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I like the old style :)

I get it....without buying (well i know it's bad X__X)

Not tryed currently...too much games for testing...and i rework xD

Modifié par Backgamon
  • 3 semaines aprĂšs...
il y a 40 minutes, avensis18 a dit :

I like the old style too

I rapidly checked the switch version with Yuzu(Crash) and Ryujin (corrupted polygon but work) and that game are good (for me), i used PC version on 2 races...and i like it (but always not enough time for all xD).

  • 1 an aprĂšs...
Le 9/13/2020 à 09:38, captainarcade a dit :

Dont buy it if you want wheel support, it has none...

A shame for a game like this :non:

  • 4 mois aprĂšs...

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