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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution [A20] [A20 PLUS] [A3] [World] (Konami)

Go to solution Solved by Gliss,

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hace 2 horas, NoctsRanun dijo:

Indeed,"001" is of course a "modifed' one with leaks and updated graphics. Without "001", the uploader who uploaded yesterday was fake.

Hi. I think, because of these bad practices, of publishing corrupted and modified updates (Ideally, a “single evil leaker” should always provide us with clean data, with much gratitude, by the way... not that others who want to gain attention publish erroneous data), is that online servers like Cardinal Gate, stopped providing support and coverage of DDR World. Too bad. For now, we depend only on Asphyxia, to play and save our records. 



Modifié par jpv1018
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2 hours ago, NoctsRanun said:

Indeed,"001" is of course a "modifed' one with leaks and updated graphics. Without "001", the uploader who uploaded yesterday was fake.


i don't quite understand you there. i assume you mean even the latest upload is just another dirty data?

from my understanding, 001 and 003 comes from different cab - standard cab and gold cab.

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Justo ahora, mikaelr dijo:


No te entiendo muy bien. Supongo que quieres decir que incluso la Ăşltima carga es simplemente otro dato sucio.

Según tengo entendido, 001 y 003 provienen de cabinas diferentes: cabina estándar y cabina dorada.

Yes, unfortunately, it was a corrupt data. The latest data that Evil Leaker kindly shared is clean and correct. All ess and arkmp3,4 and gamemdx modules are legitimate. I already did my Hex configurations and they work without problems. I Clarify. The prefix 001 and 003 correspond to the MDX data architecture: 001: 32 bits / 003: 64 bits. 

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12 hours ago, mikaelr said:


cool, is this verified clean?

I checked and compared against the fake.


Dates are correct (10/15/2024)
Size of startup.arc varies (124KB vs 165KB from 1cc) (fake: 164KB)

No new ea3-config.xml (fake: contains ea3-config.xml from August data)
Amount of new songs: 7 (fake data: 7 mismatched)

Amount of removed songs: 1: siru (fake data: 0)

Amount of songs with BGA: 4 (fake data: 5 mismatched)

Amount of updated song charts: 10 (fake data: 14 mismatched)

Looks fine to me
No crashes to see here yet

Modifié par piotr25691
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36 minutes ago, piotr25691 said:

I checked and compared against the fake.


Dates are correct (10/15/2024)
Size of startup.arc varies (124KB vs 165KB from 1cc) (fake: 164KB)

No new ea3-config.xml (fake: contains ea3-config.xml from August data)
Amount of new songs: 7 (fake data: 7 mismatched)

Amount of removed songs: 1: siru (fake data: 0)

Amount of songs with BGA: 4 (fake data: 5 mismatched)

Amount of updated song charts: 10 (fake data: 14 mismatched)

Looks fine to me
No crashes to see here yet

SOLVED: It was crashing before but I fixed it. I think I was adding the wrong patches like I skipped a patch in between. The mistake I made was I added clean August Data then October Data without adding the September data after the August data which caused the game to crash when loading up a song. But now I put the right updates in order so it works fine now with the new UI. I think I got confused with the fake data so it through me off but now it’s all fixed.

Modifié par makoflagkk
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21 minutes ago, makoflagkk said:

SOLVED: It was crashing before but I fixed it. I think I was adding the wrong patches like I skipped a patch in between. The mistake I made was I added clean August Data then October Data without adding the September data after the August data which caused the game to crash when loading up a song. But now I put the right updates in order so it works fine now with the new UI. I think I got confused with the fake data so it through me off but now it’s all fixed.

By the way, I have a list of known updates for WORLD


Should I dump on Pixeldrain or not risk uploading n-0 data


Modifié par piotr25691
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I just realized my game still shows 2024080601 for the build date in the top left corner. It's just cosmetic since the rest of the game updated properly with World League and what not, but how would I go about changing it? I'm certain I've seen it mentioned in here before back during A20 Plus but there are a lot of pages to read through to try and find it.

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30 minutes ago, nifterific said:

I just realized my game still shows 2024080601 for the build date in the top left corner. It's just cosmetic since the rest of the game updated properly with World League and what not, but how would I go about changing it? I'm certain I've seen it mentioned in here before back during A20 Plus but there are a lot of pages to read through to try and find it.

Edit the file located at [game root]/prop/ea3-config.xml and change the 2024080601 to 2024101500


Do not open in notepad as the encoding will be ruined, use VS Code or another editor.

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