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[ARCADE PC] Dragon's Lair 1 & 2 + Space Ace remastered using deep learning, 1080p 16:9 & 4:3 formats

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  • 4 semaines après...
On 5/27/2020 at 6:08 PM, Hot buttered poodle said:

I downloaded DL2 and when playing it automatically plays the Spanish version. How do I switch it to English?? Awesome job by the way😀

Is there anyone that can help me setup Dragon's Lair Remastered on an older Hyperspin arcade? -Please-

Posté(e) (modifié)

These are stunning @sirdrak although I do tend to lean towards the original 4:3 aspect ratios.


I would love to get some of the other Daphne video remastered for use in Hypseus Singe.


@LizardKing's 4K of Cobra Command works great off the original ROM in Hypseus Singe. See here:


You can grab the HD converted video for 'cobraab' and others here:


However, we don't currently have any other hires Daphne video for testing apart from lair/lair2 & ace, as it was unsupported in the original Daphne. We need more .... :very-good:


If anyone wants to give this a try:



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 4 semaines après...

Greetings from Russia.  @sirdrak  -you're just a wizard!!! Your restoration and upscale are incredible!   I've seen the "dragon`s lair trilogy" (from GOG). Their HD restoration is just ...

I'm a comics artist and a big Don Blute fan and have all of his cartoons, sketches, model sheets and games.  I accidentally found on the forums several discussions about DAPHNE, and on YouTube your videos with the restoration of DL and SA. That's how I got here  :)

Thank you for this great and difficult restoration works. You are truly a wizard!!!

  • 2 semaines après...

Does anyone use NEW RETRO ARCADE NEON?  It replicates the environment of a 80's arcade with full cabs & artwork.  Looks amazing!  Anyhow, there's a Dragon's Lair and Space Ace cabinets that are just waiting to have these games play on them.  Anyone try to make it work?  NRAN also plays all MAME roms.

The software is available on Steam.


P.S. Excellent work on the restoration of the game video files!  Looks awesome!



Posté(e) (modifié)

Excellent work!  Fixed my video problem.  Windows had the screen zoomed in by 150%. 


Working now.



Modifié par sacolton
  • 3 semaines après...
On 3/19/2021 at 11:41 PM, Agrajag said:

Well, got it working on Retropie and it looks amazing. One main thing is to make SURE you delete all the .dat files that sirdrak has included in his files. Daphne will recreate those when it runs and those will likely work fine.

Any tips on getting it to work on retro pi? 

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 14/07/2021 at 9:04 PM, dynoryno said:


Amazing got it to work, thanks a ton!!  It still runs a bot slow on an overclocked pi4, are there any other setting I should modify?



Unfortunately, it's down to CPU grunt. Even the overclocked Pi4 will struggle at 1080p and high bitrates.


Remember these Daphne files are MPEG-2 (m2v) encoded, not H264 (mp4).


"Pi0-3 have hardware accelerated decode for H264, MPEG4, H263, and through optional codec licences for MPEG2 and VC1.
Pi4 has the same hardware accelerated decode for H264, but not the other codecs.


You can downsize resolution for your Pi setup with the ffmpeg utility (or others):


ffmpeg.exe -i dls33d4.vob.m2v -an -qscale:v 4 -b:v 6000k -vf scale=960:720 -codec:v mpeg2video dls33d4.vob-pi.m2v


Have a chat with the guys in the RetroPie forum on optimising, but I think the general consensus is 720p.


Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 3 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hi guys, because I like to use OpenGL and most 1080p versions won't run in Daphne with OpenGL, I made my own 1152x864 AI Upscaled Space Ace 60fps version (with the help of ffmpeg.exe to interpolate a new frame in between adjacent frames) to be used with Daphne in OpenGL, and since Daphne is so small I just included the latest version 1.0.12 with everything configured to use my new M2V files and with a _README_FIRST.txt and convenient *.bat files to launch this HD Space Ace version. Please let me know what you guys think I like the colors from this version and the animation is better, less choppy than the original.

Modifié par bernardcozier
  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 11/08/2021 at 2:55 AM, randymack said:

Why do I get so many Video Parsing Loading black loading screens between vids??????????????


"Video Parsing Loading" - it's generating .dat files.


Modifié par xxOToTOxx
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 8/11/2021 at 9:34 AM, sfmlaw said:

Great Work

Glad to know that someone else is enjoying it. Eventually I plan on getting the iircade Space Ace dedicated art cabinet and replacing the internals with my version. That's my ultimate plan. Don't care for the 1280x1024 LCD I prefer another 19" 1024x768 LCD true 4:3 ratio. I was also able to source the highest quality oggs by converting from the wmv's on the now impossible to get HD PC DVD version. The only thing is daphne doesn't support 48000Hz so I had to convert to 44100 the good news though is that the highest bit rate on these audio versions have been fully maintained. So this is an audio-only-superb-upgrade to my previous link :



Modifié par bernardcozier
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 8/10/2021 at 9:55 PM, randymack said:

Why do I get so many Video Parsing Loading black loading screens between vids??????????????

I decided to not upload the .dat files I thought there might be some issue requiring people to parse the video on their own uniquely configured computers just to be safe. Good news is the video parsing is only done once.

Modifié par bernardcozier
Posté(e) (modifié)

 Good news is the video parsing is only done once.



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Thanks for posting this !!!


Note: It seems DL is set up for 3 coins... I haven't figure how to reduce to 1.... any ideas?


working on setting this up on lunchbox.





Modifié par Max0011
  • 2 semaines après...

Great work on these and great they play in Daphne, would love to see the others like Roadblasters / Cliff Hanger, get the same treatment, rather than the large files which Hypesus Singe uses


One question re: Dragons Lair - can't see that the death scene plays when you are rolled over by the large ball.  Just cuts to the skeleton scene, but on other versions I have played it shows Dirk squashed by the ball and his face on there

Posté(e) (modifié)
8 hours ago, FP125 said:

Great work on these and great they play in Daphne, would love to see the others like Roadblasters / Cliff Hanger, get the same treatment, rather than the large files which Hypesus Singe uses




Unfortunately, the original Daphne cannot support higher resolution for most games, except lair, lair2, ace and tq. This was an early experimental feature with OpenGL in obsolete SDL1.


So Roadblaster/Cliff Hanger etc will never be available in Daphne in higher than the original resolution.


I still use these excellent @sirdrak remasters for lair and ace in Hypseus, as there is little point in trying to improve.


Hypseus allows us increase this range of games as it uses modern SDL2.


When you reference "the large files which Hypseus Singe uses", are you referring to the file size or resolution ?



But just to be clear here, Hypseus can use any file size or resolution. If you don't want the full 4k video, you can easily resize these videos with ffmpeg


I quickly converted the 4k sdq video to 1080p within about 10 mins on an average PC using:

ffmpeg.exe -i sdq-4k.m2v -an -qscale:v 4 -b:v 4182k -vf scale=1440:1080 -codec:v mpeg2video sdq-1080.m2v

You can alter the bitrate (-b:v) or resize (scale=) to whatever you want with parameters.


I got the SDQ file down from 2.8Gb to 1.6Gb with the above command.


If you don't want to re-code, you can always use the -x and -y parameters to ask Hypseus to resize the resolution for you, otherwise SDL2 will figure out how best to display the resolution on the screen display automatically, particularly with -fullscreen


Any of these resolutions will work in Hypseus.


Use the 4k files as the highest quality source available for re-coding to whatever you would like, including 16:9 cropping if you really want to do that. 


If we had only provided 1080p Hypseus files, someone would have asked for the 4k versions. You can't cater for everyone unfortunately.


At least if you start at the highest quality, it is easier for anyone with 2c of interest to downsize (without remastering) using simple tools.... 




Modifié par xxOToTOxx
5 hours ago, FP125 said:

Great work on these and great they play in Daphne, would love to see the others like Roadblasters / Cliff Hanger, get the same treatment, rather than the large files which Hypesus Singe uses


One question re: Dragons Lair - can't see that the death scene plays when you are rolled over by the large ball.  Just cuts to the skeleton scene, but on other versions I have played it shows Dirk squashed by the ball and his face on there


My bad memory playing tricks - need to be run over by the pal crossing your path not behind you for it to play


All good!

  • 2 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...

Can someone recommend the optimal command line for Hypseus Singe for DL, DL2 and Space ACE?  I keep getting random crashing producing black screen using these files with Hypseus Singe for Dragon's Lair.

2 hours ago, Gtguy said:

Can someone recommend the optimal command line for Hypseus Singe for DL, DL2 and Space ACE?  I keep getting random crashing producing black screen using these files with Hypseus Singe for Dragon's Lair.




So which ROM are you using ? lair or dle21 ?


What arguments are you currently trying, and what are the logs saying when the crash occurs ?


What is the checksum of the ROM in case it's corrupt?


I usually run 'lair' with -fastboot -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 10011001


I haven't seen any issues with these m2v's.


Posté(e) (modifié)

I was using dle11.  I just tried lair with same problem.


My command line was hypseus.exe dle11 vldp -framefile ../vldp_mod\lair43/lair.txt -x 1920 -y 1080 -blank_searches -bank 0 11111000 -bank 1 00110111 -volume_vldp 64 -fastboot -fullscreen -useoverlaysb 2 -force_aspect_ratio -prefer_samples


I get a message after a while "parsing file" then black screen"


I think I am having this error with hypseus but not Daphne.

Modifié par Gtguy
50 minutes ago, Gtguy said:

I was using dle11.  I just tried lair with same problem.


My command line was hypseus.exe dle11 vldp -framefile ../vldp_mod\lair43/lair.txt -x 1920 -y 1080 -blank_searches -bank 0 11111000 -bank 1 00110111 -volume_vldp 64 -fastboot -fullscreen -useoverlaysb 2 -force_aspect_ratio -prefer_samples


I get a message after a while "parsing file" then black screen"


I think I am having this error with hypseus but not Daphne.


Firstly, have you tried removing the video .dat files and letting Hypseus recreated them ?


I haven't tested dle11 specifically before but I just grabbed from:


And seems to run fine:

2022-01-08 22:17:47.575 INFO  [1971532] [reset_logfile@337] Line Blending Function: C
2022-01-08 22:17:47.575 INFO  [1971532] [reset_logfile@344] Audio Mixing Function: C
2022-01-08 22:17:47.579 WARN  [1971532] [sound::init@208] WARNING : requested 2048 samples for sound buffer, but got 1024 samples
2022-01-08 22:17:47.595 INFO  [1971532] [SDL_input_init@445] No joysticks detected
2022-01-08 22:17:47.595 INFO  [1971532] [game::load_compressed_rom@946] Loading compressed ROM image dle11u1l.bin ... 8192 bytes read.
2022-01-08 22:17:47.595 INFO  [1971532] [game::load_compressed_rom@946] Loading compressed ROM image dle11u2l.bin ... 8192 bytes read.
2022-01-08 22:17:47.595 INFO  [1971532] [game::load_compressed_rom@946] Loading compressed ROM image dle11u3l.bin ... 8192 bytes read.
2022-01-08 22:17:47.595 INFO  [1971532] [game::load_compressed_rom@946] Loading compressed ROM image dle11u4l.bin ... 8192 bytes read.
2022-01-08 22:17:48.901 INFO  [1971532] [ldp_vldp::read_frame_conversions@1043] Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: vldp_dl/lair/./
2022-01-08 22:17:48.950 INFO  [1971532] [video::init_display@264] Repaint dimensions: 1440x1080
2022-01-08 22:17:55.659 WARN  [1971532] [ldv1000::pre_display_disable@451] Display disable received (unsupported)
2022-01-08 22:18:14.761 WARN  [1971532] [ldv1000::pre_display_disable@451] Display disable received (unsupported)
2022-01-08 22:18:15.245 INFO  [1971532] [ldp::pre_search@178] ignoring seek because we're already on that frame

Delete those .dat files, let hypseus recreate them... 


Then post the log.





Posté(e) (modifié)
35 minutes ago, xxOToTOxx said:


Firstly, have you tried removing the video .dat files and letting Hypseus recreated them ?



Thanks!   I have deleted the video.dat files and seems to work now.  Also the transitions between scenes are much faster.   


The good thing with Hypseus is that you can use d3d at 1080p and add Reshade to improve image.  

Modifié par Gtguy
3 hours ago, Gtguy said:

Thanks!   I have deleted the video.dat files and seems to work now.  Also the transitions between scenes are much faster.   


Perfect :very-good:


3 hours ago, Gtguy said:

The good thing with Hypseus is that you can use d3d at 1080p and add Reshade to improve image.  


I am not a Windows user, but that sounds like it's a good thing :)


You can also try the '-nolinear_scale' argument to disable bilinear scaling in fullscreen. Plenty of options there.


  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hi Sirdrak


I've just discovered this amazing forum, and since I am a very nostalgic person, the first thing I did was looking for laser games such Dragon's lair and Space Ace, which are my absolute favourite games (they bring back wonderful memories from my youth.... damn!)

Then I foud your post, and things got reaaaaally interesting, because AI fascinates me (although I saw some pictures "improved" with that which looked so fake to me, with loss of tons of detais....).
But your screenshots looked so beautiful compared to the original videos (I can say that because I know them by hearts!) that I decided to try them and .... WOW, you sure know how to manage very complicated softwares with incredible skills.... kudos to you!).


I have some questions, and I hope you could answer:


1) I would like to "tweak" some settings, and I read that the sequence " 9 " and "sword" should open a menu, but nothing happens to me (I tried with DL 4/3, DL2 4/3, SA 4/£). Could you check that out and if it is working tell me exactly when (during the intro, paused game, ....) and how to da that?


2) Is there a way of watching the entire cartoon without playing it? I think to remember that there were that possibility in some editions...) by pressing some keys in a given order...


3) Games start fullscreen: is there a way of starting the games in a window?


For now that's all.


Thanks and a BIG CIAO from Italy!

Modifié par Patrick99
Posté(e) (modifié)
4 hours ago, Patrick99 said:

1) I would like to "tweak" some settings, and I read that the sequence " 9 " and "sword" should open a menu, but nothing happens to me (I tried with DL 4/3, DL2 4/3, SA 4/£). Could you check that out and if it is working tell me exactly when (during the intro, paused game, ....) and how to da that?


Only lair2 has the 'Service Mode':


For lair and ace, you will need to specify dip-switch settings via the -bank arguments (dependant on the ROM version you are running):


See some examples at the top of this page ^



2) Is there a way of watching the entire cartoon without playing it? I think to remember that there were that possibility in some editions...) by pressing some keys in a given order...


Not in-game in Daphne games, no. You could load the .m2v and .ogg into something like VLC:



3) Games start fullscreen: is there a way of starting the games in a window?


Remove the '-fullscreen' argument from the .bat file.......



Modifié par xxOToTOxx
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

For space ace file I show the last file with checksum error, anyone else have this issue or is only SPA05.VOB.m2v file needed now?


Extracting from Space Ace 1080p 4-3 AI remastered Esp&ing.part5.rar


Extracting  Daphne/mpeg2/ace1080p43/SPA24D9.VOB_esp.ogg               OK 
Extracting  Daphne/mpeg2/ace1080p43/spa24p1.vob.dat                   OK 
Extracting  Daphne/mpeg2/ace1080p43/SPA24P1.VOB.m2v                   99%
Cannot find volume Space Ace 1080p 4-3 AI remastered Esp&ing.part6.rar
Daphne/mpeg2/ace1080p43/SPA24P1.VOB.m2v - checksum error

Total errors: 2

Modifié par stoney66
  • 1 mois après...
En 30/7/2021 a las 20:05, bernardcozier dijo:

Hi guys, because I like to use OpenGL and most 1080p versions won't run in Daphne with OpenGL, I made my own 1152x864 AI Upscaled Space Ace 60fps version (with the help of ffmpeg.exe to interpolate a new frame in between adjacent frames) to be used with Daphne in OpenGL, and since Daphne is so small I just included the latest version 1.0.12 with everything configured to use my new M2V files and with a _README_FIRST.txt and convenient *.bat files to launch this HD Space Ace version. Please let me know what you guys think I like the colors from this version and the animation is better, less choppy than the original.

Hi. Thank you very much. I have a problem with EmulationStation, which include always a -opengl parameter so I used your version and runs very well!! Could you please share the same version for Dragon's Lair 1&2, or give me instructions to make it by my own? Thanks for all and for every one has made this *magic* possible! 😃

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