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[Arcade PC] The King of Fighters XIV Arcade Ver. (TTX3/NESICAxLive2)


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15 minutes ago, murray said:

It's definitely using that file, when you change character names on some of the JP lines, it changes things in game.


Just need to work out how to tell the game to use en_US language.

With out qouting me I don't get your message but anyway put game loader inside your game directory go open gameloader config don't do anything else but patch language of your choice patch and save delete gameloader run game as normal make a backup of your exe first just in case that's the only file gameloader over write haven't tested on other games yet let me know trying to pm more so as not to pollute forum should work for other games glarh patches if you just use glarh then you don't get the buttons fix

Modifié par joe555
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6 minutes ago, murray said:

It's better to reply public so everyone can share the information.


Thanks for the tip, I will test this now.

I like people to test first then post after your test can you quote me before your post so I know when you posted I post all my findings but better after tested so don't pollute thread

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12 minutes ago, murray said:


Oh, hey it worked! I had to delete all of the stuff that GLARH puts in the folders, the TTX.ini etc, just delete all GLARh edits except the original game exe and it works.


Thanks for the tip! Really appreciate it! So with the nxlcore and the patch from GLARH you can have higher difficulty cpu and english text!!

Yes I had said delete but glad it's working for you now like I said should work on other games to if you test can you please pm me and let me know cause glarh has patch for lots of games and there was another with buttons fix with new jconfig I figured it was hex editor but I don't want to hex all the patches I think you will have to use glarh first to see the patches

Modifié par joe555
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1 hour ago, murray said:

If anyone wants the patch for jconfig, here it is, just extract this to the root of your game folder. This is english language for the most part, and it includes the nesica dll/ini with difficulty preset to 4. 1080p resolution set.

Thanks for the patch 

I’ve tried it and for me the english translation also works but

the hud isn’t aligned meaning the insert coin/life bars r all 

a bit up and to the left of the screen all the rest of the graphics 

r displayed correctly any way to solve it?

btw I don’t use gl for it only jc


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9 minutes ago, R.R.Z. said:

I’ve tried with the original exe it works ok but with the hex

patched exe still the same issue with the hud not aligned 

Try patch your self cause it only replace language so maybe he has different than yours it's easy to do just follow my directions I wrote

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22 minutes ago, murray said:

I had this problem earlier, i think i may have patched the exe

Thanks now it works ok

did u find more games that can be hex edit/or patched with gl

as joe555 suggested that can be translated to english?

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43 minutes ago, murray said:

It works with SNK Heroines as well, I didn't use GLARH, i just searched the string en_us in the file, it's almost the same as KOF 14. I will make a post on that thread for it.

That’s awesome thanks a lot!

I’ve also written a few times about the blood missing on samurai 2019 at the game’s thread but no 1 has found a solution maybe 

there’s a solution for it with hex edit as well?

i hope you’ll find a way

Modifié par R.R.Z.
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20 minutes ago, murray said:

idmacx 1.9 from the jconfig thread.

It's worked fine for the last few versions.

thx i had this already i noticed i never added the iDmacDrv64.dll files from the version as well now it works fine for their a way to get the mouse cursor from being visible on screen while playing ?

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7 hours ago, murray said:

Yes glarh gets rid of the nesica messages

Not sure why you guys had res issues for me after patch fit screen right English and nesica messages gone I wonder if cause you guys have 4k I use 1920x1080 monitor also some games glarh adds cheats in your pic back a page it looks like you change size in glarh I never touched anything but patch then patch and save close delete files maybe that why your res was off






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3 hours ago, murray said:

Call me an idiot but in the root of the KOF14 folder, there is a file called.... wait for it  ""....hmmm, i wonder what happens if we rename that file..... hmmmmm. (it's same for snk heroines)




what did you rename it too i used a random name but it still shows


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20 hours ago, hippopippo said:

Cpu & Multi-Lang patch on TP

R u planning to add all the games u showed so far officially to


and if so any time frame?


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7 minuti fa, hippopippo ha scritto:

there is no date, many projects in progress and the priority now is on the development of the es1 / linux games emulation

I hope for rawthrills linux games emulation as Cruis n Blast and Jurassik Park

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23 minutes ago, murray said:


I had a look at it already, i can see the test menu options in the main exe for gore etc. 

Can u show a photo how specifically the gore option is written in the main exe? maybe the same line could be added to the ini file?🤔

also can u post the modified hex exe for the english translation of

heroins on the game’s thread?


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45 minutes ago, murray said:

So not sure how much this will help you but we have 2 version of that game both on Virus-Man site glarh does have a patch for blood on but it's for the earlier version I only have the later so can't test but thought if you tried glarh with the earlier version then you could compare with the later with hex editor the patch is on glarh thread 1st PG to download I would but would take me 2 or 3 days to download hope this helps a little bit


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On 3/1/2022 at 6:19 PM, murray said:

Thankyou. This can help a lot! I will look into it.

I believe the offset you missed in snk hereoines is 008AD390 at end of string starting under 0E you probally have 65 00 00 00 00 should be 65 6E 5F 55 53 so 5F 55 53 should be start of offset 008AD3A0

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I made an update movie folder for this game. The arcade version movie folder is high compression with very bad fps and the movie is choppy.

Backup the current movie folder and replace with this movie folder. The desktop version has low compression and high fps movies in the game and it has all been converted to arcade version.


Compare prologue or opening with the new version in the download, you will see how bad the arcade movie is. The movie will have no sound to test, but in the game the movie has sound. Movie sound file is separate for this game.


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Invité R.R.Z.
22 hours ago, murray said:

KOF 14 :) No nag

I’ve tried both methods u suggested to remove the

offline red message by rename/delete the file but it still shows

did i miss something? because the patched english exe works with the difficulty changed


i haven’t used gl for it only jc


Modifié par R.R.Z.
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This game looks amazing with the nessica nag parts removed on the video, really well done to whoever figured this out, it is a game changer for me because it looks like the machine does not have a fault anymore, love it.

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On 05/03/2022 at 07:09, arcadeforty said:

Eu fiz uma pasta de filme de atualização para este jogo. A pasta do filme da versão arcade é de alta compactação com fps muito ruins e o filme é instável.

Faça backup da pasta de filme atual e substitua por esta pasta de filme. A versão para desktop tem filmes de baixa compressão e alto fps no jogo e tudo foi convertido para a versão arcade.


Compare o prólogo ou a abertura com a nova versão no download, você verá o quão ruim é o filme arcade. O filme não terá som para testar, mas no jogo o filme tem som. O arquivo de som do filme é separado para este jogo.




Thank you very much, it was fantastic

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