hunternoob Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 hi ,game is patreon free or not ?
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 Team Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 (modifié) Le 28/01/2022 à 10:18, hunternoob a dit : hi ,game is patreon free or not ? Développer only patreon atm on Teknoparrot, but, you can play with Jconfig for free. Modifié le 28 janvier 2022 par WildWolf
hunternoob Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 Le 28/01/2022 à 11:26, WildWolf a dit : only patreon atm on Teknoparrot, but, you can play with Jconfig for free. Développer thank you very much
Invité Thornback Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 Posté(e) le 28 janvier 2022 Could someone tell me how to change the language to English please?
intelliaim Posté(e) le 4 février 2022 Posté(e) le 4 février 2022 It was driving me crazy getting this to work with Gun4IR. I finally got it to work perfectly. Demulshooter was not the issue. The issue was that the Windows desktop resolution must be 1920x1080 AND refresh rate 60Hz AND Windows scaling 100%. I had scaling at 125% :( With some Google search, you can make a AHK script to set your resolution and scaling and refresh rate on launch, and restore it back after you edit the game.
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 4 février 2022 Team Posté(e) le 4 février 2022 Le 04/02/2022 à 06:12, intelliaim a dit : It was driving me crazy getting this to work with Gun4IR. I finally got it to work perfectly. Demulshooter was not the issue. The issue was that the Windows desktop resolution must be 1920x1080 AND refresh rate 60Hz AND Windows scaling 100%. I had scaling at 125% :( With some Google search, you can make a AHK script to set your resolution and scaling and refresh rate on launch, and restore it back after you edit the game. Développer I think you can share AHK scipt, it willl be useful for everyone
SpockYoda Posté(e) le 8 février 2022 Posté(e) le 8 février 2022 (modifié) Le 13/03/2021 à 08:55, exodus123456 a dit : Still having the issue with the cursor stuck in the corner, I read the whole topic, there's mixed result, I'm trying to play with mouse and GUN4IR and no dice (tried j config, but can't map mouse) Développer same issue here, its stuck within a box in the left side of the screen, can not move outside of that invisible box (I've tested it on two different 4k screens) EDIT: I fixed this issue by selecting the override DPI scaling option in properties Modifié le 8 février 2022 par SpockYoda
Nighthawk441 Posté(e) le 8 février 2022 Posté(e) le 8 février 2022 I've been trying to figure out how to get link play working. So far I've discovered the command line flag "-netcoophost=1" on "-playerside=1" causes the process to bind to "TCP:", and I've also seen "-playerside=2" try to connect to "TCP:" doesn't seem right, I hot patched it to connect to and I swear I got it to somewhat work once, but haven't been able to reproduce. I've been logging "accept" calls on player1 side but I haven't gotten any hits.
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 8 février 2022 Team Posté(e) le 8 février 2022 Le 08/02/2022 à 08:08, Nighthawk441 a dit : I've been trying to figure out how to get link play working. So far I've discovered the command line flag "-netcoophost=1" on "-playerside=1" causes the process to bind to "TCP:", and I've also seen "-playerside=2" try to connect to "TCP:" doesn't seem right, I hot patched it to connect to and I swear I got it to somewhat work once, but haven't been able to reproduce. I've been logging "accept" calls on player1 side but I haven't gotten any hits. Développer You can't play Multiplayer lan with Time crisis 5 at the moment, It will be add in the future as The developpers said.
Nighthawk441 Posté(e) le 9 février 2022 Posté(e) le 9 février 2022 Le 08/02/2022 à 12:28, WildWolf a dit : You can't play Multiplayer lan with Time crisis 5 at the moment, It will be add in the future as The developpers said. Développer Yeah I know, I'm trying to fix that myself.
Nighthawk441 Posté(e) le 10 février 2022 Posté(e) le 10 février 2022 Le 08/02/2022 à 12:28, WildWolf a dit : You can't play Multiplayer lan with Time crisis 5 at the moment, It will be add in the future as The developpers said. Développer I got link play over LAN to work: 3
tempest player Posté(e) le 18 février 2022 Posté(e) le 18 février 2022 Hi all - ive been messing about with this too and all now working thanks to various people on this thread. I am using an Aimtrack gun, so I changed the baseinput.ini as per Tiberius' wiimote instructions and that was fairly good, but then i switched to Demulshooter which does seem to have improved it. Buy the way - anyone know if i should revert the baseinput.ini file if using Demulshoort ?? Anyway - i wanted to post this in case it helps anyone else: I am using a pair of Left / Right USB pedals which show up as joystick buttons and this is what i had to do to get up / down (eg hide / shoot) on the pedals to work properly: 4Joy1:: Send {t down} ; Hold down the left pedal KeyWait 4Joy1 ; Wait for release Send {t up} ; Release the pedal return 4Joy2:: Send {y down} ; Hold down the left pedal KeyWait 4Joy2 ; Wait for release Send {y up} ; Release the pedal return cheers
bestekar Posté(e) le 18 février 2022 Posté(e) le 18 février 2022 Le 10/02/2022 à 08:57, Nighthawk441 a dit : I got link play over LAN to work: Développer I read through your solution on github launching the game by using a bat file. Any way to get this working with Teknoparrot ?
Rocky Posté(e) le 10 mars 2022 Posté(e) le 10 mars 2022 Le 11/01/2022 à 08:02, Gtguy a dit : 0 and "." on the keypad. Développer HI mate, having same issues, where exactly should I change these? is it the baseinput.ini?
mahakala Posté(e) le 28 mars 2022 Posté(e) le 28 mars 2022 Pretty sure TP only runs on the primary display. You probably need to switch the primary first then give it a go.
emsee Posté(e) le 8 avril 2022 Posté(e) le 8 avril 2022 (modifié) Hey guys, just thought i would post my findings on how to configure some settings in the game. Quote ..\TC5\TimeCrisisGame\Config\DefaultSystemSettings.ini Set Resolution 28 ResX=1280/1920/3840 29 ResY=720/1080/2160 Set Fullscreen/Window 30 Fullscreen= TRUE/FALSE Set Vsync 33 UseVsync=TRUE/FALSE Développer Quote ..\TC5\TimeCrisisGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini Borderless Window 179 bBorderWindow=true/false FPS Smoothing ( 173 bSmoothFrameRate=true/false 174 MinSmoothedFrameRate=30 175 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=60 Développer Quote ..\TC5\TimeCrisisGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini For possible keybindings look here NOTE: Binding in DefaultInput.ini will override bindings in /Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini formatting .Bindings=(Name="KEY",Command="FUNCTION",MODIFIER=TRUE/FALSE) KEY = KeyBind FUNCTION = In-Game FUNCTION MODIFER = Control/Alt/Shift to use shift/ctrl/alt modify accordingly examples: shift+C .Bindings=(Name="C",Command="FUNCTION",Shift=True) alt+C .Bindings=(Name="C",Command="FUNCTION",Alt=True) ctrl+C .Bindings=(Name="C",Command="FUNCTION",Control=True) NOTE: the base key without modifier will take priority, so if you keybind C, it will not recognize shift+C. known functions (these are my keybinds) Toggle Crosshair 101 .Bindings=(Name="H",Command="ToggleCrosshair") Add Credit 104 .Bindings=(Name="Q",Command="DebugAddCredit") Left Pedal 27 .Bindings=(Name="A",Command="StartPedalL | OnRelease StopPedalL") Right Pedal 28 .Bindings=(Name="D",Command="StartPedalR | OnRelease StopPedalR") Weapon Swap 31 .Bindings=(Name="W",Command="NextWeapon") .Bindings=(Name="S",Command="PrevWeapon") GameSpeed Freeze 45 .Bindings=(Name="Up",Command="DebugPauseButtonPressed") Default Game Speed 46 .Bindings=(Name="Down",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 0") Slow 47 .Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 1") Fast 49 .Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 2") Performance Stats Framepacing 52 .Bindings=(Name="one",Command="STAT UNIT",Alt=True) FPS 54 .Bindings=(Name="three",Command="STAT FPS",Alt=True) Toggle Dynamic Shadows 65 .Bindings=(Name="two",Command="SHOW DYNAMICSHADOWS",Control=True) God Mode 67 .Bindings=(Name="G",Command="DebugGodModeButtonPressed",Control=False) Toggle "Monkey Mode" (Random Inputs) 78 .Bindings=(Name="M",Command="ToggleDebugMonkeyTest",Alt=True) Give Ammo (Modify Number to change Ammo Ammount) Machine Gun 96 .Bindings=(Name="one",Command="WeaponAddAmmo TCWeap_PMachinegun 50",Shift=False) Shotgun 97 .Bindings=(Name="two",Command="WeaponAddAmmo TCWeap_PShotgun 5",Control=False) Grenade Launcher 98 .Bindings=(Name="three",Command="WeaponAddAmmo TCWeap_PGrenadeLauncher 5",Alt=False) Quit Game 122 .Bindings=(Name="Q",Command="quit",Control=True) Mouse Settings ..\TC5\Engine\Config\BaseInput.ini Mouse Sensitivity 6 MouseSensitivity=60.0 Mouse Smoothing 8 bEnableMouseSmoothing=true Développer ALT+ENTER = Toggle Fullscreen/Widowed If you want to use a XBOX controller, easiest way is adding TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe to steam and configuring Left Joystick as Mouse (set Sensitivity to Desired Speed) also Left Thumbstick to Left Mouse Button (Game doesn't recognize Triggers until in-game) Here are my Bindings: Left Trigger = Next Weapon Right Trigger = Fire Left Bumper = Left Pedal Right Bumper = Right Pedal X = Machine Gun Ammo Y = Shotgun Ammo B = Grenade Launcher Ammo A = Previous Weapon Up = God Mode Left = Slow Motion Down = Regular Speed Right = Fast Motion Right Thumb = Toggle Crosshair Back/Start = Add Coin Quote .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftShoulder",Command="StartPedalL | OnRelease StopPedalL") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightShoulder",Command="StartPedalR | OnRelease StopPedalR") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftTrigger",Command="NextWeapon") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightTrigger",Command="Fire") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Back",Command="DebugAddCredit") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Start",Command="DebugAddCredit") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_X",Command=""WeaponAddAmmo TCWeap_PMachinegun 50") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Y",Command="WeaponAddAmmo TCWeap_PShotgun 5") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_B",Command="WeaponAddAmmo TCWeap_PGrenadeLauncher 5") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_A",Command="PrevWeapon") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightThumbStick",Command="ToggleCrosshair") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Up",Command="DebugGodModeButtonPressed") .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Down",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 0",Shift=True) .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Left",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 1",Shift=True) .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Right",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 2",Shift=True) Développer Modifié le 8 avril 2022 par emsee typos and additions 3
dukepapas Posté(e) le 9 avril 2022 Posté(e) le 9 avril 2022 Le 17/09/2020 à 07:28, pablo3000 a dit : Hello, can you please help me, the JConfigTC5.exe detects the xbox 360 joystick and I cannot modify the buttons to enter the SERVICE MODE of time crisis 5, I thought it was the xbox 360 joystick so I used a generic PC joystick It also detects me and the same thing happens to me, it does not let me assign any joystick button. - MY SIMPLE INTENTION IS TO ACCESS THE SERVICE MODE OF TIME CRISIS 5 Développer Link for this?
PalFan Posté(e) le 15 avril 2022 Posté(e) le 15 avril 2022 (modifié) I use wiimote + bluetooth adapter + GlovePIE to play this game. It works fine for me. Don't use touchmote! Here is my script. //Aim at center of screen and press c to calibration var.px=screen.Width-round((((wiimote1.dot1x+wiimote1.dot2x)/2)/784)*screen.Width)+var.offsetx*screen.Height) if Wiimote.PointerVisible == true while mouse.CursorPosX>var.px do mouse.DirectInputX=mouse.DirectInputX-2 while mouse.CursorPosX<var.px do mouse.DirectInputX=mouse.DirectInputX+2 while mouse.CursorPosY> do mouse.DirectInputY=mouse.DirectInputY-2 while mouse.CursorPosY< do mouse.DirectInputY=mouse.DirectInputY+2 end if if keyboard.C var.offsetX=screen.Width/2-1-mouse.CursorPosX end if mouse.LeftButton = wiimote.B Keyboard.Shift+T=Wiimote.Home Keyboard.Shift+H=Wiimote.A Keyboard.T=Wiimote.Minus Keyboard.Y=Wiimote.Plus mouse.WheelUp = Wiimote.Left mouse.WheelDown = Wiimote.Right var.rumble = wiimote.B if Var.Rumble Wiimote.Rumble = 1 Wait 100ms Wiimote.Rumble = 0 Wait 50ms end if reference: Modifié le 20 avril 2022 par PalFan 1
Johnrrr Posté(e) le 11 mai 2022 Posté(e) le 11 mai 2022 (modifié) Guys, has anyone got Time Crisis 5 (not teknoparrot) working playing on a VR headset using Virtual Desktop ? I had a play with Demulshooter but the touch controllers don't show as a proper device for demulshooter Modifié le 11 mai 2022 par Johnrrr change
ark216 Posté(e) le 13 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 13 juin 2022 I tested TC5 via TP works fine but the audio language is in Japanese. How do i change that in English?
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 13 juin 2022 Team Posté(e) le 13 juin 2022 (modifié) Le 13/06/2022 à 18:56, ark216 a dit : I tested TC5 via TP works fine but the audio language is in Japanese. How do i change that in English? Développer TEST MENU edit : With the last Update of Teknoparrot , new language settings in the game : Modifié le 14 juin 2022 par WildWolf 3
hetinos252 Posté(e) le 27 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 27 juin 2022 (modifié) Can anyone upload the original file (unpatched) of nbamsavdat.dll? Thanks! Modifié le 27 juin 2022 par hetinos252
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 27 juin 2022 Team Posté(e) le 27 juin 2022 (modifié) Le 27/06/2022 à 19:21, hetinos252 a dit : Can anyone upload the original file (unpatched) of nbamsavdat.dll? Thanks! Développer nbamsavdat.dll : Modifié le 27 juin 2022 par WildWolf 1
hetinos252 Posté(e) le 28 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 28 juin 2022 Le 27/06/2022 à 21:18, WildWolf a dit : nbamsavdat.dll : Développer Thanks! it works
filmon Posté(e) le 28 juin 2022 Posté(e) le 28 juin 2022 Salut, comment configurer time crisis 5 pour gun wiimote ? avez vous une solution ou un fichier ? aidez moi merci merci
`kingston Ramsey Posté(e) le 18 août 2022 Posté(e) le 18 août 2022 hey guys is it possible to use the nunchuck in this game for the peddle buttons i have a shotgun setup using my wiimote and nunchuck that has the nunchuck buttons on the side of the gun and it would be awesome to map those buttons as my peddles instead of the left and right d-pad buttons if anyone knows how this could be done please let me know thx in advance
jaxx21 Posté(e) le 19 août 2022 Posté(e) le 19 août 2022 Ha ouai, j'hallucine. Le jeu fonctionne du tonnerre. Merci pour les raccourcis clavier. Ca aide grandement. J'adore. Merci infiniement.
Tiberius Posté(e) le 20 août 2022 Posté(e) le 20 août 2022 Le 18/08/2022 à 20:57, `kingston Ramsey a dit : hey guys is it possible to use the nunchuck in this game for the peddle buttons i have a shotgun setup using my wiimote and nunchuck that has the nunchuck buttons on the side of the gun and it would be awesome to map those buttons as my peddles instead of the left and right d-pad buttons if anyone knows how this could be done please let me know thx in advance Développer Yes you can use Nunchuck for pedals. What are you playing it on, TecknoParrot? Jconfig? Standalone? With Demulshooter? Without Demulshooter? If you have Wiimote in Mode 2 then the Nunchuck pedal is seen as arrow keys. So you can change the key layouts in config file - below are my original instructions from way back for standalone before TP/Jconfig Mode 2 as a mouse and no Touchmote 1) Go to the following folder Time Crisis 5\TC5\TimeCrisisGame\Config 2) Make a copy of DefaultInput.ini (or don't if you like to live on the edge!!!) 3) DefaultInput.ini is read only - make it so you can edit it -uncheck the read only box in properties 4) Change the keys you need to change here to save having to use ahk's later I have made some assumptions here as MODE2 limits the key options, if you don't like my assumptions then change them, and if you get the "HOME" key to work then even better Change the following lines 27, 28, 31, 101, 104 and 122 Line 27 change to .Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="StartPedalL | OnRelease StopPedalL") line 28 change to .Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="StartPedalR | OnRelease StopPedalR") line 31 change to .Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="NextWeapon") line 101 change to .Bindings=(Name="Down",Command="ToggleCrosshair") line 104 change to .Bindings=(Name="Enter",Command="DebugAddCredit") line 122 change to .Bindings=(Name="Escape",Command="quit") Comment out the following lines 45,46,47,48,49,50 (some of these may have already been commented out-I cannot remember) This gives the following layout on a Wiimote - well it did on my Wiimote with a Nunchuck attached-if you don't have a Nunchuck you may need to make changes. Trigger B or Z Left Pedal Dpad Left or Nunchuck Left Right Pedal Dpad Right or Nunchuck Right Next Weapon A or C CrossHair Dpad Down or Nunchuck Down Coin/Credit Plus Quit Minus Now you might want to make change for coins/crosshairs etc but hopefully an good start point.
`kingston Ramsey Posté(e) le 20 août 2022 Posté(e) le 20 août 2022 (modifié) Le 20/08/2022 à 08:36, Tiberius a dit : Comment out the following lines 45,46,47,48,49,50 (some of these may have already been commented out-I cannot remember) This gives the following layout on a Wiimote - well it did on my Wiimote with a Nunchuck attached-if you don't have a Nunchuck you may need to make changes. Trigger B or Z Left Pedal Dpad Left or Nunchuck Left Right Pedal Dpad Right or Nunchuck Right Next Weapon A or C CrossHair Dpad Down or Nunchuck Down Coin/Credit Plus Quit Minus Développer thx for responding buddy i'm using jconfig with the demulshooter and ahk script i got it working now buddy thx but i was wondering about the buttons "C,Z"instead of the nunchuck's analog stick is their a way to use those as pedals ? Modifié le 20 août 2022 par `kingston Ramsey
Tiberius Posté(e) le 20 août 2022 Posté(e) le 20 août 2022 I thought you could set the pedal keys in JConfig directly? To comment them out just add a ; to the front of the line - so you can copy and paste the below into the correct part - we need to stop the game thinking that the "arrow" keys put the game into slow mo, debug etc - so make lines 45 to 50 look like below ;.Bindings=(Name="Up",Command="DebugPauseButtonPressed") ;.Bindings=(Name="Down",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 0") ;.Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 1") ;.Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftShoulder",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 1") ;Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 2") ;.Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightShoulder",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 2") and if you cannot set pedal keys in JConfig then change lines 27 and 28 to .Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="StartPedalL | OnRelease StopPedalL").Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="StartPedalR | OnRelease StopPedalR") If you want to PM me your Defaulinput.ini then I am happy to make the changes for you This is all assuming you want left and right on nunchuck to be left and right pedal.
M Reza Posté(e) le 2 septembre 2022 Posté(e) le 2 septembre 2022 interesting news maybe? 3
cangarujack Posté(e) le 15 novembre 2022 Posté(e) le 15 novembre 2022 (modifié) Hi guys. I have played TC5 standalone without problems...but if now i add it on TP, the game runs very slow...i can't find a solution...someone can help me please? Thanks Modifié le 15 novembre 2022 par cangarujack
Morris Schaffer Posté(e) le 4 décembre 2022 Posté(e) le 4 décembre 2022 (modifié) hello when I map my pedals to buttons on my light gun, my character stays in cover all the time. when I click the pedal button, he seems to come out of hiding for a nanosecond, but then immediately goes back into hiding. Holding the pedal button on my gun doesn't solve that. Do I need additional software to map the TC5 controls? Thanks Modifié le 4 décembre 2022 par Morris Schaffer
magicray1028 Posté(e) le 7 février 2023 Posté(e) le 7 février 2023 anyone know how to enable freeplay and keep crosshair always on?
jozek Posté(e) le 11 février 2023 Posté(e) le 11 février 2023 I use aimtrak lightgun, does anybody have this problem if I aim offscreen crosshair stays on border of the screen and then I lose alignment, is it fix for it? 1
mrburns Posté(e) le 22 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 22 mars 2023 Bonjour , petite question , comment doit t'on procéder pour modifier les touches des pédales gauche et droite sur des pédale de volant PC en USB ? , j'utilise une wiilmote avec dolphinbar , mon jeu est la version autonome avec demulshooter + scripts AHK de Ginzu ( Tuto sur Youtube) , il ne manque que ça a régler pour que mon jeux soit parfaitement réglé , merci d'avance . Les bouton dans les paramètres Windows indique AxeZ+ et AxeZ- .
Bullvine Posté(e) le 3 avril 2023 Posté(e) le 3 avril 2023 Hi all, I'm running the game in 3440x1440 however I get this annoying hud appearing on the left and right hand side of the screen. I can turn it off by setting in DefaultUI.ini file bEnabled = TRUE to FALSE but I then get no onscreen prompts or messages. Any ideas on what else to try to remove the hud but still have the onscreen messages? I've attached a picture of what I am seeing
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