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[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)

Invité kimsama

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3 minutes ago, sonic323 said:

Did you try to change the values (Baseengine.ini) on the other pc in reverse?





I know that this works in some emulators.
I don't currently have the opportunity to try ..:gene:

I will try later thanks for mentioning that

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Just now, darkphoenixfox said:

Start button (whatever you have mapped to it, in my case is 1)


Is the option to calibrate gun test? For some reason when I hit up and down it skips over it so i can't select it. 

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Just now, darkphoenixfox said:

Haven't tried that option. Start worked for me to enter the network settings etc


What? I'm talking about to calibrate the gun. Why would I enter network settings? 

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Congratz to FlyBit for the JConfig.


The only missed thing is the ability of the game to read from ini files.

In Test menu I can't select my lang and even the ini is set right, the game is always in ENG, it's not a big problem. Since the ini files in Documents are useless because JConfig ignores them, I tested they can be deleted ( the whole folder ).

Also I know tte left stick can be mapped for aim movement in JConfig but I prefer to use the mouse  and J2K for that because I can set sensitivity.


Thumbs up to the not creation anymore of that folder in C too.



Modifié par nohero
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2 minutes ago, Jayinem said:


What? I'm talking about to calibrate the gun. Why would I enter network settings? 


Didnt undertand your question then. I meant that START is the button to enter each section of settings.

Modifié par darkphoenixfox
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2 minutes ago, darkphoenixfox said:


Didnt undertand your question then. I meant that START is the button to enter each section of settings.


Nevermind sorry, when I chose up and down arrows to change menu options it would skip some of the options I couldnt select gun test. I changed them to two other keys and now I can select it. 


Now I'm having trouble with the calibration screen. 

Modifié par Jayinem
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When I try to calibrate I shoot at the target but it does nothing. 


Do I need to enable mouse in jconfig or not? If I do cursor goes all over the place, if i don't can't shoot the target. 

Modifié par Jayinem
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1 hour ago, darkphoenixfox said:


I didn't find any other way to set up the keybinds for the operators menu

Yes there is a way to map the game as you want without modify any config files! Script is Down the Post!
Just make a AHK Script and map as you want it


Still aimtrack not working during game play but playing with mouse and put the max sensitivity in windows for the mouse and and ready to play, and by the the way I'm using my Fanatec V3 Pedals for the pedals in game using joy2key.


For Ex:

- Space is crossair

- Enter is Start/coins

- Escape is Exit the game


(Just change to your right directory)
Here is the Script for AHK:


run, D:\Arcade LightGun\System roms\Arcade PC\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe -NOINI -Language=ENG -playside=1

    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F

Modifié par evolushroom
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4 minutes ago, evolushroom said:

Yes there is a way to map the game as you want without modify any config files! Script is Down the Post!
Just make a AHK Script and map as you want it


Still aimtrack not working during game play but playing with mouse and put the max sensitivity in windows for the mouse and and ready to play, and by the the way I'm using my Fanatec V3 Pedals for the pedals in game using joy2key.

Here is the Script for AHK:


run, D:\Arcade LightGun\System roms\Arcade PC\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe -NOINI -Language=JPN -playside=1

    Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F




I think Autohotkey is a bit over the top for this. Also that script does not cover the keys required to go to the operator's menu (settings) and move up/down the options in the op. menu


I'm only using Jconfig to check the operator's menu. To play I'm only using the Game Loader ALL RH

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1 hour ago, sonic323 said:

Calibration in the test menu works well, you have to aim at the target completely off the screen in the corners, and after calibrating the accuracy is much better (90%).
It needs to be fine-tuned ..
I'm using a video projector, it will definitely be even better on the monitor, I'll try ..


I tried this like 5 times, and I tried both shooting exactly on the targets and at the corner of the screens, but got horrible calibration. You didn't have any trouble? Are you activating mouse in Jconfig? 

Modifié par Jayinem
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il y a 14 minutes, Jayinem a dit :


I tried this like 5 times, and I tried both shooting exactly on the targets and at the corner of the screens, but got horrible calibration. You didn't have any trouble? Are you activating mouse in Jconfig? 


Yes  activating mouse and  save patch 

Sensitiviti for Dinput  - setup  -  4

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58 minutes ago, sonic323 said:


Yes  activating mouse and  save patch 

Sensitiviti for Dinput  - setup  -  4


Yeah it was the sensitivity, thanks! 

Modifié par Jayinem
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Very nice game, the action itself..I like the flood music from Time Crisis 1, After calibration, the aiming is almost perfect.
You no longer need to use the cursor.

Thanks Kimsama for this game:very-good:


If it was possible to produce JConfig also for the game (Lost Land Adventure) and also calibrate it in the Test menu, it would be great ..

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OK, I would like to be sure I understand:

We have to use jconfig and thanks to jconfig we can go to the test menu to calibrate the gun. That's it?

And the precision remains imperfect despite that?

Thanks in advance. 

Modifié par ginzu
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il y a 41 minutes, ginzu a dit :


OK, I would like to be sure I understand:

We have to use jconfig and thanks to jconfig we can go to the test menu to calibrate the gun. That's it?

And the precision remains imperfect despite that?

Thanks in advance. 


Yes you have to use JConfig and properly calibrate and the accuracy is much better than before.

When calibrating, you must aim at the target in the corner completely off the screen.


Time crisis 5 probably uses two connected screens, maybe you can be a player 1 also shoot on two screen ?...


Modifié par sonic323
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I think they used 1080P resolution on the arcades it’s probably the native res for this game tried to upscale for 4k didn’t see a big difference

(maybe sharper)and smaller crosshair i also remember the sight calibration screen was right after the player pick screen in here without using a loader for calibration its goes directly to the stage pick screen 

Modifié par R.R.Z.
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Invité Thornback

I downloaded JConfig and in the instructions it says:



Copy the emulator to the RSLauncher.exe file directory and run it.


What emulator is that referring to? Also do I absolutely need RSLauncher.exe or is the game + JConfig enough?

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1 hour ago, Thornback said:

I downloaded JConfig and in the instructions it says:



What emulator is that referring to? Also do I absolutely need RSLauncher.exe or is the game + JConfig enough?


JConfig uses RSLauncher.exe instead of TimeCrisisWindows64Shipping.exe or whatever it is. So you have to put all the JConfig files in the folder with RSLauncher and run RSLauncher.exe.  

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Invité Thornback
19 minutes ago, Jayinem said:


JConfig uses RSLauncher.exe instead of TimeCrisisWindows64Shipping.exe or whatever it is. So you have to put all the JConfig files in the folder with RSLauncher and run RSLauncher.exe.  


Got it, thanks mate.

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Hello fellows, I have a small problem

On my machine when I set the resolution to 1920*1080, the display have two small black borders

If I set to some other resolutions, it can show full screen, but there's a green line on the top and another 1/4 pedal at the bottom. I think that's something doesn't need to show but seems they're some messages from the BANDAI NAMCO network connection.


How do I solve this while showing full screen properly?


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