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[Arcade PC] BeatMania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS + Omnimix

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The link contains everything required to get the game running: the base game, the Omnimix and Spicetools.


Setting up the base game:

1) Extract the contents from the group of archives named "LDJ-2018091900" to any folder or drive. You will end up with a folder named like the archive: LDJ-2018091900


2) Open the archive containing Spicetools. There will be 2 folders inside. Extract the contents of the folder named "64" (the 64bit version of Spicetools) to the "contents" folder of the game (where the file "bm2dx.dll" is). Run spicecfg.exe to set up the keys.

NOTE: in the version of Spicetools I included, the keys for TEST an SERVICE are swapped. Remember this when configuring the game later on.


3) Open the archive named "Prop and Dev files" and exctract its contents (a folder named "prop" and another one named "dev") into the "contents" folder of the game (the same folder from the previous step)

NOTE: if you want/need to delete your settings and start over, delete the "dev" folder and extract it again from this archive.


4) Inside the "contents" folder, right click on an empty space while holding shift and select "Open command window here". In the command prompt, type the following command and hit enter: spice64 -ea

NOTE: if you use a private server, drop the -ea argument. If you want to run the game in window mode, add the -w argument.


5) When the game starts, you will get a camera error. Press TEST to continue (if you have a webcam and you don't get this error, the game recognized it and will try to use it during gameplay).

After this you will get a clock error. Again, press TEST to continue.

There will be a monitor check and after a few seconds, you will be brought to the main test menu.


6) Go to "Game Option", select "Definition Type" and choose the option that matches your display (most likely, HD). Select "Save and Exit". Just like changing resolution in Windows, the screen will go black and after a few seconds, a message will ask if you want to keep this setting. Select "Yes".


7) On the main menu again, this time go to "Network Options" and then "Shop Name Setting". Input any character you want, go to "Exit" and then "Save and Exit"


8) Now, in the main menu again, go to "Clock" and simply select "Save and Exit". Finally choose "Game Mode" to start the game.


The base game will start normally from now on. You will still get the camera error, but you can skip it like the first time or patch the .dll to stop it from showing up (read until the end for steps on how to do it)


Setting up the Omnimix:

Extract the contents from the group of archives named "BeatmaniaIIDX 25 Omnimix" inside the "contents" folder (where Spicetools is). You will merge the existing "data" folder with the one from the Omnimix. You will also replace the existing "bm2dx.dll" with the one from the Omnimix.

After this, start the game the same way as before.


Patching the bm2dx.dll file:

You can patch the bm2dx.dll file to modify the regular operation of the game by skipping the camera error, increasing the song selection time and other features.

To do it, access the following link, go into Beatmania IIDX 25 and drag and drop the bm2dx.dll file:

If you use the regular .dll (you are not using Omnimix), just select the features you want and then select "Save DLL".


If you use the Omnimix .dll, the patcher will show a message asking to select a version since none of the supported ones match. Select "Force Load" on the one that says "30 of 31 patches matched (96.8%)". After this, just select the features you want and then select "Save DLL".

This new file will be downloaded into the download folder set up in your browser. Search your file there and replace with the one from the "contents" folder.





Modifié par 7zxkv

HD or HD* doesn't work for me. Only SD. If I change Game Option to HD IIDX just crashes. Attached is the log when I change to HD.

[2020/10/20 18:43:34] M:graphics::d3d9: WrappedIDirect3DDevice9::Reset
[2020/10/20 18:43:34] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

I think this is the main issue but I don't know how to fix that. I am launching spice64 -ea -w


Posté(e) (modifié)

Thank you for this upload!!  Quick question tho:

I am hearing some stories from other forums that emulated IIDX on PC has some input lag issues.  Apparently, not only there's input lags, but it changes everytime you launch the game.  Is this true?  Is this something that has been resolved with spicetool? Or does this apply to particular IIDX controllers? 

Of course that being emulated in the PC, I will expect some changes in gameplay as compared to arcade, but I am wondering if the gameplay is simulated very close to playing on arcade at the very least.  Hopefully this is a solved issue, and that practicing IIDX on PC will help improve arcade experience as well lol.


Another thing, is there a way to actually save my personal record?  I have it on -w -ea, but I guess I gotta play with -url to have it set up?  What I need to change to do that?



11 hours ago, weirdingway said:


Do you see a Rootage dump on here? I'd love to see one.

If there is a dump, please share!  I hear that the dump for rootage isn't cracked yet...

Modifié par ArcVile
additional info
hace 2 horas, Crafty The Fox dijo:

I have iidx 27, idk what you mean by upgrade data but i have it. i might end up uploading it somewhere if you all need it
also, Omnimix is bemaniso only

I need it ;-;

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 10/21/2020 at 2:08 AM, ArcVile said:

Thank you for this upload!!  Quick question tho:

I am hearing some stories from other forums that emulated IIDX on PC has some input lag issues.  Apparently, not only there's input lags, but it changes everytime you launch the game.  Is this true?  Is this something that has been resolved with spicetool? Or does this apply to particular IIDX controllers? 

Of course that being emulated in the PC, I will expect some changes in gameplay as compared to arcade, but I am wondering if the gameplay is simulated very close to playing on arcade at the very least.  Hopefully this is a solved issue, and that practicing IIDX on PC will help improve arcade experience as well lol.


Another thing, is there a way to actually save my personal record?  I have it on -w -ea, but I guess I gotta play with -url to have it set up?  What I need to change to do that?



If there is a dump, please share!  I hear that the dump for rootage isn't cracked yet...


Modifié par Crafty The Fox


I tried to follow each of the instructions carefully and the screen just shows me a blinking warning(?) sign that has the words e-amusement and more Japanese words. I have attached photos for reference




this game are totally working??

Posté(e) (modifié)

This error appears and cmd is turned off. If you do not use spicetools and run as gamestart.bat, nothing appears in cmd and then turns off after a few seconds. Only one error appeared and turned off. (F: logger: boot:cannot create default logger)

What do we do?

(Please understand that the sentence is not smooth using the translator.)20201113_025003.jpg.492f58540cbed5b469769e50f1607ede.jpg

Modifié par lv2dx
On 10/21/2020 at 2:35 PM, Kenamian said:

Was there ever an offline server for this like Sinobuz for score data?

@Kenamian help me for beatmania Sinobuz i cant open and play

F:avs-core: error reading config (file == NULL): prop/avs-config.xml

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 11/12/2020 at 11:55 AM, lv2dx said:

This error appears and cmd is turned off. If you do not use spicetools and run as gamestart.bat, nothing appears in cmd and then turns off after a few seconds. Only one error appeared and turned off. (F: logger: boot:cannot create default logger)

What do we do?

(Please understand that the sentence is not smooth using the translator.)20201113_025003.jpg.492f58540cbed5b469769e50f1607ede.jpg

You ever figure this out? Having the same issue with 27. Got 26 running fine.


Edit: copy the dev folder from the 25 cannon ballers into contents folder but dont overwrite the existing files. Worked for me. Wish I could save my progress/scores though.

Modifié par Kenamian
Posté(e) (modifié)

I can't start the game with the log "received input msg for destroyed device".  

Does anyone get a similar error?


Edit:I did not get this log when I edited spicefg.(-iidxdisablecams)  But I get this error, what should I do?

[2020/11/22 20:13:09] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[2020/11/22 20:13:09] I:signal: printing callstack
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000018026E906 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 0000000180245DB6 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 0000000180249410 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000018064ED2E (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000018064F491 (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000018064F1CA (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000018064AF75 (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000001802AD5AA (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000001805968A1 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000001805955C7 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000001805AA47C (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000018023010B (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000001805AB01A (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000000004DE73A (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000000004456C4 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00000000004013B4 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 000000000040150B (spice64): (unknown): (unknown)
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00007FF80DEC7C24 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:stackwalker: 00007FF80E34D4D1 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] F:signal: end
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:rawinput: disposing devices
[2020/11/22 20:13:10] I:logger: stop

Modifié par taitai1234567891011
Le 2020. 11. 19. à 12:17, Kenamian a dit :

You ever figure this out? Having the same issue with 27. Got 26 running fine.


Edit: copy the dev folder from the 25 cannon ballers into contents folder but dont overwrite the existing files. Worked for me. Wish I could save my progress/scores though.

Yes, it's 27. I tried as you told me, and it ran as spicetools. However, another error occurs. It doesn't work with gamestart.bat again.5fb745b9592d8_Screenshot_20201120-132454_RemoteDesktop.jpg.6fb130f64ce43186039a74fda0f6b3a9.jpg

Screenshot_20201120-132510_Remote Desktop.jpg


I can't get 27 running. So you mentioned I have to copy the "Dev" files from 25:Cannonballers into the 27 Dev folder?

Le 2020/11/13 à 2:55 AM, lv2dx a dit :

This error appears and cmd is turned off. If you do not use spicetools and run as gamestart.bat, nothing appears in cmd and then turns off after a few seconds. Only one error appeared and turned off. (F: logger: boot:cannot create default logger)

What do we do?

(Please understand that the sentence is not smooth using the translator.)20201113_025003.jpg.492f58540cbed5b469769e50f1607ede.jpg

In my case, it disappeared when I disconnected webcams.

Posté(e) (modifié)

I managed to get IIDX27 to run and it works with Asphyxia btw, but having trouble getting lightning mode (120hz) running currently. For some reason the version of spicetools I used with rootage (v 2/9/2020) runs with HV but not the newest version of spicetools(v 10/13/2020). With the newer tools I keep getting the following error:

"[2020/11/21 21:53:05] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"


[2020/11/21 21:53:05] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:signal: printing callstack
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF8B8543B29 (KERNELBASE): (unknown): RaiseException
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF892A9953E (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000191
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF8BB5C0C96 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlCaptureContext
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF892A40E32 (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000191
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF892A3DD70 (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000191
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF892A98C9B (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000191
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF892A98D2F (avs2-core): (unknown): XCgsqzn0000191
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF8BAB37C24 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:stackwalker: 00007FF8BB58D4D1 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] F:signal: end
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2020/11/21 21:53:05] I:logger: stop
[2020/11/21 21:53:06] I:rawinput: disposing devices


Im pretty sure I need the current version of Spicetools to be working before Lightningmode will work sooo any ideas?


Edit: disabled cameras in spicecfg and now it boots! Now I just need to figure out how to enable lightning mode.

Modifié par absence111

Is there a newer version of Asphyxia past 0.2.0 out there somewhere? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong with it. I have never been able to get asphyxia to save scores for iidx. Works for SDVX and Pop'n. When I try to insert card, I just get an error. I'm able to play but not make a profile. 


Not sure on Lightning mode specifically, but the patcher has a 120hz option and it works well. 


Le 2020. 11. 21. à 12:28, snektony50000 a dit :

I can't get 27 running. So you mentioned I have to copy the "Dev" files from 25:Cannonballers into the 27 Dev folder?

Yes, but you shouldn't overwrite it instead.

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