changikman Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2022 wolf's rain and Worst Plan error The sound of wolf's rain song and Worst Plan song does not come out properly. The wolf's rain song does not produce a sound and the worst plan song is broken. how to fix?
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2022 Auteur Posté(e) le 13 novembre 2022 MonkeyBusiness (offline server) update 20221112! The source GitHub repo is down. However, the author has shared the latest build! This latest build comes with some under-the-hood improvements! Enjoy! Download: MonkeyBusiness 20221112 Le 04/10/2022 à 08:30, topet2k12001 a dit : MonkeyBusiness (offline server) update 20221004...fresh and hot, just updated minutes ago! Get it here: What's New: Area Best and Machine Best scores are now fully functioning (they are no longer based on "World Best" score)! IMPORTANT NOTES: This is a new implementation/change, so the Area Best and Machine Best scores will have to be new scores (since previously, the Area/Machine Best scores used to be based on the "World Best" score). The "Area" is defined by "E.region" in the file "" located in "modules->core" folder, and NOT the "Area" that you chose when you initially set up your card. The default value that you will see is 'JP-13' So if you want to change the "Area" (for Area Best) you will need to edit the abovementioned file. See screenshot below for reference. Working support for Dan Courses - and it can support both scenarios for stock/vanilla DDR A20 PLUS as well as DDR A20 PLUS Omnimix! Context: In DDR A20 PLUS Omnimix, the behavior of the Dan Courses has been modified to show/display ALL Dan Courses without unlocking. This change/update in MonkeyBusiness still allows for proper support/progressing of Dan Courses on stock/default DDR A20 PLUS. Under-the-hood optimization Faster Loading Time (after entering your PIN) Context: You won't notice it when you've just started using an offline server like MonkeyBusiness, but when the back-end database starts to get filled up with so many records, the game eventually tends to take some time to load. This happens on certain parts of the game where records are being "read" from the database, e.g. after entering your PIN, during the "Caution" screen - but NOT during actual gameplay. The author of MonkeyBusiness has optimized this so you will experience faster loading times! Développer 3
kdeux Posté(e) le 21 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 21 novembre 2022 donde spicetool deja el archivo de configuracion tanto de controles botones como la configuracion de luces ya que estoy ingresando configuracion de RGB y es mucho hacer atravez de spice config saluods
Ghostxdeath Posté(e) le 24 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 24 novembre 2022 Le 21/11/2022 à 01:56, kdeux a dit : donde spicetool deja el archivo de configuracion tanto de controles botones como la configuracion de luces ya que estoy ingresando configuracion de RGB y es mucho hacer atravez de spice config saluods Développer esta en AppData\Roaming el archivo debería estar al final en la carpeta
Ghostxdeath Posté(e) le 25 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 25 novembre 2022 (modifié) Le 05/10/2022 à 01:38, NotEarl a dit : The instructions on setting up Monkey Business is a bit confusing for me. Anyone kind enough to explain the steps on installing it? Développer I don't know if it will help you, for you who are reading this, since I don't know if it is the correct way, it is only the one that helped me 1. Go to MonkeyBusiness, and on the same page further down where it says Instructions in point 1 where it says Install python, checked click on python and it will download 3.install python-3.10.8-amd64 and check the box "Add python.exe to PATH" 4.Once installed, unzip the MonkeyBusiness-main folder and run the star.bat file, wait for it to install, once installed it will close 5.0.reopen the star.bat If it doesn't close this time, everything went well (if this is the case, skip point 5.1, 5-5, 6) and follow the instructions from point 7 onwards. PD: Originally it should be installed in the same folder as Monkey Business, but not everyone is installed as it should. 5.1(I think the problem is at this point for those who can not make it work) the star.bat folder creates a folder named Python, the path may vary, In my case the first time, I create it on my second hard drive, in program files, uninstall everything and ise the whole process again and now the path is in AppData\Local\Programs, and if it is not in any of these paths, open the star.bat file, when the letters pause appear with left click, there you will see the path where they were installed 5-5.with the path already located, copy the contents of the MonkeyBusiness-main folder to the Python\Python310 folder which is the one that created the star.bat file 6.if it completed successfully, now inside the Python310 folder, open the star.bat file and this time it should not close, the <services> will appear copy the url that comes out 7.inside the DDR game folder open the spicecfg and go to options and paste the url in -services URL-, leave on HTTP/1.1, (I don't know if it's necessary but in my case I leave it like this), leave in on URL slash (this one as far as I know, if necessary) 8.modify the ea3-config file with the url of the star.bat file 9.(This is something that most should know but I will still put it) if you don't have the star.bat file open, open it, run the game, within the game press the + key on the numeric pad, to detect the card and follow the steps to create your profile, to play It is preferable not to play with premium free activated (in my case, by not passing the first stage, it does not save all the scores) 10.(optional) to modify, type of arrows, lines, dark background, calories, etc. in the Python310 folder after playing a file called db.json is created, modify this file, for the aforementioned .Here is an approximate guideline of what can be modified: (For those who skipped step 5.1, 5-5, the db.json file it's in the MonkeyBusiness folder where the star.bat file is.) -"calories_disp":"Off", "On" -"character": "All Character Random", "Man Random", "Female Random", "Yuni", "Rage", "Afro", "Jenny", "Emi","Baby- Lon", "Gus", "Ruby", "Alice", "Julio", "Bonnie", "Zero", "Rinon" (I don't know if any are missing) - "arrow_skin": "Normal", "X", "Classic", "Cyber", "Medium", "Small", "Dot" -"filter": "Off", "Dark", "Darker", "Darkest" -"guideline": "Off", "Border", "Center" -"priority": "Judgment priority", "Arrow priority" -"timing_disp": "Off", "On" I hope it is understood and can be of use to someone 👍 Modifié le 5 janvier 2023 par Ghostxdeath 3
幸福一家王小龙 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 (modifié) DDR A3 OMNIMIX is removed Modifié le 26 novembre 2022 par 幸福一家王小龙
NoctsRanun Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Le 26/11/2022 à 13:57, 幸福一家王小龙 a dit : DDR A3 OMNIMIX is removed Développer Link broken?
johnjorell Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Le 26/11/2022 à 14:15, NoctsRanun a dit : Link broken? Développer The author removed it.
Invité petje Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Le 26/11/2022 à 13:57, 幸福一家王小龙 a dit : DDR A3 OMNIMIX is removed Développer Le 26/11/2022 à 14:15, NoctsRanun a dit : Link broken? Développer Le 26/11/2022 à 14:20, johnjorell a dit : The author removed it. Développer Here ? Enter the site and on that page enter the word dance, it will show a few hits, not sure if that is what you need. If so, enjoy.
NoctsRanun Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2022 Le 26/11/2022 à 14:32, petje a dit : Here ? Enter the site and on that page enter the word dance, it will show a few hits, not sure if that is what you need. If so, enjoy. Développer's still 2022062001.
幸福一家王小龙 Posté(e) le 27 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 27 novembre 2022 Once turned on DDR A20 PLUS can not play
G KENNON Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2023 how do i get my MSI Lights to config with DDR SpiceTools see it as Lights
Jonnhyfer Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 2 janvier 2023 I really appreciate the effort with monkey business, spent lots of hours reading and following your instructions and it completely removed automatically Spice.exe and froze my computer 🤣 So I guess we will have to wait a bit to see a version of the A3 "stable". Right now IIDX 30 and DDR A3 , both of them, are having a lot of problems even running them properly (freezing sometimes, fps drops and chanigng a lot on IIDX ,gold theme background, imposibility of removing black background and guidelines or customize anything and moooore) If there is someone who is reading me right now and are having lots of difficulties, best options are (at least for me): About DDR : DDR A20 2020020300 + butterfly. It's the latest version that can fully support butterfly, if you are like me looking for removing the black background, the guide lines and chaging arrows and more stuff. And have the latest version of the A3 to play the songs from A20+ plus the current A3 songs. About IIDX : IIDX 28 + Omnimix. It's the best option if you are looking for a stable omnimix. Keep also the last version of IIDX 29 (also stable) and keep the IIDX 30 if you want to play the songs released untill today. And again, thank you so much to aaallllll the users sharing their knowledge here, probably they're not reading but I hope my message is delivered XD Happy new year to everyone ❤️ Y el omnimix pa' cuándo? 💍 2
NoctsRanun Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2023 Le 02/01/2023 à 23:27, Jonnhyfer a dit : I really appreciate the effort with monkey business, spent lots of hours reading and following your instructions and it completely removed automatically Spice.exe and froze my computer 🤣 So I guess we will have to wait a bit to see a version of the A3 "stable". Right now IIDX 30 and DDR A3 , both of them, are having a lot of problems even running them properly (freezing sometimes, fps drops and chanigng a lot on IIDX ,gold theme background, imposibility of removing black background and guidelines or customize anything and moooore) If there is someone who is reading me right now and are having lots of difficulties, best options are (at least for me): About DDR : DDR A20 2020020300 + butterfly. It's the latest version that can fully support butterfly, if you are like me looking for removing the black background, the guide lines and chaging arrows and more stuff. And have the latest version of the A3 to play the songs from A20+ plus the current A3 songs. About IIDX : IIDX 28 + Omnimix. It's the best option if you are looking for a stable omnimix. Keep also the last version of IIDX 29 (also stable) and keep the IIDX 30 if you want to play the songs released untill today. And again, thank you so much to aaallllll the users sharing their knowledge here, probably they're not reading but I hope my message is delivered XD Happy new year to everyone ❤️ Y el omnimix pa' cuándo? 💍 Développer Happy New Year too ^^ 1
Ghostxdeath Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2023 Le 02/01/2023 à 23:27, Jonnhyfer a dit : I really appreciate the effort with monkey business, spent lots of hours reading and following your instructions and it completely removed automatically Spice.exe and froze my computer 🤣 Développer I guess it's a problem with your pc, Also, if I delete Spice.exe, you did something wrong, in the game folder just open the spicecfg and go to options and paste the url in -services URL-, and modify the ea3-config file with the url, nothing else is done in that folder, Also, this is a guide for those who have problems with monkey business, because if your pc has no modifications, it will install everything in the same monkey business folder, and you would only have to do steps 7, 8 and optional 10 only if you want to remove the lines or change character etc..
retroNUC Posté(e) le 3 février 2023 Posté(e) le 3 février 2023 For anyone that was still running into the gold cabinet black background problem on 20220202, even after copying the missing videos into the right folder and registering the DLLs in the /com folder... the solution most people here were giving was to was to install the K-Lite Codec Pack. But... why should I install extra software when I really don't need to? Turns out that the those ddra20plus_bg_gold_hd.m2v / ddra20plus_bg_gold_sd.m2v videos that everyone was using were just encoded using the wrong codec and video properties. Here's some new reencoded ones that now match the exact same format as all the other MPEG2 videos in the DDR assets, and everything should work a lot more smoothly. 2
retroNUC Posté(e) le 3 février 2023 Posté(e) le 3 février 2023 (modifié) On a separate topic, tried updating to A3 (2022062001) over the top of 2022020200, and while everything seems to be working fine on the menus, I seem to be getting lots of randomly changing arrow modifiers (speed, etc.) during the song. Certainly feels like I've tripped some kind of anti-piracy. Anything I'm obviously missing? Never mind! Did a factory reset through the Test menu and everything now seems to be working okay Modifié le 3 février 2023 par retroNUC 2
Jonnhyfer Posté(e) le 6 février 2023 Posté(e) le 6 février 2023 Le 03/02/2023 à 19:53, retroNUC a dit : For anyone that was still running into the gold cabinet black background problem on 20220202, even after copying the missing videos into the right folder and registering the DLLs in the /com folder... the solution most people here were giving was to was to install the K-Lite Codec Pack. But... why should I install extra software when I really don't need to? Turns out that the those ddra20plus_bg_gold_hd.m2v / ddra20plus_bg_gold_sd.m2v videos that everyone was using were just encoded using the wrong codec and video properties. Here's some new reencoded ones that now match the exact same format as all the other MPEG2 videos in the DDR assets, and everything should work a lot more smoothly. Développer Le 03/02/2023 à 20:47, retroNUC a dit : On a separate topic, tried updating to A3 (2022062001) over the top of 2022020200, and while everything seems to be working fine on the menus, I seem to be getting lots of randomly changing arrow modifiers (speed, etc.) during the song. Certainly feels like I've tripped some kind of anti-piracy. Anything I'm obviously missing? Never mind! Did a factory reset through the Test menu and everything now seems to be working okay Développer those 2 things are really good to know. Happens the same to me.
tw3nz0r Posté(e) le 6 février 2023 Posté(e) le 6 février 2023 Le 03/02/2023 à 20:47, retroNUC a dit : On a separate topic, tried updating to A3 (2022062001) over the top of 2022020200, and while everything seems to be working fine on the menus, I seem to be getting lots of randomly changing arrow modifiers (speed, etc.) during the song. Certainly feels like I've tripped some kind of anti-piracy. Anything I'm obviously missing? Never mind! Did a factory reset through the Test menu and everything now seems to be working okay Développer Pressing left or right on the cab before the first measure changes the arrow speed. Mapping the cab buttons to the dance pad will do that.
fangpi2000 Posté(e) le 18 février 2023 Posté(e) le 18 février 2023 What to do with this, ddr A A20 A3 and A20PLUS, the old computer can, the new one can't be opened like this, the feeling is that the bookkeeping in the log that has a problem, I compared it, which kind person helped me solve it, thank you. log.txtRecherche des informations…
topet2k12001 Posté(e) le 22 février 2023 Auteur Posté(e) le 22 février 2023 MonkeyBusiness Update! The author of MonkeyBusiness has just released a webui for MonkeyBusiness, called BounceTrippy! Download: How to set up: Once downloaded, extract the "webui" folder into the main folder of MonkeyBusiness. Start MonkeyBusiness as per the usual procedure. You will notice now in MonkeyBusiness's CMD window, that there is a URL provided to access the webUI. Copy that URL and paste it to a new browser window or tab. Done! How to use the webUI: Select your card. Your records will show up (scores, songs, etc.) as well as your details like your Profile Name, personalized settings, etc. You may now proceed with personalizing your setup e.g. Darkness of the Background, Choosing your Dancing Character, etc. Make sure to click on "Save Settings" when you're done setting it up! Recommended: At the upper-right portion of the webUI there is a button for you to upload your startup.arc file. This file contains the "database" of songs. Load it up so that the details of your records (song names, etc) will be displayed properly (you may need to refresh your browser after uploading startup.arc). 1
ibuki Posté(e) le 23 février 2023 Posté(e) le 23 février 2023 (modifié) Le 22/02/2023 à 18:38, topet2k12001 a dit : MonkeyBusiness Update! The author of MonkeyBusiness has just released a webui for MonkeyBusiness, called BounceTrippy! Download: How to set up: Once downloaded, extract the "webui" folder into the main folder of MonkeyBusiness. Start MonkeyBusiness as per the usual procedure. You will notice now in MonkeyBusiness's CMD window, that there is a URL provided to access the webUI. Copy that URL and paste it to a new browser window or tab. Done! How to use the webUI: Select your card. Your records will show up (scores, songs, etc.) as well as your details like your Profile Name, personalized settings, etc. You may now proceed with personalizing your setup e.g. Darkness of the Background, Choosing your Dancing Character, etc. Make sure to click on "Save Settings" when you're done setting it up! Recommended: At the upper-right portion of the webUI there is a button for you to upload your startup.arc file. This file contains the "database" of songs. Load it up so that the details of your records (song names, etc) will be displayed properly (you may need to refresh your browser after uploading startup.arc). Développer I don't know if it's a MonkeyBusiness glitch or a glitch on my data. I want to choose Alice as my character. But when I choose her, the characters are simply random instead of Alice. I've also tested the program and it works very well! Modifié le 23 février 2023 par ibuki
pochoitg Posté(e) le 23 février 2023 Posté(e) le 23 février 2023 (modifié) Le 26/11/2022 à 14:20, johnjorell a dit : The author removed it. Développer is a possibility to share again A3 omnimix, or maybe only modified gamemdx.dll? Modifié le 23 février 2023 par pochoitg
JerryRat Posté(e) le 27 février 2023 Posté(e) le 27 février 2023 Good day. I need your help how to enable save score feature of this DDR?
pochoitg Posté(e) le 27 février 2023 Posté(e) le 27 février 2023 Le 27/02/2023 à 11:11, JerryRat a dit : Good day. I need your help how to enable save score feature of this DDR? Développer use this drmext/MonkeyBusiness: e-amusement server using FastAPI and TinyDB (
JerryRat Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Le 27/02/2023 à 17:07, pochoitg a dit : use this drmext/MonkeyBusiness: e-amusement server using FastAPI and TinyDB ( Développer Thanks for providing this information but based on the description the minimum required for DDR is DDR A20 plus but mine is DDR A20 only.. Does anyone have the latest DDR A20 plus or A3??
johnjorell Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Le 23/02/2023 à 14:21, pochoitg a dit : is a possibility to share again A3 omnimix, or maybe only modified gamemdx.dll? Développer I don’t know so far if there was a DDR A3 Omnimix but there is a DDR A20 PLUS Omnimix.
ibuki Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Le 27/02/2023 à 17:07, pochoitg a dit : use this drmext/MonkeyBusiness: e-amusement server using FastAPI and TinyDB ( Développer From my testing, Monkey Business works much better than Asphyxia. Asphyxia stops working on my end when the database data reaches 1MB. For Asphyxia, My database data is already at 1.5MB and no issues so far.
pochoitg Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 since A20 To A3 here
NoctsRanun Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Posté(e) le 28 février 2023 Le 28/02/2023 à 13:05, pochoitg a dit : since A20 To A3 here Développer Still 2022062001 as of now...
JerryRat Posté(e) le 2 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 2 mars 2023 Does anyone know how to activate Dan Class in DDR?? Le 27/02/2023 à 17:07, pochoitg a dit : use this drmext/MonkeyBusiness: e-amusement server using FastAPI and TinyDB ( Développer I hope Pop n' Music Games are working too
OVERHELL Posté(e) le 12 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 12 mars 2023 Le 25/11/2022 à 02:03, Ghostxdeath a dit : I don't know if it will help you, for you who are reading this, since I don't know if it is the correct way, it is only the one that helped me 1. Go to MonkeyBusiness, and on the same page further down where it says Instructions in point 1 where it says Install python, checked click on python and it will download 3.install python-3.10.8-amd64 and check the box "Add python.exe to PATH" 4.Once installed, unzip the MonkeyBusiness-main folder and run the star.bat file, wait for it to install, once installed it will close 5.0.reopen the star.bat If it doesn't close this time, everything went well (if this is the case, skip point 5.1, 5-5, 6) and follow the instructions from point 7 onwards. PD: Originally it should be installed in the same folder as Monkey Business, but not everyone is installed as it should. 5.1(I think the problem is at this point for those who can not make it work) the star.bat folder creates a folder named Python, the path may vary, In my case the first time, I create it on my second hard drive, in program files, uninstall everything and ise the whole process again and now the path is in AppData\Local\Programs, and if it is not in any of these paths, open the star.bat file, when the letters pause appear with left click, there you will see the path where they were installed 5-5.with the path already located, copy the contents of the MonkeyBusiness-main folder to the Python\Python310 folder which is the one that created the star.bat file 6.if it completed successfully, now inside the Python310 folder, open the star.bat file and this time it should not close, the <services> will appear copy the url that comes out 7.inside the DDR game folder open the spicecfg and go to options and paste the url in -services URL-, leave on HTTP/1.1, (I don't know if it's necessary but in my case I leave it like this), leave in on URL slash (this one as far as I know, if necessary) 8.modify the ea3-config file with the url of the star.bat file 9.(This is something that most should know but I will still put it) if you don't have the star.bat file open, open it, run the game, within the game press the + key on the numeric pad, to detect the card and follow the steps to create your profile, to play It is preferable not to play with premium free activated (in my case, by not passing the first stage, it does not save all the scores) 10.(optional) to modify, type of arrows, lines, dark background, calories, etc. in the Python310 folder after playing a file called db.json is created, modify this file, for the aforementioned .Here is an approximate guideline of what can be modified: (For those who skipped step 5.1, 5-5, the db.json file it's in the MonkeyBusiness folder where the star.bat file is.) -"calories_disp":"Off", "On" -"character": "All Character Random", "Man Random", "Female Random", "Yuni", "Rage", "Afro", "Jenny", "Emi","Baby- Lon", "Gus", "Ruby", "Alice", "Julio", "Bonnie", "Zero", "Rinon" (I don't know if any are missing) - "arrow_skin": "Normal", "X", "Classic", "Cyber", "Medium", "Small", "Dot" -"filter": "Off", "Dark", "Darker", "Darkest" -"guideline": "Off", "Border", "Center" -"priority": "Judgment priority", "Arrow priority" -"timing_disp": "Off", "On" I hope it is understood and can be of use to someone 👍 Développer I have tried the impossible to install MonkeyBusiness but no matter what, it doesn't work. The first time I run it, it downloads some files and inmediately it shows MONKEY BUSINESS on console with some info. But after the second time I want to run it, the window closes right after. So idk what's wrong
Swissychief Posté(e) le 17 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 17 mars 2023 Quick questions on this one. Is there a way to run A3 at 1080p? Resolution seems low... Also, can someone re-upload the A3 omnimix? Thanks!
bluesky Posté(e) le 17 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 17 mars 2023 Le 12/03/2023 à 23:47, OVERHELL a dit : I have tried the impossible to install MonkeyBusiness but no matter what, it doesn't work. The first time I run it, it downloads some files and inmediately it shows MONKEY BUSINESS on console with some info. But after the second time I want to run it, the window closes right after. So idk what's wrong Développer Copy python.exe and pythonw.exe from the installed Python folder Try copying it to the <MonkeyBusiness>/.venv/Script folder. (This fixed it for me.)
ibuki Posté(e) le 20 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 20 mars 2023 Le 17/03/2023 à 03:44, Swissychief a dit : Quick questions on this one. Is there a way to run A3 at 1080p? Resolution seems low... Also, can someone re-upload the A3 omnimix? Thanks! Développer Same or even just the updated content for DDR A3.
Kyomii Posté(e) le 21 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mars 2023 MonkeyBusiness doesn't work for me, whenever running game, the terminal has the line " - "POST //MDX%3AJ%3AA%3AA%3A2022062001/services/get HTTP/1.1" 404 Not Found " appeared or something like that , did everything in GhostxDeath's tutorial.
NoctsRanun Posté(e) le 21 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 21 mars 2023 Le 20/03/2023 à 11:17, ibuki a dit : Same or even just the updated content for DDR A3. Développer Hmmm... (I was thinking if they'll do that just like April Fools last year, or dunno when...)
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