witherzombie222 Posté(e) le 21 août 2020 Posté(e) le 21 août 2020 Now that Quake Arcade is out and cracked I found another game that ran on the same hardware(3dfx with Pentium II), Savage Quest.  This game apparently was Rockstar Games first game, but they were called by a different name.  MAME can't run it(its classified as MACHINE_IS_SKELETON).  Here is the CHD for it. Hopefully someone can crack it.  Download link(fixed, no authorization error, no login):https://mega.nz/file/Jo8yxCja#i9WRaFUjD8C3vsI_dTz2ZKD0KnQcTUOc9PvzThDhbUQ SavageQuest_DLL.7z
witherzombie222 Posté(e) le 21 août 2020 Auteur Posté(e) le 21 août 2020 (modifié) @alexqar Go to retroroms.info and make an account. Click on the CHD download link, login with Retroroms username and password. I will upload the files to MEGA soon. Modifié le 21 août 2020 par witherzombie222 1
Team 7zxkv Posté(e) le 24 août 2020 Team Posté(e) le 24 août 2020 not working, mame chd (not new dump), topic closed (wating crack for re-open).
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