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[Arcade PC] The King of Fighters XIV Arcade Ver. (TTX3/NESICAxLive2)

Messages recommandés

  Le 29/08/2020 à 08:29, Mama1981 a dit :


On my side, after configurating Jconfig as explained, the game start. can insert coin but can"t start the game. I've got this screen with "press Start..." at the bottom (don't capture on this Pic...)

I can access the test menu, exit by pressing the defined button, but nothing else - No intro video, no sound...


Capture (2).PNG


Activate this options



Oh man if only the option to change the difficulty was available its too easy such a good game but like this there isn’t any challenge🙁

  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 14/09/2020 à 03:29, Layer a dit :


I don't have the router. It looks like any router with a TypeX Zero relied or simulated.


Brother, can you use that black box to test KOVIV?
Can you "In-store battle"?

And how much is the black box?

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/10/2020 à 01:49, C.Y a dit :

Brother, can you use that black box to test KOVIV?
Can you "In-store battle"?

And how much is the black box?



No, I can't, I don't know the settings to simulate a TypeX Zero and access NxL2 online with a standard router.


On the quickly scanned page from USFIV client doc below, you can see the prerequisite to get the server set (a router, a switch and a TypeX Zero with a Nesica drive image) and TypeX2 or TypeX3 units linked to it :






Modifié par Layer
  Le 04/10/2020 à 15:28, C.Y a dit :

It seems that I still don't understand this. First, there is no store certificate, the second is no ttxz mirror image, and I don't know whether that ttxz is an in-store server, and the router and switch should be ordinary.



It seems TTX Zero with a Nesica drive allows to get all the settings for the connection, then the switch and the router are indeed ordinary.


Thank you very much for the release. What type of loader should i use? It fails with Game Loader ALL RH (374) and says to try Teknoparrot instead but not present in list.

Thank you

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/10/2020 à 14:02, Shaka a dit :

Thank you very much for the release. What type of loader should i use? It fails with Game Loader ALL RH (374) and says to try Teknoparrot instead but not present in list.

Thank you


Jconfig of ex layer on jconfig thread it works although it may crash sometimes because there isn’t a specific jconfig for it yet

Modifié par R.R.Z.
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/10/2020 à 15:28, C.Y a dit :

It seems that I still don't understand this. First, there is no store certificate, the second is no ttxz mirror image, and I don't know whether that ttxz is an in-store server, and the router and switch should be ordinary.



Official Nesica full kit : Nesys hub & router : 1602230683-nesica-server-set.jpg


Setup Nesys hub, Nesys router and Nesica server set doc :

Modifié par Layer
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/10/2020 à 08:10, Layer a dit :

First of all, thank you very much for your warm help, but in China, these things can't be bought. There is no agent for NESiCAxLive in China, and there is no substrate for ttx0 here, let alone the server. If you can dump the ttx0 server, the content is the best.

Modifié par 7zxkv
  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 29/10/2020 à 18:58, Hysteria a dit :

Slt, As tu réussi a fixer cette erreur car je suis bloqué (WIN 7)

Merci d'avance


The arcade system is win8, so the minimum system requirement is win8, win7 is not supported!

  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 15/11/2020 à 21:19, ssphaneuf a dit :

make sure that if your monitor supports more than 60fps that you've got Vsync on or limit the fps to 60 fps.



Setting Vsync ON doesn't change anything, but creating a custom resolution 1920x1080@60Hz did the trick (my screen is a 144Hz screen).

Unfortunately, I have exactly the same issue with Raiden IV which is still way too fast.

Do I need to create 60Hz custom resolutions for resolutions lower than 1920x1080 ?

What is Raiden IV resolution ?

  • 3 semaines après...

5fcd201d0f2ff_errorteknoKOFXIV.png.5fe9c6591b7bc2e4a3fb7361db353679.pnggood morning, I´m having issues with this game. I already downloaded the Fighting EX Layer Files, Put windows 8 compatibility mode and also tried with a loader like EmuCR but I can´t run this game... I´m using windows 10, Core i5, 12 ram, no GPU

Greetings from Mexico, I hope you guys can help me with this issue

  • 1 mois après...
  Le 28/08/2020 à 06:14, palio120 a dit :

yo sigo igual peleando con el boton 4 y en ocasiones abre bien el juego y luego no , a alguien la a pasado.



la solución fue colocar en el type 2 y configurar los botones 2,4, 5, 6 en el programa de configuración, pero ojo siempre que empiece el juego y te pida en que orden los botones se coloca el type 2



Invité tommiegunz

my game still crashes on startup or in the middle of the game have anyone solved this issue yet



why is there red chinese sentance on the top of screen? and what is the meaning of it?

can anyone please guide me the nesica emulation?


Invité tommiegunz
  Le 15/01/2021 à 14:23, chiragj81 a dit :


why is there red chinese sentance on the top of screen? and what is the meaning of it?

can anyone please guide me the nesica emulation?



It's the notification that nesicaxlive is offline with most games nesicaunlocker will remove this

  • 2 mois après...
  • 3 semaines après...
  • 2 semaines après...
  • 2 mois après...

estoy a punto de instalar windows 8.1 para que funcione el juego. con windows 7 y su error del xaudio2_8.dll esta imposible. 
Reemplace el dmac con los del ultimo rar y descomprimi la carpeta en raiz de disco C:/ pero no hizo efecto.

apuesto lo del windows 8.1por que en la carpeta sys32 solo me llega hasta  Xaudio2_7.dll.
Parece ke win8.1 viene de fabrica con Xaudio2_8 e incluso versiones posteriores. ¿Alguien que me confirme esta teoria?

  • 1 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/10/2021 à 23:59, spiderzsoft a dit :

did you use Test Service Menu in Nesica2 ?
if there is no option about difficulty. use cheat engine and hack it :P


Did you succeed doing it? because currently only 2 options 

available:sound/restore factory settings

and on the console version there’re 5 levels 

I think the default option now is probably 1-3 imo it’s too easy 


same issue for the blood that is disabled on samurai 2019

I’d be happy to get 2 patches for both 

Modifié par R.R.Z.
  • 1 mois après...
  Le 28/08/2020 à 03:48, dreamerchen a dit :

Hi Dreamercher,

Very good idea, now I downloaded o KofXIV torrent and I found only onse seed with 13%, Could you help me to download the file? Have you got the complete Kof to share by torrent?. Thank you very much. ( sorry my english is not good)

  • 2 mois après...
  • 4 semaines après...

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