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[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)

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Posté(e) (modifié)

If you're running Demulshooter properly which 100% requires an ahk script, you shouldn't have these problems. With Sega Golden Gun you have to run Demulshooter seperate from running the game for some reason or it won't work. Might be why you're having the problem. I was able to get it to work in the same script though with this.


#SingleInstance Force

run Enter_Your_Path_To\DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=sgg 
Sleep 800
SetWorkingDir, Enter_Your_Path_To\TeknoParrot
run TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=gg.xml

    Run,taskkill /im "TeknoParrotUi" /F    

Try this script with Golden Gun, and change the path locations where needed (it says where in the script you need your own paths) If you're using an appropriate script for Time Crisis 5 I don't know why it isn't working.  You may need to run Demulshooter GUI and find your gun to configure it. 

Modifié par JustinCredible81
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 25/09/2020 at 4:57 AM, JustinCredible81 said:

If you're running Demulshooter properly which 100% requires an ahk script, you shouldn't have these problems. With Sega Golden Gun you have to run Demulshooter seperate from running the game for some reason or it won't work. Might be why you're having the problem. I was able to get it to work in the same script though with this.


#SingleInstance Force

run Enter_Your_Path_To\DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=sgg 
Sleep 800
SetWorkingDir, Enter_Your_Path_To\TeknoParrot
run TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=gg.xml

    Run,taskkill /im "TeknoParrotUi" /F    

Try this script with Golden Gun, and change the path locations where needed (it says where in the script you need your own paths) If you're using an appropriate script for Time Crisis 5 I don't know why it isn't working.  You may need to run Demulshooter GUI and find your gun to configure it. 

Ionly use demulshooter for TC5, not Golden Gun, i thought i would mention as they both do the same thing, someone on a youtube says DPI scaling or something


Edit: I just tried it on a 22" TV/ Monitor and its fine, when I use the 48" TV thats when the small box issue occurs



another edit - solution found, scaling was set to 150% on windows display settings

Modifié par Bredders
solution found
On 9/23/2020 at 8:03 PM, JustinCredible81 said:


That is only for Jconfig/Tiberius method and you would have to launch RLauncher.exe which is in the first folder Time Crisis 5. Not applicable to Demulshooter if you were trying to use that .

tnx for your reply but on jconfig page i not find any download, also i see that is not compatible with time crisis 5 
can you help tnx

On 9/24/2020 at 10:57 PM, JustinCredible81 said:

If you're running Demulshooter properly which 100% requires an ahk script, you shouldn't have these problems. With Sega Golden Gun you have to run Demulshooter seperate from running the game for some reason or it won't work. Might be why you're having the problem. I was able to get it to work in the same script though with this.


#SingleInstance Force

run Enter_Your_Path_To\DemulShooter.exe -target=ringwide -rom=sgg 
Sleep 800
SetWorkingDir, Enter_Your_Path_To\TeknoParrot
run TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=gg.xml

    Run,taskkill /im "TeknoParrotUi" /F    

Try this script with Golden Gun, and change the path locations where needed (it says where in the script you need your own paths) If you're using an appropriate script for Time Crisis 5 I don't know why it isn't working.  You may need to run Demulshooter GUI and find your gun to configure it. 

could you kindly share your tc5 script? I’m having a similar issue

Posté(e) (modifié)

Here's my one for you also maps side buttons on mouse 2 coin and crosshead. also works with aimtrak 


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

run, "%A_ScriptDir%\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=JPN -playside=1


1::send +t
5::send +h

;Remap MouseButton 5 to +t
SetMouseDelay -1  
Send +t

;Remap MouseButton 6 to +h
SetMouseDelay -1  
Send +h

    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F

Modifié par Rorysean
5 hours ago, djrino said:

tnx for your reply but on jconfig page i not find any download, also i see that is not compatible with time crisis 5 
can you help tnx


It's on this thread but I can't tell you which page it's probably like 10-12 pages back. 

2 hours ago, Rorysean said:

Here's my one for you also maps side buttons on mouse 2 coin and crosshead. also works with aimtrak 


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

run, "%A_ScriptDir%\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=JPN -playside=1


1::send +t
5::send +h

;Remap MouseButton 5 to +t
SetMouseDelay -1  
Send +t

;Remap MouseButton 6 to +h
SetMouseDelay -1  
Send +h

    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F

Thank you! Did you Make any changes to the config .ini’s too or did you just leave them default?

1 minuto fa, djrino ha scritto:

Many many tnx i nott have founded for download, where i need to put this files to work?


In the main directory, where the RSLauncher.exe is.

3 minuti fa, nohero ha scritto:


In the main directory, where the RSLauncher.exe is.

ok tnx for fast reply so need to lunch RSLauncher.exe correct?
but as it lunch it not work with my aimtrack 
tnx for reply


Posté(e) (modifié)
3 minuti fa, djrino ha scritto:

ok tnx for fast reply so need to lunch RSLauncher.exe correct?
but as it lunch it not work with my aimtrack 
tnx for reply



I don't know for an aimtrack, I'm using a xbox gamepad.

If you want to know more check the TUTO section, I made a video tutorial for it using a xbox gamepad.




Modifié par nohero
1 minuto fa, nohero ha scritto:


I don't know for an aimtrack, I'm using a xbox gamepad.

If you want to know more check the TUTO section, I made a video tutorial for it using a xbox gamepad.




ok many many tnx 

Posté(e) (modifié)
Il 9/19/2020 Alle 02:15, danielsant ha scritto:

Debes hacer lo siguiente



En c debes colocar el Demulshooter

El primer run la ruta donde tengas el ejecutable del Demulshooter en mi caso en C

El segundo run la ruta donde tengas el ejecutable del juego TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe


la tecla 3 la tengo configurada para los créditos y la tecla 1 para activar o desactivar el punto de mira y el escape para salir del juego.

Si pulsas a la vez los dos botones de la pistola aimtrak funciona para saltar escenas y cambiar de arma.


Espero que te sea de ayuda :)


Crear un fichero ahk y colocar lo siguiente dentro:


Run, c:\Demulshooter\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=es3 -rom=tc5
Sleep, 1000
run, "F:\HyperSpin\Emulators\PC GAMES\ROMS\time crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=POR -playside=1

~MButton & ~RButton::o
    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F




*****Para bajar la velocidad al apuntar con la pistola aimtrak debes modificar lo siguiente:


Most of the document is about remapping buttons. If you don't care about any of that, you can just do this part only.


6) Go to the following folder Time Crisis 5\TC5\Engine\Config
7) Make a copy of BaseInput.ini
8) BaseInput.ini is read only - make it so you can edit it -uncheck the read only box in properties
    Remember we all like to play games differently so if you don't like these settings don't moan about it just change them until they suit your game play
    Change the following lines 
    line 8 from bEnableMouseSmoothing=true to EnableMouseSmoothing=true
    line 37 from Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX") to Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Axis aMouseX Speed=0.05")
    line 38 from Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY") to Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Axis aMouseY Speed=0.05")



i not use hyperspin just the game so i have this one


Run, C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\DemulShooter_v10.1.3\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=es3 -rom=tc5
Sleep, 1000
run, "C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=POR -playside=1

~MButton & ~RButton::o
    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F

i nave the .ahk on the C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

but not work with my aimtrack also if script work pressing key 3 or 1 i need to see aim cross circle?


How i noow if script work?



Modifié par djrino
39 minutes ago, djrino said:

i not use hyperspin just the game so i have this one


Run, C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\DemulShooter_v10.1.3\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=es3 -rom=tc5
Sleep, 1000
run, "C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=POR -playside=1

~MButton & ~RButton::o
    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F

i nave the .ahk on the C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

but not work with my aimtrack also if script work pressing key 3 or 1 i need to see aim cross circle?


How i noow if script work?




Did you go to Demulshooter and click on Demulshooter GUI then choose P1 then choose your configuration? If not do that. 

11 ore fa, JustinCredible81 ha scritto:


Did you go to Demulshooter and click on Demulshooter GUI then choose P1 then choose your configuration? If not do that. 

hi yes on that i have my aimtrack ligthgun with button working..

to start game i need always to run TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe correct?
so how i see if script work?


take a look on my screen save


On 9/23/2020 at 5:03 PM, snektony50000 said:

Hey everyone! I prevbiously commented and I still can't get the game to work. I clicked on "Start.bat" and also clicked on the "TimeCrisis5-64Win.exe to load it and I keep getting an error that "the program failed to start" can ANYONE help me with this? I've done everything I can to fix it but no luck :(

Error 0xc000007b.

Super annoying but this was the VC++ that fixed it for me:

6 hours ago, djrino said:

hi yes on that i have my aimtrack ligthgun with button working..

to start game i need always to run TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe correct?
so how i see if script work?


take a look on my screen save



I don't understand the question how do I see if the script works. You'll know it worked if you can aim your gun in the game. That's the only purpose of Demulshooter to allow you to use your gun. You should also be able to escape clean from the game by hitting esc game, and of course the game worked. Those 3 things are what the script does. 

Il 9/28/2020 Alle 16:25, JustinCredible81 ha scritto:


I don't understand the question how do I see if the script works. You'll know it worked if you can aim your gun in the game. That's the only purpose of Demulshooter to allow you to use your gun. You should also be able to escape clean from the game by hitting esc game, and of course the game worked. Those 3 things are what the script does. 


Understand, but at the end .ahk means auto hot key (im not expert) so it work without demulshooter (really i not understand for wait is needed) 

ps im not receiving the  notification email when someone reply even if i have it enabled

3 hours ago, djrino said:


Understand, but at the end .ahk means auto hot key (im not expert) so it work without demulshooter (really i not understand for wait is needed) 

ps im not receiving the  notification email when someone reply even if i have it enabled


Autohotkey runs scripts. Demulshooter is a .exe that it runs by the scripts you've seen on this thread. So no it doesn't work without Demulshooter. Autohotkey by itself can't run any lightgun games. Autohotkey can do like a thousand things on your computer, it depends on the script it runs. 


There's a way to use a Lightgun without Demulshooter but it requires changing several files and it's not as accurate. 

On 9/27/2020 at 2:23 PM, djrino said:

i not use hyperspin just the game so i have this one


Run, C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\DemulShooter_v10.1.3\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=es3 -rom=tc5
Sleep, 1000
run, "C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" -NOINI -Language=POR -playside=1

~MButton & ~RButton::o
    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F

i nave the .ahk on the C:\Users\rinos\Downloads\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

but not work with my aimtrack also if script work pressing key 3 or 1 i need to see aim cross circle?


How i noow if script work?




TC5 only works with DemulShooter v 10.1.4 and I see in your directory structure it says 10.1.3

Posté(e) (modifié)
17 ore fa, bojo5150 ha scritto:


TC5 only works with DemulShooter v 10.1.4 and I see in your directory structure it says 10.1.3

i understand only now that is needed to use autohotkey software to run .ahk  anyway now i have understanded ..
how to calibrate the gun with demulshoother?  
also i not find DemulShooter v 10.1.4 can you give me download link tnx

Modifié par djrino
Invité kimsama
8 hours ago, djrino said:

i understand only now that is needed to use autohotkey software to run .ahk  anyway now i have understanded ..
how to calibrate the gun with demulshoother?  
also i not find DemulShooter v 10.1.4 can you give me download link tnx

Then use the new version. You don't need to calibrate with demulshooter, it does all the work for you. If the aiming isn't right, try resetting the configs to the default configs

8 ore fa, kimsama ha scritto:

Then use the new version. You don't need to calibrate with demulshooter, it does all the work for you. If the aiming isn't right, try resetting the configs to the default configs

i not find DemulShooter v 10.1.4 

on configs i have only changed this 
on  Time Crisis 5\TC5\Engine\Config

and BaseInput.ini
    Change the following lines 
    line 8 from bEnableMouseSmoothing=true to EnableMouseSmoothing=true
    line 37 from Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX") to Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Axis aMouseX Speed=0.05")
    line 38 from Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY") to Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Axis aMouseY Speed=0.05")

3 hours ago, titchgamer said:

Thanks for this, But I cant get the game to load.
After the start screen I just get a plain white screen and it totally locks up.

Anyone know how to fix this? 





What are your PC specs? type system information in the search box to get the full specs. 

Posté(e) (modifié)
13 hours ago, JustinCredible81 said:


What are your PC specs? type system information in the search box to get the full specs. 

OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version    10.0.18363 Build 18363
Other OS Description     Not Available
OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer    PC Specialist LTD
System Model    P95_96_97Ex,Rx
System Type    x64-based PC
System SKU    Not Applicable
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2592 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)

GFX CARD Gtx2060
BIOS Version/Date    INSYDE Corp. 1.07.13TPCS2, 01/10/2019
SMBIOS Version    3.0
Embedded Controller Version    7.09
BaseBoard Manufacturer    CLEVO
BaseBoard Product    P95_96_97Ex,Rx
BaseBoard Version    Not Applicable
Platform Role    Mobile
Secure Boot State    Off
PCR7 Configuration    Elevation Required to View
Windows Directory    C:\WINDOWS
System Directory    C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume3
Locale    United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "10.0.18362.752"
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    16.0 GB
Total Physical Memory    15.8 GB
Available Physical Memory    11.5 GB
Total Virtual Memory    18.2 GB
Available Virtual Memory    12.5 GB
Page File Space    2.38 GB
Page File    C:\pagefile.sys
Kernel DMA Protection    Off
Virtualisation-based security    Not enabled
Device Encryption Support    Elevation Required to View
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions    Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions    Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualisation Enabled in Firmware    Yes
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection    Yes

Modifié par titchgamer
Posté(e) (modifié)
4 hours ago, titchgamer said:

OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version    10.0.18363 Build 18363
Other OS Description     Not Available
OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer    PC Specialist LTD
System Model    P95_96_97Ex,Rx
System Type    x64-based PC
System SKU    Not Applicable
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2592 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)

GFX CARD Gtx2060
BIOS Version/Date    INSYDE Corp. 1.07.13TPCS2, 01/10/2019
SMBIOS Version    3.0
Embedded Controller Version    7.09
BaseBoard Manufacturer    CLEVO
BaseBoard Product    P95_96_97Ex,Rx
BaseBoard Version    Not Applicable
Platform Role    Mobile
Secure Boot State    Off
PCR7 Configuration    Elevation Required to View
Windows Directory    C:\WINDOWS
System Directory    C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume3
Locale    United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "10.0.18362.752"
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    16.0 GB
Total Physical Memory    15.8 GB
Available Physical Memory    11.5 GB
Total Virtual Memory    18.2 GB
Available Virtual Memory    12.5 GB
Page File Space    2.38 GB
Page File    C:\pagefile.sys
Kernel DMA Protection    Off
Virtualisation-based security    Not enabled
Device Encryption Support    Elevation Required to View
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions    Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions    Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualisation Enabled in Firmware    Yes
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection    Yes

That spec laptop should run fine. I've run the game on worse H/W (8750H + 1050Ti) and it ran fine. First time launch is finicky though so maybe try to run it several times?

Modifié par ZX3000GT1

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