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[Arcade PC] SDVX Vivid Wave


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Plugin update:


- 2023102400 support

- Premium Generator (fubuki set)

- Ranked Megamix implementation (season 11)

- Arena station 11

- Arena stats on profile detail page updated (arena rank, rank points, ultimate rate, arena power, [new] megamix rate)

- New achievements list page (filter complete/incomplete/all achievements) - still kinda wip but it works

- Set how much Valgene Ticket you have (idk why but now you can lol)

- Change Skill Title on the customization page.

- Under the hood stuff


update your assets first.

let me know if you're having issues, or if there's something i missed!










edit: i have updated this release multiple times in the first hour of publishing this so if you have downloaded it as soon as i posted, please re-download it.

edit 2: also, to whoever added *that* video to the submonitor_bg folder on the data update file, i hope you stub your toe everyday for the rest of your life (affectionately)


Modifié par ovv22
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1 hour ago, PrinzEugen39 said:

does anyone knows why i did get this error after updating, i have put all the new dll, patch the dll, my config also were unchanged, after some minutes maybe 10 minutes, the game suddenly launched but server were busy when inserting the card


enable dev mode and see if there are error logs.

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On 11/5/2023 at 9:00 PM, laflegge said:

What I mean is that there are 4 or 5 songs in this update which do not have an entry in the xml and I wonder why not... Seems strange to include songs in an update which can not be played.... Ah big thing as there are enough songs I haven't played yet


i didn't even notice they're in the data. yea that's weird that they included them so early. well anyway they don't want us playing with them yet so they didn't include them in the music db. we'll probably get them in a future update, or you can just manually edit them in

Modifié par ovv22
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11 hours ago, ovv22 said:


i didn't even notice they're in the data. yea that's weird that they included them so early. well anyway they don't want us playing with them yet so they didn't include them in the music db. we'll probably get them in a future update, or you can just manually edit them in (courtesy Deny at Discord)

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On 11/6/2023 at 12:08 AM, laflegge said:

with the danger of stealing someones thunder (a certain Deny at discord /1cc/ - Arcade and Doujin part 2 posted this...all credits to this person)

KFC RB Songs and these will add the songs missing from music_db.xml

I don't think there's any issue with stealing thunder here on emuline as long as you state the source?

11 hours ago, Elrasiel said:

I haven downloaded the update yet but are these some of the songs included? Hope someone here can make an xml that enables them all. 




Sadly no, these songs are from the update today KFC-2023110700.

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1 hour ago, PrinzEugen39 said:

i got the crash after selecting a song too. havent figyured out what causes it. @Bentoowo is it because the hide premium guide banner options for the dll? were your game run normally before that?

it just seems like that specific option in the patcher causes the game the crash, anything else runs fine, if u want the game to run fine unselect hide premium guide banner from the patcher. i hope there would be a fix for it soon

Modifié par Bentoowo
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18 minutes ago, n0ull said:

hello,does anyone know the new dll patcher website,the old ( dead 

Seems like the patcher was locked since all the ddr drama and the trolled new patch happened. you can access the patcher with wayback machine but the last snapshot was in september so the new patches are missing. I guess we'll just have to wait hoping the website opens again

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new plugin update :) just webui stuff for now.

- display skill frame and currently set skill title

- display arena rank (in image form this time)

- extract textures from ifs files (thanks ifstools)


Download: github release


always update webui assets, especially with this one because the skill frames/arena rank will not display properly if you don't.

but please always update them regardless, lol



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1 hour ago, ovv22 said:

new plugin update :) just webui stuff for now.

- display skill frame and currently set skill title

- display arena rank (in image form this time)

- extract textures from ifs files (thanks ifstools)


Download: github release


always update webui assets, especially with this one because the skill frames/arena rank will not display properly if you don't.

but please always update them regardless, lol




For the last few releases these haven't been working due to some Type errors:

  [core] error: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
plugins/sdvx@asphyxia/index.ts:99:43 - error TS2345: Argument of type '(data: {}, send: any) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to parameter of type '(data: any) => void | Promise<void>'.

99     R.WebUIEvent("copyResourcesFromGame", copyResourcesFromGame);
plugins/sdvx@asphyxia/index.ts:100:33 - error TS2345: Argument of type '(data: {    set: number;    refid: string;    items: [];}, send: any) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to parameter of type '(data: any) => void | Promise<void>'.

100     R.WebUIEvent("preGeneRoll", preGeneRoll);

TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
plugins/sdvx@asphyxia/index.ts:99:43 - error TS2345: Argument of type '(data: {}, send: any) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to parameter of type '(data: any) => void | Promise<void>'.

99     R.WebUIEvent("copyResourcesFromGame", copyResourcesFromGame);
plugins/sdvx@asphyxia/index.ts:100:33 - error TS2345: Argument of type '(data: {    set: number;    refid: string;    items: [];}, send: any) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to parameter of type '(data: any) => void | Promise<void>'.

100     R.WebUIEvent("preGeneRoll", preGeneRoll);


Also, there seems to be no type defined for WebUISend in handlers/webui.ts which also throws errors in my IDE.

I managed to fix these on my own but just thought i would let you know.

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5 hours ago, halfdeadd said:


For the last few releases these haven't been working due to some Type errors:

Also, there seems to be no type defined for WebUISend in handlers/webui.ts which also throws errors in my IDE.

I managed to fix these on my own but just thought i would let you know.


updating the asphyxia core should fix the webuisend problem. having the latest plugins/asphyxia-core.d.ts (included in asphyxia core zip) should fix that in dev mode as well.

Modifié par ovv22
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