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[Arcade PC] Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (2019) (TTX3 / NESICAxLive2)

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Bonjour à tous, j'essai de jouer à  samurai shodown sur tecknoparrot, cela se lance mais après le mot have fun, l'écran se coupe et je reviens au logicel, tecknoparrot, Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée ?

Hello everyone, I'm trying to play samurai shodown on tecknoparrot, it launches but after the word have fun, the screen cuts out and I return to the software, tecknoparrot, Does anyone have any ideas?





Le 09/11/2020 à 07:14, Rex2573 a dit :




For Samurai shodown i have this one and after Tecknoparrot close




il y a 13 minutes, Zen_B7 a dit :

What CPU, has it a IGPU, are you sure you run the game with the 3060 ?


how do I know if the game starts with my 3060?

Is there an adjustment to be made somewhere?

Posté(e) (modifié)

There is only red blood for 1 character in PAC files for samurai, so not possible , so quit asking RRZ, apperantly you don't understand that there is no blood to enable, considering you posted below me, so even if there is a setting and turned on, won't do nothing, why don't you post on discord, oh you can't lol

Modifié par joe555
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 7/31/2020 at 5:08 PM, Layer said:

You have to access Debug Settings in order to modify blood options like blood colour. I don't know how to, I read that in opening game exe.

Even on real hardware, I can't access blood options with standard game settings and system settings.

For the clown writing the post above layer and mine

there’s no cure for stupidity 

@Layer your post is old  

but for next time you visit here

did you succeed enabling the gore-blood eventually?

i’m using tp with version 1.80

Modifié par Yuki88
  • 4 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

hmmm... Im traying to play SamSho v1.80 but when appears the pharse "Have Fun" it closes


I assume it´s because I have an Intel 11gen CPU


I tried to add an argument on ...\TeknoParrot\UserProfiles\SamuraiShodown.xml:


<CustomArguments>set OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000</CustomArguments>


But... wont work, it replys with:


Please use the following format:
OpenParrotLoader64.exe <DLL> <EXE> <param>


Anyone with more skilled code knoledge can help me?


Thanks to all


P.S: Im using TP v1.0.0.1130

Modifié par hetinos252
  • 8 mois après...
7 hours ago, jeangames said:

Links off Version 1.80

Alguem tem os links ON pra passar?

muito grato

Only English or French language in forum according to rules.

  • 3 mois après...

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