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[Arcade PC] Dance Dance Revolution [A20] [A20 PLUS] [A3] [World] (Konami)

Go to solution Solved by Gliss,

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En 15/8/2021 a las 2:52, Yog1 dijo:

I think the AIO v2 needs to be updated again so that songs that were removed after 20200203 will be playable again. Song data (jk.arc, xwb, m2v) that needs to be removed (and be revived in music database) inside AIO v2 are the following:


belv, bref, haph, houk, iwyl, mawa, mont, moro, onra, rinn, roku, shut, tool, wake, & yoja


For thumbnails, delete the following in AIO v2, so that data from 20200203 will be used and thumbnails of the mentioned song above will be revived:


- jacket_thumbnails_ja_15.arc

- jacket_thumbnails_ja_17.arc

- jacket_thumbnails_ua_12.arc

- jacket_thumbnails_ua_17.arc


For U version, just copy jacket_thumbnails_ja* and rename it to jacket_thumbnails_ua*


... and this is the 20210804 startup.arc modded to revive those missing songs above. I used 20200203 musicdb.xml as base, removed DDR A20 from list, then added DDR A20 and DDR A20 PLUS from 20210804, loaded 20210804 startup.arc then updated new musicdb.xml and repacked startup.arc.

For U version, just copy jacket_thumbnails_ja* and rename it to jacket_thumbnails_ua*

 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i dont get that step, what jacket_thumbnails.ja?????'

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im upload v3 with  revival song from 2020020300 +  jacket_thumbnails_ja_15+17+19   and ua12+17  no unlocked song .  if you want full unlock song  use dbmanager or hexedit



Modifié par strider973
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il y a une heure, strider973 a dit :

im upload v3 with  revival song from 2020020300 + with  jacket_thumbnails_ja_15+17+19   and ua12+17  no unlock song .



It's AIO v3 (so replace others?)?


Le 13/08/2021 à 12:52, topet2k12001 a dit :


As per my message I am going to release a "Final Goodbye" build publicly, please stay tuned for that instead.

Any news?

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il y a 8 minutes, thehermit a dit :

I just noticed when I played a20+ songs all my scores not saved but when I play non a20+ songs, my score are saved. Anyone knows why is it like that?

because your server dont support a20+ but only a20 songs. they need to upgrade butterfly to accept 20+  scores saving. isupose

Modifié par strider973
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Il y a 22 heures, mastershakelock a dit :

complete guide was removed by mods on page1 :rolleyes:, prob why asked. either ver should wrk. grab clean.

Yeah, thanks.

Can anyone tell me the sequence to install? I'm still little confuse here.
I downloaded 2020020300 from nyaa, but not sure how to play it, should I download 2019090300 first and then update it?

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hace 1 minuto, linzoex dijo:

Yeah, thanks.

Can anyone tell me the sequence to install? I'm still little confuse here.
I downloaded 2020020300 from nyaa, but not sure how to play it, should I download 2019090300 first and then update it?

DOWNLOAD 2020002030 CLEAN, Then MDX2021080400v3 (is in this page , read up above) just copy and paste

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In a world where all of this hard work is purely voluntary (i.e. "I have a life, I have a family, I have a job too"), only kind words are what one would consider "fruits of labor" and hearing/reading them feels so rewarding.


Butterfly (our fork) has gone a long way. What initially started out as an individual project (a.k.a. "topet's butterfly"), eventually became a small group's project. On that note, this small group of individuals do not look at, nor weigh, their contributions in the quantitative sense. The fact of the matter is, there is mutual dependency in the contributions that went into (our fork of) butterfly in its current state, such that a missing piece/contribution by any single one in this group couldn't have made butterfly "whole" all by himself. In this sense, our contributions are weighted qualitatively and hence, as I personally see it, all are equal and therefore all individuals in this small group have equal stake for decisions involving this fork of butterfly.


These are the people who have helped make butterfly what it is today: @tw3nz0r @bman @Towlesy27 @Sirk @One Eternal Ash @kanor


And of course, @skogaby who is the original author of butterfly. I've only had a chance to talk to him a few times and learn a thing or two. But that simple act is what enabled and fueled me to embark on this journey.


This decision to (hopefully, momentarily) stop openly supporting the use of butterfly with DDR Arcade (Ripped) Data is a very painful decision, at least for me personally, because - and again, this is in no way undermining the group that made it for what it is today - the fact remains that it started as an individual person's project. As such I would almost say that this is my "baby" project. And as "small" of a project as it may be in the eyes of the more technically inclined, I unfortunately was "technically handicapped" throughout this entire journey, so whatever "little achievement" you can see (from the eyes of a technical person) is actually a milestone and a source of pride for me.


I am not about to be hypocritical about all of this because at the end of the day we know what "THIS" is. Do know that I personally took it with a heavy heart to make this decision. But I think, for the preservation of the greater good who will and should benefit in the long run, I believe that this decision has to be made.


Out of my love for the work that has been done, and out of consideration for the many others who try their best to help with the sustainability of making this game available, I am going to release a "final goodbye" public build (hopefully, goodbye only for now). This build is enough to last you up to any 2020-dated package, and will cease to fully function when the 2021-dated packages are leaked to the public (or when you use our butterfly fork on any 2021-dated builds).


In the meantime, you may use other 3rd-party online servers which provide the essentials for enjoying the game (score saving/tracking, score rivalry, force-unlocking of all songs, etc.). It is unfortunate that we had to (again, hopefully momentarily) stop making public builds since our fork of butterfly, although primarily envisioned for offline use, offers a very rich level of support and experience for DDR that goes the extra mile, in fact way beyond the essentials. Nonetheless, I have huge respect for all the maintainers/owners of the 3rd-party online servers. Putting up a server to function online where there a lot of users is in fact a stressful thing to do (on top of the fact this is purely voluntary plus volunteering material and non-material resources to maintain it). I am amazed at not only your work, but also your dedication for doing this. I am a patron of some of these 3rd-party servers too.


I personally hope that things will eventually turn out for the better because I am still very excited in helping others as you have seen me do. Let us hope for the best and make this a learning lesson as we move forward.






Modifié par topet2k12001
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Il y a 16 heures, strider973 a dit :

im upload v3 with  revival song from 2020020300 +  jacket_thumbnails_ja_15+17+19   and ua12+17  no unlocked song .  if you want full unlock song  use dbmanager or hexedit



Is there another source to download?
My mega already reached the limit and is taking more than 6h to wait and download again.

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In a world where all of this hard work is purely voluntary (i.e. "I have a life, I have a family, I have a job too"), only kind words are what one would consider "fruits of labor" and hearing/reading them feels so rewarding.


Butterfly (our fork) has gone a long way. What initially started out as an individual project (a.k.a. "topet's butterfly"), eventually became a small group's project. On that note, this small group of individuals do not look at, nor weigh, their contributions in the quantitative sense. The fact of the matter is, there is mutual dependency in the contributions that went into (our fork of) butterfly in its current state, such that a missing piece/contribution by any single one in this group couldn't have made butterfly "whole" all by himself. In this sense, our contributions are weighted qualitatively and hence, as I personally see it, all are equal and therefore all individuals in this small group have equal stake for decisions involving this fork of butterfly.


These are the people who have helped make butterfly what it is today: @tw3nz0r @bman @Towlesy27 @Sirk @One Eternal Ash @kanor


And of course, @skogaby who is the original author of butterfly. I've only had a chance to talk to him a few times and learn a thing or two. But that simple act is what enabled and fueled me to embark on this journey.


This decision to (hopefully, momentarily) stop openly supporting the use of butterfly with DDR Arcade (Ripped) Data is a very painful decision, at least for me personally, because - and again, this is in no way undermining the group that made it for what it is today - the fact remains that it started as an individual person's project. As such I would almost say that this is my "baby" project. And as "small" of a project as it may be in the eyes of the more technically inclined, I unfortunately was "technically handicapped" throughout this entire journey, so whatever "little achievement" you can see (from the eyes of a technical person) is actually a milestone and a source of pride for me.


I am not about to be hypocritical about all of this because at the end of the day we know what "THIS" is. Do know that I personally took it with a heavy heart to make this decision. But I think, for the preservation of the greater good who will and should benefit in the long run, I believe that this decision has to be made.


Out of my love for the work that has been done, and out of consideration for the many others who try their best to help with the sustainability of making this game available, I am going to release a "final goodbye" public build (hopefully, goodbye only for now). This build is enough to last you up to any 2020-dated package, and will cease to fully function when the 2021-dated packages are leaked to the public (or when you use our butterfly fork on any 2021-dated builds).


In the meantime, you may use other 3rd-party online servers which provide the essentials for enjoying the game (score saving/tracking, score rivalry, force-unlocking of all songs, etc.). It is unfortunate that we had to (again, hopefully momentarily) stop making public builds since our fork of butterfly, although primarily envisioned for offline use, offers a very rich level of support and experience for DDR that goes the extra mile, in fact way beyond the essentials. Nonetheless, I have huge respect for all the maintainers/owners of the 3rd-party online servers. Putting up a server to function online where there a lot of users is in fact a stressful thing to do (on top of the fact this is purely voluntary plus volunteering material and non-material resources to maintain it). I am amazed at not only your work, but also your dedication for doing this. I am a patron of some of these 3rd-party servers too.


I personally hope that things will eventually turn out for the better because I am still very excited in helping others as you have seen me do. Let us hope for the best and make this a learning lesson as we move forward.






Modifié par topet2k12001
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4 hours ago, carlosgordon1970 said:

sooo... no one has been able to enable the darkest background? 

I've tried but with unsuccessful results; it just works when you're logged to the server but the hex edits don't work :/

Modifié par Arthema
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