got past the problem by replacing all of the .wav files with a short beep .wav file.  It'd be nice to get those original sounds working, but at least it not stopping me from playing the game.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/11/2020 Ă  21:07, poiu a dit :


work in progress, will soon be available



Will it be visible on first page when available?

Esh aurunmilla and Super Don quixote  will be great too.

Modifié par gig
Posté(e) (modifié)

hi guys, i am just sorting my hyperspin laserdisc collection and puting it together in one wheel , i have the 4k dragons lair 1+2 space ace etc from lizard king and looking super solid. now for the rest of the games should i use singe 2 and delete the old singe 1 set. is there differnces ie (better qaulity videos,gameplay etc ) between the two.

do the american laser games in singe 2 have better picture quality compeard to singe one. what should i keep


also i am looking for a full list of bat files for singe 2 ,to launch the games through hyperspin if anyone has them .


thanks for your time

Modifié par juice
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/02/2021 Ă  14:43, poiu a dit :

all are already available


Thanks a Lot. Found Them.

Just some questions.

why in ninja hayate video folder  have another folder with another video?

and SDQ  we have super_don_quix_ote_singe_2 in super_don_quix_ote_singe_2  folder again, and it crash.

what is Tiers Mode?

BTW, Thanks a lot




Modifié par gig

Testing more on super don quixote, I found that the working one is in the subfolder.

Even found that are missing some files in low res folder making it crash when you change the overlay res.


Just to let you know.


Great Game I played it a lot in Daphne, now in singe 2 is more better.



On a Mac playing Cliff Hanger I'm pretty regularly getting Segmentation fault during the "ninja scene"


$ ./   
Playing CliffHanger v1.02
./ line 3: 63166 Segmentation fault: 11  ./Singe-v2.00-macOS-x86_64 -k -w -d data -v Singe/menuBackground.mkv Singe/Menu.singe



hi guys can someone please make me some bat files that work with the following games, i have tryed and cannot get these games to work. i have all the other games working with singe 2 because they came with bat files. i could just drop into the folder with the game and they worked. these other games dont have a bat file from the singe 2 site



daitarn 3

dragons lair tv

dragon trainer english audio

samurai jack  english audio

puss in boots







I replaced the Cliff Hanger torrent sounds with files I found in the pinned post on this thread pointing to  I found the files in Singe / Blank / Sounds.

Despite many segfaults running on Big Sur, I completed all of the levels and it was so fantastic to relive the hours I spent playing and watching others play this game in the arcade as a child.


Thanks so much @Karis for all of your hard work.  The video looks better than ever and it was really fun (and tough) to play the new scenes.  I probably made every wrong move x2 before getting it right.


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/02/2021 Ă  08:03, joefitz a dit :

I replaced the Cliff Hanger torrent sounds with files I found in the pinned post on this thread pointing to  I found the files in Singe / Blank / Sounds.

Despite many segfaults running on Big Sur, I completed all of the levels and it was so fantastic to relive the hours I spent playing and watching others play this game in the arcade as a child.


Thanks so much @Karis for all of your hard work.  The video looks better than ever and it was really fun (and tough) to play the new scenes.  I probably made every wrong move x2 before getting it right.



You are really welcome.

Unfortunately i'm not a Mac expert. Cliff has really tight moves, maybe that's the reason.

Those games are meant to be played (though some of them are really difficult and i think Cliff is definitely among them) and it's a pleasure to know someone has done it including the new levels, which explains the story a bit more IMHO (or at least why Cliff enters the tower by night and then gets out in the daylight).

If you're curious, please try Mononoke and Sucker Punch, which are really the modern interpretation of Laser Disc. Really hard to play of course, but with the new mode you can at least try all the levels without dying, and also experiment new things like the bow.

Modifié par Karis
  Le 09/02/2021 Ă  13:42, Karis a dit :

Cool !


Moi j'ai un thème Lauchbox en fait et pour un des skins plus précisément.


Hy amazing Karis..I hope in others fantastic games posted by you as Esh's or Ninja hayate or Don quix.ote

  Le 09/02/2021 Ă  15:32, Rex2573 a dit :

Hy amazing Karis..I hope in others fantastic games posted by you as Esh's or Ninja hayate or Don quix.ote


Not for now, as i'm busy with real time job and music, but someday i will make a new one. 

That said, Fab did them.


With Singe 2 i have stuttering and frames problem in all the games: Cliff Hanger,  Esh, Triad, even in the menuBackground when i launch the games... any fix out?


Using any video player VLC dont have any problem, maybe Singe 2 have a codec problem

Posté(e) (modifié)

I speak english so so.

What is the official list of SINGE 2 video games TODAY?

I have a slow connection and I will download the singe and games in a long time, then I will read the instructions of this emulator.
In the meantime you can tell me, is singe 2.0 a "closed" emulator? Does it only work with "his stuff"? Or can it also work with the software for the Daphne and the Singe 1?

Do you have Internet addresses talking about the laser game emulated with the Mame?
And do you know the laser games officially supported by Mame (TODAY)?

Karis continue like this, if it's 4: 3 is 4: 3, if it's 16: 9 is 16: 9, the conversions are always wrong.

But I do not understand a this:



For Asterix, Mononoke, Sucker Punch, Cliffhanger, Fire and Ice & Titan A.E i also made 4/3 cropped versions (if your screen is not 16/9).

You just need to put the file in the Movie directory (replacing the 16/9 movie)


If I play these games without this modification, do they work normally in my 4: 3 monitor with black bars above and below?

What changes with the 4/3 versions? 


Modifié par Niola
  Le 13/02/2021 Ă  00:42, hetinos252 a dit :

With Singe 2 i have stuttering and frames problem in all the games: Cliff Hanger,  Esh, Triad, even in the menuBackground when i launch the games... any fix out?


Using any video player VLC dont have any problem, maybe Singe 2 have a codec problem



I have the same stuttering problem with all singe 2 games. 


I have all games working, Daphne and singe, 

but every singe 2 game stutters. 


is there any fix, can anybody please help??

  Le 14/02/2021 Ă  16:10, Gadget89 a dit :


I have the same stuttering problem with all singe 2 games. 


I have all games working, Daphne and singe, 

but every singe 2 game stutters. 


is there any fix, can anybody please help??


Audio drivers probably. If you've got Realtek audio driver it's probably the reason and you should update it.

Some users had the same problem and fixed this with a new driver (please check page 2 or 3 for more informations). 

  Le 13/02/2021 Ă  10:50, Niola a dit :

I speak english so so.

What is the official list of SINGE 2 video games TODAY?

I have a slow connection and I will download the singe and games in a long time, then I will read the instructions of this emulator.
In the meantime you can tell me, is singe 2.0 a "closed" emulator? Does it only work with "his stuff"? Or can it also work with the software for the Daphne and the Singe 1?

Do you have Internet addresses talking about the laser game emulated with the Mame?
And do you know the laser games officially supported by Mame (TODAY)?

Karis continue like this, if it's 4: 3 is 4: 3, if it's 16: 9 is 16: 9, the conversions are always wrong.

But I do not understand a this:



For Asterix, Mononoke, Sucker Punch, Cliffhanger, Fire and Ice & Titan A.E i also made 4/3 cropped versions (if your screen is not 16/9).

You just need to put the file in the Movie directory (replacing the 16/9 movie)


If I play these games without this modification, do they work normally in my 4: 3 monitor with black bars above and below?

What changes with the 4/3 versions? 



Singe is closed yes. 

The purpose here is not to launch Daphne games (Daphne is good for this), but either new games or new features (new rom for DL2, HD for Cliff or TG because the graphics are defined inside the rom and cannot be changed).


About the 4:3, 16/9:


There are "normal" versions. This is the original resolution of the Singe Game. This is the resolution of the original material. Most are 16/9 or even bigger (Titan AE and Sucker Punch are 2.35). Only TG and DL2 are natively 4/3.


There are also alt versions. If the video soiurce is 16/9 then i released a 4/3 version. Sometimes, by demand, i made 2 different conversions, one with cropping (no black bar but missing some parts of image)  and one with black bar.


I don't know what will be the exact behavior of a 16/9 game launched on a 4/3 monitor (i don't have one), but i think the image will be distorted horizontally. So if you've got a 4/3 monitor, take the 4/3 version. 


If i'm not clear, please ask for more.







  Le 13/02/2021 Ă  00:42, hetinos252 a dit :

With Singe 2 i have stuttering and frames problem in all the games: Cliff Hanger,  Esh, Triad, even in the menuBackground when i launch the games... any fix out?


Using any video player VLC dont have any problem, maybe Singe 2 have a codec problem


Same answer. Probably a Realtek audio driver issue. Please try to update it.

Posté(e) (modifié)

1) for KARIS
My monitor is 1280x1024 5:4 (NO 4:3).
I had already played some Daphne and Singe games and they are doing well. Videos are displayed 4:3 and the rest is is automatically black, so it is right.
Now I've tried Singe 2 "movie games" and it's the same, "rectangle video" and black above and below. Ok!

I have a 7 Mbit/s connection and I download gigabytes only if necessary. Please tell me how the 4/3 VERSIONS videos you have prepared look like. Is black "embedded" in the video? Does it see black even when watching the video with a software player?

The quality is high. I had only tried the Daphne and I didn't know what the technical knowledge of those who work there was. If you are that good, you should improve the quality of the Daphne and Singe mp2 videos. But I would improve it, to make it more equal to the original even with higher resolutions (max 1600x1200 for play with PC), not as sharp as the Singe 2. Just tried it but instinctively I prefer Super Don-Quix-ote Daphne over Singe 2, for example.

In the batches of the Daphne (those that are downloaded all together, DL games and NON DL games) it is written "-framefile framefile/NAME.txt". This is superfluous. If you do not write the "-framefile" option, the framefileNAME.txt file is automatically loaded from the framefile folder.

Modifié par Niola

Does Games ( dragon's lair 1 and Space ace) are already converted for singe 2?

It would be nice (and easier) to play them with on screen moves , like singe 2 do.

  Le 21/02/2021 Ă  14:06, gig a dit :

Does Games ( dragon's lair 1 and Space ace) are already converted for singe 2?

It would be nice (and easier) to play them with on screen moves , like singe 2 do.


No. And to be honnest i don't know if we'll do it there are copiright issues about those games. It would be cool yes.

  Le 18/02/2021 Ă  22:25, Niola a dit :

1) for KARIS
My monitor is 1280x1024 5:4 (NO 4:3).
I had already played some Daphne and Singe games and they are doing well. Videos are displayed 4:3 and the rest is is automatically black, so it is right.
Now I've tried Singe 2 "movie games" and it's the same, "rectangle video" and black above and below. Ok!

I have a 7 Mbit/s connection and I download gigabytes only if necessary. Please tell me how the 4/3 VERSIONS videos you have prepared look like. Is black "embedded" in the video? Does it see black even when watching the video with a software player?

The quality is high. I had only tried the Daphne and I didn't know what the technical knowledge of those who work there was. If you are that good, you should improve the quality of the Daphne and Singe mp2 videos. But I would improve it, to make it more equal to the original even with higher resolutions (max 1600x1200 for play with PC), not as sharp as the Singe 2. Just tried it but instinctively I prefer Super Don-Quix-ote Daphne over Singe 2, for example.

In the batches of the Daphne (those that are downloaded all together, DL games and NON DL games) it is written "-framefile framefile/NAME.txt". This is superfluous. If you do not write the "-framefile" option, the framefileNAME.txt file is automatically loaded from the framefile folder.



1) The 4/3 versions are regular 4/3 with no black added artificially. How it will behave on your monitor, i don't know exactly. It's not a regular resolution and i can't test it.


2) For most Daphne Games, it is not possible to change the resolution of the video (the DL serie being the exception). For most of those games, the resolution is encoded within the rom (so it's not a Daphne limitation but an hardware limitation). So if you feed the game with a 1600*1200 video for example, it will crop it to the regular dimension (640*480).  




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