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Wiimotes as light guns


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hello ! spent the last 2 days getting stuck on this issue, and hope someone here can point the way forward. 

below is the information and what i have achieved so far. 


i have 1) manage to connect my wiimote via USB to PC , as shown below 

1) connected via Control panel> add a device 

2) Connected via HID wiimote software

3)Connection shows up in bluetooth

4) my wiimote still has battery left - i read online that after connecting, my wiimote should have player 1 button lighted up - but mine does not. i wonder if thats the issue? ( refer to image of wiimote below)


I have a USB IR bar that is working ( checked with my camera and it is lighted) - ( not dolphin bar, just a normal IR bar).


I am at a loss what to do next. I spent a day watching youtube videos and all says that after it is connected to bluetooth, it should be able to be used as a mouse, but that is not the case for me.


My eventual aim is to use this wiimote as a lightgun for games in teknoparrot eg transformers.




photo1638016700 (3).jpeg

photo1638016700 (2).jpeg

photo1638016700 (1).jpeg

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  • 2 mois aprĂšs...
2 hours ago, SpockYoda said:

Could someone upload a tutorial on how to get a wii mote to work properly with House of the Dead Scarlet Dawn?


Whenever I connect it to Touchmote it disconnects from the Wii Sensor bar and I'm unable to use the cursor



Set your Dolphin Bar in Mode 2 and Sync your Wii mote. That is how I play the game.

@ginzu I want to add Cross Hairs to the P1 and P2 in HOTD SD (JConfig)?

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1 hour ago, ark216 said:

Set your Dolphin Bar in Mode 2 and Sync your Wii mote. That is how I play the game.

@ginzu I want to add Cross Hairs to the P1 and P2 in HOTD SD (JConfig)?


I don't know how to add different crossair but from what i know, with the first Jconfig version for Scaret Dawn , the windows cursor is visible by default. So, i think with each myflash dolphin bar you must get a cursor (but the same color and same shape).

i didn't tried with the mayflash dolphin bar , i just tried with the  gun4ir.

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On 2/16/2022 at 3:56 AM, ginzu said:


I don't know how to add different crossair but from what i know, with the first Jconfig version for Scaret Dawn , the windows cursor is visible by default. So, i think with each myflash dolphin bar you must get a cursor (but the same color and same shape).

i didn't tried with the mayflash dolphin bar , i just tried with the  gun4ir.

Yes you are right in JConfig you get the "Plus" sign type of cross hair in Jconfig for both players that is not quite visible and actually hard to look.

Since I am not a Patreon I have been told that HOTD SD on TP you can add custom cross hairs. If so then have you tried?

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On 2/18/2022 at 1:03 PM, ark216 said:

Yes you are right in JConfig you get the "Plus" sign type of cross hair in Jconfig for both players that is not quite visible and actually hard to look.

Since I am not a Patreon I have been told that HOTD SD on TP you can add custom cross hairs. If so then have you tried?


i am not patreon myself but i am in the process of doing a video tutorial on how to configure Jconfig and 2 mayflash dolphin bar because peoples ask for that.

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On 3/5/2022 at 1:58 AM, ginzu said:


Hey Ginzu can you make a tutorial of how to play Virtua Cop3  with Wii motes (mode 2) and set it up in Demulshooter for a 2-player coop experience. I know the basic steps but get stuck in the part where i don't know how to set up the specials keys to Wii mote (like Slow Motion action button and weapon change), someone told me i will have to make an Auto Hot Key Script. I am not good at HK script can you tell me how to? A complete tutorial will be welcome.



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  • 8 mois aprĂšs...

Hello la team !!!


(Je suis nooby sur les lightguns) J'ai installé SUPERMODEL3 et Teknoparrot sur mon ordi et ai acheté 1 mayflash dolphin et 1 wiimote pour que mon fils de 6 ans joue à LUIGI MANSION...


AprÚs installation du matos en mode bottom au pied de la tv 42 pouces, réglage MODE 2 de la barre et RAWINPUT dans Teknoparrot + sensibilité réglée à 1... il a pu s'amuser "assez correctement" sur luigi mais le déplacement du curseur est comme surmultiplié par rapport à la wiimote. Je decale un peu la wiimote sur la gauche et le curseur est déjà sur le bord de l'écran. WiImote se trouvant à 1m 1m50 de la barre. Sans compter le manque de "precision" comparé aux vidéos de GINZU, curseur décalé par rapport à la ligne de mire de la wiimote.


Sur Transformers c'Ă©tait pire il a mĂȘme pas pu jouer tellement c'Ă©tait compliquĂ© pour lui.

J'ai essayé de régler en touchant la vitesse de la souris dans Windows mais aucun changement.


Suite aux super tutos de GINZU...,

j'ai installé touchmote (x86 et x64 car ma tv non reconnue sur x86) mais la wiimote n'est jamais reconnue dessus alors que je suis en MODE4 sur la barre. Donc demulshooter inutilisable.

Je précise que je suis sur Windows 10 pro x64.


GINZU j'ai pourtant suivi à la lettre tes magnifiques tutos 😭 (surtout celui du rambo)


Si quelqu'un peut m'aider j'aimerais vraiment faire plaisir Ă  mon ptit monstre et qu'il puisse jouer sereinement.


Modifié par STIFLER94130
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